Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
11/1/1982 |
Update or Other Action |
Recoverable, Reclaimable and Waste Petroleum Product Management Plan 19-14. Any accident or spill located near the water gallery area was to be considered higher priority because of potential for contaminating the base water supply. |
Former Staff |
9/1/1984 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
Installation Restoration Program, Phase I Records Search, 5073rd Air Base Group, Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska (dated September 1984) was prepared by JRB Associates. The water gallery uses four horizontal infiltration collectors to intercept the shallow groundwater that seeps from the peat layer to the shallow unconfined aquifer. Two auxiliary wells were used to supplement the water gallery supply. Water quality is subject to seasonal variations but all within established EPA drinking water standards. |
Former Staff |
11/22/1985 |
Update or Other Action |
Shemya Air Force Base Trip Report by CH2MHILL. Met with Sargent Macinturf and Sargent Kathy Wolff, who are responsible for the operation of the island water supply. Said they periodically pump the two backup wells and have the water tested. Report that no test results have ever indicated diesel contamination of the gallery or bedrock water supplies. |
Sammi Castle |
6/1/1986 |
Update or Other Action |
Phase II - Task I Presurvey Report, Shemya Air Force Base and King Salmon Air Force Station. The drinking water was noted to be at risk for contamination from many sources. The base power plant was listed as the highest potential threat for contamination, given the good hydraulic communication between the surface and subsurface aquifers and the location of the groundwater flow divide on the island. The sanitary sewer line also across the water gallery, so failure of the line could have immediate and detrimental effects to the water quality. Frequent earthquakes can also increase the potential for contamination. An earthquake in 1975 was noted to have temporarily incapacitated the infiltration gallery. |
Former Staff |
7/29/1988 |
Update or Other Action |
Installation Restoration Program, Stage I Workplan, Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska. Prepared by CH2M Hill. Main focus for the Water Gallery was to determine nature and extent and possible threats to human health by suspected contamination. Infiltration gallery built in the early 1950s. Water comes from four horizontal collectors that intercept water from the peat aquifer. Two supplementary groundwater wells are available. |
Former Staff |
8/29/1988 |
Update or Other Action |
Comprehensive Plan, Shemya Air Force Base. Prepared by TRA/FARR and Dowl Engineers. For the Water Gallery, it focuses on minimizing disturbances to the area. Move MAC functions and road and grounds maintenance functions out of the watershed area and closer to the airfield. |
Former Staff |
9/9/1988 |
Update or Other Action |
Installation Restoration Program, Stage I Quality Assurance Project Plan, Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska. For the Water Gallery, it focuses on determining the nature and extent of contamination. |
Former Staff |
10/17/1988 |
Update or Other Action |
Trip Report, Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska. Memorandum by Clare Jaeger (COE) summarizing the contamination discovered during soil and water sampling on October 6, 1988. To protect the watershed that serves the gallery, soil investigations at Hangar 4, Power Plant, and Sample Wells 4 and 29 were conducted. |
Former Staff |
3/30/1989 |
Update or Other Action |
Water System Upgrade, Phase II (Power Plant, DOD Anders, Hangar 4), POL Contamination Investigation, Shemya AFB, Alaska. Memorandum by Thomas Delwyn (COE) summarizing a May 1989 investigation. Declares that Power Plant, D.O.D Anders, and Hanger 4 are all on a common watershed and represent a direct threat to Shemya's drinking water supply. |
Former Staff |
6/6/1989 |
Update or Other Action |
FY-89 Diesel Storage Tanks (Schedule A), Add to and Alter Water System (Schedule B), Shemya AFB, POL Contamination. Memorandum by Dennis Hardy (COE) discussing the identification of additional POL contamination in soil and groundwater in the areas of diesel tanks 124 and 125, the POL pumphouse near tank 123 and the water gallery. |
Former Staff |
7/6/1989 |
Update or Other Action |
POL Contamination Investigations at Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska, 25 April through 3 June 1989. Memorandum by Thomas Delwyn (COE). Discusses the amount of contamination at the site of a proposed sump/pumphouse for the Water Gallery. Several active sources of POL products around the Water Gallery. |
Former Staff |
9/21/1989 |
Update or Other Action |
Water System Phase II, (Water Gallery), POL Contamination Investigations at Shemya AFB, Alaska Memorandum prepared by Thomas Delwyn summarizing an investigation conducted at the Water Gallery in May and June 1989. 11 borings drilled, and the major volatile contaminant in the water is Trichloroethene. Recommends the testing of all fill to be placed in watershed as being free of POLs. |
Former Staff |
8/10/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
Installation Restoration Program Stage 1 Final Technical Report prepared by CH2MHILL. Primary concentration of piezometers is in the Water Gallery area. Prior to collecting a GW sample, each well was surveyed to ascertain the presence of organic vapors. Several wells indicated organic vapor concentrations up to 48 ppm. TPH in the piezometer near the Water Gallery. |
Sammi Castle |
9/14/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
Installation Restoration Program Stage 2 Final Work Plan submitted by CH2MHILL. Imminent threat to the infiltration gallery is the detection of TPH in the water gallery area. Seven new monitoring wells are proposed in the vicinity of the water gallery. A TPH level of 30 mg/l from MW AP-31 during Stage 1 investigation indicated a potential for Water Gallery contamination. |
Sammi Castle |
2/20/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Report of Analysis. Analytical results for TCE in the groundwater. Results are 4.0, 4.2, and 3.2 micrograms/liter. |
Sammi Castle |
3/19/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Report of Analysis & Interim Action Work Plan for Contaminated Soils Cleanup at the Infiltration Water Gallery. TCE results are 2.7, 3.0, 2.6, and 4.1 micrograms/liter. Interim Action Work Plan states that a backhoe will be used to excavate trenches and the soils field screened to isolate the source of contamination. |
Sammi Castle |
4/24/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Letter received from the Department of the Army concerning Phase II of the water system upgrade. The phase II upgrade will: 1) rehabilitate existing base water gallery by replacing collector piping, construct new collection sump and sheet pile cutoff wall; 2) install automatic controls and raw water line from existing wells No. 4 and No. 29 to the existing treatment plant; 3) install temporary granular activated carbon water treatment units at wells 4, 29. |
Sammi Castle |
5/1/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Critical Resource Protection Plan, Water Gallery, Shemya AFB. Activities include upgrading the Water Gallery with a filtration and/or treatment system, restrict facility development near watershed area, controlling surface water runoff from existing facilities, upgrade existing storage tanks, remove/reroute existing 6" sanitary sewer line, restrict vehicle traffic carrying hazardous materials. |
Dan Hartung |
6/25/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Site Summaries for Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska Installation Restoration Program. Data collection efforts will be focused on selection monitoring location for contaminants of concern at the Water Gallery site. |
