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Site Report: Crowley Facility Port of Anchorage

Site Name: Crowley Facility Port of Anchorage
Address: 459 West Bluff Road, at Ocean Dock Road, Anchorage, AK 99501
File Number: 2100.38.321
Hazard ID: 605
Status: Active
Staff: Michael Hooper, 9074515174
Latitude: 61.231278
Longitude: -149.887556
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


This site is located on property leased to Crowley (CPD)from the Alaska Railroad Corporation (ARRC). The site has been used for bulk petroleum storage and transfer since its construction in the early 1950s. Groundwater monitoring conducted at the facility since the 1980’s has documented petroleum contamination in groundwater at several areas of the facility as a result of spills, leaks, and other releases. A risk assessment conducted in 2009 found no human health risk above benchmark criteria, with the assumption that groundwater in the shallow aquifer would not be used as a drinking water source. The site was granted a 18 AAC 75.350 determination in 2010; the groundwater is not considered a drinking water source.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/27/1983 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). Data report on observation well installation, October 13, 1983 by A.W. Murfitt Company: Installed 14 monitoring wells. Former Staff
3/16/1984 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Hydrogeologic Investigation Report, March 16, 1984, by Chevron geologist David E. Draney: indicates floating product in 6 monitoring wells encompassing > 10,000 square feet in area. Former Staff
4/11/1984 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). Chevron sent in reports of 13 monitor wells at site 8/5/88. Test results show petroleum product exists within each well. Consultant recommended that a complete set of groundwater levels and product thickness measurements be obtained for all wells at site. Suspect that hydrocarbon detected in MW-6 originates from off site source. Former Staff
8/9/1989 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Site Characterization Plan, August 9, 1989, by Chevron Environmental Engineer, M.C. Knutson. Former Staff
8/30/1989 Site Characterization Report Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Chevron sent in site assessment. Hart Crowser found 1 soil sample with .314 mg/kg tetrachloroethylene and 1 groundwater sample with .072 mg/l 1,2-dichloroethane. Highest TPH level was from MW-13A 15,900 mg/kg at 5-6.5 feet also it had the highest BTEX 1322 and 979 mg/kg at 2.5-3.5' and 5-6.5'. Former Staff
9/6/1989 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Work plan for Field Operations; Project QA/QC Plan; Site Health and Safety Plan - September 6, 1989 by Hart-Crowser. Former Staff
12/27/1989 Notice of Violation Notice of Violation/Request for Corrective Action. Letter to Chevron: need to contain/cleanup discharge of oil in an ADEC approved manner, send in workplans for identification of vertical/lateral level and extent of surface/subsurface contamination from spill, cleanup of area soil/groundwater contaminated from site activities. Ron Klein
4/17/1990 Site Added to Database Fuel and asphalt emulsion. Former Staff
2/21/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = MS - Monitoring/Sampling). Former Staff
8/1/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC approved with conditions, "Environmental Work Plan for Chevron Terminal Drainage System Upgrades." Eileen Olson
8/29/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC letter denying Chevron proposal to landspread stockpiled soils, and explanation of applicability of the proposed Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Control Regulations, Public Review Draft of Amendments to 18 AAC 75. Eileen Olson
9/9/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC letter approving groundwater handling plan. Eileen Olson
5/7/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC file review and letter requesting additional site characterization. Eileen Olson
8/20/1998 Update or Other Action ADEC review letter conditionally approving work plan for characterizing stockpile. Eileen Olson
8/9/1999 Cleanup Plan Approved ADEC letter approving re-use of contaminated soil in a lined and covered berm, with piping installed for in situ remediation. Eileen Olson
1/23/2004 Update or Other Action File number changed from CS92.07 to 2100.38.321. Sarah Cunningham
8/31/2004 Update or Other Action Received annual monitoring report via email attachment from Anamarie Neveau of Gettler-Ryan. Eileen Olson
10/5/2004 Interim Removal Action Approved Report finalized and data submitted. Approved request to backfill OWI excavation. Don Fritz
