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Site Report: King Salmon AS GWZ 4 SS12U Upper Naknek

Site Name: King Salmon AS GWZ 4 SS12U Upper Naknek
Address: Upper Naknek Seep-Naknek River Storage Area, Groundwater Zone 4 (OT30), King Salmon, AK 99613
File Number: 2569.38.018.03
Hazard ID: 503
Status: Active
Staff: Ginna Quesada, 9074515960
Latitude: 58.687778
Longitude: -156.686667
Horizontal Datum:NAD27

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Please see the CS site listings for King Salmon Groundwater Zone 4 (OT30) for current groundwater monitoring results and remediation efforts. Multiple above ground fuel tanks allowed diesel fuel leakage into Naknek river. Operation dates from 1984. In 1992, approximately 2,500 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed and treated in biocells, and a French drain was installed to collect the free product prior to seeping into the soil, wetlands, and for a time into the Naknek River. In 1995, a free product skimming sump was installed. A Record of Decision was signed in April 1999. A long-term monitoring and monitored natural attenuation program has been established for GW Zone 4. AF point of contact: Charley Peyton, Project Manager, 611th CES/CEV 10471 20th Street Suite 338, Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506-2270; Telephone 907-552-9765.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/15/1985 Preliminary Assessment Approved Phase I - Records Search and Site Prioritization. Former Staff
6/15/1986 Update or Other Action Phase II - Task I Pre-Survey Report, Shemya Air Force Base and King Salmon Air Force Base. Former Staff
6/15/1987 Update or Other Action Installation Restoration Plan, King Salmon Air Station, Stage 1, Final Technical report (dated August 1989). Former Staff
3/15/1988 Update or Other Action Installation Restoration Plan, King Salmon Air Station, Stage 2, Final Draft Technical report (dated October 3, 1990). Former Staff
6/30/1989 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). CH2M Hill stage 2 workplan to assess 4 sites: North and South Barrel Dump Sites; Naknek River; and Eskimo Creek seeps. Remedial investigation and feasibility study occur in parallel. Former Staff
6/30/1989 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). CH2M Hill QA/QC plan for various King Salmon Airport sites; the sites include the Eskimo Creek oil seep, North Barrel Dump, Naknek River seep, and the South Barrel Dump. A total of 17 sites were addressed by this QA/QC plan. Former Staff
8/29/1989 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = PER - Permit Action at Site). Applied for waste water discharge permit, Anchorage Western district can't issue one. Letter to IRP was that J. Howe of Southcentral Regional Office can issue it. Need initial analysis of samples from discharge wastewater stream and additional monitoring schedule. Former Staff
8/29/1989 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). CH2M Hill site investigation. The airport was originally constructed in the early 1940s to support the war effort. The airport was turned over to the State of Alaska in 1959. The State continues to operate the site with the Air Force as the major tenant. A White Alice site was activated in 1957. It was deactivated in 1979 and replaced with an Alascom Satellite earth terminal. Only a small portion of the site is owned by the State. The majority is on military land. In 1980, 340 military personnel resided at King Salmon Airport. The north and south barrel dump site, Eskimon Creek Seep and Naknek River seep sites were tested for over 146 constituents of concern. Of these, 39 potential contaminants of concern were identified. High concentrations of TPH were identified in shallow wells and soils at this site. Floating product (>1 foot) was identified at the Eskimo Creek Seepage Site. Lead and petroleum hydrocarbon contamination levels at this site pose a threat to fish and wildlife (page 126). No immediate environmental threat was identified at the Naknek River Seep (page 126). Both the north and south dump sites could pose a threat to fauna since the detection limits used in analyses were greater than the chronic aquatic organism toxicity. Remediation, based on stage 2 sampling, at both barrel dump sites could include: no action; restricting site access; preventing the migration of contaminants. Containment preferred remediation route. The Naknek River and Eskimo Creek seeps will receive further sampling to identify a specific remediation response. In general, based on further sampling results, the alternatives are: no action, which will not occur based on preliminary site investigation; recovery of floating product; treatment of shallow groundwater; excavation of contaminated soils; restrict site access; containment. Former Staff
10/9/1989 Interim Removal Action Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SC - Site Control (Emergency Response)). Division Governmental Coordinator letter stating ADEC will allow oil and water separator operation as emergency remedial action. State I.D. AKAK890830-10A. Former Staff
