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Site Report: NARL - Bulk Fuel Tank Farm

Site Name: NARL - Bulk Fuel Tank Farm
Address: North Salt Lagoon, Barrow, AK 99723
File Number: 310.38.016
Hazard ID: 558
Status: Active
Staff: Kathleen Iler-Galau, 9074512153
Latitude: 71.342103
Longitude: -156.609610
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Site of former bulk fuel tank farm which piped fuel to NARL facility. Confirmed POL contamination in soil and active zone water. POL contamination indicated by odor and sheens on surface water. 100,000 gallons of JP-5 spill in 1970. No record of cleanup. Cross reference file 310.38.008. The site is assigned a HIGH site rank on the Navy Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 10/18/95. Last staff assigned was Kalu.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
1/5/1995 Site Added to Database POL contamination. Laura Noland
3/24/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on the Navy Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 10/18/95. S&W
4/15/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Stephens and Schmidt attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
4/15/1998 Update or Other Action Stephens and Schmidt: site visit with Navy. Stained soil and diesel odor at base of pad, in sediments at edge of surface ponding adjacent to Middle Salt Lagoon. Tamar Stephens
4/15/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB Meeting. Tamar Stephens
4/21/1998 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Ranking action added now because it was not added when the site was originally ranked. Bill Petrik
7/16/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
10/8/1998 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
11/9/1998 Update or Other Action Received draft risk assessment and site investigation reports. Tamar Stephens
1/4/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
1/14/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/9/1999 Update or Other Action Sent letter and comments on draft risk assessment and site investigation reports. Tamar Stephens
4/8/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
5/13/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Risk Assessment comment resolution meeting with Navy and Navy's contractor (EA). All ADEC comments accepted or satisfactorily resolved. Tamar Stephens
7/15/1999 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/30/1999 Update or Other Action Received final Risk Assessment and Site Investigation reports. Tamar Stephens
12/23/1999 Risk Assessment Report Approved Sent approval letter. Risks to future construction worker and to current / future construction worker were found. Letter included discussion of other factors in addition to risk to consider in cleanup (including staining, free product, migration to surface water). Tamar Stephens
12/23/1999 Site Characterization Report Approved Site Characterization Report Approved this date. Tamar Stephens
2/24/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
5/4/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/26/2000 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed the Region from 36 to 31 to reflect the correct Region. Former Staff
9/13/2000 Update or Other Action Toggled the Justification field from "Y" to "N" because the AHRM Score and the DoD Rank puts this site into a High Priority without the need for Justification. Former Staff
9/22/2000 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approval of Work Plan for Sampling and Analysis of Fish from North Salt Lagoon. Point Barrow, Alaska, August 18, 2000. Tamar Stephens
12/11/2000 Meeting or Teleconference Held Peer Review meeting to look at specific NARL issues. Those issues applicable to Bulk Fuel Tank Farm were establishing points of compliance for active zone ground water and issues in determining soil cleanup levels to protect against off-site migration to nearby aquatic environments. Tamar Stephens
1/18/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/5/2001 Update or Other Action File number updated from 310.38.008 to 310.38.016. Mitzi Read
4/12/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/11/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting in Barrow with Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC), Native Village of Barrow, and Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope; Navy gave special briefing on proposed plans for NARL sites. Tamar Stephens
7/12/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Public meeting in Barrow to present Proposed Plan and begin 30 day public comment period. Tamar Stephens
7/20/2001 Proposed Plan Approved Proposed Plan for Cleanup of the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Site, Former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Barrow, Alaska. Approved by section manager Jennifer Roberts; approval letter sent by Tamar Stephens. The preferred remedy is to conduct in situ thermal desporption/vapor extraction. Tamar Stephens
11/8/2001 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
1/24/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Project team meeting in Anchorage (DEC, Navy, UIC) Tamar Stephens
2/21/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
9/18/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Public Meeting in Barrow to present a change in the preferred remedy for the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. Further evaluation has indicated that the in-situ method previously proposed is unlikely to be fully effective, and may cause thawing of permafrost. New preferred remedy is to excavate petroleum-contaminated soil. Heavily affected soil will be treated by Hot Air Vapor Extraction. Lightly affected soil will be land-farmed. Change is public noticed, and Navy will accept public comments for 30 days. DEC also participated in a project team meeting earlier in the day with the Navy and UIC. Tamar Stephens
