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Site Report: Petro Star Tank Farm - Former Chevron/Tesoro

Site Name: Petro Star Tank Farm - Former Chevron/Tesoro
Address: 402 West Egan Avenue , (formerly listed as 201 Hazelet Ave.), Valdez, AK 99686
File Number: 1200.38.056
Hazard ID: 674
Status: Active
Staff: Robert Burgess, 9074512153
Latitude: 61.128892
Longitude: -146.364395
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


Soil and groundwater contamination were documented in 1987 at the tank farm facility. The facility was owned and operated by Chevron, then Tesoro, then purchased by Valdez Petroleum Terminal, Inc. (wholly owned by Petro Star and later merged with it). The state and Chevron entered into a Compliance Order by Consent on 1/3/1992 for environmental actions to be completed by Chevron. Based on a risk assessment by Chevron's consultant, ADEC approved a groundwater cleanup level at the down-gradient property boundary of 0.200 mg/L benzene in July 1992; alternative soil cleanup levels were not set. Ownership and operation of the facility was reportedly transferred to Tesoro in March 1989. On 8/27/1993 Tesoro had an 11,000 gallon diesel spill due to a tank overfill within the unlined tank farm containment area. Contaminated soil remains beneath the tank farm and in surrounding areas above cleanup levels for DRO and BTEX. Total soil excavation from contamination for which Chevron was responsible was approximately 750 cubic yards; total soil excavation associated with the Tesoro spill was 2,100 cy, all of which was thermally remediated off site. Groundwater monitoring requirements associated with the COBC and Tesoro's spill were not completed.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
11/25/1987 Update or Other Action Site investigation report by Shannon and Wilson; obtaining information with regard to site contamination assessment. Floating product was measured in MW4 on 12/14/87. Former Staff
1/1/1988 Update or Other Action File contains 11 boring logs dated 1984 and 1985, reportedly from a 1988 Shannon & Wilson report for the Chevron tank farm site. Report not in file so locations of borings, some of which were completed as observation wells, is not indicated. Notes on boring logs include "hydrocarbon product noted on drill rods during drilling." Former Staff
1/4/1989 Update or Other Action Report by Shannon and Wilson; provides additional information with regards to site remediation. Former Staff
1/10/1989 Site Added to Database Benzene. Petroleum contamination. Former Staff
4/25/1989 Update or Other Action Site investigation report received. Hart Crowser; Phase III of Pre-acquisition Site Assessment for Tesoro. Depth to groundwater at inland facility is 6-10 feet below the surface and flows towards the east. On 5/3/89, MW-8 had 0.0089 ppm benzene. On 10/20/89 MW-11 had 0.330 ppm benzene. Groundwater level varies 2-3 feet seasonally. Former Staff
11/28/1989 Site Visit Site visit. District staff observed responsible party (RP) developing monitoring wells, possible recovery well, and slug tests. RP took samples for Dupont to do bioremediation bench study. AWDO staff meets responsible party. Former Staff
3/16/1990 Update or Other Action Site investigation report. Hart Crowser; oil recovery pump testing. Produced 13,300 gallons with 0.0055 ppm benzene. Former Staff
7/18/1990 Update or Other Action ADEC copied on cover & report transmittal letter (& report) prepare by DuPont Environmental for Chevron dated 7-18-1990 in file with subject line 'Re: transmission of draft report, "Results of the Phase II In-Situ Bioreclamation Feasibility Assessment Study for Chevron Bulk Plant Facility, Valdez, Alaska." Letter states that the results of the second phase of the feasibility assessment were favorable so that in-situ bioremediation appears to be a suitable means of remediating the site. However Du Pont recommends that additional pumping tests be performed to further define the rate at which groundwater can be circulated through the formation. Eileen Olson
8/20/1990 Update or Other Action Chevron ltr. to ADEC noting 3GPM pump yield is low but believes transmissivity of aquifer is much higher than indicated and intends to perform additional pump tests to determine whether in-situ bioremediation system is likely to be feasible. Former Staff
8/23/1990 Update or Other Action ADEC received draft reports for the results of the Phase I and Phase II in-situ bioreclamation feasibility assessment study for the Chevron Bulk Plant Facility, prepared by Du Pont Environmental Services and respectively dated April and July 1990. Former Staff
9/7/1990 Update or Other Action Letter from Chevron stating work plan for second pump test will be sent by DuPont Environmental. Former Staff
10/23/1990 Update or Other Action ADEC letter dated 10/23/1990 re "Discharge Groundwater Oil Producibility Pump Test, Former Chevron Valdez Terminal" stating ADEC's non-objection to discharge of 12,000 gallons of fuel-tainted water produced from a pump test into the Valdez sanitary sewer system, with permission of Valdez Public Works Dept. Former Staff
