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Site Report: Campion AFS RRS Sitewide

Site Name: Campion AFS RRS Sitewide
Address: 6 Miles East of Galena, Galena, AK 99741
File Number: 860.38.004
Hazard ID: 560
Status: Active
Staff: Tim Sharp, 9074512131
Latitude: 64.705278
Longitude: -156.728889
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The former Campion AFS was built in the early 1950s and became operational in 1952. In 1983, Campion AFS was closed when the Galena AFS went online. Between 1985 and 1990, the entire infrastructure of Campion AFS was demolished. Since its closure, environmental monitoring and remedial efforts have been ongoing. Sites associated with the Campion AFS include AL908, OD001, LF004, LF005, ST007, the Former Sewer Utility Corridor, and Former Pipeline. Contaminants of concern are primarily petroleum related; however, in 2023 USAF submitted documentation of a release of AFFF. PFAS investigation is required before Site ST007 can be considered for a future closure decision.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
12/31/1981 Interim Removal Action Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = REM - Removal / Excavation). IRP Phase I - Records Search, AAC - Northern Region prepared by Engineering-Science. Identified 7 sites having potential for contamination. HARM scores ranged from 49 to 59. POL seepage from dike around bulk storage facility reported. Landfill reported to have garbage, wood, metal, plastic, construction and demolition debris, and shop wastes. Former Staff
1/1/1983 Interim Removal Action Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = REM - Removal / Excavation). Stained soils from drum and waste storage area placed in installation landfill during 1983. Former Staff
4/1/1989 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). IRP Phase II - Confirmation/Quantification, Stage I Final Report prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants. Landfill No 1. groundwater samples showed up to 350 ppb toluene and 860 ppb ethylbenzene. No organic compounds detected in soil. Spill/leak Number 1 soil samples showed up to 5970 ppm TPH. Groundwater samples showed up to 0.5 ppb benzene, 5.7 ppb sum BTEX, 0.1 ppb 1,1-dichloroethane and 3.2 ppb methyl ethyl ketone. Soil gas survey indicated > 1 acre of possible fuel contamination. Waste Accumulation Area Number 2 showed soil contamination up to 12 ppm ethylbenzene, 26 ppm toluene, 0.13 ppm chloroform, 2.5 ppm dichloroethene, 0.13 ppm trichloroethane, and 0.1 ppm TCE. Contamination appears localized. Landfill Number 2 groundwater samples showed 12 ppm TPH and up to 190 ppb toluene and 600 ppb ethylbenzene. All wells in area (300' by 150') detected at least one contaminant. Spill/leak Number 2 soil samples showed up to 4.9 ppm toluene, 1.6 ppm ethylbenzene, and 65,000 ppm TPH. Areal extent approximately 150' x 200'. Waste accumulation area Number 1 soil samples showed up to 1.8 ppm toluene, 0.5 ppm ethylbenzene, 0.11 ppm TCE, 1.3 ppm dichloroethene and 481 ppm TPH. Areal extent approximately 200' x 150'. Spill/leak Number 1 at the POL tank farm was assigned high priority status due to groundwater and surface water contamination and easy access. All other sites assigned No Further Action status. Former Staff
12/27/1990 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
4/1/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = TAS - Treatment Alternative Study (CS)). ADEC received "Test Plan and Technical Protocol for a Field Treatability Test For Bioventing" report from Air Force. Treatability Test to begin May 1, 1992. Former Staff
7/8/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Reviewed and sent comments regarding IRP Stage 3 Sampling and Analysis Plan and Work Plan for Campion and Galena AFS. Perimeter Drum site removed from this year's work season and Vehicle Maintenance Building Area added to work plan. Laura Noland
12/14/1992 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC met with Air Force representatives to discuss ongoing need for further remedial activities at the Spill site at Campion and possible no further action sites. Former Staff
12/31/1992 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Updated ranking based on summer field inspection. Former Staff
2/22/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). ADEC received Draft Remedial Investigation Report for Galena and Campion AFS. Campion site investigated was Spill/Leak Number 1. Former Staff
4/9/1993 Update or Other Action CLOS: This is a State closure of a source only at the site. ADEC agreed that Waste Accumulation Area Number 1 is a No Further Action site based on data available and depth to groundwater. Former Staff
4/9/1993 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). ADEC sent specific comments regarding further site investigation and remedial activities at Campion. Comments to be incorporated in 1993 work plan. Former Staff
1/25/1994 Site Added to Database GW and SW contamination by volatile organic and chlorinated compounds. Former Staff
3/2/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RECN - Site Reconnaissance (CS)). Reviewed Letter Report on Site Survey for Ammunition Sites at Galena AFS and Campion AFS. The survey team from the Corps of Engineers Huntsville Division could find no evidence of ordnance burial sites at Galena (1 site investigated) or Campion (2 sites investigated). One suspected site near Galena was not investigated due to high water and lack of right of entry by land owners. Laura Noland