3/9/2005 Update or Other Action Issued file number 2314.38.027- Issued this file number to this site in error. File number 2314.38.027 is for the Chevron Tank Farm-Homer Site. Alyce Hughey
3/16/2005 Update or Other Action Duplicate entry. See file 2100.38.321 Chevron Facility Port of Anchorage. Aggie Blandford
8/2/2005 GIS Position Updated Updated the coordinates for the site from Addressing Matching, 100 Meter accuracy to TopoZone Pro based location. Used Figure 2, Concentration Map, Chevron Terminal #100-1415, Port of Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska in conjunction with the Anchorage Area Atlas. Used no topo basemap with Street and High-Res Urban Aerial Photo overlays, Large Size Map plotted at 1:10,000 Scale, NAD83. High degree of confidence in accuracy of plotted coordinates. Former Staff
8/2/2005 Site Number Identifier Changed Combined duplicate site Chevron Tank Farm - Anchorage, reckey 1988210102601 into this site. Former Staff
5/4/2006 Site Characterization Workplan Approved 2006 Groundwater monitoring work plan recieved and approved via email. Contractor Cambria Environmental asked to submit all future work plans in hard copy. Bill O'Connell
5/4/2006 Update or Other Action Berm sampling discontinued. Petroleum contaminated soil was used to extend the containment berm. 2003 sampling indicated highest DRO concentration was 380 mg/kg , 0.2 mg/kg benzene, 95 mg/kg GRO. Soil in berm is contained by liner material and poses no threat to HH, Eco, or GW. Bill O'Connell
10/31/2006 Site Characterization Report Approved Recieved 2006 groundwater monitoring report. DRO and/or GRO and/or BTEX detected above Table C in MW-1, MW-4, MW-5, MW-6b, MW-13a, MW-14, MW-16, and MW-18. MW-6B is located at the upgradient, eastern boundary of the property, suggesting potential on site migration from upgradient source area(s). Bill O'Connell
1/17/2007 Update or Other Action Sent letter to Chevron requesting additional characterization of the area near the old asphalt plant, across Bluff Rd from the main terminal. Bill O'Connell
3/20/2007 Update or Other Action Approved extension for additional characterization until after break-up. After Chevron completes a search for the 'missing' wells, a work plan for additional characterization will be submitted bu June 30, 2007. Bill O'Connell
4/2/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with Chevron and their consultants regarding additional characterization at the bulk fuel terminal. Activities will proceed as noted in the above entry. Bill O'Connell
7/12/2007 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Recieved work plan for additional groundwater delineation at Chevron Port of Anchorage Terminal. Two monitoring wells (MW-19r and MW-10r) will be installed east of the facility at the location of the former asphalt plant. Additionally, 3 onsite wells that have been destroyed or paved over will be replaced with MW-7r, MW-15r, and MW-16r. New wells will be developed and sampled following installation. Bill O'Connell
7/26/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Bill O'Connell
9/9/2007 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Workplan approved for additional surface soil sampling at Chevron Port of Anchorage. Samples will be collected to enhance risk assessment data and will be analyzed for DRO, GRO, RRO, VOCs, PAHs and lead. Bill O'Connell
9/12/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting today with Chevron, Flint Hills, ARRC, EPA, ADEC, consultants, and attorneys to discuss risk assessment at Flint Hills and Chevron Port of Anchorage Facilities. Risk assessment is being conducted to fulfill ARRC's obligations to EPA under the AOC. Flint Hills and Chevron will be contacting ADEC in the near future to discuss scoping of risk assessment. Bill O'Connell
10/10/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Risk Assessment scoping meeting with Chevron, Flint Hills, EPA, and ARRC. Items of discussion included soil-gas sampling, exposure pathways and a preliminary conceptual site model. Chevron will sample the runoff basin to address potential eco risk. Bill O'Connell
10/23/2007 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Recieved work plan for surface water and sediment sampling at the runoff basin. One SW and two SD samples will be collected and analyzed for DRO, RRO, PAHs, EDB, and lead. Bill O'Connell