Dan Hartung |
7/26/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Notice of Violation / Request for Corrective Action letter to 5099th CEOS Air Force (Captain Kenneth Brown, Chief of Environmental Contract and Planning Section) from ADEC (Ron Klein, Manager of Regional Contaminated Sites) regarding numerous sites, among them the Drinking Water Infiltration Gallery. Says that the sties are currently causing pollution releases to the lands and waters of the state and represent numerous violations of multiple sections of Alaska Statutes Title 46. The Air Force response letter is dated August 29, 1991. ADEC letter dated September 23, 1991 serves as a formal notification that the terms of the NOV were satisfied. |
Dan Hartung |
10/4/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Field Investigation Plan, Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska (2 volumes). Objective of the investigation for the Water Gallery is to determine degree of significant contamination. TCE is being consistently detected at concentrations up to 4 micrograms/liter. An actual TCE source has not been identified. |
Dan Hartung |
12/12/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Drinking Water at Shemya Air Force Base. Prepared by Captain Kenneth J. Brown, Air Force 5099 CEOS/DEEP. Chlorination at the Water Gallery pumphouse is fully automated, while chlorination at the treatment plant is controlled by operators. Eliminated all construction in watershed and all activities in the vicinity of the Water Gallery. |
Dan Hartung |
3/31/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
Memorandum on the Field Operation for the 1992 Field Season on Shemya Air Force Base. Potential action at the Water Gallery includes soil and groundwater remediation. Plans for Water Gallery modification to begin in 1992. Will be sampling laterals within the Water Gallery, installing up to 100 drive points to define Water Gallery site area, and collect up to 25 surface samples. |
Dan Hartung |
4/1/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
Water Treatment Facility submitted by ENSR. (Water Treatment Facility Design Alternatives submitted May 1992). Water supply at Shemya AFB contains TCE at concentrations near 5ppb as well as 1,1-dichloroethane, benzene, and 1,1,1,-trichloroethane at lower concentrations. Purpose of the treatment facility is to remove TCE from the water. |
Sammi Castle |
5/1/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
Analysis of Water Treatment Facility Design Alternatives dated May 1992. Includes a list of alternatives for removing VOCs from the water supply, including air stripping, GAC filtration, GAC filtration with on-site carbon regeneration, and air stripping followed by GAC filtration. |
Sammi Castle |
6/1/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter containing comments that pertain to CH@M Hill Memorandum on the Field Operation for the 1992 Field Season on Shemya Air Force Base, March 31, 1992. Letter dated June 1, 1992. In reference to the Water Gallery states that the use of monitoring wells and well points seems to be directed at two separate objectives: investigation of TCE contamination and screening the water table for groundwater characterization for contamination from LNAPLs. Due to unknown source of the TCE, the investigation should adopt a multi-level investigative approach. |
Sammi Castle |
6/22/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
Batelle letter 'RESPONSE TO YOUR COMMENTS ON THE "FIELD MEMORANDUM"'. Says the investigation at the water gallery is designed to determine the source of the TCE contamination. Location of the source will be obtained by tracking the contamination at the water intakes, back upgradient until the source is found. |
Sammi Castle |
9/1/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
Trichloroethylene Investigation in Shemya Water Gallery. Letter from 673 CES/CC to Jennifer Roberts (ADEC) transmitting an interim action workplan for contaminated soils cleanup at the infiltration Water Gallery. Describes the removal action of soils at the Water Gallery. |
Ray Burger |
2/1/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
Shemya Air Force Base, Alaska 1992 Installation Restoration Program Field Investigation Report, prepared by CH2M Hill; report finalized in February 1993 (4 volumes). Investigation at the Water Gallery includes surface sampling, well point, monitoring wells, geophysics, and surveying. Future action includes water treatment to remove TCE. |
Ray Burger |
5/20/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
Status of Shemya Air Force Base in Relation to Proposal for the National Priorities List. Considerations include groundwater levels of TCE that may pose an unacceptable risk to Base personnel. |
Ray Burger |
6/28/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
USAF letter to the EPA, dated June 28, 1993. States that the Air Force has taken the following steps to ensure quality of the base drinking water supply: a) Watershed Protection Plan; b) continues a quarterly sampling program to determine TCE concentrations; c) completed risk analysis; d) completing design of water treatment system to remove TCE; e) will implement expanded monitoring program to determine levels of TCE. |
Sammi Castle |
7/1/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
Site Investigation Report, Shemya AFB, Alaska. Prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants. Five surface soil samples collected upgradient of the Water Gallery. Also, five subsurface samples collected near the water gallery infiltration collector pipes. Analyzed for TCL/TAL compounds. One target sample from inside the Water Gallery, and two samples from MWs installed at Water Gallery site. |
Ray Burger |
8/10/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
Summary update on Eareckson AS. Lead and Copper Drinking Water Sample Results. Developing a plan of action for water treatment at Eareckson AFS because lead and copper levels exceeded action levels. Lead and copper levels have not increased, but EPA action levels have become more stringent. |
Sammi Castle |
9/24/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
USAF provides a schedule for the Air Stripper Program at the Water Gallery. |
Sammi Castle |
9/30/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
Meeting minutes with USAF on the air stripper project. The project is designed to upgrade the existing water system with a vapor volatile organic compound removal process unit. Unit will consist of off-the-shelf equipment for the air stripper, the pumps, the heating/ventilation system. |
Sammi Castle |
12/1/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
Eareckson Air Force Station (formerly Shemya AFB, Alaska) 1993 Installation Restoration Program Basewide and Limited Source Investigation Workplan. Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group. Source of TCE not determined. Developing design plans for an air stripper at the Water Gallery. |
Ray Burger |
1/4/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
EPA submits comments on the Eareckson air stripper project. Saying that submittal does not include information on; a) testing the unit after installation; b) criteria for putting the air stripper online; c) monitoring performance on a routine basis; d) maintenance activities. |
Sammi Castle |
3/23/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
USAF fax concerning the air stripper installation. Says the historical maximum for TCE in the groundwater is 30 micrograms/liter. Typical concentrations actually appearing in the groundwater ranging from 1-2 micrograms/ liter. |
Sammi Castle |
3/24/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
