Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
8/29/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). Action date used is the date of the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet, which indicates the site is in the RI phase. |
Former Staff |
2/21/1997 |
Site Added to Database |
Site added by Shannon and Wilson. See also Reckey 198831X127201. |
S&W |
1/29/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
See the action list in Galena AFS - all sites for overall sites activities. The Air Force plans to install an additional monitoring well at this site in summer 2003. Monitoring will be completed to determine if the g.w. meets cleanup levels and if there is potential for migration to the Yukon. |
Ann Farris |
9/17/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
Staff received the Draft Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for Galena Airport. Staff has begun review of the document. A comment resolution/technical project team meeting is scheduled October 2-3rd in Anchorage. This work plan is intended to address the many outstanding site characterization issues that were raised by Louden Tribal Council, the Environmental Protection Agency, and ADEC as well as the Remedial Process Optimization Evaluation completed in 2002. |
Ann Farris |
1/22/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff attended the 7th Galena Technical Project Team Meeting on January 12 through 15th. We discussed most of the contaminated sites at the Galena Air Force Station and the Campion Radio Relay Station. We evaluated the adequacy of the historical site characterization, the need for further characterization, possible remedial options, the adequacy of exiting remediation systems, and the need for a risk assessment. Of the 23 sites reviewed at the meeting, 5 were already determined to be closed by ADEC, 5 are believed to not need any further characterization or remediation. The remaining 13 need additional investigation or remediation of some type. Additionally, there are a few sites that were not covered during this meeting that will still need to be reviewed. Fire Training Area - The site is probably characterized well enough, but there is still question about the southern extent of contamination and the groundwater flow regime in this area. Decision to complete groundwater monitoring under the 2004 Remedial Investigation (RI) and cap/reseed the fire training pit so no ponding occurs. Institutional controls (ICs) will need to be established in the decision document. |
Ann Farris |
4/19/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Staff participated in the 9th Galena Technical Project Team meeting on April 19th. The meeting was between representatives of the Air Force, Louden Tribal Council, City of Galena, Galena City School District, and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The primary objective of this meeting was to complete comment resolution on the the Draft Final Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan. The team did ultimately come to resolution on the work plan and the final version is expected out by mid-May. |
Ann Farris |
8/30/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
11th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
10/21/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
11/5/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
12th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
11/19/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended a week long meeting in San Antonio, Texas to participate in the formulation of an outline for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS). |
Colin Craven |
1/12/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Submitted comments to the Air Force to finalize the 2004 Site Recommendations for the upcoming Remedial Investigation report. The 2004 Site Recommendations were produced during the November 2004 meetings in San Antonio, Texas. |
Colin Craven |
1/28/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
1/28/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
13th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
3/18/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Comment resolution between DEC and the Air Force has been achieved on the draft Human Health Risk Assessment Work Plan for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station. The Air Force contractors are currently finalizing the work plan. |
Colin Craven |
4/19/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
14th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
4/26/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
5/13/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
15th Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
6/9/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
16th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
7/20/2005 |
GIS Position Updated |
Updated the location of the Fire Training area; interpolated from USGS topographic maps. |
Colin Craven |
8/30/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
17th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
10/12/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
10/20/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
18th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
1/3/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC received the draft Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study. The Air Force is proposing limited excavation and in-place landfarming of petroleum contaminated soils, and long term monitoring and land use controls to address remaining deep soil and groundwater contamination. DEC comments will be submitted in February. |
Colin Craven |
1/26/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
19th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
3/7/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
The draft risk assessment found unacceptable risk at this site due to diesel range organics (DRO) in surface soil. The Air Force proposed in-place landfarming to remediate the DRO contaminated soil, long term groundwater monitoring, and land use controls as the remedy. DEC concurred with this remedy. |
Colin Craven |
3/14/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
20th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
6/1/2006 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
The Air Force and DEC came to agreement on a work plan for monitoring well installation and sampling that will serve to fill data gaps identified during the recent remedial investigation. One new monitoring well will be installed to replace an abandoned monitoring well (01-MW-06) to better establish a sufficient well network for long-term monitoring, and for more certain confirmation of petroleum contamination attenuation. |