7/1/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Additional SIte Assessment Report received. CSM and QA/QC included. Additional assessment activities were conducted to support development of the Risk Assessment and to fill data gaps at the facility. Activities included installation and sampling of monitoring wells at the former asphalt plant, surface and subsurface soil and groundwater sampling, and surface water/sediment sampling at the runoff basin. Groundwater samples contained contaminants above Table C cleanup levels in 13 of the 15 wells sampled, with DRO detected up to 51 mg/l in MW-15R, GRO up to 14 mg/l in MW-1 and benzene up to 2.1 mg/l in MW-1. Surface and subsurface soil sampling found DRO up to 960 mg/kg in surface sample C1. No other surface soil samples contained contaminants above Method Two cleanup levels. Surface water collected from the runoff basin had DRO at 1.0 mg/l. AWQS were not exceeded. Sediment samples contained DRO up to 110,000 mg/kg and benzene up to 0.5 mg/kg. Various PAHs were detected above NOAA Squirt TELs in both sediment samples. Bill O'Connell
7/1/2008 Update or Other Action Final Risk Assessment Work Plan received by ADEC. Bill O'Connell
1/20/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received 2008 Annual Groundwater monitoring Report for the Chevron Bulk Fuel Terminal. Groundwater samples were collected from 15 individual wells on two occasions in 2008. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in 11 of the 15 wells at concentrations above Table C cleanup levels including DRO up to 16.4 mg/l in MW-14, GRO up to 17.1 mg/l in MW-1, and benzene up to 1.5 mg/l in MW-1. Additionally 1,2-dichloroethane was detected above the Table C cleanup level in MW-13a and vinyl chloride was detected abov the Table C cleanup level in MW-4. Contaminant concentrations were consistent with historical trends. Bill O'Connell
8/27/2009 Risk Assessment Report Approved Reviewed Final Risk Assessment Report for Chevron Port of Anchorage Facility. The results of the RA indicate carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks below EPA benchmark criteria. The screening level ecological risk assessment did not indicate risk to receptors in contact with surface water and sediment in the runoff basin. The RA included a request for a Groundwater Use Determination under 18 AAC 75.350. Bill O'Connell
10/30/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Feasibility Study reviewed. The FS was conducted as a focused FS with limited alternatives considered based on current and anticipated future land use. The selected alternative is Institutional Controls, however implementation of the selected remedy will be done in conjunction with EPA and ARRC, as this lease property is subject to the EPA AOC in place with ARRC Bill O'Connell
12/22/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report. Samples were collected from 16 monitoring wells at the facility and DRO, RRO, GRO, or benzene was found above cleanup levels in 10 of the wells with the following maximum detected concentrations: DRO at 13 mg/l in MW-6b, RRO at 1.45 mg/l in MW-6b, GRO at 9.7 mg/l in MW-13a and benzene at 0.656 mg/l in MW-1. Results are consistent with previous data. Bill O'Connell
3/30/2010 350 Determination Groundwater Use Determintation under 18 AAC 75.350 granted by ADEC declaring the shallow aquifer in this area non-potable. Bill O'Connell
4/26/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Revised Draft Feasibility Study for Chevron Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. The primary revision is the addition of Groundwater Monitoring to Alternative #2, Institutional Controls, making the selected alternative Institutional Controls with Groundwater Monitoring. The selected alternative would provide for a deed notice, covenant, or restriction on the property so that groundwater may not be accessed as a drinking water source and include annual groundwater monitoring of a selected number of wells to monitor contaminant trends. Bill O'Connell
5/13/2010 Long Term Monitoring Established Per the Selected Alternative in the Feasibility Study, annnual groundwater monitoring will be conducted at wells MW-1, MW-6b, MW-13a, MW-14, and MW-19r. A five year review will be conducted to evaluate if the monitoring schedule is appropriate. Bill O'Connell
7/20/2010 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed work plan for well decomissioning at Chevron POA Tank Farm. Wells MW-2, MW-4, MW-5, MW-7r, MW-10r, MW-11, MW-15r, MW-16r, MW-17, MW-18, and MW-20 will be decommissioned as they are no longer needed for long term monitoring. Wells will be decommissioned in accordacne with ADEC Guidance, however wells MW-2, MW-5, MW-11, and MW-17 may be grouted in place as they are in a place where the drill rig may not be able to access them and well MW-18 will be grouted in place as it is adjacent to the railroad tracks. Bill O'Connell
4/6/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed monitoring well abandonment report for Chevron Port of Anchorage Bulk Fuel Tank Farm. All monitoring wells except those needed for periodic monitoring were decommissioned in accordance with ADEC guidance. Bill O'Connell