5/27/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Staff sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. Jeff Peterson
11/22/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = CP - Closure Pending). ADEC approved no further action based on "Campion AFS No Further Action Decision" document which provided data requested in ADEC letter dated 4/9/93. Closure approved for sites: Waste Accumulation Area Number 2 (SS003), White Alice Site (OT006), Barge Landing Area (SS008). Laura Noland
11/25/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). 611th CES sent Addendum to the Work Plan for Galena and Campion AFS dated July 1993. Laura Noland
11/25/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). 611th CES sent Aquifer Test Report, dated 10/94; Addendum to the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Galena and Campion dated 7/94; and Addendum to the Work Plan for Galena Airport and Kalakaket Creek RRS dated 9/94. Laura Noland
1/4/1995 Update or Other Action 611th CES sent Draft "Human and Ecological Baseline Risk Assessment Protocol for Galena Airport and Campion AFS" dated 12/94. Due to spelling errors, second copy sent and received 1/23/95. Laura Noland
1/11/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). 611th contractor presented RI summary data for all sites investigated during 1994 field season. POL Area (ST007) will require interim remedial action. Information contained in Management Action Plan document. Laura Noland
2/1/1995 Interim Removal Action Approved ADEC provided comments on interim remedial action work plan for Site 07 as presented at MAP meeting 1/10/95. ADEC informed USAF that work plan must ensure that Water Quality standards are met and that active POL seep/source is removed. Laura Noland
1/10/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). Received Remedial Investigation Report, Volume 1, Text. Kalu Kalu
3/27/1996 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). Received Remedial Investigation Report, FINAL, Volumes 1 and 7, only. Kalu Kalu
3/21/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 8/28/95. S&W
7/31/1999 Update or Other Action ADEC received report for water and soil sampling of ST007 for field work in 1998. Results include high concentration of DRO. 1999 sampling field work includes sampling farther down gradient for migration. Patrice Buck
10/15/2002 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed Workplan from X1 to X9 to reflect presence of hazardous substances above regulatory cleanup levels. Former Staff
1/21/2003 Update or Other Action The Air Force's Remedial Process Optimization Team evaluated site in 2002 and completed sampling in the wetlands (tank farm site). Report is pending. Site is scheduled for proposed plans/decision documents in 2004. Ann Farris
10/31/2003 Update or Other Action Air Force along with Louden Tribal Council conducted community interviews Oct. 20-24 to get information on subsistence use at Campion and Galena installations. Ann Farris
12/18/2003 Update or Other Action Staff completed review of and sent a comment letter on the Screening Ecological Risk Evaluation at Campion Air Station, located five miles from Galena Airport. The Air Force concluded that there was no risk to ecological receptors from the Campion Air Station, however this conclusion was not well substantiated. Staff requested a conceptual site model and a more detailed analysis. Ann Farris
8/30/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff attended the 11th Galena Technical Project Team (TPT) meeting held in Galena. USAF and its contractors provided updates on indoor air sampling at the GAVTC Building, and ground water sampling at the Bldg 1845/1700 site. DEC’s response to the Proposed Plan for five IRP sites was discussed, and a few technical issues requiring resolution between DEC and USAF will be discussed further at the next TPT meeting. USAF and contractors provided an overview of the workplan for the planned Human Health Risk Assessment at the Galena AFS and Campion Air Station. Colin Craven
10/21/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/5/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC hosted the 12th meeting of the Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. Meeting topics included comment resolution on the draft Human Health Risk Assessment work plan for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station, the ongoing Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, implementation of Institutional Controls at the airport, and discussions on indoor air samples from the Galena Aviation Technology Center that exceeded health-based screening levels for benzene. Colin Craven
11/19/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff attended a week long meeting in San Antonio, Texas to participate in the formulation of an outline for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS). Colin Craven
1/12/2005 Update or Other Action Submitted comments to the Air Force to finalize the 2004 Site Recommendations for the upcoming Remedial Investigation report. The 2004 Site Recommendations were produced during the November 2004 meetings in San Antonio, Texas. Colin Craven
1/28/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC attended the 13th meeting of the Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. Meeting topics included a summary of the November 2004 meetings in San Antonio, the formulation of an indoor air contingency plan for the GAVTC building, and the revised schedule for the Remedial Investigation report since the acquisition of additional funding. Colin Craven