EPA fax concerning the air stripper project. Comments include: after putting eh air stripper project online, continue sampling for several more days, then progressing to weekly sampling, monthly sampling, and eventually, quarterly monitoring. Submit an "action report" in late April or early May. |
Sammi Castle |
4/1/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Draft (Volume I of III) Eareckson Air Station, Alaska, Informal Technical Information Report Site Characterization Summary Report 1993 Field Program. To the north of the water gallery, boring MW52 was advanced. Alternating layers of peat and sand were encountered. Depth to groundwater in the water gallery area ranges from 3.6 to 15.6 feet bgs, and averages 9.6 feet bgs. In general, groundwater flow is to the south. |
Sammi Castle |
5/3/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter granting conditional approval for the construction of the water system improvements. Approval is given upon the requirement for altering the proposed ventilation system in the chlorine room. The collection point for the ventilation system must set at the bottom of the chlorine room. |
Sammi Castle |
6/15/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Air Strippers were installed at the Water Gallery to remove TCE to non-detectable levels in the drinking water. |
Ray Burger |
9/1/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Draft Remedial Action Report for Groundwater TCE Removal Action at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. From 1988 through 1992, twenty-two samples were collected from the Water Gallery Sump and analyzed. TCE detected in the water ranged from less than 0.5 micrograms/liter to a maximum of 5.5 micrograms/liter. Average TCE levels detected during this time period was 3.1 micrograms/liter. |
Sammi Castle |
9/14/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Meeting minutes between Jacobs Engineering, USAF, and ADEC. As long as people are on the island, the air stripper must stay online. Risk assessment for this source area should reflect that the air stripper is the final remedy. Technically there are not completed pathways for risk as the stripper treats all groundwater. |
Sammi Castle |
10/17/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
EPA comments on the Eareckson Air Station Remedial Action Report. States that in genera, the draft Remedial Action Report satisfactorily documents the installation of the Eareckson air stripper. Additional comments are intended to improve the clarity of certain sections of the report. |
Sammi Castle |
12/15/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Remedial Investigation, Workplan and Sampling and Analysis Addendum, 1994 Field Season, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (formerly Shemya AFB, Alaska). Prepared by Jacobs Engineering Group. Wells in the Water Gallery will be sampled, and one will be selected for fixed laboratory analysis for VOCs. |
Ray Burger |
1/15/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
Remedial Action Report for Groundwater Trichloroethylene Removal Action at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (formerly Shemya Air Force Base). Prepared by Martin Marietta for the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Hazardous Waste Remedial Actions Program. The document describes the installation of the low profile air stripper at the water gallery (OT048). |
Ray Burger |
2/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
Community Relations Photo Notebook; Remedial Investigations, Feasibility Studies and Remedial Actions. Provides details on the water treatment system at Eareckson AS, including the installation of air strippers to reduce TCE. |
Ray Burger |
2/15/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
IRP Site ST46 - Abandoned Tank Farm (NW) Remove Abandoned Pipelines - Pipeline 1 and 2 Work Plan. Water from the shallow aquifer appears to be slightly alkaline, moderately hard, with relatively high chloride content, and can be classified as sodium calcium bicarbonate type. Host aquifer material in the water gallery area is described as peat. TCE and benzene have been detected at concentrations near the maximum contaminant level in the water from the Water Gallery. |
Sammi Castle |
3/31/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
EPA letter concerning the Remedial Action Report. Shemya's drinking water aquifer continues to be contaminated, and the sources of contamination do not appear to be well understood. Monitoring of contaminant concentrations in the groundwater at regular intervals, and assurance that the voluntary measures taken remain protective is important. |
Sammi Castle |
4/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
Restoration Report April 1995, Volume 1, Number 1. Press release gives a close-up on the water treatment system at Eareckson. Air strippers installed in early 1994 to reduce levels of TCE. Over the last four years, the TCE level detected in the station's drink water averaged between 2 to 3 ppb. |
Sammi Castle |
6/15/1995 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Score = 257. Initial ranking. Action code added because it wasn't when site was originally ranked. |
Ray Burger |
8/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
Remedial Investigation / Feasability Study Report Volume I by Jacobs Engineering. At the Water Gallery, water quality samples were collected quarterly. EPA requested an interim remedial action that resulted in the installation of three air strippers in 1994. Current strategy is to continue operation of the water gallery and treatment units during caretaker status maintenance. Depth to groundwater in the water gallery is an average of 9.6 feet bgs. |
Sammi Castle |
9/1/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
Field and Analytical Report for the Removal of Abandoned Pipelines 1 and 2, IRP Site ST46 - Abandoned Tank Farm (NW), Eareckson AS - April to May 1995. Primary source of water for station activities on the island is a water gallery that collects water from the shallow aquifer. TCE and benzene have been detected at concentrations near their maximum contaminant level in the water from the water gallery. |
Sammi Castle |
9/18/1995 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). RI action added by Shannon and Wilson on 3/14/97, based on relative Risk Evaluation Worksheet dated 9/18/95. RI listed as current phase on worksheet. Pathway: groundwater. Site is located at the base drinking water gallery, the source of most drinking water on the island. Receptors are base personnel. |
S&W-Miner |
1/1/1996 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Final Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report, Volume III, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (Formerly Shemya Air Force Base Alaska). Conclusion for OT48 is that TCE in untreated groundwater does not pose a significant risk to human health or ecological receptors. |
Ray Burger |
1/1/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Technical Memorandum, Results of 1995 IRP Field Program (dated January 1996). One groundwater sample was collected from well WGW4 at OT48. TCE, cis-1,2 dichloroethene, and total xylenes were the only organics detected. No inorganics above background levels were detected. |
Ray Burger |
1/9/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Quarterly Management Action Plan (MAP) Meeting Minutes, Eareckson AS Alaska. AT the Water Gallery, no additional action is planned other than continued maintenance of the air stripper and quarterly sampling of the water supply. The ECP will assume responsibility for operation and maintenance of the air stripper units and implementation of quarterly sampling. OT48 is currently recommended for no further action under the IRP. |