9/19/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
10/9/2002 Update or Other Action Sent review comments on draft Record of Decision. Tamar Stephens
10/28/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Project team meeting in Anchorage (DEC, Navy, UIC) Tamar Stephens
11/7/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/11/2002 Record of Decision DEC signed Decision Document for Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. John Halverson signed as acting Section Manager. UIC President Anthony Edwardsen signed as property owner. Navy project manager wil travel to Washington, D.C. to obtain authorized Navy signature. Tamar Stephens
2/4/2003 Update or Other Action Approved sampling and analysis plan to sample subsurface soil to determine depth of contamination, particularly to determine whether contamination extends into permafrost layer. Tamar Stephens
2/13/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended Statewide RAB meeting in Anchorage at the Alaska Forum on the Environment. Tamar Stephens
3/13/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
6/19/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/10/2003 Cleanup Plan Approved Sent approval letter for Landfarming work plan. Tamar Stephens
7/17/2003 Update or Other Action Conducted site visit and observed landfarm soil tilling in process. Tamar Stephens
9/18/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/11/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/11/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended Barrow RAB meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/25/2004 Update or Other Action Reviewed and sent comments on draft monitoring plan. Tamar Stephens
4/5/2004 Update or Other Action Reviewed and sent comments on draft Closure Report for landfarming. Tamar Stephens
4/17/2004 Update or Other Action Received draft Closure Report on cleanup activities conducted during 2003. Tamar Stephens
5/13/2004 Update or Other Action Stephens reviewed and sent approval letter for draft monitoring plans for 2005. Tamar Stephens
6/22/2004 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for draft FY2004 Monitoring Project Plans - Former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory Sites 5, 12, & 13, Barrow, Alaska for groundwater, surface water and sediment monitoring activities scheduled for summer of 2004 at the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. (Letter sent to Gerry Rieger, USN remedial project manager.) Tamar Stephens
9/13/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting in Barrow. Tamar Stephens
12/9/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Emily Youcha attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting in Barrow. Tamar Stephens
3/10/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting in Barrow. Tamar Stephens
5/24/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Stephens met with Navy and their consultant to discuss staus of various sites and ongoing monitoring. Tamar Stephens
6/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/11/2005 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received FY2005 Monitoring Project Plans – Sites 5 (Airstrip), 12 (Powerhouse), and 13 (Bulk Fuel Tank Farm), Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Barrow, Alaska. Letter sent to Mark Wicklein, USN remedial project manager, acknowledging receipt of final plans on 7/25/2005. Tamar Stephens
9/8/2005 Cleanup Assumed by ADEC Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/8/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Youcha attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/7/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for draft 2005 Annual Monitoring Report for the NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites. This monitoring report describes visual site inspections, well installations and reinstallations, sampling activities, and presents the results of active zone ground water, surface water sampling conducted during July and September, 2005, for the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites, and sediment sampling in the North Salt Lagoon adjacent to the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Site during September, 2005. This is the third year of monitoring following soil cleanup activities at the Airstrip site and the second year for the Powerhouse and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. Tamar Stephens
3/9/2006 Long Term Monitoring Established Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/28/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received final 2005 Annual Monitoring Report for the NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites, dated March 17, 2006. Tamar Stephens