Colin Craven |
6/20/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
21st Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
10/6/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
22nd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
11/17/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
23rd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Fairbanks. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
11/17/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
A previously decommissioned monitoring well (01-MW-06) that had previously shown the highest concentrations of benzene in groundwater was replaced (01-MW-06R). A groundwater sample from the new well was non detect for BTEX, which is consistent with other findings from the site supporting significant natural attenuation. |
Colin Craven |
1/18/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
24th Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. |
Colin Craven |
4/1/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
SC work plan reviewed as plart of larger QAPP document |
Fred Vreeman |
4/12/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
TPT meeting held in Anchorage for site discussions |
Fred Vreeman |
6/28/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
TPT meeting in Anchorage |
Fred Vreeman |
8/1/2010 |
Conceptual Site Model Submitted |
Site specific CSM submitted as part of SC work plan |
Fred Vreeman |
8/1/2010 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
SC work plan approved as part of larger QAPP document |
Fred Vreeman |
8/4/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
TRAID meeting, 2010 sample data discussed |
Amanda Loomis |
9/1/2010 |
Site Visit |
Site visit -- field work audit |
Amanda Loomis |
12/7/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
TPT meeting, site discussion |
Fred Vreeman |
2/15/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
TPT meeting, site discussion |
Fred Vreeman |
6/9/2011 |
Site Visit |
Site visit field work audit |
Fred Vreeman |
7/8/2011 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71534 name: auto-generated pm edit Galena AFS - Fire Train. Area FT01 |
Amanda Loomis |
5/11/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC received a Draft Site Characterization results report for Site. |
Dennis Shepard |
6/13/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received a Technical Memorandum - Summary of April/ May 2012 Semi Annual Groundwater Sampling Event. Review of the document confirmed that perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctoanoic acid (PFOA) are contaminants of concern at Site FT001. Groundwater samples from two wells (FT001_MW008 & FT001_MW009) indicated results above the Groundwater cleanup levels. PFOA was identified at 21.7 ug/L in both wells and PFOS was identified at 25.2 & 49.5 ug/L respectivly. |
Dennis Shepard |
8/1/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A meeting was held in Anchorage from August 1-3 to discuss data quality and risk assessment issues for sites at Galena. |
Dennis Shepard |
10/10/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC sent a letter to EPA concerning Risk Assessments (RAs) for Remedial Investigation Sites at Galena. DEC has asked EPA to provide an opinion on risk assessment issues requiring resolution for the remedial investigation sites at Galena. Specific issues of concern are: determination of risk assessment source area and calculation of exposure point concentrations. |
Dennis Shepard |
11/2/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided review comments for the Draft Site Characterization results report. |
Dennis Shepard |
11/8/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A meeting was conducted in Anchorage to compile remaining data gaps for Site Characterization of Sites at Galena including Site FT001. |
Dennis Shepard |
11/28/2012 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A meeting was held with the Air Force and their remediation contractor to discuss the remaining Data Gaps at the site. It was agreed that additional borings and monitoring wells will be installed in FY13 to better delineate identified contaminants. |
Dennis Shepard |
3/6/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received a Draft Final remedial investigation results report for the site. |
Dennis Shepard |
4/11/2013 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC provided review comments for the Draft Final Remedial Investigation Report. |
Dennis Shepard |
1/14/2014 |
CERCLA RI Plan Approved |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) received a Draft 2013 Supplemental Remedial Investigation (RI) and Site Characterization (SC) Sampling Plan on May 24, 2013. The sampling plan presents step out sample locations and analytical protocols for supplemental remedial investigation at six Sites (B400, OWS1833, DSWD, SS006/SS019, and FT001). DEC provided review comments for the draft sampling plan on July 3, 2013. A response to comments (RTC) and a Draft Final version of the plan was submitted on July 25, 2013. DEC provided comments for the Draft Final on July 19, 2013. A comment resolution teleconference meeting was held on July 19, 2013 to resolve the final issues for the sampling plan. All issues were resolved in the meeting and DEC approval was given to finalize the plan. Final version of the sampling plan was received on December 16, 2013 and approval of the work plan was given on January 14, 2014. |
Monte Garroutte |
4/15/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A Technical Project Team meeting was held to meet the Air Force newly selected Performance Based Remediation Contractor for Galena. The 6.5 year remediation contract was awarded to Parsons Governmental Services (Parsons). The contract includes completing the risk assessments, remediation feasibility studies, proposed plans and record of decision for remedial investigations at 10 Sites (FT001, SS006, SS013, SS015, SS019, SS018/AOC023, SS022/B400, DP023/DSWD, OW024/OWS1833, and SS025). |
Monte Garroutte |
1/5/2015 |
Risk Assessment Report Approved |
DEC approved the Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment, Fire Protection Training Area (Site FT001). The Human Health Risk Assessment found that the cumulative carcinogenic risks and non carcinogenic hazards estimated for the receptor groups Current/future occupational worker, Near-term future resident and Long-term future resident is greater than the cumulative carcinogenic risk goal of 1 × 10-5.