Sammi Castle |
3/1/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study Report, Volume IV, Eareckson Air Station, Alaska (Formerly Shemya Air Force Base Alaska). Groundwater is not suspected to flow from SS25 to the vicinity of the Water Gallery. Groundwater flow is generally to the south or south-southwest, converging with flow from the SS25. |
Ray Burger |
6/27/1996 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Site reranked because it was on the Top 30 List. SW Exposure Index Value changed from 4 to 2. Multiple contaminants changed from "yes" to "no". Score now 130. |
Ray Burger |
12/18/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Plan of Action - Decision Documents (Vol. III and IV). For OT48, chemical ARARs are exceeded, the COCs are TCE, and the decision document recommendations are no change. |
Sammi Castle |
2/25/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Meeting Minutes concerning Eareckson Air Station, Alaska - ARARs Issues/Decision Documents. This site should be reclassified as a No Further Response Action Planned (NFRAP). The water gallery should include sampling every two years to four years at monitoring well WGW7. In addition, post-treatment sampling should be performed. The only constituent of concern is TCE. |
Sammi Castle |
4/1/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Decision Document Report Draft Final Volume III submitted to ADEC. Selected action is NFRAP for the Water Gallery. Determined that no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment currently exists. Additional monitoring will be conducted to ensure TCE not affecting drinking water quality. |
Sammi Castle |
6/1/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Installation Restoration Program Post RI/FS Monitoring Plan Draft submitted by Jacobs. Based on the results of the RI/FS data evaluation, further monitoring is required at OT48. Groundwater samples will be collected from WGW7. To be collected in 1998 and again in 2000. All samples will be analyzed for VOCs. |
Sammi Castle |
6/1/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Environmental Compliance Transition Plan (draft dated June 1997, received on July 1, 1994, no final prepared).Base Bioenvironmental will continue to collect drinking water samples, limit transport of hazardous materials through the watershed, operate and maintain air stripper units, and continue GW monitoring activities at the Water Gallery. |
Gretchen Pikul |
6/12/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Installation-Wide Environmental Baseline Survey. 1984-1991 Activities: POL Contamination Investigation in 1989. Discovered additional POL contamination in 1989. 1992-1993 Activities: TCE investigation in 1992. Field Investigation in 1992. Site Investigation in 1992. Limited Source Investigation in 1993. 1994-1995 Activities: Air strippers were installed in 1994. Performed Site Characterization in 1994. |
Sammi Castle |
8/1/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
Basewide Monitoring Program Work Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan submitted by Jacobs. Current site status of the Water Gallery is "Treatment and quarterly sampling as drinking water source. Designated as NFRAP site." One groundwater sample will be collected at this site from well WGW7. |
Sammi Castle |
10/30/1998 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Air Force on response to comments for Decision Documents Volumes 3 and 4. Two main issues - (1) documents lacking detail necessary to describe remedial investigation, risk assessment, remedial, and no-further-action decisions, and (2) Air Force determination that no analyses will be performed for DRO, GRO and RRO based on a 1994 Department approval of specific petroleum constituents for risk assessment studies. No resolution reached on these 2 main issues - outcome resulted in potential for dispute resolution process. |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/23/1998 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meetings with Air Force on Decision Documents Volumes 3 and 4. Two main issues - (1) level of detail needed in documents, and (2) no DRO, GRO and RRO analyses in long-term monitoring. No resolution reached on these 2 main issues - outcome resulted in potential for dispute resolution process. |
Gretchen Pikul |
12/1/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Management Action Plan (updated December 1998). RI sampling of surface and subsurface soil, surface water, sediment, groundwater, and post-treatment drinking water at the Water Gallery. No expected human health or ecological risk was found. Biannual groundwater sampling is being conducted. |
Gretchen Pikul |
12/11/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC sent out letter outlining the remaining unresolved issues from the 3 Decision Document comment resolution meetings. |
Gretchen Pikul |
12/30/1998 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Air Force on Decision Documents Volumes 3 and 4. Two main issues - (1) level of detail needed in documents, and (2) no DRO, GRO and RRO analyses in long-term monitoring. Avoided formal dispute resolution process - began working on document detail needed and necessary analyses for long-term monitoring. |
Gretchen Pikul |
1/20/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Basewide Monitoring Program Workplan - note DRO, GRO and RRO were not included as requested by ADEC |
Gretchen Pikul |
6/18/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Remedial Investigation Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report, August - September 1998, Basewide Monitoring Activities and Findings - Final dated June 18, 1999. One groundwater sample was collected form well WGW7 at the Water Gallery to monitor for TCE. |
Gretchen Pikul |
6/22/1999 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC participated in a facility-wide site visit from June 22 - 25. The 24 site inspections and discussions were designed to aid in the development and review of upcoming Decision Documents. |
Gretchen Pikul |
10/21/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
USAF - ADEC Decision Document Meeting for Eareckson AS. OT48 - NFA - Present data to establish trends in DD for TCE, evaluate effluent sampling schedule and other potential monitoring, evaluate downgradient SW/GW TCE and discharge, DD to include continued air stripper as long as used as water source, sample to justify absence of TCE if stripping discontinued. |
Sammi Castle |
11/30/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Decision Documents (review draft dated November 1999, received November 30, 1999, meeting on January 4, 2000). |
Gretchen Pikul |
1/4/2000 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC participated in a Decision Document meeting with Air Force and USFWS; ADEC reviewed, commented and participated in internal briefing meetings during January and February. |
Gretchen Pikul |
1/31/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Comprehensive Basewide Monitoring Report, June 1999 Basewide Monitoring Activities and Findings (draft dated October 1999); ADEC comment letter dated January 7, 2000; final dated 1-31-00, received by Air Force on 3-1-00, and ADEC on 3-10-00). One groundwater sample was collected from well WGW7 at the Water Gallery in 1999 to monitor for TCE. Detected TCE concentration was 8.67 micrograms/liter. TCE is the persistent contaminant of concern at OT48. In 1998, TCE was detected at WGW7 at concentration above ADEC cleanup level. |
Gretchen Pikul |
8/16/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Basewide Monitoring Program Workplan (draft dated June 14, 2000; ADEC comment letter dated June 16, 2000; final dated August 16, 2000). Proposed work at the Water Gallery includes one groundwater sample collected at MW WGW7 and analyzed for GRO, DRO, RRO, and VOCs. |