4/20/2006 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for Plan for FY2006 Sampling at the Former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory Airstrip, Powerhouse, BFTF and Antenna Field, Barrow Alaska. This work plan describes the following sampling activities planned for summer of 2006 at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL). (1) Samples will be collected as for the long-term monitoring program at the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. As needed, any unusable monitoring wells will be replaced. Samples will include active zone groundwater samples at all three sites, surface water samples from Imikpuk Lake adjacent to the Powerhouse and Airstrip Sites, and surface water and sediment samples in the North Salt Lagoon adjacent to the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm site. (2) Samples will be collected to fill data gaps in site characterization at the Antenna Field Site (which encompasses the area known as the Old Waste Disposal Site) for DRO, GRO, RRO, VOCs, and SVOCs along the shoreline of the Middle Salt Lagoon; for petroleum and to evaluate for possible presence of a buried transformer at the abandoned communications station Quonset hut; for GRO, DRO, RRO in high anomaly areas indicating high concentrations of buried waste; and a surface debris survey will be conducted to identify and map surface debris that may post a physical hazard to people using the site. (3) Confirmation samples will be collected from land-farmed soil at the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm to fill data gaps that resulted from insufficient confirmation sampling at the conclusion of soil treatment operations. Tamar Stephens
9/14/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/7/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/2/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for draft 2006 Annual Monitoring Report for the NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites. This monitoring report describes visual site inspections, well installations and reinstallations, sampling activities, and presents the results of active zone ground water, surface water sampling conducted during July and September, 2005, for the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites, and sediment sampling in the North Salt Lagoon adjacent to the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Site during September, 2005. This is the fourth year of monitoring following soil cleanup activities at the Airstrip site and the third year for the Powerhouse and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. This report shows that at this point in time, contaminant concentrations at most of the wells at each of the sites do not show clear trends. A few wells show decreasing or probably decreasing levels of one or more petroleum constituent. Data analysis shows an increasing trend in concentrations of diesel range organics in one well at the Airstrip site. No exceedance of drinking water standards was detected in Imikpuk Lake samples. (Letter addressed to Amanda Nodolf, USN remedial project manager) Tamar Stephens
3/8/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/16/2007 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent comments on draft Project Plans for FY 2007 Long-Term Monitoring and Confirmation Sampling – At the NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, dated June 8, 2007. This is a work plan for long-term monitoring at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites, and for confirmation sampling at an in situ land farm location at the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm site. (Letter was sent to Amanda Nodolf, USN remedial project manager.) Tamar Stephens
10/25/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/14/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Tamar Stephens
5/6/2008 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review Reviewed and sent comments on First Five Year Review – Airstrip (Site 5), Powerhouse (Site 12), and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm (Site 13). This report reviews information on past cleanup actions and long-term monitoring at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites, evaluates the effectiveness of the past cleanup actions, and makes recommendations for the future. The report concludes that overall the actions implemented at these three sites remain protective of human health and the environment. The report recommends continuing a monitoring program similar to the past five years, but makes a few specific recommendations for modifications to the monitoring program. The report recommends an engineering inspection of the cap at the Airstrip south depression. The report makes several recommendations for the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm site, including adding lead as a contaminant of concern, assessing the feasibility of removing additional soil from the south bank area and the historical sampling location “90,” and collecting additional samples to evaluate the land farm soil. The report also recommends meeting with the Ukpeagvik Iñupiat Corporation (UIC) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to resolve concerns regarding the Powerhouse site. (Letter was sent to Grady May, USN Remedial Project Manager.) Tamar Stephens
5/15/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approval letter sent for final 2007 Annual Monitoring Report, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. This report presents sampling results for 2007 monitoring of active zone water, surface water, and sediment at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farms sites, conducted in July and September of 2007. Field activities were cut short during the September sampling event when the field personnel conducting sampling at the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm were accosted by an individual with a gun and instructed to leave. ADEC was informed of the situation when it occurred, and concurred with the Navy decision to withdraw the sampling crew from the field. As a result of the incident, some of the monitoring samples scheduled for September were not collected, and the confirmation samples at the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm former landfarm location also were not collected. However, since these sites will have ongoing monitoring, future data will be available for evaluating trends and assuring protection of human health and the environment. ADEC sent review comments on the draft report on March 4, 2008. Letters for draft and final reports were sent to Grady May, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