4/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2010 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report. Groundwater sampling was conducted at 5 monitoring wells in accordance with the 2010 ADEC approved Feasibility Study. Benzene was detected up to 0.58 mg/l in well MW-1, GRO was detected up to 8.7 mg/l in well MW-13a, and DRO was detected up to 18 mg/kg in the same well. Results were consistent with historical data. 2011 sampling is scheduled for August or September. Bill O'Connell
10/27/2011 Update or Other Action Ownership of this tank farm was transferred from Chevron to Crowley Bill O'Connell
1/11/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed October 2011 Groundwater Monitoring Report for the Crowley Tank Farm at the Port of Anchorage. Groundwater samples were collected from MW-1, MW-6b, MW-13a, MW-14, and MW-19r. GRO was detected up to 8.62 mg/l at MW-13a, DRO up to 17.6 mg/l at MW-6b, and benzene up to 0.0707 at MW-1. The results of the 2011 sampling are consistent with previous results. Bill O'Connell
1/11/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed Site Visit report for Crowley Tank Farm. The report details conditions observed during the facility upgrade project, which included the removal or abandonment of out-of-service pipelines, conduit, pumps, etc. During the removal of a former pump house located adjacent to tanks 9, 11, and 12, stained soil with a hydrocarbon odor was observed below the former pump house, and also in a second excavation nearby. These areas will be below the secondary containment liner once the project is completed. No further excavation or remediation is anticipated for these areas at this time. Bill O'Connell
2/12/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Reviewed 2012 groundwater monitoring report for Crowley Port of Anchorage Terminal. Five wells were sampled, GRO was detected from 1.27 mg/l up to 6.52 mg/l, DRO was detected from 1.41 mg/l to 10.1 mg/l, and benzene was detected from 0.00159 mg/l to 1.12 mg/l. Additionally, MW-13A contained RRO at 1.55 mg/L and ethylbenzene at 1.04 mg/L. Contaminants above cleanup levels were detected in each of the wells sampled. Contaminant concentrations appear stable when compared with previous results. Bill O'Connell
1/23/2014 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the October 2013 Groundwater Monitoring, 459 West Bluff Drive submitted by Shannon & Wilson dated January 3, 2014. Monitoring wells MW-1, MW-6B, MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R were sampled. The depth to groundwater was 6.49 ft. bgs at MW-1 to 23.40 ft. bgs in MW-6B, which is located furthest up gradient. Groundwater flowed to the west. Depth and flow of groundwater is consistent with historical data. Six groundwater samples collected contained GRO from 2.31 mg/L to 7.15 mg/L, DRO from 2.85 mg/L to 11.3mg/L, and benzene from 0.00731 mg/L to 0.663 mg/L. Additionally, MW-13A contained RRO at 1.48 mg/L and ethylbenzene at 0.917 mg/L. Contaminants above cleanup levels were detected in each of the wells sampled. A hydrocarbon odor was noted in all the monitoring wells except MW-1. Grant Lidren
3/19/2014 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting held with S&W and Crowley on this date to discuss Spring field effort. Grant Lidren
10/6/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On this date, ADEC approved the Revised Work Plan Port of Anchorage Terminal Replacement of North Parking Lot Catch Basin and Valve Pit E Connector Pipe submitted by Weston and dated September 26, 2014. Grant Lidren
1/22/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the October 2014 Groundwater Monitoring, 459 West Bluff Drive submitted by Shannon & Wilson dated January 3, 2014. Monitoring wells MW-1, MW-6B, MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R were sampled. Groundwater flowed to the west. Depth and flow of groundwater is consistent with historical data. Six groundwater samples collected contained GRO from 0.641 mg/L to 5.56 mg/L, DRO from 0.219 mg/L to 11.2 mg/L, and benzene from 0.00498 mg/L to 0.214 mg/L. Additionally, MW-13A contained RRO at 1.47 mg/L and ethylbenzene at 0.739 mg/L. Contaminants above cleanup levels were detected in each of the wells sampled. A hydrocarbon odor was noted in all the monitoring wells except MW-1. Grant Lidren
3/6/2015 Update or Other Action Approximately 20 tons of soil from the POA excavation was disposed at ASR on March 6, 2015. Following the excavation activities in November, 1,193 gallons of groundwater were removed and disposed by Emerald Alaska. Grant Lidren