3/18/2005 Update or Other Action Comment resolution between DEC and the Air Force has been achieved on the draft Human Health Risk Assessment Work Plan for the Galena Airport and Campion Air Station. The Air Force contractors are currently finalizing the work plan. Colin Craven
4/19/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC hosted the 14th meeting of the Galena Technical Project Team (TPT) in Anchorage. Meeting topics included the indoor air sampling and screening levels for the GAVTC building, information sharing with the TPT during the Remedial Investigation report drafting, and final edits to the Human Health Risk Assessment work plan. Colin Craven
4/26/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held The Galena/Campion RAB met at the Base Headquarters on April 26, 2005. The meeting was attended by representatives of Chugach Support Services, Yukaana Development Corporation, Air Force 611th, and DEC. The community co-chair was out of town. The meeting was kept short due to the lack of attendees. Colin Craven
5/13/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC attended the 15th meeting of the Galena Technical Project Team held on base in Galena. Meeting topics included an update of the current status in the Risk Assessment Work Plan, acceptance of the Air Force’s proposal to conclude indoor air sampling at the GAVTC building, and updated site reviews based on the findings from the 2004 sampling events. Colin Craven
6/9/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 16th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
7/29/2005 GIS Position Updated Updated the database with a location of the fomer installation. Colin Craven
8/30/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 17th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. The Air Force is proposing to start remediation of the old “biopile” contaminated soils along the Campion runway in summer 2006 via landfarming. Further details should be pending by the next TPT meeting in October 2005. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/12/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held The Galena/Campion Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) met at Town Hall on October 12, 2005. The meeting was attended by representatives of Chugach Support Services, Yukaana Development Corporation, Air Force, City of Galena, Galena City Schools, KIYU (local radio), and DEC. Several of the milestones from the past year were summarized, including the current status of the risk assessment, remedial investigation, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Public Health Assessment. There was a general discussion on the Galena Technical Project Team (TPT) versus the RAB. It was generally agreed that the TPT will end once Decision Documents on the sites are signed, but that the RAB would have new found significance under base closure. No community co-chair has been selected yet to replace the outgoing co-chair. Colin Craven
10/20/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held 18th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
1/26/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 19th Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
3/7/2006 Update or Other Action DEC submitted comments on the draft Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, including comments from a contracted risk assessment review. The Air Force's proposed remedies for multiple petroleum contaminated sites include limited excavation and in-place landfarming for surface soils, and bioventing for subsurface soils. DEC agreed to these remedies, many of which have already been implemented on a pilot scale or larger, and have shown largely promising results. All sites include long-term groundwater monitoring and land use controls (LUCs) as integral components, however, it is currently under discussion which entities that will implement the LUCs after the base closes. The risk assessment review comments posed numerous questions for resolution, including unexplained exclusion of data, and potentially inappropriate use of input parameters for the Johnson and Ettinger model for evaluating the risk posed by vapor intrusion. Comment resolution on the risk assessment is scheduled for middle March, and further negotiation on the implementation of LUCs is set for April. Colin Craven
3/14/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 20th Galena Technical Project Team in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
6/20/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 21st Galena Technical Project Team in Galena. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/6/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 22nd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/17/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held 23rd Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Fairbanks. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
1/18/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held 24th Galena Technical Project Team meeting in Anchorage. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
4/28/2008 Exposure Tracking Model On Hold Sitewide record. Colin Craven
8/10/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other MMRP report reviewed and comment provided to USAF Amanda Loomis