The report found ecologic risk with Hazard Quotients greater than 1 for terrestrial plants, terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates. |
Dennis Shepard |
2/20/2015 |
CERCLA RI Report Approved |
DEC approved the Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report, Fire Protection Training Area (FT001). |
Dennis Shepard |
9/29/2016 |
DEC approved the Feasibility Report for Fire Protection Training Area (Site FT001). |
Dennis Shepard |
10/20/2016 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
DEC approved the Proposed Plan, Air Force Proposes Environmental Restoration Alternatives for Fire Protection Training Area (Site FT001) with Soil and Groundwater Impacts, Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL), Alaska. |
Dennis Shepard |
10/26/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A restoration advisory board (RAB) meeting was held in Galena. Prior to the RAB meeting,Proposed plans were presented for sites Fire Protection Training Area (FT001), Waste Accumulation Area (SS018) and West Perimeter Road TCE Spill (SS025). |
Dennis Shepard |
10/26/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A restoration Advisory board meeting was held in Galena Alaska to discuss the general and specific status of site investigations and cleanup at Galena. |
Dennis Shepard |
5/24/2017 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
A restoration Advisory Board meeting was held in Galena, Alaska. Preliminary site investigation results were presented from the 2016 Site Investigation for Per-Florinated Compounds (PFCs). Four sites in Galena have confirmed PFOS and PFOA in soil and groundwater above DEC cleanup levels. Two additional sites were confirmed to have PFOS in soil exceeding DEC cleanup levels. |
Dennis Shepard |
11/27/2017 |
CERCLA ROD Approved |
DEC approved the Interim Record of Decision for Fire Protection Training Area (Site FT001), Former Galena Forward Operation Location, Alaska. Signature pages pending. |
Dennis Shepard |
2/5/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
WORK PLAN APPROVAL: Remedial Design and Remedial Action (RD/RA) Work Plan for Fire Protection Training Area, (February 2018). The RD/RA describes the activities associated with implementation of the selected interim remedy for Site FT001, Fire Protection Training Area. |
Jamie McKellar |
7/25/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC approved a request for a deviation from the approved remedial design – remedial action work plan (RD RAWP) for Fire Protection Training Area (Site FT001). The request proposed a change to the soil cover design which is being installed as part of the FT001 remedial action. The cover design changes consist of eliminating an upper membrane from the cover design and installing a 30-mil rather than 20-mil bottom liner placed directly on the ground surface as specified in the RA RDWP. The deviation from the RD RAWP does not conflict with or contradict the interim ROD for Site FT001 and will not affect the performance of the cover as intended. |
Dennis Shepard |
8/8/2018 |
Site Visit |
DEC conducted a site visit at the Former Forward Operating Location in Galena, AK on August 8-9, 2018. A photo log is available in DEC's electronic file. |
Jamie McKellar |
10/29/2018 |
Site Visit |
On October 23, 2018, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit with inspections of each site was conducted the following day (10/24/2018) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. |
Jamie McKellar |
4/5/2019 |
Site Visit |
On April 2, 2019, DEC staff participated in a Technical Project Team meeting with representatives from USAF, Parsons, CH2M, and ADOT. The TPT meeting was held at the Fairbanks DEC office. On April 3-4, 2019, DEC staff traveled to Galena to participate in meetings with the City Mayor & RAB chair to discuss community concerns about site cleanup; a Proposed Plan meeting for Site DP023, and a community regional advisory board (RAB) meeting to discuss fieldwork completed during the 2018 field season and upcoming 2019 fieldwork. Site visits were also conducted. |
Jamie McKellar |
10/23/2019 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On October 22, 2019, DEC participated in the Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF and ADOT&PF. A site visit was conducted the following day (10/23/2019) in Galena, as well as a regional advisory board (RAB) meeting with members of the community and other interested parties. |
Jamie McKellar |
10/30/2019 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