10/3/1990 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). CH2M HILL Final Draft Technical report under USAF contract # F33615-85-D-4535, Delivery Order # 012 sent to ADEC. This report only deals with 2 areas (Eskimo Creek and Naknek River) out of 4 past hazardous waste disposal and spill sites previously prioritized and grouped (stage 1). Naknek R. = Lower and Upper Naknek because of different contamination sources at each area along with a difference in the type and amount of contaminants of concern. In the Upper Naknek 2 plumes encompass 7,000 cubic yards and 9,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil above 100 ppm TPH at a depth of 3 to 5 '. Groundwater at 1 of 7 wells revealed aromatics of 12 ug/l benzene. Lower Naknek also consists of 2 distinct plumes of TPH to a depth of 3'. The material at each plume above 100 ppm estimated to be 2,200 cubic yards and 3,300 cubic yards. Low levels of aromatics were detected in 2 wells below MCLs. Trichlorethane was detected in MW-57 at 120 ug/l exceeding MCL of 5 ug/l. Eskimo creek had 3 wells MW-22B, MW-28 and MW-38 exceed MCL for benzene (5 ug/l) 56, 23, and 8 ug/l respectively. 5 wells exceeded the MCL of 5 ug/l for trichlorethane MW-31, MW-47, MW-38, MW-30, MW-34 (18, 64, 26, 90, 29 ug/l respectively). 8 wells had naphthalene and methylnaphthalene ranging from 20 to 18,000 ug/l. Soil boring and hand auger soil samples revealed TPH from 4.2 ppm to 47,7000 ppm to depths to 20'. Various recommended remedial actions were presented for the 3 sites with all measures requiring monitoring for a minimum of 3 years to assess site conditions and the need for technical modifications to the selected remedial measures. Former Staff
7/23/1991 Update or Other Action Compliance Orders by Consent for Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan Submittals for King Salmon AFB and Shemya AFB bulk fuel facilities letter dated July 23, 1991 to 11th Air Force (Gene Gallogly, Chief of Environmental Planning Division) from ADEC (Svend Brandt-Erichsen, Regional Oil Program Coordinator). ADEC letter dated August 2, 1991 regarding the Compliance Order by Consent was issued. Louis Howard
8/9/1991 Site Number Identifier Changed Old# 88210120201 New# 88250120201 Western district now. Louis Howard
1/1/1992 Site Added to Database Louis Howard
3/15/1992 Update or Other Action Report of Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling and Analysis (dated July 31, 1992) Louis Howard
9/15/1992 Update or Other Action Comprehensive Site Investigation with September and October groundwater sampling programs Louis Howard
10/15/1992 Update or Other Action Report of Groundwater Monitoring Well Sampling and Analysis (dated July 1993) Louis Howard
10/15/1992 Update or Other Action Subsurface Investigation, Construction of Soil Containment Cells, Construction of French Drain, and Removal of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils: Naknek River Storage Site SS12 (dated September 1993) Louis Howard
10/15/1992 Update or Other Action Groundwater Monitoring Performed October 1992 (dated April 7, 1993) Louis Howard
7/22/1993 Update or Other Action Compliance Advisory letter dated July 22, 1993 to Air Force 11 Civil Engineer Operations Commander (Lt. Colonel Patrick Coullahan) from ADEC (Ronald Klein, Contaminated Site Programs Supervisor) based on information in the Report of Investigation of Current Practices Under and Aboveground POL Storage Tank Operations at King Salmon Airport dated April 1993. The Air Force response letter is dated August 19, 1993. Louis Howard
9/15/1993 Update or Other Action Final Report, Subsurface Invesitgation, Construction of Soil Containment Cells, Construction of French Drain, Removal of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils and Biotreatment Feasibility Study, Naknek River Sites (SS12), conducted September and October 1992, dated September 1993, prepared by SAIC Louis Howard
12/15/1993 Update or Other Action King Salmon Air Station, Analytical Results: Private Water Wells (dated March 1, 1994) Louis Howard
5/15/1994 Update or Other Action King Salmon Air Station, Analytical Results: Private Water Wells verification sampling program Louis Howard
6/15/1994 Risk Assessment Report Approved Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment (dated June 1995). FTA #1 and Lower and Upper Naknek Seeps were the only areas which posed a threat to human health. The Ecological Risk Assessment results indicated that chemicals in soil and water posed threats to Eskimo Creek, Refueler Shop, WACs, North/South Bluffs, Upper/Lower Naknek Seeps, and FTA #1. Louis Howard
6/30/1994 Update or Other Action Basewide Groundwater Sampling Program Louis Howard
7/15/1994 Update or Other Action Trip Report, Groundwater Monitoring Event, King Salmon Air Station, September - October (dated June 14, 1995). This program was designed to supplement previous RI/FS efforts and to complete the RI/FS process on selected sites. In June and July 1994, a groundwater sampling program was initiated in which groundwater sampling of a representative network of base-wide monitoring wells took place. Louis Howard
6/15/1995 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Action code added because it wasn't when the site was originally ranked. Louis Howard
8/15/1995 Update or Other Action Final Seep Sampling Eskimo Creek and Naknek Sites (dated June 1996). Groundwater monitoring wells were sampled at Eskimo Creek and Naknek seeps. Results indicated that the recovery systems were still required. Louis Howard
