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Site Report: Galena AFS/Airport - ST010 SE Runway Fuel Spill

Site Name: Galena AFS/Airport - ST010 SE Runway Fuel Spill
Address: Galena Airport, IRP site # ST10, Galena, AK 99741
File Number: 860.38.028
Hazard ID: 554
Status: Active
Staff: Tim Sharp, 9074512131
Latitude: 64.735400
Longitude: -156.920500
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Site ST010 is located in the southeastern part of the Galena Airport along the south side of the runway and is approximately 1,500 feet long. he site is on the shoulder of the runway and vegetated primarily with grass, which is maintained by the State of Alaska to prevent the establishment of taller vegetation in the general vicinity of the runway. An active underground petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) supply pipeline originating from the barge loading area traverses the central portion of the site. Two abandoned fuel pipelines cross the eastern part of Site ST010, as shown on Figure 1. The eastern abandoned pipeline was a buried 4-inch-diameter pipeline built in 1952 that carried diesel fuel. The western abandoned pipeline was a buried 6-inchdiameter pipeline built in 1962 that carried other fuel products. Both abandoned pipelines are part of the Old Abandoned Pipeline (OAP) Site. A diesel fuel spill was reported at Site ST010 during winter 1984. The source of the diesel spill was from an underground north-south trending 4-inch-diameter diesel pipeline, which ran from the barge offloading area to the POL Tank Farm (Site ST005) under the east end of the runway. Although the volume of the spill is unknown, it was reported that fuel covered the ground in the area and collected in the low area of the ditch. The remedial approach outlined in the Site ST010 Cleanup Plan included verification soil sampling, installation and operation of a bioventing system, and MNA for groundwater. In 2016 the bioventing system was installed, and it was expanded in 2018 to include more vent wells and vapor monitoring points.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
8/29/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). Action date used is the date of the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet, which indicates the site is in the RI phase. Former Staff
2/21/1997 Site Added to Database Site added by Shannon and Wilson. See also Reckey 198831X127201. S&W
1/29/2003 Update or Other Action See Galena AFS- All Sites for update of overall project. The Air Force plans to install sentry wells downgradient of this site, but upgradient of the drinking water wells to determine if migration is occurring. The drinking water wells in Old Town Galena were sampled last January and determined to be safe for human consumption. Ann Farris
9/17/2003 Update or Other Action Staff received the Draft Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for Galena Airport. Staff has begun review of the document. A comment resolution/technical project team meeting is scheduled October 2-3rd in Anchorage. This work plan is intended to address the many outstanding site characterization issues that were raised by Louden Tribal Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, and ADEC as well as the Remedial Process Optimization Evaluation completed in 2002. Ann Farris
1/22/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended the 7th Galena Technical Project Team Meeting on January 12 through 15th. We discussed most of the contaminated sites at the Galena Air Force Station and the Campion Radio Relay Station. We evaluated the adequacy of the historical site characterization, the need for further characterization, possible remedial options, the adequacy of exiting remediation systems, and the need for a risk assessment. Of the 23 sites reviewed at the meeting, 5 are closed already by ADEC, 5 are believed to not need any further characterization or remediation. The remaining 13 need additional investigation or remediation of some type. Additionally, there are a few sites that were not covered during this meeting that will still need to be reviewed. Southeast Runway Fuel Spill -The site is sufficiently characterized. Groundwater monitoring will occur under the RI. Remedial decision will probably be to do long-term monitoring with ICs. Ann Farris
4/19/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff participated in the 9th Galena Technical Project Team meeting on April 19th. The meeting was between representatives of the Air Force, Louden Tribal Council, City of Galena, Galena City School District, and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The primary objective of this meeting was to complete comment resolution on the the Draft Final Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan. The team did ultimately come to resolution on the work plan and the final version is expected out by mid-May. Ann Farris
8/30/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held 11th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/21/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/5/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held 12th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/19/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended a week long meeting in San Antonio, Texas to participate in the formulation of an outline for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS). Colin Craven