REPORT APPROVAL: Final 2018 Performance Monitoring Report for Sites CPL006, CSS002, OW024, SS006/SS019, SS014/SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, SS025, ST009, ST010, and FT001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, October 2019) |
Jamie McKellar |
9/2/2020 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71534 Site FT001 - Former Fire Training Area. |
Jamie McKellar |
8/23/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
REPORT APPROVED: Final Remedial Process Optimization Evaluation Report, Former Galena Forward Operating Location, Alaska (Parsons, June 2023) |
Jamie McKellar |
8/23/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DOCUMENT APPROVED: Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP-QAPP), Revision 1, Addendum 4 approved. This addendum addresses changes to the UFP-QAPP for the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Remedial Investigation (RI). |
Jamie McKellar |
11/15/2023 |
Site Visit |
DEC, DOT, USAF, and contractors met at the Fairbanks DEC office on May 2, 2023 for a Technical Project Team meeting. The following day a site visit and Regional Advisory Board (RAB) meeting were held in Galena. Meeting minutes for the TPT and RAB meetings were approved on November 15, 2023. |
Jamie McKellar |
11/20/2023 |
Update or Other Action |
REPORT APPROVED: Data Quality Assessment 2022 Remedial Investigation (RI) for Soil, Sediment, and Tissue Sampling Event, Data Quality Assessment 2022 Remedial Investigation (RI) for Soil, Sediment, and Tissue Sampling Event (Parsons, November 2023) |
Jamie McKellar |
4/23/2024 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
CS staff participated in the biannual Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting with representatives from USAF BRAC, Parsons, Jacobs/CH2M Hill, and EA Engineering. The meeting was held at the EA Engineering office in Anchorage, AK. |
Jamie McKellar |
6/27/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved multiple data quality assessment reports for soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and sediment. Reports were submitted by Parsons and CH2M/Jacobs. Approval letter is dated 6/27/2024. |
Jamie McKellar |
7/15/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC completed a review of the Draft 2024 PFAS Preliminary Remedial Investigation Supplemental Sampling Work Plan for Sites CG109 and FT001 and submitted comments. The work plan addendum details proposed supplemental surface soil and groundwater sampling activities for PFAS. |
Tim Sharp |
7/19/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved the Field Technical Memorandum - 2024 PFAS Preliminary RI Supp Sampling Work Plan for CG109 and FT001 on this date. |
Tim Sharp |
12/10/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided comments for the Draft 2023 Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for Sites CPL006, CSS002, SS006/SS019, SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, ST009, ST010, and FT001, Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL). The PMR details 2023 data for the listed sites at the Galena FOL and provides an evaluation of how selected remedies are progressing. The report also proposes recommendations for further monitoring, maintenance, and treatment options. |
Tim Sharp |
1/13/2025 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC Approved the Final 2023 Performance Monitoring Report (PMR) for Sites CPL006, CSS002, SS006/SS019, SS017, SS015, SS016, SS018, SS022, ST009, ST010, and FT001. PMR is located on the sitewide file (860.38.005). |
Tim Sharp |
3/11/2025 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC has received and reviewed the Final Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Report for 2024 Groundwater Sampling at the Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL). The DQA report evaluates the analytical data for quality and quantity metrics to verify they are sufficient to accomplish the project objectives for sites FT001, SS006, ST010, SS015, SS016, SS019, SS022, and CSS002. |
Tim Sharp |
3/11/2025 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC has received and approved the Final Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Report for 2024 Soil Sampling at the Former Galena Forward Operating Location (FOL). The DQA report evaluates the analytical data for quality and quantity metrics to verify they are sufficient to accomplish the project objectives for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) sites FT001 and CG109. |
Tim Sharp |