8/29/1995 Site Characterization Report Approved Report, Installation Restoration Program, Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study at 14 sites, Stage 3 Remedial Investigation studies conducted between October 1993 and December 1994 (final dated August 1995). Based on the results of the RI/FS and remedial actions completed prior to publication of the final RI/FS - the 2 Dry Wells, WACs, WAA#2, Road Oiling, and Landfill Number 2 sites did not require further investigation. Louis Howard
9/8/1995 Interim Removal Action Approved IA action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/13/97, based on Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 9/8/95. Actual current phase is IRA. Pathway: groundwater into wetlands into stream into Naknek River; also groundwater into retention pond into Naknek River. Receptors: red salmon fisheries/commercial and subsistence fishers. S&W-Miner
6/15/1996 Update or Other Action Final Installation-wide Environmental Baseline Survey Louis Howard
6/15/1996 Update or Other Action Private drinking water wells located southeast of Naknek River Seeps were sampled to evaluate water quality Louis Howard
6/15/1996 Update or Other Action Final Human Food Chain, Aquatic Biota, and Wetlands Evaluation workplan Louis Howard
7/11/1996 Update or Other Action Seep Sampling At Eskimo Creek and Naknek Sites (draft dated January 1996, final dated July 1996) Louis Howard
10/15/1996 Update or Other Action Final Field Report for Spring 1996, Human Food Chain, Aquatic Biota, and Wetlands Evaluation Louis Howard
11/15/1996 Update or Other Action Aerial Photographic Analysis, King Salmon Airport Study Area. Prepared by EPA Region 10, Research and Development, Characterization, Research Division, TS-PIC-9710003S, dated November 1996. Gretchen Pikul
11/15/1996 Update or Other Action Private drinking water wells located southeast of Naknek River Seeps were sampled to evaluate water quality Gretchen Pikul
12/6/1996 Update or Other Action Community Relations Plan for King Salmon Airport and Naknek Recreation Camps 1 and 2 (draft dated December 1996, final dated May 1997) Gretchen Pikul
1/15/1997 Update or Other Action Preliminary Report, Human Food Chain, Aquatic Biota, and Wetlands Evaluation Gretchen Pikul
3/15/1997 Update or Other Action Feasibility Report (final revised) - dated March 1997. Preferred alternatives were identified for groundwater, wetlands, and soil in each 5 groundwater monitoring zones associated with the main base. Gretchen Pikul
4/15/1997 Update or Other Action King Salmon Residential Well Sampling Report November 1996 Sampling Event (dated March 1997, received April 1997) Gretchen Pikul
5/6/1997 Update or Other Action Feasibility Study Screening Assessment (draft dated May 1997) Gretchen Pikul
8/5/1997 Update or Other Action Management Action Plan report (draft dated December 1996, received March 1997, final dated June 1997, received August 1997) Gretchen Pikul
8/12/1997 Update or Other Action King Salmon Residential Well Sampling Report May 1997 Sampling Event (dated July 1997, received August 1997) Gretchen Pikul
10/23/1997 Update or Other Action Groundwater Monitoring Zones 2 and 4, Addendum to Workplan for Groundwater Monitoring Zone 1 (dated September 1997, received October 1997). Gretchen Pikul
10/28/1997 Update or Other Action Underground Storage Tanks Approach for Remediation and Closure (dated December 11, 1995, received October 28, 1997) and accompanying documents. Gretchen Pikul
10/28/1997 Update or Other Action Underground Storage Tanks Approach for Remediation and Closure (dated December 11, 1995) and accompanying documents Gretchen Pikul
3/25/1998 Update or Other Action King Salmon Residential Well Sampling Report November 1997 Sampling Event (dated and received March 1998) Gretchen Pikul
4/27/1998 Update or Other Action King Salmon, Naknek and South Naknek Native Villages Site Assessment Report (draft dated March 1998, received April 1998, no final received) Gretchen Pikul
5/12/1998 Update or Other Action Final King Salmon USTs Summary of UST Site Historical Information dated April 20, 1998, site included Gretchen Pikul
6/10/1998 Update or Other Action Sampling and Analysis Plan and associated plans, Underground Storage Tank and Pipeline Monitoring (draft dated April 1998, final dated May 1998, received on June 10, 1998) Gretchen Pikul
9/4/1998 Update or Other Action King Salmon Residential Well Sampling, August 1997 Sampling Event, Analytical Results and Data Evaluation (dated March 1998, received September 1998) Gretchen Pikul
12/2/1998 Update or Other Action Human Food Chain, Aquatic Biota, and Wetlands Evaluations, Technical Report (Volume I - Report Text and Tables, Volume II - Maps, Figures and Photographs, and Volume III - Analytical Laboratory Reports) (draft dated July 1997, final dated November 1998) Gretchen Pikul
3/30/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Seattle meeting with trustees on fish study previous results and follow-on workplan Gretchen Pikul
6/16/1999 Long Term Monitoring Established Record of Decision for Final Remedial Action, Naknek River Storage Sites, Landfill Number 5, and Zone 4 Groundwater (dated April 1999) signed by ADEC on March 25, 1999, and signed by Air Force on June 16, 1999 (document received on September 16, 1999). Gretchen Pikul
6/16/1999 Record of Decision Record of Decision for Final Remedial Action, Naknek River Storage Sites, Landfill Number 5, and Zone 4 Groundwater (dated April 1999) signed by ADEC on March 25, 1999, and signed by Air Force on June 16, 1999 (document received on September 16, 1999). ICs required are notations of contaminants above cleanup levels left in place within Base Master Plan and land records, however, ICs have not yet been established. Gretchen Pikul