6/6/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for draft Project Plans for FY2008 Long-Term Monitoring and Confirmation Sampling – At the NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. This document is a work plan for long-term monitoring at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites, and for confirmation sampling at an in situ land farm location at the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm site. Field work is planned for July and September 2008. Letter was sent to Grady May, USN Remedial Project Manager. Tamar Stephens
7/10/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
10/13/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/10/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent comments on draft 2008 Monitoring Report, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites (January 20, 2009) This report presents the results of long term monitoring (LTM) sampling conducted in July and September, 2008, at these three sites at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory. Mann-Kendall statistics were used to evaluate for trends in sampling data. This report compares LTM sample results to the cleanup levels established in the Decision Documents for each site and discusses the results of the trend analysis. Letter was sent to Grady May, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
3/12/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
4/15/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent comments on a short report titled “Optimization Review – Sites 5, 12, and 13 at Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Barrow Alaska” (February 2, 2009). DEC received this report on March 17, 2009. This report evaluates the long-term monitoring programs for three sites at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL): Powerhouse Site, Airstrip Site, and the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Site. It identifies three broad issues related to frequency of sampling, monitoring wells and monitoring parameters, and natural attenuation and makes several recommendations for reducing or eliminating specific elements of the monitoring program and using the cost savings to do additional investigation to support better management of contaminant plumes or to do residual source removal. (1) The report recommends reducing the sampling frequency to one time each year instead of two times and states that a single August or September sampling event would provide a fair representation of the groundwater. DEC concurred that at present one annual sampling event would provide adequate monitoring information on these sites. Once the monitoring results indicate that a site is at or near the target cleanup levels, the sampling frequency may need to be restored to twice a year to confirm that seasonal variations in contaminant concentrations do not exceed cleanup levels. (2) The report recommends eliminating specific sampling locations from the active zone groundwater monitoring program. At the Airstrip site, WP-21 has been monitored to provide background parameters; the report concludes that it may have served its purpose in providing a benchmark for evaluating trends at the site. At the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, the report concludes that four monitoring wells could be dropped from the program: WP-07 is too far cross-gradient from signs of currently elevated contaminants of concern; and WP-04, WP-05 and WP-06 are sited to detect plume movement toward the melt water pond, but the groundwater gradient shows that groundwater moves the opposite direction. DEC concurred. (3) The report recommends consideration of doing additional source investigation for residual sources of petroleum contamination containing free-phase petroleum, using a drill rig equipped with a membrane interface probe. DEC concurred. (4) The Optimization Review Report recommends a more focused investigation into monitored natural attenuation to provide information that might support more active plume control or source management activities. DEC concurred. Letter was sent to Grady May, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
6/16/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for draft Project Plans for Long-Term Monitoring – NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. Field work is scheduled for July and September, 2009. Letter was sent to Grady May, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
7/20/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent approval letter for Final 2008 Annual Monitoring Report, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites, June 18, 2009. This report presents the results of long term monitoring (LTM) sampling and analysis conducted in July and September, 2008. Letter sent to Grady May, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
8/19/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent approval letter for final Project Plans for Long-Term Monitoring – NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm The draft work plan specified two sampling events for this summer, one in July and one in September. The final work plan reduces the sampling to one sampling event in September as recommended in a report: “Optimization Review – Sites 5, 12, and 13 at Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Barrow Alaska” (February 2, 2009). DEC reviewed the Optimization Review report and concurred with the recommendation that one annual sampling event would provide adequate monitoring information on these sites at the present time (letter from Tamar Stephens to Grady May, April 15, 2009). Approval letter was sent to Grady May, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