12/15/2010 Update or Other Action Copy of ADEC comments on MMRP report resent to USAF Amanda Loomis
4/1/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Work Plan for Environmental Baseline Survey reviewed Amanda Loomis
4/6/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Proposed Plan submitted and reviewed Amanda Loomis
5/11/2011 Update or Other Action Final Work Plan for Environmental Baseline Survey received. Amanda Loomis
5/11/2011 Meeting or Teleconference Held Comment resolution meeting regarding CSE Phase II Report Amanda Loomis
5/12/2011 Update or Other Action Comments provided on proposed plan Amanda Loomis
5/12/2011 Update or Other Action Comments sent to USAF on ST007 proposed plan. Amanda Loomis
6/22/2011 Site Visit Site visit Amanda Loomis
8/12/2011 Update or Other Action Response to comments and Draft CSE Phase II Report recieved from USAF Amanda Loomis
11/7/2011 Update or Other Action DEC approval given for Revision 2 Campion Air Station MMRP Comprehensive Site Evaluation Phase II Report. Dennis Shepard
11/23/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Provide review Comments on the Draft Proposed Plan for Final Remedial Action Site ST007 Campion Air Station. Dennis Shepard
12/21/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received a Draft Environmental Baseline Survey for Campion Air Station, Campion, Alaska, December 2011. Dennis Shepard
1/27/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided comment on the 2011 Draft Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS). Dennis Shepard
6/27/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Draft Final Work Plan for Landfarming at Galena. The Landfarm facility is located at the Campion Airstrip. Dennis Shepard
4/18/2013 Site Visit A site visit was completed to look at the Campion ST007 Landfarm and excavation area. An additional site visit to the Suspected rocket range at Campion was also undertaken to make visual observations of surface features and disturbances. Dennis Shepard
10/27/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Project Activities Work Plan, Limited Site Investigation (LSI) - Sites SS002, LF004, and LF005, Campion Air Station, Alaska (August 2014). The LSI was proposed for former waste management sites SS002, LF004, and LF005 to confirm the findings reported from historic environmental studies (Woodward Clyde Corp. 1989) that supported decisions for No Further Action (NFA) at the three sites, located at the former Campion Air Station. Dennis Shepard
7/30/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Data Summary Report, Limited Site Investigation (LSI) - Sites SS002, LF004, and LF005, Campion Air Station, Alaska, July 2015. The following Actions/agreements for the Landfills are pending: •U. S. Air Force: o Surveying and monumenting of the Landfill site boundaries. o Entering the survey information into the Base Master Plan o Complete all closure, and post-closure requirements, actions and documentation pursuant to the 1999 Permit 9931-BA006, Appendix A – Specific Conditions (Section 3 and 4) and Appendix C – Asbestos Disposal •DEC Solid Waste Program: o Landfill Solid waste permits will be closed out. •DEC Contaminated Sites Program o The landfills will be entered into the contaminated sites database. Based on the Limited SI sampling results these CS sites will be closed with ICs. The sites will be subject to Monitoring and a five year review. Dennis Shepard
10/1/2018 Update or Other Action INFORMATION REQUEST: On 10/1/2018, DEC issued a letter to USAF requesting that USAF conduct a records review to determine whether AFFF was ever used or stored at the Campion RRS. Jamie McKellar
6/27/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN APPROVED: 2019 Supplemental Work Plan Campion AS Sites AP908, LF004, LF005, OD001 and ST007 (Bethel Services, Inc., June 2019) Jamie McKellar
11/21/2019 Update or Other Action USAF notified DEC that the following site has been submitted to AFCEC for validation and reopening: ED001, an MMRP site formerly associated with Galena. BRAC and FUDS cannot take the site under their programs so it will become part of the Campion MMRP sites for funding and management purposes. Jamie McKellar
11/27/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVED: Final Technical Project Report, 2017-2018 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Controls, Campion Air Station (BSI, November 2019). The report documents long-term monitoring of Sites ST007, SS002, LF004, and LF005 at the former Campion AS. The report also documents current conditions of the ICs at ST007, SS002, LF004, LF005, and AL908. Jamie McKellar
1/9/2020 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC participated in a teleconference with USAF and the City of Galena Mayor & Manager to discuss the Campion sites. USAF provided clarification about which lots will be retained by USAF and future work to be conducted at Campion. Jamie McKellar
9/11/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN APPROVAL: Final Supplemental Work Plan, 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Campion Air Force Station, Alaska – Sites AL908, LF004, LF005, ST007, and SS002 (EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC, September 2020) Jamie McKellar
9/16/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: 2019 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Campion Air Station Sites ST007, SS002, LF004, LF005, AL908, and OD001 (BSI-TLI JV, September 2020) Jamie McKellar
