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Site Report: Hilcorp NS Drill Site Maintenance Pad - Shop Site (ARCO) (BPX)

Site Name: Hilcorp NS Drill Site Maintenance Pad - Shop Site (ARCO) (BPX)
Address: Eastern Operating Area, Prudhoe Bay, AK 99734
File Number: 300.38.045
Hazard ID: 588
Status: Active
Staff: Andrea Carlson, 9074515174
Latitude: 70.248654
Longitude: -148.347816
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents found beneath concrete floor of building. Contamination has affected the local groundwater. The building contained a maintenance shop, welding shop, dry cleaning facilities, and a mud room. Originally had a gravel floor which was later covered with a concrete slab. ARCO performed site investigations in 1988 and 1991. PCE, TCE, xylene, and DRO/GRO contamiantion was found in gravel and pore water.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/1/1991 Preliminary Assessment Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Site investigations performed by ARCO consultants in 1991 and 1992 revealed elevated levels of gasoline, diesel, and TPH. Halogenated solvents were also detected. Mehrdad Nadem
12/12/1992 Cleanup Plan Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). Halogenated solvents were detected in 10 borings. PCE was detected at 2800 mg/kg and TCE at 60 mg/kg in one boring. Xylene exceeded 100 mg/kg in 2 borings. Groundwater and soil was found to exceed cleanup levels for DRO and GRO. In-situ VES was proposed remedial action. Mehrdad Nadem
10/7/1993 Cleanup Plan Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Plan review completed. The remedy selection and design was previously approved by Department staff. Cleanup target levels in soil (mg/kg) are TCE 60, PCE 10, DRO 200, GRO 100, BTEX 10, and benzene 0.5. Design included VES, pad dewatering and water treatment by GAC. Scott Rose
4/8/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RARR - Remedial Action Report Review (CS)). ARCO submitted 1994 soil vapor extraction monitoring report. As of December 16, 1994, an estimated 880 pounds of contaminants had been removed by the VES and approximately 4,000 pounds of GAC had been spent. Approximately 15,800 gallons of water was generated and filtered since system startup. VOC concentrations in water have varied from 425 mg/l to less than 25 mg/l. Final concentrations in 1994 averaged 74 mg/l. Scott Rose
11/1/1995 Site Added to Database Petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. Scott Rose
11/1/1995 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Scott Rose
12/13/2001 Site Number Identifier Changed Changed Workplan from 01 to 09 to reflect presence of hazardous substances. Former Staff
1/10/2003 Update or Other Action Letter sent in response to BP's request for a NFRAP. Due to elevated levels of TCE, PCE & BTEX, DEC requests additional monitoring & characterization during 2003. Linda Nuechterlein
6/17/2004 Update or Other Action 2003 Monitoring report which was received 5/20/04 was reviewed and approved. Linda Nuechterlein
6/22/2004 Update or Other Action Petroleum hydrocarbon sheen observed at a point along the southern edge of pad. Linda Nuechterlein
8/19/2004 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approval for Monitoring & SA workplan dated 7/16/04 was emailed on August 5, 04 and approved. Linda Nuechterlein
3/17/2005 Update or Other Action 2004 SA & Annual Monitor report received. In August 2004, 5 new SB installed, & max DRO soil concentration was 946 ppm. 5 new MW installed, surface water & active layer sampling conducted in August 2004. Active layer water contaminant concentrations remain steady or decreasing near building. Concentrations increasing in MW3R. Continue to monitor active-layer water and surface water in 2005. Linda Nuechterlein
3/3/2006 Update or Other Action The 2005 Annual Monitoring Report dated Feb. 8, 2006 was received on this date Three surface water locations and six monitoring wells were sampled during August 2005. Review of the data confirms that pore water contaminant concentrations close to the shop building have remained steady/decreasing while concentrations are increasing down gradient of the edge of the pad. Surface water results indicate that surface water is not impacted. ADEC will continue to evaluate the need for implementing interim corrective action based on results of the ongoing water quality monitoring program. Linda Nuechterlein
4/5/2007 Update or Other Action The 2006 Annual Monitoring Report dated Jan. 30, 2007 was received on this date Three surface water locations and six monitoring wells were sampled during August 2006. Review of the data indicates that a contaminant source area persists, mainly beneath the DSM shop floor. Installation of a permeable reactive barrier as an interim measure is being considered by BP for this site to mitigate possible impacts to adjacent surface water. ADEC will continue to evaluate the need for implementing interim corrective action based on results of the ongoing water quality monitoring program. Linda Nuechterlein
4/5/2007 Update or Other Action ADEC lab review checklist completed by consultant. ESI has conducted independent third party data review for BP which was reported. Therefore ADEC PM not required to complete a separate QA/QC checklist for these projects Linda Nuechterlein