9/17/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
12/3/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/4/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for draft 2009 Annual Monitoring Report, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites. This report describes long term monitoring sampling activities performed during September, 2009. Final report was received on March 19, 2010. Letter addressed to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
3/18/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
6/17/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
7/16/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review and sent comments on draft Project Work, Sampling & Analysis, and Quality Control Plans – 2010 Long-Term Monitoring, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, Former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory. This work plan describes sampling and analysis of active zone water, surface water, and sediment for the long-term monitoring programs at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. In addition, the work plan includes soil sampling, consisting of samples from two depths from each of five soil borings at the Powerhouse Site, and from each of five soil borings at the Airstrip Site, to obtain data to determine the magnitude and location of petroleum compounds that may be contributing to increasing trends and exceedances in active zone water at these two sites. Field work is scheduled for summer 2010. Letter sent to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
8/6/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent approval letter for final Project Work, Sampling and Analysis, and Quality Control Plans, 2010 Long-Term Monitoring, NARL Airstrip, Former Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. This work plan describes sampling and analysis of active zone water, surface water, and sediment for the long-term monitoring programs at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. In addition, the work plan includes soil sampling, consisting of samples from two depths from each of five soil borings at the Powerhouse Site, and from each of five soil borings at the Airstrip Site, to obtain data to determine the magnitude and location of petroleum compounds that may be contributing to increasing trends and exceedances in active zone water at these two sites. Letter sent to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
10/13/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
3/14/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent comments on a draft report titled 2010 Annual Monitoring Report, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites. DEC received this report on February 8, 2011. This report describes sampling and analysis results for monitoring of active zone water, surface water, and sediment conducted during August and September 2010 for the long-term monitoring programs at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. Soil sampling was performed in addition to the usual monitoring activities, consisting of samples from two depths from each of five soil borings at the Powerhouse Site, and from each of five soil borings at the Airstrip Site, to obtain data to determine the magnitude and location of petroleum compounds that may be contributing to increasing trends and exceedances in active zone water at these two sites. Letter was sent to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager Tamar Stephens
3/17/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
5/25/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approval letter sent for final 2010 Annual Monitoring Report – NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites (April 7, 2011). This report describes sampling and analysis results for monitoring of active zone water, surface water, and sediment conducted during August and September 2010 for the long-term monitoring programs at the Barrow NARL Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. Letter was sent to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
7/5/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for draft Project Work, Sampling and Analysis, and Quality Control Plans: 2011 Long-Term Monitoring, NARL Airstrip, Former Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. This work plan describes sampling and analysis of active zone water, surface water, and sediment for the long-term monitoring programs at the Barrow Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. Field work is scheduled during August 14-31, 2011. Letter sent to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager. Letter was sent to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
8/8/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received the Final Project Work, Sampling and Analysis, and Quality Control Plans: 2011 Long-Term Monitoring for the Barrow NARL Airstrip, Former Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm on August 3, 2011. DEC previously reviewed and approved the draft plans in a letter dated July 5, 2011. Since DEC has already approved these plans at the draft stage, no further review is needed. This work plan describes plans for sampling and analysis of active zone water, surface water, and sediment for the long-term monitoring programs at the Barrow NARL Powerhouse, Airstrip, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. Field work is scheduled during August 14-31, 2011. Letter was sent to Kendra Colyar, USN remedial project manager. Tamar Stephens