10/23/1990 Update or Other Action Chevron cover letter dated 10/23/1990 with attached letter by Du Pont Environmental Services regarding the performance of a second aquifer pump test in Sept. 1990 that demonstrated the high transmissivity of the aquifer and therefore indicates that the long-term yield of the aquifer is sufficient for conducting bioremediation at the site. Results will be provided in a report with the results to be used to model and design a water circulation system for the bioremediation of the subject site. Former Staff
11/2/1990 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received a "Well Installation and Aquifer Pump Test, September 1990, Former Chevron Bulk Facility" dated October 18, 1990 and prepared by Du Pont Environmental Remediation Services. The report documents the installation and operation over a period of five days in Sept. 1992 of groundwater recovery well RW-2 to determine if groundwater could be circulated through the aquifer at a high enough rate for bioremediation to be a viable remediation alternative. Consultant concluded the data shows the aquifer transmissivity is high and supports this methodology. Ron Klein
11/29/1990 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Initial ranking. Former Staff
1/16/1991 Update or Other Action Chevron letter to ADEC regarding Chevron's suggestions regarding the general format of the risk assessment work plan, with attached letter dated January 4, 1991 notifying ADEC that Chevron has retained PTI Environmental Services to prepare a risk assessment work plan. Former Staff
2/1/1991 Update or Other Action ADEC received Chevron's submittal by consultant PTI "Preliminary Draft Risk Assessment Work Plan for the Former Chevron Terminal in Valdez, Alaska." Appendix B to the draft work plan was received later and is dated February 8, 1991. Former Staff
4/17/1991 Update or Other Action ADEC received PTI Environmental Services letter to Chevron dated April 10, 1991 with subject line "Calculation of Benzene Partition Coefficients at the Chevron Valdez Terminal Site" with attached general literature info on partition coefficients. The letter follows up discussions on groundwater modeling and clarifies some of the principals of chemical portioning and applicability to loading and lateral migration rates of benzene in the aquifer. PTI concludes that obtaining accurate aquifer/water partition coefficients requires relatively specialized sampling procedures, and therefore the revised work plan is much more detailed in its description of the sampling and analysis of aquifer materials. Former Staff
4/18/1991 Update or Other Action Chevron's consultant PTI submitted "Draft Work Plan for Developing Risk-based Groundwater Cleanup Levels at the Former Chevron Terminal in Valdez Alaska." Site history provided notes that a total of 18 monitoring wells and 5 borings were installed at the facility by June 1989 to delineate the extent of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination at the facility, with hydrocarbon contamination detected in three areas of the site including near the warehouse at depths of 8 to 11 feet; the loading rack at depths from 2.5 to 11.5 feet; and the vicinity of the abandoned CVEA pipeline at depths from 12.5-16.5 feet. Former Staff
11/1/1991 Update or Other Action Remedial Actions Underway. In situ groundwater remediation started. Former Staff
12/20/1991 Update or Other Action Chevron Sept. 1991 groundwater monitoring report dated 12/20/1991: "Water Level Measurements and Quarterly Water Quality Sampling, Former Chevon Valdez Terminal, September 1991 Sampling Event". Eleven wells were monitored for BTEX and baseline inorganic water quality data on 9/26/1991. No floating hydrocarbon was observed on groundwater. HartCrowser noted that a lack of a discernible product layer may be due to the rise in water levels, which averaged 1.75 feet higher than the July 1991 elevation. HartCrowser further noted that temporal variations in the BTEX concentrations for monitoring wells 17, 18 and 22 are inversely related to the water table elevations in these wells. Benzene concentrations exceeded the cleanup level in four wells with a maximum concentration in any well of 0.0410 mg/L in MW-23. Former Staff