1/3/2005 GIS Position Updated Location of Southeast Runway Fuel Spill updated. Colin Craven
1/12/2005 Update or Other Action Submitted comments to the Air Force to finalize the 2004 Site Recommendations for the upcoming Remedial Investigation report. The 2004 Site Recommendations were produced during the November 2004 meetings in San Antonio, Texas. Colin Craven
1/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
1/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 13th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
3/18/2005 Update or Other Action Comment resolution between DEC and the Air Force has been achieved on the draft Human Health Risk Assessment Work Plan for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station. The Air Force contractors are currently finalizing the work plan. Colin Craven
4/19/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 14th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
4/26/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
5/13/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 15th Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
6/9/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 16th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
8/30/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 17th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/12/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/20/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 18th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
1/3/2006 Update or Other Action DEC received the draft Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. The Air Force is proposing no active remediation due to the limited area of contamination, but instead long term monitoring and land use controls. DEC comments will be submitted in February. Colin Craven
1/26/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 19th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
3/7/2006 Update or Other Action The draft risk assessment found unacceptable risk at this site due to diesel range organics (DRO) in subsurface soil. The Air Force has proposed long term groundwater monitoring (LTM) and land use controls (LUCs) until residual contamination has attenuated to Method 2 cleanup levels. DEC concurred with this remedy due to the improbability of people coming into contact with the contamination. Colin Craven
3/14/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 20th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
6/20/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 21st Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/6/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 22nd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/17/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 23rd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Fairbanks. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
1/18/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held 24th Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
4/1/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other SC Workplan reviewed as part of larger QAPP document Fred Vreeman
8/1/2010 Site Characterization Workplan Approved SC Workplan approved as part of larger QAPP document Fred Vreeman
8/1/2010 Conceptual Site Model Submitted Site specific CSM submitted as part of SC work plan Fred Vreeman
8/26/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held TRIAD meeting, 2010 sample data discussed. Fred Vreeman
9/1/2010 Site Visit Site visit, field work audit Amanda Loomis
2/15/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held TPT meeting, site discussed Fred Vreeman
4/19/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Step out Memo reviewed Fred Vreeman
4/30/2011 Update or Other Action Step out Memo approved Fred Vreeman
6/9/2011 Site Visit Site visit, field work audit Fred Vreeman
7/8/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71533 name: auto-generated pm edit Galena AFS - SE Runway Fuel Spill Amanda Loomis
5/18/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a Draft Site Characterization results report for the Site. Dennis Shepard
10/16/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided Review comments for the Draft Site Characterization results report for the Site. Dennis Shepard
11/8/2012 Meeting or Teleconference Held A meeting was conducted with DEC contractor Shannon and Wilson to identify all remaining data gaps in the site characterization for all Galena Sites including ST010. The meeting identified data gaps to the northwest and southwest of the main source area. Dennis Shepard
3/22/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received a Responce to draft comments and a Draft Final Site Characterization (SC) results report for the Southeast Runway Spill (Site ST010). Dennis Shepard
4/4/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC provided approval for the Draft Final Site Characterization results report (interim SC report), Southeast Runway Spill (Site ST010) Dennis Shepard