3/16/2000 Update or Other Action King Salmon Airport Restoration Advisory Board Orientation Manual (final dated April 1999 and received March 16, 2000). Gretchen Pikul
8/21/2000 Update or Other Action General Plan, 611th Air Support Group, Remote Alaska Sites, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 CD version only (dated March 2000 and received August 21). Portion of Bluffs IC established. Gretchen Pikul
10/4/2000 Update or Other Action Groundwater Zone 4 and 6 workplan (draft dated June and received June 19; ADEC comment letter dated June 23; final dated August 25 and received October 4). Gretchen Pikul
2/6/2001 Update or Other Action Implementation of Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring and Intrinsic Remediation Assessment of King Salmon Airport Groundwater Zones -2 and -4 (draft dated March 1999; ADEC comment letter dated June 4, 1999; final dated November 2000 and received on February 6, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
4/25/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at EPA Seattle office - April 23-25, 2001. Gretchen Pikul
6/27/2001 Update or Other Action Photographic Journal 2000 Monitoring Program (draft dated December 2000, final dated May 2001 and received June 27, 2001) Gretchen Pikul
7/16/2001 Update or Other Action Work Plan - Long-Term Monitoring for 2001, Naknek River Storage (Groundwater Zone 4 - OT030) and Rapids Camp (Groundwater Zone 6 - OT032) - (draft dated July 13, 2001 and received on July 16, 2001; ADEC comment letter dated ???; final not received). Gretchen Pikul
9/26/2001 Update or Other Action Restoration Advisory Board Pocket Guide and Community Outreach Handbook (ADEC comment letter dated May 30, 2001; final dated September 2001). Gretchen Pikul
10/19/2001 Update or Other Action Groundwater Zones 4 and 6 Monitoring Report (draft dated April 6, 2001 and received on April 25, 2001; ADEC comment letter dated June 6, 2001; ADEC approval letter dated August 21, 2001; final dated October 19, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
10/23/2001 Update or Other Action Underground Storage Tank and Pipeline Monitoring Report (draft dated February 1999; ADEC comment letter dated May 14, 1999; final dated April 2001 and received on October 23, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
10/23/2001 Update or Other Action Underground Storage Tank and Pipeline Monitoring Report (draft dated February 1999; ADEC comment letter dated May 14, 1999; review draft dated March 30, 2000; comment resolution meeting on April 11, 2000; final dated April 11, 2001 and received October 23, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
11/28/2001 Update or Other Action Remedial Process Optimization Scoping Visit Report - June 26-28, 2001 (no draft received; final received September 26, 2001 - many comments and issues to be resolved; comment resolution meeting during EPA Seattle meetings November 28, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
11/28/2001 Update or Other Action Work Plan - Inspection and Maintenance Activities for Groundwater Zone 4 and 6 Landfills - 2001 Monitoring Program (draft dated July 2, 2001 and received July 12, 2001; ADEC comment letter dated July 13, 2001; ADEC approval letter dated August 9, 2001; final dated November 28, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
11/29/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at EPA Seattle office - November 26-29, 2001. Gretchen Pikul
12/13/2001 Update or Other Action Work Plans for 2001 Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Projects at: North and South Bluffs (Zone 3); Naknek River Storage Area (Zone 4); Rapids Camp (Zone 6); Biovent and AS/SVE Monitoring at 6 Remediation Sites (4 in Zone 2, 1 at RAPCON - FT01, and 1 at MOGAS - SS19); and Soil Biocell Number 7 Cleanup Verification - (drafts dated and received in July 2001; ADEC comment letters dated July 2001; ADEC approval letters dated July and August 2001; final dated November 28, 2001 and received on December 13, 2001). Gretchen Pikul
1/8/2002 Update or Other Action Management Action Plan (draft dated January 2001; ADEC comment letter dated April 3, 2001; response to comments received June 11, 2001; comment resolution meeting on August 29, 2001; final report dated October 2001 and received on January 8, 2002; not all comments documented within the response to comments as being addressed are addressed within the final report; discussions with the Air Force continue on this issue). Gretchen Pikul
4/10/2002 Update or Other Action Long-Term Monitoring for 2001, Naknek River Storage (Groundwater Zone 4 - OT030) and Rapids Camp (Groundwater Zone 6 - OT032) - draft dated March 22, 2002 and received on March 27, 2002; ADEC comment letter dated April 10, 2002. Gretchen Pikul
1/28/2003 GIS Position Updated Updated Quadrangle, Latitude, Longitude, Section, Township, and Range fields using and site maps. Former Staff