1/3/1992 Enforcement Agreement or Order Compliance Order by Consent (COBC) executed between the state of Alaska and Chevron USA for cleanup by Chevron of soil and groundwater contamination at the terminal facility. COBC requires the removal of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil located within five feet of the ground surface, excluding soils underlying pipelines, etc., and cleanup of groundwater to levels to be determined by risk assessment process. Cleanup plan required within 60 days of COBC execution; compliance with Chevron's long-term groundwater plan attached to COBC also a requirement. However, upon ADEC's determination that the cleanup criteria established through the risk assessment procedure specified in Exhibit A to the COBC have been satisfied, Chevron shall no longer be obligated to maintain the groundwater monitoring system. Exhibit B provides Chevron's monitoring schedule to sample 11 specified wells of the 21 wells at the site on a quarterly basis. All of the specified wells have been sampled quarterly since at least Feb. 6, 1990. Once Chevron believes compliance with the cleanup standard has been met, a subset of the total number of compliance point wells (the final compliance points) will be established by agreement between Chevron and ADEC, and those wells will be sampled on a monthly basis to establish statistical validity of mean benzene value calculated for each well, bringing the monitoring requirement to a close upon review and approval by ADEC. Mike Krieber
3/15/1992 Update or Other Action Submitted Risk Assessment. Mike Krieber
3/18/1992 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Remedial Action Plan for the Former Chevron Petroleum Bulk Plant...March 5, 1992" with cover letter dated 3/18/1992 and received by ADEC on 3/19/1992. Plan prepared by Du Pont Environmental Remediation Services for Chevron USA and submitted to meet the requirement of the COBC that a plan be submitted within 60 days of COBC execution. Plan states that disposal/treatment of contaminated soil and gravel located within five feet of the ground surface will be accomplished thorugh excavation and ex situ landfarming. In situ bioremediation is proposed for treatment of remaining soil and groundwater that exceeds cleanup levels. The plan includes as appendices the "Final Report, Results of the Phase I In-Situ Bioreclamation Feasibility Assessment Study For Chevron Bulk Plant Facility...April 1990" and the "Final Report, Results of the Phase II In-Situ Bioreclamation Feasibility Assessment Study For Chevron Bulk Plant Facility...July 1990." Mike Krieber
4/15/1992 Meeting or Teleconference Held Schwenne and Krieber met with Chevron to discuss risk assessment and target cleanup levels. Chevron to submit further information regarding risk assessment. Mike Krieber
5/29/1992 Update or Other Action Chevron letter to ADEC summarizing Chevron's position with respect to cleanup levels and supporting cleanup levels proposed in risk assessment; discussion of risk assessment process and assumptions made in risk assessment. Former Staff
7/10/1992 Cleanup Level(s) Approved ADEC approved Chevron's groundwater cleanup level of 0.200 mg/L benzene based on review of Draft February 1992 "Development of Risk-Based Groundwater Cleanup levels for the Former Chevron Terminal Site" and additional information provided in Chevron's May 29, 1992 letter regarding cleanup levels. Conditions of approval include 1) quarterly groundwater monitoring for a period of 3 years after groundwater cleanup level has been reached at the facility boundary, with the need for additional monitoring to be assessed after 3 years; 2) additional groundwater remediation if off-property benzene contamination levels exceed the 0.200 mg/L cleanup level; 3) conditions specified in the COBC executed 1/3/1992 are followed; 4) notification to interested parties of risks associated with contaminated groundwater. The letter notes that the proposed cleanup level is associated with a 6.7 x 10(-5) risk which is permissible in part because current city zoning ordinances prohibit the use ofgroundwater in the area down-gradient from the site. If city zoning ordinances are changed to allow use of potentially contaminated groundwater, the acceptable cleanup level must be reevaluated. Max Schwenne
8/13/1992 Update or Other Action Chevron's consultant PTI submitted a cover letter dated August 13, 1992 with subject line "Final Risk-Based Cleanup Levels Report for the Former Chevron Terminal in Valdez" and attached "Development of Risk-Based Groundwater Cleanup Levels for the Former Chevron Terminal Site in Valdez." Former Staff
1/27/1993 Update or Other Action ADEC received letter from HartCrowser (HC) regarding conversation with Krieber on Dec. 14, 1993 during which HC and Krieber discussed ADEC's request made in November 3, 1993 letter for 3 additional years of groundwater monitoring to observe the influence of seasonal GW level variations on dissolved benzene concentrations. HC noted that during the conversation HC stated that it had already collected approximately 4-1/2 yrs. of data, and proposed submitting the data in graphical form, and recommended that by presenting this information, groundwater sampling at the plant could be reduced to twice annually (spring and fall) rather than quarterly. According to HC's letter, Krieber stated that this appeared to be a feasible plan. HC's letter includes figures 1-4 showing hydrgraphs for MW-4, MW-11, MW-17 and MW-18 since May 1989, with benzene and total BTEX concentrations shown on the figures. Mike Krieber