3/24/2015 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On this date, ADEC approved the Work Plan for Soil Sampling, 459 West Bluff Drive, submitted by Shannon & Wilson and dated March 19, 2015. Soil samples will be collected from the area where four new tanks are proposed to characterize soil prior to excavation activities. Grant Lidren
4/2/2015 Site Visit On this date, the Contaminated Sites Program met on site with CPD and Industry Preparedness Program. The Contaminated Sites Program areas of interest included: Valve Pit E and the area where the new tanks 32, 33, 34, and 35 are proposed to be located. Grant Lidren
5/7/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the Analytical Summary Report; CPDA Anchorage Bulk Fuel Terminal Port of Anchorage submitted by Weston, dated May 7, 2015. During replacement of the north parking lot catch Basin and Valve Pit E Connector Pipe, contaminated soil was excavated and soil samples were collected. Clean overburden was excavated 3 feet bgs and set aside for backfill and 20.59 tons of contaminated soil excavated 3 to 6 feet bgs was transported to ASR for thermally remediation. The final dimensions of the excavation was 19 ft by 17ft by 6 ft deep. A total of six soil samples were collected from the excavation. Only one soil sample out of three collected at 3.5 feet bgs contained DRO at 264 mg/kg. Three soil samples collected at 6 feet bgs contained benzene up to 0.264 mg/kg and DRO up to 535 mg/kg. After samples were collected the pipe was replaced and the excavation was capped with clean fill. Repavement of the area is planned for the summer of 2015. Grant Lidren
5/29/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the Soil Sampling 459 West Bluff Drive Report dated May 2015 submitted by Shannon & Wilson. Four borings, PB-1 through PB-4, were advanced to a depth of 12 feet bgs in the center of the four proposed new ASTs 32, 33, 34, and 35. A hydrocarbon odor was noted in the top 4 feet of PB-1 (new tank 33) and throughout the PB-3 boring (new tank 34). GW was encountered at 9 feet bgs in boring PB-4 but not in the other three borings. Only boring PB-3 contained petroleum constituents above MACs ingestion and inhalation cleanup levels with a soil sample collected 2 to 3.5 feet bgs containing GRO at 2,440 mg/kg J+. Grant Lidren
10/29/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Contaminated Sites Program (CSP) received and reviewed the Soil Handling Plan Anchorage Tank Farm Expansion Project, 459 West Bluff Drive submitted by Shannon & Wilson and dated October 2015. The CSP has no objections to the Work Plan and CPD may proceed. Grant Lidren
10/29/2015 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On this date, ADEC approved the transport of contaminated soils to ASR Grant Lidren
6/21/2016 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved From 3/31/16 to 4/1/16, ASR received 3025.13 tons of petroleum impacted soil from the tank farm upgrade project. Grant Lidren
10/11/2016 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved From 7/25/16 to 8/22/16, ASR received 456.22 tons of petroleum impacted soil from the tank farm upgrade project. Grant Lidren
10/20/2016 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the November 2015 Groundwater Monitoring, 459 West Bluff Drive submitted by Shannon & Wilson dated January 3, 2014. Monitoring wells MW-1, MW-6B, MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R were sampled. Six groundwater samples collected contained GRO from 1.10J+ mg/L to 3.54J+ mg/L, DRO from 0.0531J mg/L to 5.76 mg/L, RRO from 0.319J to 1.21 mg/L, benzene from 0.00361 mg/L to 0.766 mg/L, ethylbenzene from 0.0193 mg/L to 0.361 mg/L and xylenes from 0.0506 mg/L to 0.486 mg/L . Contaminants above cleanup levels were detected in each of the wells sampled. A hydrocarbon odor was noted in monitoring wells MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R. A sheen on purge water was noted from MW-1 and MW-6B. Groundwater flow was to the west. Grant Lidren
11/15/2016 Meeting or Teleconference Held On this date, ADEC attended a meeting with CPD and S&W. The Groundwater will be sampled biennially. The groundwater will be sampled in 2017 and again in 2019. The groundwater will be analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, BTEX, and PAHs. Grant Lidren
5/3/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has received and reviewed the Work Plan for Soil and Groundwater Sampling, 459 Bluff Road submitted by Shannon & Wilson and dated May 3, 2017. ADEC has no objections to this work plan and Shannon and Wilson may proceed. Grant Lidren
5/9/2017 Update or Other Action On this date, MW-1 was inadvertently removed during the tanks farm construction project. Grant Lidren