1/23/2015 Risk Assessment Report Approved DEC approved the Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment (SLERA) for Southeast Runway Fuel Spill (Site ST010). The SLERA reported that for all contaminants of potential ecologic concern, the assumed exposures for mammals to the maximum detected concentrations in soils resulted in Hazard Quotients (HQs) that were less than the level of concern of 1.0. For invertebrates, assumed exposures to both DRO and RRO resulted in HQs equal to or greater than 1.0. This indicates that assumed exposures to petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at Site ST010 may result in adverse effects to invertebrates. Therefore, the remediation plans for the site are being considered based, in part, on exceedances of the Ecologic Screening Values. Dennis Shepard
2/20/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC approved the Supplemental Site Characterization Results Report, Southeast Runway Spill Site (ST010). Dennis Shepard
5/25/2016 Cleanup Plan Approved DEC provided approval for the Cleanup Plan for Site ST010, Southeast Runway Fuel Spill, Former Galena Forward Operating Location. The plan includes installation of a bioventing system to address petroleum contaminants in the vadose and variably saturated zones and will rely on Monitored Natural Attenuation of groundwater contamination. Dennis Shepard
10/26/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held A restoration Advisory board meeting was held in Galena Alaska to discuss the general and specific status of site investigations and cleanup at Galena. Dennis Shepard
4/20/2018 Update or Other Action TECHNICAL MEMO/WORK PLAN received and approved: Draft Technical Memorandum, Expansion of Sites ST009 and ST010 Remediation Systems. Prepared by Parsons. Dated April 20, 2018. The tech memo provides a summary of additional activities proposed to be completed during the 2018 and 2019 field seasons at Sites ST009 and ST010. Jamie McKellar
8/8/2018 Site Visit DEC conducted a site visit at the Former Forward Operating Location in Galena, AK on August 8-9, 2018. A photo log is available in DEC's electronic file. Jamie McKellar
10/29/2018 Site Visit On October 23, 2018, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit with inspections of each site was conducted the following day (10/24/2018) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
1/2/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: 2017 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites CPL006, CSS002, OW024, SS014/SS017, SS016, SS022, SS025, ST009, and ST010. Parsons, December 2018. The report presents and evaluates performance monitoring data for sites managed by Parsons with an approved Cleanup Plan or Record of Decision (ROD), and an active remedy installed and operating for fiscal year 2017. Jamie McKellar
4/5/2019 Site Visit On April 2, 2019, DEC staff participated in a Technical Project Team meeting with representatives from USAF, Parsons, CH2M, and ADOT. The TPT meeting was held at the Fairbanks DEC office. On April 3-4, 2019, DEC staff traveled to Galena to participate in meetings with the City Mayor & RAB chair to discuss community concerns about site cleanup; a Proposed Plan meeting for Site DP023, and a community regional advisory board (RAB) meeting to discuss fieldwork completed during the 2018 field season and upcoming 2019 fieldwork. Site visits were also conducted. Jamie McKellar
10/23/2019 Meeting or Teleconference Held On October 22, 2019, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit was conducted the following day (10/23/2019) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. Jamie McKellar
10/30/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: Final 2018 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites CPL006, CSS002, OW024, SS006/SS019, SS014/SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, SS025, ST009, ST010, and FT001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, October 2019) Jamie McKellar
4/21/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: 2020 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites CPL006, CSS002, SS006/SS019, SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, ST009, ST010, and FT001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, April 2021) Jamie McKellar
5/17/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comments for the Draft Work Plan, 2022 Installation-Wide Monitoring Program, Eielson AFB, Alaska, Revision 02, April 2022 Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The work plan identifies annual sampling requirements for 11 monitoring wells at site ST010. Dennis Shepard
8/23/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVED: Final Remedial Process Optimization Evaluation Report, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, June 2023) Jamie McKellar
11/15/2023 Site Visit DEC, DOT, USAF, and contractors met at the Fairbanks DEC office on May 2, 2023 for a Technical Project Team meeting. The following day a site visit and Regional Advisory Board (RAB) meeting were held in Galena. Meeting minutes for the TPT and RAB meetings were approved on November 15, 2023. Jamie McKellar
4/23/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff participated in the biannual Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF BRAC, Parsons, Jacobs/CH2M Hill, and EA Engineering. The meeting was held at the EA Engineering office in Anchorage, AK. Jamie McKellar
6/27/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved multiple data quality assessment reports for soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and sediment. Reports were submitted by Parsons and CH2M/Jacobs. Approval letter is dated 6/27/2024. Jamie McKellar

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