Gretchen Pikul |
1/8/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Technical Memorandum - Risk Assessment Assumptions for Decision Documents Draft Final submitted by Montgomery Watson. Draft Decision Documents were prepared for 23 sites at Eareckson AS. Of those, 18, including the Water Gallery, were chosen for revision under the current effort. |
Sammi Castle |
3/15/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Landspread Closure Confirmation Sampling Report Final submitted by USAF. Historically the Water Gallery source has contained TCE. The source of TCE has not been identified although it has been extensively investigated. Reasons for treating drinking water obtained from the water gallery was discussed at the 11 May 1999 meeting. Currently TCE concentrations are below drinking water maximum contaminant levels, but the water is still being treated prior to use. |
Sammi Castle |
4/9/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Year 2000 Basewide Monitoring Program Report (draft final dated April 9, 2001, ADEC comment letter dated May 24, 2001). A total of 88 surface soil samples were collected at OT48 during Air Force investigation from 1989 to 1992. Field analytical sample results revealed high levels of petroleum hydrocarbons (exceeding 3,000 mg/Kg). |
Gretchen Pikul |
7/27/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Year 2000 Basewide Monitoring Program Report Final submitted by USAF. Gives information on the historical field activities performed at the Water Gallery. Year 2000 groundwater samples from well WGW7 detected a TCE concentration of 4.70 micrograms/liter. |
Sammi Castle |
9/19/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to base - comments on the Draft Proposed Plan for Remedial Action at Eareckson AS. Comments concerning the Water Gallery include: 1) sediment summary section title should be colored purple. 2) Several metal exceedences have been detected within the GW samples, how are the metals being treated prior to consumption? 3) 2000 groundwater sampling event revealed no compounds exceeding GW cleanup levels. Need one additional sampling event for laboratory analyses. |
Sammi Castle |
3/1/2002 |
Proposed Plan |
Proposed Plan for Remedial Action - Preferred Remedial Alternative for the Water Gallery is no further action because of TCE steadily declining in the groundwater. Annual sampling to continue for as long as the Water Gallery system is used as a drinking water source. Currently TCE is treated with tray air stripper and metals treated with oxidation and filtration system. |
Gretchen Pikul |
9/30/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Management Action Plan Eareckson Air Station, Alaska submitted by USAF. Status of the water gallery is NFRAP requested, draft ROD completed. Water Gallery was renovated in 1993. Materials of concern were TCE and petroleum. |
Sammi Castle |
12/4/2003 |
Site Number Identifier Changed |
Changed Workplan from X1 (DoD Oil) to X9 (DoD Hazardous Substance) due to the presence of TCE. Changed the Sequence Number from 01 to 07. |
Former Staff |
2/26/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Technical Document to Support Installation Restoration Decision, Water Gallery (OT48); draft final dated April 2003 and received May 21; comment resolution meeting on August 6; delays in completing ROD due to funding issues and changes in Air Force guidance and policy; ROD development meeting on February 26, 2004. |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/16/2007 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 4 days to conduct site visits and become familiar with the ecology and topography of the island. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to discuss the plan moving forward for Records of Decision and remedial alternatives. |
Jonathan Schick |
3/4/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to base - comments on the Draft Records of Decision (RODs) for SS007, ST039, and OT048. |
Sammi Castle |
11/19/2009 |
Underground Storage Tank Site Characterization or Assessment |
ADEC letter to base - Draft Record of Decision (ROD) for OT048. Reviewed the response to comments and concur with the content. Plan to review a final document to confirm agreed upon changes and then sign final document. |
Sammi Castle |
3/1/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
Final CERCLA Record of Decision OT038 (Water Gallery) submitted by the USAF. ADEC staff issued a letter to the Air Force approving the finalization of the Record of Decision for this site which is to continue groundwater monitoring for natural attenuation until the TCE concentration in the groundwater have stayed below the cleanup level for three consecutive sampling events. |
Sammi Castle |
3/10/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC staff issued a letter to the Air Force approving the finalization of the Record of Decision for this site which is to continue groundwater monitoring for natural attenuation until the TCE concentration in the groundwater have stayed below the cleanup level for three consecutive sampling events. |
Jonathan Schick |
3/1/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to base - Draft Work Plan for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Maintenance at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. comments on the draft work plan for ELTM. Metal sampling to be conducted in the surface water and groundwater at FT002, FT003. Also, MI sampling strategy presented odes not follow the draft guidance document and will need to be revisited. |
Sammi Castle |
4/1/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Work Plan for Long-Term Monitoring & Maintenance Activities Eareckson Air Station Shemya Island, Alaska. Remedy for the Water Gallery is institutional controls with monitored natural attenuation for the purpose of monitoring natural attenuation in groundwater. GW sampling is scheduled for once every three years for evaluating TCE concentrations. |
Sammi Castle |
4/11/2011 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Contaminated SItes Staff sent a letter to the Air Force's Remedial Project Manager stating that with the agreed upon changes in the work plan, that it is approved to be finalized and implemented in the field. The work is slated for later in April 2011 and includes monitoring at Sites FT002, SS007, LF018, LF024, LF026, and OT048. |
Jonathan Schick |
8/23/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to base - comments on Draft 2011 Summary Report for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Maintenance Activities at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. ADEC concerned about the detections of some metals in the surface soil and requests that groundwater monitoring be conducted at LF024 and LF026 during the next round of monitoring to determine if the mercury, antimony, or lead is migrating to the groundwater. |
Sammi Castle |
9/27/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved Response to comments submitted on August 23, 2011 regarding the Draft Long-Term Monitoring Report for several sites including FT002, SS007, OT048, LF018, LF024 and LF026. ADEC is still concerned about the detections of some metals in the surface soil and requests that groundwater monitoring be conducted at LF024 and LF026 during the next round of monitoring to determine if the mercury, antimony, or lead is migrating to the groundwater. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/1/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
2011 Summary Report for Long-Term Monitoring and Maintenance Activities Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska. Groundwater sampled at well WGW7. TCE was detected at a level of 4.2 micrograms/liter. |