5/19/2003 Update or Other Action Work Plans for 2002 Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Projects at: North and South Bluffs (Groundwater Zone - OT029), Naknek River Storage Area (Groundwater Zone 4 - OT030), Rapids Camp (Groundwater Zone - OT032), Main Base Area (Groundwater Zone - OT027), and Biovent and AS/SVE Monitoring at 6 Remediation Sites (8 draft work plans, ADEC comment letters, Air Force Comment Response, and comment resolution meetings in August and September 2002, Bluffs work plan dated March 2002; finals dated April 30, 2003 and received on May 19, 2003). Gretchen Pikul
7/3/2003 Update or Other Action 2002 King Salmon Air Station Monitoring Point Inventory CD (dated June 25 and received on July 3, 2003). Gretchen Pikul
8/22/2003 Update or Other Action Long-Term Monitoring for 2002, Naknek River Storage (Groundwater Zone 4 – OT030) and Rapids Camp (Groundwater Zone 6 – OT032) report draft dated and received on February 21, 2003; ADEC comment letter dated March 7, 2003; ADEC approval letter dated April 14, 2003; final report dated and received in August 2003. Gretchen Pikul
2/4/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting on Air Force compliance projects and actions needed to gain closure, including biovent systems, former marina, and former POL pipeline. Gretchen Pikul
4/22/2004 Update or Other Action Work Plan Addendum Long-Term Monitoring for 2003 Naknek River Storage (Groundwater Zone 4 - OT030, Sites LF008 and SS012) and Rapids Camp Landfill (Site LF003) (draft dated and received in July 2003; ADEC comment letter dated August 7, 2003; final received April 22, 2004). Gretchen Pikul
6/8/2004 Update or Other Action Fact Sheet for King Salmon Air Station Environmental Restoration Project; draft fact sheet received and ADEC comments sent on April 16; Air Force Comment Response received on May 25; final dated and received in June 2004. Gretchen Pikul
7/20/2004 Update or Other Action Implementation of Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Recommendations Work Plan; draft dated and received in June 2004; ADEC comment letter dated June 28, 2004; Comment Response on July 9; comment resolution meeting on July 19; final received on July 20 (some errors are present – see Comment Response in work plan jacket for details). Gretchen Pikul
8/26/2004 Update or Other Action 2003 Long-term Monitoring Report Naknek River Storage (Groundwater Zone 4 – OT030, Sites LF008 and SS012), and Rapids Camp Landfill (Site LF003); draft dated June 30 and received on July 9, 2004; ADEC comment letter dated July 28; ADEC QA lab comment resolved by calls and e-mails on August 25; ADEC approval letter dated August 26, 2004. Gretchen Pikul
11/15/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) team met with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at at contractor's office in San Antonio TX - November 8-12, 2004. The primary purpose of this meeting was to evaluate the current status of cleanup efforts at the King Salmon AS and draft the RPO report due in March 2005. Jeff Norberg
10/25/2005 Update or Other Action Work Plan Addendum - Long-Term Monitoring for 2005 Naknek River Storage (Groundwater Zone 4- OT030, Sites LF008 and SS012) and Rapids Camp Landfill (Site LF003); draft dated June 30, 2005 received July 6; ADEC comment letter Aug 31; comment resolution meeting September 7; ADEC approval letter issued October 25, 2005. Jeff Norberg
6/16/2006 Update or Other Action Implementation of Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Recommendations Report; draft dated March 2005 received March 30, 2005; ADEC comment letter dated May 16, 2005; Air Force Comment Response and ADEC approval letter issued on May 20, 2005; final dated June 2006 received on June 16, 2006. Jeff Norberg
11/13/2006 Update or Other Action Report - Long-Term Monitoring for 2004 Naknek River Storage (Groundwater Zone 4- OT030, Sites LF008 and SS012) and Rapids Camp Landfill (Site LF003); draft dated July 15, 2005 received July 18; ADEC comment letter Nov 2, 2005; Received Comment Response October 13, 2006; ADEC approval letter issued October 25, 2006; Final dated November 6, 2006 received November 13. Jeff Norberg
1/31/2007 Update or Other Action File number issued 2569.38.018.03. Aggie Blandford
2/25/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Jonathan Schick
4/15/2008 Site Visit ADEC staff conducted a site visit to a large number of pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 3 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and potential sampling locations. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project managers from the USAF and thier contractors. A RAB meeting was held during the site visit. Jonathan Schick
4/15/2008 Update or Other Action ADEC staff participated in a Restoration Advisory Board meeting at the King Salmon Air Station. Community members are encouraged to attend and view a presentation of the most recent sampling program where data is available. Main topics discussed were the TCE plume that is in Groundwater Zone 1 where a treatibility study is being conducted to see the possible influence of adding an enhanced in-situ bioremediation product that is engineered to break down chlorinated solvents. The other main topic discussed was the results from the basewide monitoring event at all of the Groundwater Zones from 2007. Jonathan Schick