4/2/1993 Update or Other Action Chevron letter to ADEC; cover letter to Chevron's consultant HartCrowser monitoring reports that discusses the problems operating the groundwater treatment system. The letter ends with a statement that an action plan is being developed to deal with excavation of soils as required by the COBC. Mike Krieber
7/30/1993 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other June 1993 groundwater monitoring report dated July 30, 1993 rec'd 8/4/1993: ADEC received letter report dated 11/10/1994 with subject line "Water Quality Sampling, Former Chevron Valdez Terminal, June 1993 Sampling Event" prepared by HartCrowser on behalf of Chevron. BTEX sampling of 11 wells took place on June 23, 1993. Measurable floating hydrocarbons were present in one well, MW4, with a thickness of 0.01 feet. Monitoring began in 1989 and will continue. Water table dropped an average of 0.47 ft. than last event in October 1992 and an average of 0.9 ft. lower than in June 1992. Groundwater flow direction is to the east. HartCrowser noted that the benzene plume is generally stable; with 3 of 11 wells containing benzene above the 0.005 mg/L MCL. The maximum benzene concentration in any well was 0.23 mg/L in MW-4. Mike Krieber
8/25/1993 Update or Other Action Spill report for Tesoro Tank Farm release. Jim Meitner from Tesoro's Kenai Office contacted ADEC following discovery of a pea-sized hole in a 20,000 barrel-capacity tank during preparation of tank for an API 653 inspection by hydroblasting of tank #23. At least one soil sample collected for lab analysis. Unknown quantity of fuel released. File note from MSDO states there reportedly exists an agreement between Chevron and Tesoro that if a Tesoro spill occurs on top of chevron contamination, all cleanup of residual contamination would become Tesoro's responsibility. Existence of such an agreement not verified by ADEC. Mike Krieber
8/27/1993 Update or Other Action TESORO SPILL of ~11,172 gallons of which ~3,868 was recovered (3,576 vacuumed up and 292 recovered by wringing from sorbent booms). Spill caused by tank overfill on this date; Jet A released into unlined diked tank farm during tank filling. Same date: Tesoro submitted "Proposed Interim Corrective Measures Plan" proposing installation of a temporary lined containment area and excavation of accessible contaminated soil. Former Staff
8/31/1993 Update or Other Action Tesoro spill response update from on-site ADEC staff Lawn: 1) Lined containment area for excavated contaminated soil created and expanded to hold ~3,000-4,000 CY soil; 2) Tesora plans to create four test holes along the south side of the tank farm just inside the dike and fit them with 2-foot diameter culverts placed vertically for use as observation and free product recovery wells. Former Staff
9/15/1993 Update or Other Action ADEC letter to Tesoro re conditions of approval for Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan dated August 1992; ADC requires that Tesoro stop conducting unmanned fuel transfer operations at the facility immediately until an amended plan is submitted for ADEC review and approval. Former Staff
9/21/1993 Update or Other Action Tesoro letter of this date to ADEC estimating that 9,754 gallons of the spilled 11,172 gallons of Jet A, or 87% of the release, had been cleaned up. Estimate is based on an estimated 1,066 gallons of fuel evaporating during an 8-hr. period on 8/27/93; 5,331 gallons recovered by pumping; 3,357 gallons within ~2,100 CY contaminated soil estimated to have an average TPH conc. of 3,600 mg/kg. Former Staff
10/27/1993 Update or Other Action File record by tanks and terminals staff that Chevron found a hole in the bottom of Tank 23 during tank cleaning for the API 653 inspections; during cleaning process with 4,000 PSI water stream a hole was made in the tank with soil sampled to a depth of 2 feet - will determine whether a spill occurred based on lab results. Eileen Olson
11/2/1993 Site Visit Staff observed a small drill rig drilling holes inside the tank farm and noted that oily gravel within a containment area was not secured for winter; visqueen that was covering most of the pile partially blown away on 11/2/1993. Drilling later turned out to be due diligence investigation by prospective buyer Petro Star. Dan Lawn
11/3/1993 Potentially Responsible Party/State Interest Letter ADEC letter to Chevron dated Nov. 3, 1993 (see 11/3/1993 database entry) includes cost recovery notification. Former Staff
11/3/1993 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC review letter to Chevron re quarterly groundwater sampling report. ADEC notes that it received the report on Aug. 4, 1993 and that the results show benzene in each monitoring well was less than the 0.2 mg/L alternate groundwater cleanup letter approved by ADEC in a letter dated July 10, 1992. Quarterly sampling to be continued for an additional 3 years beginning with the June 1993 sampling event. Mike Krieber