Sammi Castle |
10/27/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to base - Final 2011 Summary report for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Maintenance Activities at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. ADEC approves the final version of this report. |
Sammi Castle |
7/1/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
Final Work Plan Long-Term Monitoring & Maintenance Activities Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska. One groundwater sample will be collected from MW WGW7 to determine concentration of TCE. One surface water sample will be collected from the water gallery to determine concentration of TCE. |
Sammi Castle |
7/26/2012 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to base - Draft Workplan for Long Term Monitoring and Maintenance Activities at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. ADEC previously provided a comment that sampling only one monitoring well at FT003 would not be sufficient. ADEC now understands that additional monitoring points will be included in subsequent monitoring events, but not during the sampling this summer. Based on this, the work plan is approved. |
Sammi Castle |
7/8/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC letter to base - Draft Technical Project Report, Environmental Long Term Management, Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska. ADEC provides comments on the Environmental Long Term Management draft report. |
Sammi Castle |
8/15/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Technical Project Report Final Environmental Long Term Management Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska. TCE was found in the groundwater in a concentration of 4.7 micrograms/liter from the MW WGW7 sampling on October 16, 2012. Surface water sampling from the Water Gallery came back with an estimated concentration of 0.41 micrograms/liter. |
Sammi Castle |
9/1/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
First CERCLA Five-Year Review Report For LF018, LF024/LF026, and OT048. Second CERCLA Five-Year Review Report For: LF028. First Periodic Review Report For: ST039, FT001, FT002, FT003, and SS007. GW monitoring well shows signs of frost jacking and is not secured. MW WGW1 should be repaired. TCE was detected in GW below the applicable cleanup level. Continue annual GW sampling until TCE concentrations have been below the applicable cleanup level for three consecutive events. |
Sammi Castle |
10/10/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Environmental Long Term Management Report for several sites. Continued long term monitoring was recommended for OT048. |
Jessica Morris |
1/9/2014 |
CERCLA ROD Periodic Review |
The ADEC Contaminated Site Program approved the Final Eareckson Air Station Five Year Review Report. The report recommendations for OT048 included continued monitoring, and repairing damages to Well WGW1. |
Jessica Morris |
8/8/2014 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. |
Jessica Morris |
8/18/2014 |
Long Term Monitoring Established |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Work Plan for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Site Inspections ((FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, SS010, SS023, ST035, SS025, ST009, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051) and Limited Site Characterization (Building 3055 Area) at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. This scope of work is not sufficient to meet the long term monitoring objectives outlined in the most recently established RODs. The USAF will hold a scoping meeting with ADEC to plan additional well installation to meet these long term monitoring requirements. |
Jessica Morris |
5/20/2015 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Report for Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Site Inspections ((FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, SS010, SS023, ST035, SS025, ST009, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051) at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. |
Jessica Morris |
7/9/2015 |
Institutional Control Update |
ADEC approved the July 2015 U.S. Air Force Land Use Control Management Plan, Pacific Air Forces Regional Support Center Installations. The plan includes land use controls for OT48 at Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
10/22/2015 |
Update or Other Action |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program reviewed and commented on a draft scope of work for investigation, remedial process optimization, and long term management studies at several sites for Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
11/14/2016 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 4 days to conduct site visits and become familiar with the ecology and topography of the island. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. |
Jessica Morris |
3/31/2017 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final UFP-QAPP Site Investigation for Perfluorinated Compounds and Long Term Management Studies, Eareckson Air Station. The work plan was approved with the condition that the monitoring program proposed was not sufficient to meet the requirements in the RODs. ADEC requires a work plan for remedy implementation to establish an adequate monitoring program. |
Jessica Morris |
11/27/2017 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff travelled to Eareckson Air Station for 3 days to conduct site visits and institutional control inspections. Site visits were conducted to all pertinent sites and meetings were held to with ADEC and USAF to discuss a path forward for the sites. |
Jessica Morris |
2/23/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program provide comments on the Draft Site Characterization Report at 13 Former POL Sites, Phase I, Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
5/2/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program submitted comments on the Draft Remedial Process Optimization Report for Eareckson Air Station. The purpose of the report was to present an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current selected site remedies and make recommendations for optimization of an island-wide monitoring and management program for contaminated sites at Eareckson. ADEC had numerous comments on the document, and requested a project team meeting to further discuss a more effective and efficient program at Eareckson. |
Jessica Morris |
5/8/2018 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final Perflourinated Compounds Investigation Report for Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
5/8/2018 |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program approved the Final 2018 Perflourinated Compounds Investigation Report, Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska. PFAS contamination was also detected in the raw water source at OT48 for the drinking water at Eareckson. The concentration of the sum PFOS and PFOA in Well WGW7 was 120ng/L, which is above the EPA health advisory level of 70ng/L. The effluent water from the treatment plant concentration of the sum of PFOS and PFOA was 54.3 ng/L during the February 2017 sampling event. Concentrations of total PFAS (PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS, PFHpA, and PFBS) contamination in the drinking water is currently unknown. |
Jessica Morris |
9/13/2018 |
Workplan Requested |