10/21/2008 Site Visit ADEC staff took part in a site visit to a number of pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites, especially the pending Multi Site Inspection sites, were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and potential sampling locations as the work plans are still being formulated. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project managers from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, a discussion of the Multi-SIte inspection project, an update on the status of the Groundwater Zone 5 Records of Decision, and a brief discussion concerning the TCE treatibility Study in Groundwater Zone 1. The next RAB meeting has been tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2009. Jonathan Schick
4/21/2009 Update or Other Action ADEC staff conducted a site visit to pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and to become more familiar with the layout and topography of the area. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project manager from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, a discussion of the Multi-Site inspection project which is entering Phase II this summer, an update on the status of the Groundwater Zone 5 Records of Decision, and a brief discussion concerning the TCE treatibility Study in Groundwater Zone 1. The next RAB meeting has been tentatively scheduled for October, 2009. Jonathan Schick
10/26/2009 Site Visit ADEC staff traveled to King Salmon with the new RPM for the King Salmon Air Station to tour the sites and look at the excavations that were completed during the 2009 field season. Several sites were inspected and overall the sites appeared to be secured with orange snow fencing and visqueen covering the stockpiles to prevent ponding and migration of contaminants. While in King Salmon staff attended and participated in a Restoration Advisory Board Meeting to meet with the public of King Salmon and discuss the results from the latest round of base-wide sampling and to discuss the progress of the excavations that were conducted during the summer. Jonathan Schick
10/20/2010 Update or Other Action ADEC staff conducted a site visit to pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and to observe some of the work that is being conducted to remove POL impacted soils and PCB impacted soils at OT010. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project manager from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, remedial action cleanup programs, and management of the IDW and soil in the biocells set up to add oxygen to the soil matrix to aid the degradation of the petroleum hydrocarbons. The next RAB meeting is scheduled for April 2011. Jonathan Schick
4/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Draft Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair for all sites across the King Salmon Installation. Jonathan Schick
6/21/2011 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Staff recieved responses to our comments on the Draft Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair. The responses were acceptable and the plan should be approved to be implemented in the field. Jonathan Schick
6/21/2011 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Staff recieved responses to our comments on the Draft Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair. The responses were acceptable and the plan should be approved to be implemented in the field. Jonathan Schick
6/23/2011 Update or Other Action Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Final Version of the Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair for all sites across King Salmon Air Station. The Comments from the Draft Version of the Plan were addressed in the response to comments and in the Final Version of the document. Jonathan Schick
6/23/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the AIr Force's Remedial Project Manager for King Salmon approving the Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair across the King Salmon Installation. The work is scheduled to be conducted in July of 2011. Jonathan Schick
8/26/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Summary Report for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair for King Salmon. The monitoring wells that were worked on during this program were located in all of the groundwater zones and at many of the individual sites at the installation. The report contained a short narrative, but mostly presented the outcome of the program through before and after photographs for each well location where work was performed. Jonathan Schick
8/29/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the AIr Force's Project Manager approving the final report for the Monitoring Well Decommissioning project. The report detailed the 2011 activites at the sites across many areas at King Salmon Air Station. Jonathan Schick
10/24/2014 Update or Other Action Groundwater monitoring for SS12 is documented as part of GW Zone 4. Please see CS listing for that site for additional information. Guy Warren
12/15/2016 Update or Other Action Groundwater monitoring for SS12 (upper and lower) continues to be documented as part of GW Zone 4. Please see CS listing for that site for additional information. Holly Weiss-Racine
8/4/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received a pre-Draft Remedial Action-Construction Naknek River Tidal Zone (Site SS012) Soil Excavation, Transport and Disposal, FT001 Work Plan ON 7/11/2017 and a response letter with comments table was sent out on 8/4/2017. The Work Plan proposed objectives 1) interceptor trench construction and soil treatment w ORC to remove the free product south of MW-57 at lower Naknek River site; 2) soil excavation up to 50 bcy from site SA039-DR16; 3) up to 15 drums sampling stored within the biocells and landfarm area, and offsite disposal; 4) gabion repairs along South Barrel Bluff. Linda (Qi) Liu