10/13/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tamar Stephens attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting. Tamar Stephens
6/5/2013 Site Visit DEC Staff conducted a Site visit to observe current conditions at the site. Dennis Shepard
6/17/2014 Site Visit DEC staff attended the Barrow Remediation Advisory Board Meeting in Barrow Alaska on June 19, 2014. The Naval Arctic Reserch Laboratory (NARL) contaminated sites were discussed and recent sampling and reporting was described in detail by the Navy RPM. A major issue for the NARL sites is the continued exceedance of contaminants above decision document specified cleanup levels and migration of contamination to surface water shoreline compliance wells. DEC staff completed site visits to NARL facility sites on June 17 and 18. The NARL facility Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Site (BFTF) was inspected to investigate community reports that a strong fuel odor is present at the during spring breakup. DEC staff confirmed a strong fuel odor is associated with the gravel pad at the BFTF. DEC staff also observed the City of Barrow Boat Launch project which is adjacent to the BFTF. The dredging of sediments for the Boat Launch breakwater had already occurred. A strong fuel odor was associated with the Dredged material. DEC staff contacted the Contractor UIC Constuction/Umiaq and asked that the soil be placed on a DEC approved liner, that a sampling analysis Work plan be submitted and appropriate analytical confirmation sampling be conducted prior to moving the material. Dennis Shepard
9/11/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Carnahan and Debenham attended Barrow Restoration and Advisory Board Meeting in Barrow. John Carnahan
10/3/2014 Update or Other Action Project oversight changed from Shephard to Carnahan. John Carnahan
12/14/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved abbreviated workplan to sample stockpile associated with Barrow Boat Launch excavation of North Salt Lagoon sediments, generated by UIC. John Carnahan
12/17/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved abbreviated sampling plan for 200 cubic yard stockpile of dredged material as part of a boat launch project initiated by UIC. John Carnahan
2/26/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed and sent approval letter for Draft 2014 Annual Monitoring Report, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites. This report describes long term monitoring sampling activities performed during August 2014. Final report was received Jan 29, 2015. Letter addressed to Kendra Leibman, USN Remedial Project Manager. John Carnahan
4/2/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held Carnahan and Debenham attended Barrow Restoration and Advisory Board Meeting in Barrow. John Carnahan
5/6/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed and sent approval letter for FINAL 2014 Annual Monitoring Report, NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Sites. This report describes long term monitoring sampling activities performed during August 2014. Final report was received 30 March 2015. Letter addressed to Kendra Leibman, USN Remedial Project Manager. John Carnahan
6/25/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held Debenham attended Barrow Restoration and Advisory Board Meeting in Barrow. John Carnahan
8/6/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved Completed review and approval of stockpiled soil testing completed by UMIAQ on behalf of UIC pertaining to material excavated as part of the Boat Launch Project. Provided guidance to document placement of soil disposal and requested follow up after spreading. Copied approval letter to Navy RPM. John Carnahan
8/20/2015 Site Visit Site visit with Navy representative. Walk site and inspect wells. John Carnahan
10/7/2015 Meeting or Teleconference Held Review CA14-16 and CA16-18 JEPs. Complete State Performance Reporting. John Carnahan
12/14/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved Reviewed and commented on CRREL's UVOST Site Assessment results specific to Airstrip, Power Plant and Bulk Fuel facilities. John Carnahan
5/27/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provide review comments to pilot scale bioremediation project. John Carnahan
6/3/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approval of FINAL 2015 LTM for multiple sites. John Carnahan
6/7/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provide DEC comments for 2016 LTM for NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm; Plans for TO 32 Barrow LTM and Supplemental GW Sampling Including: Tier II UFP and SAP, and QA and EPP John Carnahan
8/12/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approval for 2016 Plans for 2016 LTM and Supplemental Groundwater Sampling for NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Including: Tier II UFP SAP, and QA and EPP. John Carnahan
9/29/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held Barrow RAB Meeting held. Debenham in attendance. John Carnahan
6/16/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provide approval on Draft LTM Annual Monitoring report for Airstrip, Powerhouse and BFTF. John Carnahan
4/17/2019 Update or Other Action Restoration advisory board (RAB) meeting held in Utqiagvik. Update provided on Umiat and others. John Carnahan