7/18/2007 Update or Other Action Received 2007 water quality monitoring plan for DSM Shop site. Three surface water locations and six monitoring wells will be sampled. Bill O'Connell
10/31/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ETM Ranking completed Linda Nuechterlein
1/15/2008 GIS Position Updated Position updated with Topozone Grant Lidren
7/1/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved 2007 Monitoring Report received for DSM Shop Site. Active layer water samples were collected from 6 monitoring wells and three surface water samples were collected from established monitoring locations. Active layer water samples had GRO, DRO, benzene, TCE, PCE, vinyl chloride, and cis-/trans- 1,2,dichloroethene above Table C or AWQS. DRO concentrations were highest closer to the Shop. VOC concentrations indicate reductive decholrination is occurring, however the reported concentrations are similar to those reported over the previous 14 years of sampling. Surface water samples contained DRO up to 1.06 mg/l and cis-1,2 dichloroethene was detected in one sample at 0.00676 mg/l. Neither TAH nor TAqH were exceeded in any sample. Bill O'Connell
8/13/2008 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Received Work Plan for DSM Shop 2008 investigation. Six soil borings will be sampled and completed as monitoring wells on the pad. Pore water samples will be collected from the six new wells and also 5 existing wells. Surface water and sediment will be collected from 7 new and existing sampling locations off of the pad. Based on conditions in the field, the location/number of samples may be altered. Samples will be analyzed for DRO/RRO, GRO, VOCs, and PAHs. Bill O'Connell
3/20/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2008 Site Investigation Report, DSM Shop. Eleven boreholes were advanced around the DSM Shop and completed as monitoring wells, four surface water samples were collected, and six off pad surface soil/sediment samples collected, four of them co-located with the surface water samples. Subsurface soil samples collected from boreholes did not contain contaminants above cleanup levels, however several VOCs were detected in several boreholes. The report suggests that this data indicates the mass of soil contamination that is the source of groundwater contamination remains beneath the DSM Shop building. Pad porewater samples collected from the 11 new and 6 existing monitoring wells contained petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents above Table C cleanup levels in several monitoring wells with DRO detected up to 15.1 mg/l in MW6, GRO up to 8.67 mg/l in MW2, TCE up to 0.342 mg/l in MW10 and PCE up to 1.22 mg/l in MW9. Cis-1,2-dichloroethene, trans-1,2-dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride were also detected above cleanup levels in several wells. Surface water samples contained DRO up to 2.25 mg/l, but TAH and TAqH constituents were ND. Off-pad soil samples contained DRO up to 706 mg/kg at the SW-2 sampling location. Chlorinated solvents were not detected in off pad surface water or soil samples. A review of historical monitoring well data indicates contaminant concentrations in pore water are stable or slightly decreasing and the contaminant plumes for all contaminants except DRO have been adequately delineated. Bill O'Connell
5/18/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed DSM Building and Valve Shop TCE/PCE/Benzene Vapor Intrusion Sampling report. Contaminants were not detected above detection limits using organic vapor badges and charcoal tubes, however the detection limits are above ADEC guidance levels. Bill O'Connell
7/13/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2009 Work Plan for DSM Shop. Four surface water locations will be sampled and active layer water samples will be collected from 13 monitoring wells. Bill O'Connell
7/6/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2009 Monitoring Report. Pore water samples were collected from 13 wells. Surface water samples were not collected and they will no longer be collected at this site because pad expansion activities added approximately 400 feet of gravel pad downgradient of the source area. Pore water samples contained benzene up to 0.0109 mg/l in MW-6, DRO up to 17.5 mg/l in MW-13, GRO up to 8.32 in MW-9, TCE up to 4.08 mg/l in MW-10 and PCE up to 21.4 mg/l in MW-9. The method reporting limits for several analytes including benzene, PCE, TCE and other VOCs, were elevated above Table C cleanup levels and other results are flagged as estimates. Bill O'Connell
7/20/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2011 work plan for DSM Shop Site. Porewater samples will be collected from 13 wells and analyzed for DRO, GRO, and VOCs. Bill O'Connell
8/17/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2011 monitoring report for DSM Shop Site. Pore water samples were collected from 13 wells and analyzed for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. GRO, DRO, benzene, TCE, PCE, and DCE were all detected above groundwater cleanup levels in one or more wells. GRO was detected up to 12.3 mg/l in MW-9, the only well where GRO exceeded the cleanup level. DRO was detected up to 13.0 mg/l and was above the cleanup level in 9 of the 13 wells sampled. Benzene was detected up to 0.0188 mg/l and was above the cleanup level in 7 of the 13 wells. TCE, PCE, and DCE were detected at their highest concentrations in well MW-9 with TCE at 2.02 mg/l, PCE at 12.45 mg/l and DCE at 12.8 mg/l. Monitoring results are consistent with previous results and indicate a stable plume. Bill O'Connell