The ADEC Contaminated Sites Program sent a letter to the Air Force requesting immediate action to determine concentrations of total PFAS in the island’s drinking water. The June 2018 sample results for effluent water treatment at Eareckson indicated a sum of PFOS and PFOA concentrations of 53.9 ng/L, which is slightly below the EPA advisory level of 70 ng/L for total PFAS. However, the sample results do not include results for PFNA, PFHXS, PFHpA, or PFBS. Per the August 20, 2018 ADEC tech memo (attached), we are now requiring testing for PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS, PFHpA, and PFBS on a quarterly basis for water supplies currently in use that contain PFAS concentrations at or above ½ the action levels. Because the drinking water sample results at Eareckson do not report total PFAS concentrations, ADEC requested immediate action for this sampling effort. |
Jessica Morris |
9/14/2018 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71042 Water Gallery. |
Jessica Morris |
1/8/2019 |
Institutional Control Compliance Review |
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Contaminated Sites Program received a copy of the Final Long Term Monitoring and Institutional Controls Inspection Report for Eareckson Air Station. The report is accepted as final documentation of the field activities. The report is approved with the conditions noted in the ADEC’s comments 1/8/19 letter.
The field efforts completed are not considered sufficient to meet the overall long term monitoring requirements outlined in the site records of decision and regulations for closure end point criteria. ADEC is working with the USAF to develop a more efficient island-wide long term monitoring strategy for Eareckson Air Station. |
Jessica Morris |
5/8/2019 |
DEC reviewed the "Draft Preliminary Assessment Report for Aqueous Film Forming Foam at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska” (the PA) dated October 2017, and provided comments to the U.S. Air Force on the document. DEC disagrees with the recommendations in the PA for no further action at the following sites: Hangars 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7; the Fire Station; the Vehicle Maintenance Facility; AFFF Release Area; and the POL Facility. Additionally, DEC asserts that the following potential sources areas should be included in the PA, and should be investigated during site inspection efforts in the future: 1) The wastewater treatment settling pond(s) and wastewater discharge point, since the drinking water gallery is known to be contaminated with PFAS; 2) any areas where biosolids were spread or disposed of on the island, since the water gallery is known to be contaminated with PFAS; and 3) any landfills/disposal sites on the island where materials used during AFFF release cleanups, such as the cleanup after the release in Hangar 8, were placed. |
Melinda Brunner |
6/13/2019 |
ADEC approved the 2019 Eareckson AS PFOA and PFOS SI QAPP. The purpose of this SI is to gain an understanding of project site conditions and to determine if a release of PFOA or PFOS has occurred in the vicinity of the island's drinking water gallery and nearby hangers, where data gaps related to the presence of PFOA and PFOS have been identified. |
Darren Mulkey |
7/5/2019 |
CERCLA ROD Periodic Review |
DEC provided comments to the U.S. Air Force on the "Five-Year Review Report and Period Review for Eareckson Air Station, Shemya Island, Alaska, Draft” dated November 2018 on July 5, 2019. |
Melinda Brunner |
7/29/2019 |
DEC acknowledged receipt to the U.S. Air Force of the "Final Preliminary Assessment Report for Aqueous Film Forming Foam at Eareckson Air Station, Alaska” (the PA) dated June 2019 by sending a letter dated July 29, 2019. DEC disagrees with the recommendations in the PA for no further action at the following sites: Hangars 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7; the Fire Station; the Vehicle Maintenance Facility; AFFF Release Area; and the POL Facility. Additionally, DEC asserts that the following potential sources areas should be investigated during future site inspection efforts: 1) The wastewater treatment settling pond(s) and wastewater discharge point, since the drinking water gallery is known to be contaminated with PFAS; 2) any areas where biosolids were spread or disposed of on the island, since the water gallery is known to be contaminated with PFAS; and 3) any landfills/disposal sites on the island where materials used during AFFF release cleanups, such as the cleanup after the release in Hangar 8, were placed. |
Melinda Brunner |
10/9/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved 2019 Remedial Action Operations, land Use/Institutional Control Supplemental Work Plan. |
William Schmaltz |
6/25/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling. |
Darren Mulkey |
6/25/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
"Draft Technical Project Report, 2019 Environmental Long Term Management Activities, Eaceckson Air Station, Sites FT001, FT002, FT003, OT048, SS007, SS010, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, LF015, LF018, LF024, and LF026, May 2020". The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and sediment sampling. |
Darren Mulkey |
6/25/2020 |
Institutional Control Periodic Reporting |
2019 Technical Project Report. The purpose of this project is to continue environmental long-term management at multiple sites
at Eareckson AS, Alaska. The objectives of this project were to conduct groundwater sampling
at eight sites, surface water sampling at four sites, sediment sampling at three sites, conduct IC
inspections at 19 sites, and conduct an assessment of necessary repairs at LF026. The
assessment of LF026 is documented in a separate technical memorandum; this LTM report
presents the findings of the IC inspections and the results of groundwater, surface water, and
sediment sampling. |
Darren Mulkey |
9/24/2020 |
The Site Inspection (SI) report for Water Gallery Site, Hangars 6, 7, and 8; associated drainage ditches; Vehicle Maintenance Facility; and the aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) Release Area 1 at the Eareckson Air Station (Eareckson AS) on Shemya Island, Alaska, has been prepared to report the results of activities performed as part of the SI and recommend future activities at the site. The goals of the SI were to gain further understanding of project site conditions, address data gaps identified in a previously conducted Preliminary Assessment (PA) and previous investigations, and determine if a release of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) or perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) may have occurred to groundwater and soil in the vicinity of Shemya Island’s drinking water gallery, nearby hangars, associated drainage ditches, or maintenance facilities. |
Darren Mulkey |
6/16/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
On 6/16/2021 ADEC approved the Final Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan, Remedial Investigations for Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at Various Sites (FT002, FT003, OT048, and SS060P) at Eareckson Air Force Station dated June 2021. ADEC accepted the document without the update to work plan for the Stage II sampling design optimized after the Stage I field work and sampling results review. ADEC recognizes, that due to short field season, there is not enough time to finalize the revisions of the document to address the changes. ADEC, Air Force and Terra tech attended a meeting on June 10, 2021, where Terra Tech presented the Stage I results and the proposed optimized work plan for Stage II.. ADEC agreed with the optimized approach field work changes for the Stage II site investigation, and accepted the presentation materials as a sufficient documentation for the revision of the Stage II field work plan for the document referenced above. |
Daniela Fawcett |
8/20/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
On August 19, 2021 ADEC approved the Final Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plan for Long-Term Management and Remedial Action Operation Activities for Eareckson Air Force Station, Alaska, Dated August 2021.