1/7/2021 Update or Other Action During the 2011 Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS), a former pipeline was investigated at Campion. The6-inch-diameter steel petroleum pipeline and communications cable extended from the former barge/unloading dock southeast through the wooded area to the former Campion AS through two different paths. A jeep trail ran alongside the petroleum pipeline. A former employee reported that the pipeline routinely leaked during loading and unloading and was subject to tampering by individuals who attempted to take oil from the pipeline for personal use. During the 2011 EBS, three surface samples were collected which resulted in multiple exceedances of the current migration to groundwater and human health cleanup levels. Additional investigation is needed at the former pipeline. See the 2011 Environmental Baseline Survey report for more information. Jamie McKellar
5/3/2021 Update or Other Action Based on review of the 1985 Phase I Records Review (Campion AR #2), when the Campion AFS was operational, there were two drinking water wells installed at what is now Site ST007. The wells were installed in 1969 and were 425 and 414 feet deep, respectively. Depth to groundwater was measured at 260-270 feet bgs. Jamie McKellar
6/17/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other WORK PLAN APPROVED: Campion Final Remedial Action Operation and Long Term Management Work Plan (Sites AL908, LF004, LF005, SS002, and ST007), Brice Engineering, LLC, May 2021 Jamie McKellar
1/3/2022 Compliance Advisory Letter CSP issued compliance advisory letters (CALs) to the United States Air Force, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District, and their contractor for violations of 18 AAC 75.360(3) (failure to obtain transport approval) that occurred during the 2020 field season at the former Campion Air Force Station. The CALs require submission of a corrective action plan by February 4, 2022. Jamie McKellar
7/7/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVED: Final 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control Report Campion Air Force Station, Alaska, Sites ST007, SS002, LF005, LF004, and AL908 (EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC, June 2022) Jamie McKellar
12/13/2023 Update or Other Action In November 2023, USAF submitted a draft Preliminary Assessment Report for Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Areas. The draft PA describes a former burn pit the OB/OD area. No documentation of its use exists. Prior to any request for site closure, sampling for SVOCs and dioxins must be conducted at the OB/OD burn pit area. Jamie McKellar
12/15/2023 DEC Non-Concur on Federal No Further Action Decision In November 2023, USAF submitted a Preliminary Assessment for AFFF at Campion. The scope of work for the PA was to "determine the potential for PFAS impacts from historic storage, use, or release of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) at the 21 remote USAF installations in Alaska." Based on interviews that were conducted for Campion, AFFF was stored at Campion and there was a possible fire training area at Campion. The interviewee reported that approximately 500 gallons of AFFF was stored in 5-gallon jugs on pallets near the Civil Engineering complex. He observed that the jugs were deteriorating, split, frozen and split, exposed to weather, hit by heavy equipment and snowplows. Not all but some of the jugs had leaked. Additionally, the interviewee described a potential fire training area at Campion, which consisted of a black and sooty structure built from steel tanks. As such, DEC disagrees with USAF's overall recommendation for no further action. Jamie McKellar
12/18/2023 Update or Other Action Based on the findings of the AFFF PA, a PFAS investigation is required in the location of the former Civil Engineering Complex, generally associated with Site ST007, before the site can be considered for a future site closure decision. All future site characterization activities at Site ST007 must include considerations for PFAS, specifically analytical sampling and IDW management. Jamie McKellar
10/8/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC submitted comments on the Draft 2023 Remedial Action-Operation (RAO) and Long-Term Management (LTM) Report for Campion Air Force Station (AFS) Sites AL908, LF004, LF005, SS002, and ST007. Several sites showed signs of trespassing and use as an unsanctioned firing range. Recommendations for several sites included completing the Records of Decision (RODs), and continued application and monitoring of the Institutional Controls (ICs) onsite. Tim Sharp
12/2/2024 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC approved the Final 2023 Campion Remedial Action-Operation and Long-Term Management Report on this date. Tim Sharp

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments

Control Type

Type Details


Description Details

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
27824 Campion AFS Former Sewer Utility Corridor 860.38.075
27793 Campion AFS MMRP Site AL908 860.38.073
26442 Campion AFS RRS LF004 Landfill 860.38.070
26441 Campion AFS RRS LF005 Landfill 860.38.069
552 Campion AFS RRS Pol Area ST007 860.38.007
27823 Campion AFS Former Pipeline 860.38.074
26440 Campion AFS RRS SS002 Landfill 860.38.068
27830 Galena AFS BRAC Landfarm 860.38.076

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