5/10/2013 Update or Other Action Discrete areas of hydrocarbon contamination were noted in soil in the immediate vicinity of this site during installation of a gas line in 2012. Bill O'Connell
7/2/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Site Assessment and Water Quality Monitoring work plan for DSM Shop Site. Three boreholes will be advanced, sampled, and completed as monitoring wells, which will be sampled along with the existing wells at the site. Bill O'Connell
7/12/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of Vapor Intrusion Assessment report, dated June 8, 2013, which was conducted to determine whether TCE was present above the newly published screening levels of 8.4 ug/cubic meter in a commercial/industrial setting. Samples were also analyzed for PCE. Neither compound was detected above the LOD which were below screening levels for TCE. Keather McLoone
3/28/2014 Update or Other Action Date of receipt of 2013 RCRA Annual Report. Appendix A addresses work conducted at SWMU Project Groups to Fulfill Other Obligations and includes documenting the type of work performed during the summer of 2013 at this site. Results are to be reported elsewhere. During 2013, 3 boreholes were advanced and soil samples collected. Also, 20 monitoring wells were samples and samples analyzed for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. Keather McLoone
6/5/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of 2013 Site Assessment and Monitoring report. Three boreholes were advanced and soil samples collected (GRO/DRO/RRO,VOCs,and PAHs). Three wells were installed, developed, and sampled (GRO/DRO and VOCs). Previously existing wells were also sampled. Mann-Kendall was performed on benzene, GRO, and select VOCs. Keather McLoone
7/30/2014 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of receipt of hardcopy (email copy on 7/25/14) of Water Quality Monitoring Work Plan. The three wells installed in 2013 will be sampled (in addition to a duplicate) for GRO/DRO and VOCs. This is an extra event for these three wells and it is anticipated that an event will also take place next year as part of the biennial sampling. Keather McLoone
9/4/2014 Site Visit Keather McLoone
5/27/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date of cover letter accompanying 2014 Contaminated Site Monitoring Report. Activities included pad porewater sampling for GRO, DRO, and VOCs. Keather McLoone
7/29/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Date on Transmittal of the 2015 Contaminated Sites Water Quality Monitoring Workplan for D Pad, Service City, COTU North, COTU South, BOC Bulk Fuel Facility Utilidor, DSM Shop, PBOC Generator, MCC Fuel Island. As of 10/15/15 an approval letter hadn't been sent because ERM/BP had not yet provided the 2014 COTU South report although it has been reportedly just about ready for 2 months. Keather McLoone
9/20/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2015 Contaminated Site Monitoring Report DSM Shop Site, dated September 2016 for the BPX Drill Site Maintenance Pad - Shop Site (ARCO) site. Water samples were collected from 16 of 20 planned monitoring wells and were analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO), gasoline range organics (GRO), and volatile organic constituents (VOCs). Results were compared to Table C groundwater cleanup levels and the Alaska Water Quality Standards (AWQS). Petroleum and solvent contamination continue to exceed Table C cleanup levels and AWQS. Generally, the perimeter wells show a stable or increasing trend. Joshua Barsis
6/7/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2017 Biennial Contaminated Sites Monitoring Work Plan, dated June 2017. This work plan was prepared for the following three Contaminated Sites: 300.38.229; 300.38.254, and 300.38.045. Proposed activities generally consist of pad porewater and surface water sampling. Joshua Barsis
5/14/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the 2017 Contaminated Site Monitoring Report and 2019 Work Plan, dated April 2018 for the BPX Drill Site Maintenance Pad - Shop Site (ARCO) site. Water samples were collected from 16 of 20 planned monitoring wells and were analyzed for diesel range organics (DRO), gasoline range organics (GRO), and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). Results were compared to Table C groundwater cleanup levels. Although planned, VOC data was not collected. ADEC has several issues with the report/work plan, as discussed in the May 14, 2018 letter (see file). Joshua Barsis
7/24/2019 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed the July 24, 2019 report titled: 2018 Drill Site Maintenance (DSM) Shop Indoor Air Monitoring. Indoor air samples were collected from 10 locations inside the DSM shop for analysis of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) in September 2018. All sample results were below laboratory detection limits, however, all of the detection limits for TCE exceed ADECs established target levels for indoor air of 2.2 µg/m3. ADEC requested revisions to the report in a letter dated July 24, 2019. Joshua Barsis

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