9/23/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm (BFTF) Site 13 (Site 13) – Lead Exceeding 2002 ROD Surface Soil Cleanup Level Tech Memo. This memo lays out the plans for mitigating lead contamination exceeding wildlife cleanup levels in the surface soil (up to 2 feet below ground surface). For DUs 3 through 4, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16 (lead exceeds 2002 ROD cleanup level), contaminated soil will be placed 2 feet bgs and below without requiring samples to be analyzed for TCLP lead. Approximately 100 CY of DU11 has been excavated to access contaminated soil in DU12, it is proposed that this soil also be placed below 2 feet bgs. The portion of DU11 that has not been excavated will be left in place and this soil is present between 0 and 1.5 feet bgs. Kevin Fraley
8/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Completed review of the 2020 Annual Monitoring Report, Long-Term Monitoring, Operations, and Maintenance at the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. This report detailed the long-term monitoring activities conducted during the 2020 field season. This work was conducted to assess whether geochemical indicators in the active zone water are indicative of hydrocarbon biodegradation, to evaluate contaminant levels in sediments at the BFTF site, and to evaluate progress toward achieving active zone water cleanup levels (CULs) through trend analysis and comparison with CULs. Geochemical parameters indicate that natural attenuation is occurring at varying degrees across the sites but no established degradation rates have been determined at this time. Contaminant concentrations in Imikpuk Lake surface water samples obtained from the Powerhouse and Airstrip sites reaming below CULs. One shoreline monitoring well at the Powerhouse site shows an increasing trend for DRO. Results for active zone water at the Airstrip site exceeded DRO CULs at three shoreline wells. Currently, it is unclear when the active zone water at the Airstrip site will achieve CULs via natural attenuation. At the Powerhouse site, with the exception of one well, monitoring wells had at least one contaminant above CUL. At the BFTF site, the number of monitoring wells with CUL exceedances were four. Both DRO and lead were detected in the North Salt Lagoon sediments. Kelly Walker
8/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review completed for the 2021 Tier II Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum, Long-Term Monitoring, Operations, and Maintenance at the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former BFTF sites. This work plan is for the active zone water, surface water, and soil sampling to be conducted during the 2021 field season. Active zone water and surface water samples will be collected at the Airstrip and Powerhouse sites to evaluate current contaminant levels and to determine the status of natural attenuation of contaminants through collection of geochemical indicators. Active zone water and sediment will be collected at the BFTF to evaluate contaminant levels. Kelly Walker
8/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review completed for the Former Barrow Bulk Fuel Tank Farm (Site 13) Remedial Action Report for the BFTF site. This report detailed the 2019 field activities conducted at the BFTF site. Seven landfarm cells were constructed to treat soils from four main areas of contamination at the BFTF. Approximately 4,550 cubic yards of soils were treated from the Gravel Pad Area, South Bank Area and the Turnaround Area. Partial excavation took place at the Turnaround Area due to proximity to wetlands and higher than expected water levels. The Historical Location "90" was not able to be excavated due to proximity to wetlands and high-water levels. Two analytical samples were collected at this location. DEC suggested NAVFAC revisit the use of Method One Cleanup Levels for this site as they may be overly stringent and not practical for remediation at this location. Kelly Walker
8/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review completed of the Remedial Action Work Plan for the former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. This work plan details the remedial action activities planned at the BFTF site during the 2021 field season. Work is to include construction of a landfarming cell to treat the contaminated soils from Stockpile 5B, left over from the 2019 remedial action. Additionally, Stockpile DU17 will be transported to the Oxbow Landfill at Prudhoe Bay for disposal. Sampling activities will be conducted at Historical Location "90" and the Turnaround Area to delineate the contaminated soils still present at those locations. Soil sampling will take place in December 2021 while active zone water layer is frozen. Work plan approved July 2021. Kelly Walker
12/1/2021 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71537 NARL Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. Kelly Walker
12/22/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received the responses to comments on the "Explanation of Significant Differences - Revised Remedial Goal for Lead NARL BFTF Site 13 Utqiagvik AK" dated September 2021 and comments were accepted on this date. ADEC is supportive of the proposed lead value of 124 mg/kg as the risk-based screening level (RBSL) for the Lapland Longspur, as it is within the range of the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) and the lowest-observable-adverse-effects-level (LOAEL). The lead value will be changing from the formerly established value in the Decision Document of 40 mg/kg for the American woodcock, to 124 mg/kg for the Lapland longspur. Cascade Galasso-Irish
4/11/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final 2019 Former Barrow Bulk Fuel Tank Farm (Site 13) Remedial Action Report, detailing the 2019 field activities conducted at the BFTF site, was approved on this date. The Final was provided to ADEC on March 31, 2022. Cascade Galasso-Irish