10/24/2017 Cleanup Plan Approved ADEC received and approved final Work Plan for Remedial Action-Construction Naknek River Tidal Zone (Site SS012) Soil Excavation, Transport and Disposal, FT001 (dated September 2017). Linda (Qi) Liu
5/15/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final 2017 Five-Year Review for King Salmon approved on this date. Recommendations for Groundwater Zone 4 include: 1) Update public land records for non-USAF owned properties with LUCs 2) Perform some type of action in the area of well MW-57 to remove free product 3) An evaluation of changes in toxicity values for DRO in soil and TCE in either media 4) Add well MW-48 to annual monitoring program. Sammi Castle
5/15/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approves the 'Final 2017 Five-Year Review, King Salmon Divert, Naknek Recreation Camp I, Naknek Recreation Camp II, Alaska, November 2017' in a letter dated May 15, 2018. Land Use Controls have not been fully implemented at any groundwater zones at King Salmon Divert. Recommendations include: finalizing the decision document for Zone 7, determine the extent of drinking water wells at Lake Camp (number of wells, depth of wells, and groundwater gradient), and fully implement LUCs by updating public land records for non-USAF owned properties. The next five-year review will be completed in 2022. Sammi Castle
10/3/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Final 2017 Long Term Monitoring Report for King Salmon Divert, dated September 2018, is approved on this date. General conclusion for Groundwater Zone 4: Free phase hydrocarbons observed in MW-57 for the sixth time in seven years. Sampling results from sediment sample OT30-04 suggest that the DRO plume at MW-57 is having an impact on the river bank at that location. DRO, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene exceeded cleanup levels in the A-Aquifer. A sheen of GRO & DRO was noted in surface water, and benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, and naphthalene exceeded criteria for sediment. Sammi Castle
6/4/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the draft Remedial Action-Construction Report, Naknek River Tidal Zone, dated May 2019. This report details the remediation activities conducted at the Naknek River Tidal Zone (SS012), South Barrel Bluff (LF005), and SA039-DR16 sites, and the sampling of drums containing waste from past remedial activities that were stored in the Biocell/Landfarm Staging Area (drum contents were from DA031, SA036, SA039, FT001, and unknown sources). ADEC submitted comments on the draft report in a letter to the Air Force dated July 10, 2019. Sammi Castle
10/28/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved the Final Work Plans, 2019-2022 Remedial Action Operations & Land Use Control Inspections, dated October 2019, in a letter dated October 28, 2019. Ginna Quesada
8/28/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed the Final 2019 Remedial Action Operations & Land Use Control Inspections Base Living Area report dated August 2020. Analytical data showed GRO below current ADEC cleanup levels in both wells sampled in the A aquifer. Monitoring wells MW-51 and MW-58 exceeded the RAO for DRO. Monitoring well MW-57 was not sampled due to the presence of product. There were no detections for benzene or RAO exceedances for toluene. Ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and naphthalene exceeded cleanup levels in MW-51. TCE was not detected in any of the wells sampled. GRO was detected in the one B-Aquifer monitoring well, two residential wells, in the trip blank, and the equipment blank at similar levels, and well below the cleanup level. GRO and DRO were detected in both surface water/sediment locations. While there were no screening criteria exceedances at OT30-03, there were several at OT30-04 which is located on the lower section of the river bank. Monitoring was recommended to continue because drinking water wells and other sensitive receptors lie downgradient of this site. Ginna Quesada
6/8/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved the Final 2020 Remedial Action Operations & Land Use Control Inspections report dated June 2021. Analytical data showed GRO below current ADEC cleanup levels in the four wells sampled. Monitoring well MW-51 exceeded the RAO for DRO. Monitoring well MW-57 was not sampled due to the presence of product. There were no RAO exceedances for benzene or toluene. Ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and naphthalene exceeded cleanup levels in MW-51. MW-62 exceeded the cleanup level for ethylbenzene and naphthalene and MW-52 also exceeded the cleanup level for naphthalene. TCE was detected in MW-51 below the cleanup level. Future Sampling at all four wells was recommended. Sampling the two B-Aquifer wells was recommended to be discontinued because sample results have continuously been non-detect or well below RAOs, and sampling B-Aquifer wells is not mandated by the ROD. Surface water/sediment location OT30-03 has not exceeded surface water criteria in at least the last eight sampling events. Sediment screening criteria was exceeded once for acetone in 2012, and in 2017, the screening criteria was exceeded for benzo(a)pyrene and fluoranthene. Sediment only should be collected at this location in 2021. If results are below screening criteria for a third consecutive sampling event, sediment sampling at this location should also be discontinued. Ginna Quesada