6/16/2017 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the Environmental Management Plan 459 Bluff Road dated June 2017 submitted by Shannon & Wilson. Six soil borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 15.5 feet bgs with two completed as temporary MWs. One soil sample was collected from each borehole generally with the top 5 feet from the smear zone above the GW interface. The soil samples contained 13 petroleum constituents above MTG cleanup levels with some above human health cleanup levels. The groundwater samples contained 16 petroleum constituents above table C groundwater cleanup levels. Grant Lidren
10/2/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, ADEC approved the 2017 biennial sample event. GW samples will be collected from Wells MW-6B, MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R. MW-1 presumably has been destroyed during site construction activities and will be removed from the sampling program. All samples will be tested for GRO, DRO, and RRO. Samples from Wells MW-6B, MW-14, and MW-19R will also be tested for BTEX. The most highly impacted well, MW-13A, will also be tested for VOC and PAH. Samples will be conducted using a low-flow submersible pump and otherwise in accordance with previous work plans approved for this site. Grant Lidren
4/13/2018 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the November 2017 Groundwater Monitoring, 459 West Bluff Drive submitted by Shannon & Wilson dated March 29, 2018. Monitoring wells MW-6B, MW-13A, and MW-19R were sampled. MW-14 was frozen and could not be sampled. Four groundwater samples collected from the three MWs including duplicate contained GRO from 0.697J+ mg/L to 3.43 mg/L, DRO from 1.59 mg/L to 29.1 mg/L, RRO from 0.338J to 2.07 mg/L, benzene from 0.0192 mg/L to 0.0669 mg/L, ethylbenzene from 0.0142 mg/L to 0.19E mg/L, xylenes from 0.0403 mg/L to 0.38 mg/L, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene up to 0.1 mg/L, and naphthalene up to 0.0776 mg/L . Contaminants above cleanup levels were detected in each of the wells sampled. A strong hydrocarbon odor was noted in the three monitoring wells sampled. Flow was to the west. Grant Lidren
6/11/2019 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC received the 2019 ML&P 35KV Feeder Loop Project Port of Alaska submitted by R&M and dated June 11, 2019. A powerline will be installed through or adjacent to three contaminated sites: MOA Port of Anchorage, Crowley Facility Port of Anchorage, and the Port of Alaska - Former Defense Fuel Support Point. The work plan details: construction practices for soil handling, groundwater and surface water handling; and investigation methods. Work to be completed during the summer of 2019. Grant Lidren
8/5/2019 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved On this date, ADEC approved the transport of 50 cubic yards of contaminated soil to ASR for thermal remediation. This soil was generated during repair and replacement work on the stormwater system from damage sustained after the November 2018 Earthquake. Grant Lidren
9/30/2019 Site Characterization Workplan Approved On this date, ADEC approved an amendment to the sampling suite for the 2019 field work. Groundwater samples from Wells MW-6b, MW-13a, MW-14, and MW-19Rwill be analyzed for gasoline range organics (GRO) by Alaska Method 101 (AK 101), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260C, diesel range organics (DRO) by AK 102, and residual range organics (RRO) by AK 103. In addition, the samples from Well MW-13A and duplicate sample will also be analyzed for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA Method 8270D selective ion method (SIM). Grant Lidren
2/6/2020 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the October 2019 Groundwater Monitoring, 459 West Bluff Drive submitted by Shannon & Wilson dated November 13, 2019. Monitoring wells MW-6B, MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R were sampled. Five groundwater samples collected from the four monitoring including duplicate contained GRO up to 4.09J+ mg/L, DRO up to 8.27 mg/L, RRO up to 1.11 mg/L, benzene up to 0.0113 mg/L, ethylbenzene up to 0.333 mg/L, xylenes up to 0.367 mg/L, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene up to 1.2 mg/L, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene up to 0.393 mg/L and naphthalene up to 0.230 mg/L. Contaminants above cleanup levels were detected in each of the wells sampled. MW-19 R was the most contaminated for GRO, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, and naphthalene. MW-6B was the most contaminated for DRO and benzene. MW-13A was the most contaminated for RRO, ethylbenzene and xylenes. MW-14 was the least contaminated well. A hydrocarbon odor was noted in all four monitoring wells sampled. Groundwater flow was to the west. Grant Lidren