10/28/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, ADEC approved the Final Remedial Action Report Draft Former Barrow Bulk Fuel Tank Farm (Site 13) Remedial Action Former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Utqiagvik, Alaska Dated October 2022. Additional remediation is necessary at the HL90 and TAA. ADEC recommends revisiting the use of Method One Cleanup Levels for this site as they may not be practical for remediation at this location. Evaluation of applicable cleanup levels, and re-evaluation of the decision document remedy at the site will be considered during the 4th Five-Year review, to occur in 2023. If necessary, the Navy will document the new cleanup levels in an Explanation of Significant Differences (ESD) or Decision Document amendment, as appropriate. No additional remediation is planned at the site until this is complete. Cascade Galasso-Irish
12/2/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, ADEC received the final approved Explanation of Significant Differences for Lead cleanup levels at the bulk fuel tank farm. The cleanup levels were revised based on the soil screening benchmark for the regions more appropriate ecological exposure of the lapland longspur. The cleanup level was effectively revised from 40.5 mg/kg to 124 mg/kg. Cascade Galasso-Irish
12/5/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approved the Final 2021 Annual Monitoring Report, Long-Term Monitoring, Operations, and Maintenance at the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, Former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Utqiagvik, Alaska. Cleanup levels for active zone water have not yet been achieves and LTM activities will continue. Cleanup levels may need to be reviewed during the 4th Five Year Review. Additionally, ADEC approved discontinuation of sediment analysis for GRO at the BFTF, and biennial monitoring of GRO in surface water at the Powerhouse site. Cascade Galasso-Irish
8/24/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has reviewed and approved the Tier II Sampling and Analysis Plan, Long Term Monitoring, Operations, and Maintenance at the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Site for the 2023 field season. The Utqiagvik NARL Fourth Five-Year Review is not yet finalized and therefore issues and recommendations will not be incorporated into the 2023 LTM work plan. Further resolution will occur during the finalization of the Five-Year Review, to occur in 2023. Cascade Galasso-Irish
11/2/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Bulk action comment for periodic review reporting - On this date, DEC received and approved the 4th Five Year Review for the Utqiagvik NARL Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm sites. The Airstrip and Powerhouse sites are slated for a RI in the next reporting period, and the BFTF site is slated for additional Remedial Action and investigation. All three sites were determined to be are short-term protective. Cascade Galasso-Irish
5/17/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided approval for the Final 2023 Annual Monitoring Report, Long-Term Monitoring, Operations, and Maintenance at the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, Former NARL, Utqiagvik, AK Dated April 2024. Annual reporting for the former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL) facility, describes the long-term monitoring activities during the 2023 field season at the Airstrip (Site 5), Powerhouse (Site 12) and Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm (BFTF, Site 13) sites. Sarah Bernhardt
7/24/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved two sampling plans for the Former Naval Artic Research Laboratory, designated Tier I and Tier II. These sampling plans are in response to increasing contaminant levels in Imikpuk Lake. Kathleen Iler-Galau
9/4/2024 Meeting or Teleconference Held August 29 2024 Barrow RAB Navy/USAF sites DEC staff attended the annual 2024 Barrow RAB on August 29. This meeting was held in-person in Utqiagvik, AK for the first time since 2019. A virtual option was available for those not able to travel. In attendance was US Air Force (USAF), US Navy, ADEC, Galen Driscoll, Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC), North Slope Borough, Bureau of Land Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Brice Engineering LLC, and 10 community representatives. USAF presented updates for Barter Island Long Range Radar Site (LRRS), Bullen Point Short Range Radar Site (SRRS), Oliktok LRRS, Point Barrow LRRS, Point Lay LRRS, and Cape Lisburne LRRS. US Navy provided updates for Point McIntyre, Icy Cape, and the former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory. USAF and US Navy answered and addressed numerous questions and concerns raised by the public. Several questions were focused on public outreach and engagement and the economic impact of cleanup activities conducted in and around North Slope Communities. Kathleen Iler-Galau
9/9/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Waste Management Plan and Environmental Protection Plan Former Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Petroleum Investigation Former Naval Arctic Research Laboratory Utqiagvik (Formerly Barrow), Alaska dated August 2024. Kathleen Iler-Galau
12/30/2024 Cleanup Level(s) Approved DEC approved an Explanation of Significant Differences for the Airstrip, Powerhouse, and Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. This document supersedes the original Decision Document and provides more appropriate cleanup levels for the sites, considering new DEC Regulations and Ecological risk. Kathleen Iler-Galau

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