This quality assurance project plan explains the conceptual site model, defines the long term management and remedial action operation inspection activities to be completed at each site, and specifies the quality control and quality assurance aspects of the monitoring and inspection program.
Daniela Fawcett |
4/27/2022 |
Update or Other Action |
On 4/27/2022 ADEC approved the Eareckson Air Station, Alaska, REMEDIAL PROCESS OPTIMIZATION REPORT dated April 2022.
This Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Report presents an evaluation of the effectiveness of current selected site remedies and makes recommendations for optimization of the IWM Program, as appropriate to establish a more integrated groundwater monitoring program at Eareckson AS. RPO is a systematic approach for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of site remediation without increasing site risk. This RPO Report presents a site-by-site evaluation of effectiveness of the sites selected remedy and provides recommendations to:
• Streamline groundwater monitoring.
• Develop a holistic approach to site management.
• Maintain the remedial action objectives (RAOs) set forth in established Record of Decisions (RODs) and Decision Documents (DDs).
Daniela Fawcett |
3/20/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided comments for the "Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum for Site Inspection for the Fire Station and Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Facility and Supplemental Remedial Investigations for Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at Sites OT048P-SUB and SS060P at Eareckson Air Force Station, Alaska, Draft" (dated March 2023) to the U.S. Air Force. The document describes proposed per-and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) site inspection (SI) activities for the Fire Station and Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant (POL) Facility, and supplemental remedial investigation (RI) activities for the Site OT048P-SUB and the Former Hangar 4 Area in Site SS060P at Eareckson Air Force Station, Alaska. |
Erica Blake |
3/20/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided responses to comments for the "Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan Addendum for Site Inspection for the Fire Station and Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Facility and Supplemental Remedial Investigations for Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at Sites OT048P-SUB and SS060P at Eareckson Air Force Station, Alaska" (draft Dated March 2023) to the U.S. Air Force. Responses to comments were accepted. Based on the information provided in the document and from the U.S. Air Force, the proposed work is acceptable. Proceeding with Stage VI and Stage VII of the work without having all the data may mean there will be data gaps. |
Erica Blake |
3/24/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided approval for the "Final Uniform Federal Policy-Quality Assurance Project Plan (UFP-QAPP) Addendum for Site Inspection for the Fire Station and Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Facility and Supplemental Remedial Investigations for Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances at Sites OT048P-SUB and SS060P at Eareckson Air Force Station, Alaska, (dated March 2023)" to the U.S. Air Force (USAF). The document describes proposed per-and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) site inspection (SI) activities for the Fire Station and Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant (POL) Facility, and supplemental remedial investigation (RI) activities for the Site OT048P-SUB and the Former Hangar 4 Area in Site SS060P at Eareckson Air Force Station, Alaska. The work plan is an addendum to the Final UFP-QAPP RI for PFAS at Various Sites (approved June 2021). Fieldwork is expected to begin for Stage V on March 27, 2023. All purge water will be containerized until DEC reviews and approves granular activated carbon (GAC) breakthrough calculations for managing the investigative-derived waste (IDW). |
Erica Blake |
6/27/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided comments for the Draft Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated June 2023.The report describes the institutional control inspections and sampling efforts conducted during November 15 through November 30th, 2021. Forty-two different sites were investigated at the Eareckson Air Station located on Shemya Island, Alaska. Groundwater was sampled at nine sites, surface water was sampled at five sites, and sediment sampling was conducted at two sites. Contaminants above cleanup levels remain present at most sites with stable or non-discernable trends. Most land use controls appear to be in good condition and Monitoring and continued inspections were recommended for all sites. |
Ginna Quesada |
7/3/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC submitted responses to comments for the Draft Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated June 2023. |
Ginna Quesada |
8/3/2023 |
Long Term Monitoring Workplan or Report Review |
DEC approved the "Final 2021 Long Term Management, Land Use and Institutional Controls Report Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, Alaska Sites CS566, DA002/DA002A, DA003, FT001, FT002, FT003, LF015, LF018, LF024, LF026, ML001, MU001, OD001, OT048, OT617, PL560, PL575, SS005, SS007, SS010, SS012, SS023, SS025, ST009, ST035, ST039, ST044, ST046, ST050, ST051, TA555, TA556, TA616, TU553, TU554, TU558, TU559, TU567, TU568, XU912, ZZ001, dated July 2023." The report recommends continuing with land-use control site inspections and monitoring the groundwater until all remedial objectives are met. |
Erica Blake |