11/4/2020 Update or Other Action DEC met with Crowley to discuss infiltration of contaminated groundwater into the leak detection system of Tank #34. Crowley is working with DEC's Prevention and Preparedness Program to address the breach. The water in the leak detection system was sampled and found to contain benzene at similar concentrations to the contaminated groundwater at the site. Crowley is currently pumping the groundwater out of the system, containerizing, and disposing of it at U.S. Ecology. Janice Wiegers
11/25/2020 Update or Other Action Notified by the Municipality of Anchorage in a letter dated 11/19/2020 that contaminated groundwater associated with this site and the site Tesoro Ocean Dock Terminal - Port of Anchorage (Haz ID 1473) appears to be getting into the stormwater system. The MOA is working with these parties to repair the drains. Janice Wiegers
2/22/2021 Update or Other Action ADEC Requested a work plan by March 22, 2021 in coordination with the MOA to remediate the continued release of contaminated groundwater to MOA's storm drain system and prevent migration to surface water. Request was concurrently sent to Tesoro Ocean Dock Terminals (Hazard ID: is 1473). Jamie Grant
5/11/2021 Offsite Soil or Groundwater Disposal Approved ADEC approved a request to transport, treat, and dispose of 10 gallons of purge water (IDW) from MW13 at US Ecology (Viking Drive Facility). Jamie Grant
6/10/2021 Update or Other Action MOA Submitted additional sampling data to better understand storm drain infiltration. Analytical data indicates that COCs detected at MH-74 along Ocean Dock Road and (upstream of original contamination discovered at MH-26), were all below action levels. Where storm drains along West Bluff Drive and Ocean Dock Road intersect, MH-26 was sampled and the benzene concentration was 29.2 ug/L. Continuing downgradient along Ocean Dock Road, MH-28 was sampled and the benzene concentration was 109 ug/L (previous results were 120 ug/L). The section of the storm drain that originates from Government Hill and runs along West Bluff Drive was also evaluated at MH-32 and MH-197 where benzene concentrations were 6.67 ug/L and 5.07 ug/L. Jamie Grant
6/29/2021 Update or Other Action DEC received a independent investigation report for MOA storm drain infiltration and a letter from Crowley Attorney. The letter indicated that Crowley would not be conducting additional work related to infiltration on the Crowley leasehold at this time; That Crowley staff will make themselves available as may be warranted to meet with the staff of POA, MOA and others who need to do additional investigative work and share pertinent information; If new information or analysis evidence Crowley leasehold as a source, Crowley will respond appropriately; and that Crowley does not plan to conduct additional investigation into the MOA storm drain contamination at this time. Jamie Grant
8/18/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On July 20, 2021, Shannon and Wilson submitted a Biennial Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan. Samples collected from monitoring wells MW-6B, MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R will be analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons and VOCs. ADEC has reviewed and approved this work plan. Jamie Grant
12/2/2021 Site Characterization Report Approved On this date, ADEC received the 2021 Biennial Groundwater Monitoring report, submitted by Shannon & Wilson. Monitoring wells MW-6B, MW-13A, MW-14, and MW-19R were sampled in September 2021. The following parameters exceed the ADEC Table C cleanup levels in one or more wells: GRO in Well MW-19R (4.18mg/L); DRO in all samples (1.98-30.9mg/L); RRO in Wells MW-6B and MW-13A (1.76-2.21mg/L); Benzene in Wells MW-6B and MW-13A (0.00640-0.0133mg/L); Ethylbenzene in Wells MW-6B, MW-13A, and MW-14 (0.0169-0.102mg/L); 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene in Wells MW-6B, MW-14, and MW-19R (0.254-0.897mg/L); 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene in Wells MW-6B, MW-14, and MW-19R (0.0626-0.297mg/L); and Naphthalene in all wells sampled (0.00917-0.317mg/L. Groundwater flow was to the west. Jamie Grant
11/30/2023 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Approved work plan for continued GWM from four monitoring wells at the Crowley POA facility. Michael Hooper
3/7/2024 Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review Reviewed GWM report. Contaminant concentrations are similar to previous events. Issued letter recommending continued GWM on a biennial basis. Michael Hooper

Contaminant Information

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Hazard ID Site Name File Number
26258 Port of Anchorage ABI Cement Terminal 2100.38.246

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