8/23/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final 2021 King Salmon Divert RAO LUC WP Addendum was reviewed and an approval letter was sent by ADEC. This 2021 Work Plan Addendum to the 2019 UFP-QAPP describes the field investigation/monitoring and reporting activities to be conducted during the 2021 Remedial Action Operations and Land Use Control Inspections under U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Contract No. W911KB19C0015. Sites included in this workplan are: GWZ1, GWZ2, GWZ3, GWZ4, GWZ5, GWZ6, and GWZ7.In addition to sampling groundwater, surface water, and sediment, land use controls (LUCs) have been established to prevent exposure to contaminated media. LUC inspections for five groundwater zones, Naknek Rec Camp I, and Naknek Rec II will be conducted to ensure there have not been any unauthorized excavations or installation of drinking water wells in contaminated aquifers. Annual land fill inspections are also scheduled at the North and South Bluff in Zone 3, and the former landfills in Zone 4 and Zone 6. Additional work in Zone 3 will include barrier fence repair and the installation of signage. The installation and sampling of three groundwater monitoring wells at SA039-DR16 and the installation and sampling of two well points at LF022/SS022 are also included in this work plan. The results of this monitoring effort will be presented in a RA-O and LUC Inspections Report. An evaluation of the nature and extent of contamination with comparison to RAOs will be presented. Conclusions and recommendation based on the monitoring findings will be provided, as appropriate. Ginna Quesada
9/8/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC reviewed the Final 2021 Remedial Action Operations & Land Use Control Inspections Base Living Area report dated August 2022. In groundwater zone 4 GRO and DRO below current ADEC cleanup levels in the four wells sampled. There were no RAO exceedances for benzene or toluene. Ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and naphthalene exceeded cleanup levels in MW-51. MW-62 exceeded the cleanup level for ethylbenzene and naphthalene. MW-58 equaled the cleanup level for naphthalene. TCE was not detected in any of the monitoring wells. MW-57 was not sampled due to the presence of 0.07 feet of product however it was recommended that this well should be checked again for product and sampled if there is none present. The report recommended continued monitoring of all four wells. GRO and DRO were detected in two surface water/sediment locations. There were no screening criteria exceedances for OT30-01 surface water and OT30-03 sediment. OT30-01, located downgradient from the product recovery system, exceeded the sediment criteria for ethylbenzene, m-Xylene & p-Xylene and naphthalene. OT30-04, located on the lower section of the river bank, exceeded the surface water criteria for four PAHs, and the sediment criteria for seven PAHs. OT03-01 and OT03-04 surface water and sediment should be sampled again since both locations have had exceedances within the past two years. Ginna Quesada
5/18/2023 Site Visit DEC conducted a site visit with the U.S. Air Force. Ginna Quesada
6/20/2023 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71482 name: ASTs Ginna Quesada
8/24/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments regarding the Draft Fourth Five-Year Review Sites OT027 (SS011, ST015); OT028 (LF022); OT029 (LF005, LF014); OT030 (LF008, SS012); Naknek Recreation Camp I – LF003 King Salmon Divert, Alaska Naknek Recreation Camp I, Alaska, Dated July 2023. This five-year review describes the selected remedies and the status of their implementation for Groundwater Zone 1 (OT027), Eskimo Creek Seeps (SS011), POL Tanks (ST015), Groundwater Zone 2 (OT028), Eskimo Creek Dump Site (LF022), Groundwater Zone 3 (OT029), South Bluff (LF005), North Bluff (LF014), Groundwater Zone 4 (OT030), Landfill No. 5 (LF008), Naknek River Storage Sites (SS012), and Groundwater Zone 6 Naknek Recreation Camp I (LF003) sites located in King Salmon, Alaska. The review focuses on identifying issues and providing recommendations for improving the performance of selected remedies that were recorded in the King Salmon Records of Decision (RODs). Protectiveness determinations were made for each site to identify the extent that each selected remedy is securing the protection of human health and the environment. Ginna Quesada
4/17/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Fourth Five-Year Review Sites OT027 (SS011, ST015); OT028 (LF022); OT029 (LF005, LF014); OT030 (LF008, SS012); Naknek Recreation Camp I – LF003 King Salmon Divert, Alaska Naknek Recreation Camp I, Alaska, dated April 2024. Ginna Quesada
4/17/2024 CERCLA Proposed Plan DEC approved the Final Fourth Five-Year Review Sites OT027 (SS011, ST015); OT028 (LF022); OT029 (LF005, LF014); OT030 (LF008, SS012); Naknek Recreation Camp I – LF003 King Salmon Divert, Alaska Naknek Recreation Camp I, Alaska, dated April 2024. Ginna Quesada

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