11/15/1993 Update or Other Action Chevron letter to ADEC reporting that during the week of Oct. 18, 1993 Chevron initiated soil investigation and removal activities in accordance with the terms of the COBC (see 1/3/1992 COBC entry). According to Chevron soils in previously identified contaminated areas were removed and incorporated into a biotreatment cell to be activated in spring 1994 when temperatures are appropriate for treatment. Chevron's consultant Emcon will submit a report including where excavation was halted due to pipelines and other structures. No plan submitted as required by COBC; Chevron stated it will submit a work plan for further work. Dan Lawn
12/16/1993 Update or Other Action October 1993 groundwater monitoring report rec'd: ADEC received letter report dated 11/29/1993 with subject line "Water Quality Sampling" by HartCrowser on behalf of Chevron. Groundwater samples were collected Oct. 19-29, 1993 from 10 wells. In the past 11 wells were sampled but MW-23, which had been measured and sampled in June 1993, was abandoned as part of the soil excavation activities during the June sampling event. Water table elevations in Oct. were an average of 2.43 ft. higher in elevation than in June 1993 and an average 1.95 ft. higher than in Oct. 1992, with Benzene concentrations exceeded the 0.005 mg/L MCL in four wells, with the maximum concentration of benzene detected in MW-4 at 0.048 mg/L. Former Staff
12/27/1993 Update or Other Action HartCrowser letter (received by ADEC on 1/6/1994) on behalf of Chevron includes hydrographs for Monitoring wells MW-4, MW-11, MW-17 and MW-18 for monitoring events beginning in May 1989. Letter notes that HartCrowser recommended that based on this information groundwater sampling could be reduced to twice annually, spring and fall, rather than quarterly. Former Staff
12/27/1993 Update or Other Action ADEC received Tesoro "Valdez Tank Farm Jet Fuel Spill Response" letter report dated December 27, 1993 on 1/12/1994. Cover letter by Tesoro dated January 7, 1994 states that Tesoro is evaluating options for treatment of approximately 2100 cubic yards of excavated soil contained in a contaminated soil treatment/storage cell and will submit a proposed corrective action plan by mid-February 1994. The report includes detailed maps of excavations and descriptions of how Hart Crowser attempted to delineate product from the current release from product released in the past at the site, including 'fingerprinting' by lab to distinguish fuel types and extent of weathering. Free product was observed in three test pits and product was recovered using a rope mop operation (Spill no. 93-221-239-1, reported on 8/25/1993). Mike Krieber
1/21/1994 Update or Other Action ADEC was notified on this date that the Tesoro/Valdez bulk fuel terminal has been sold to Valdez Petrolium Terminal Inc. (VPTI), owned by Petro Star. The sale took place on 1/20/1994 and Petro Star now has operational control of the facility. Dan Lawn
1/22/1994 Update or Other Action ADEC rec'd "Soil Excavation Corrective Action Report, Former Chevron Bulk Fuels Terminal...December 1993" prepared by Emcon. The report documents soil excavation, stockpiling and backfilling operations conducted from Oct. 18-23, 1993. Monitoring wells MW-10 and MW-23 were abandoned during the work. Approximately 725 cy of soil were excavated from three areas, all outside of the tank farm containment area including areas south and southeast of the warehouse located to the east of the tank farm, and the former truck loading rack. Fifty (50) cy of debris were screened from the excavated soil and disposed of at the landfill and the remaining 675 cy were stockpiled. Former Staff
3/31/1994 Update or Other Action Tesoro letter dated 3/31/1994 providing status report for remediation activities notes that Tesoro will thermally remediate the approximately 2,100 cubic yards of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil stored in the treatment cell at the spill site. A DEC-approved portable thermal treatment plant (Soil Processing, Inc.) to thermally remediate the soil. Former Staff
4/19/1994 Update or Other Action ADEC received letter from Tesoro dated 4/19/1994 requesting a decrease in post-thermal-treatment soil sampling frequency. Proposed frequency is collecting 8 samples from the first 455 cubic yards and one sample for each treated 200 cy thereafter, with post-treatment analysis for DRO only. Thermal remediation to be done by Soil Processing, Inc. Dan Lawn
5/13/1994 Cleanup Level(s) Approved ADEC letter to Tesoro; review of HartCrowser report on August 1993 Jet A spill dated 12/27/1993 received on Jan. 12, 1994. Additional cleanup of soil and groundwater warranted. Letter states ADEC is aware of plans by current facility owner to change configuration of the facility and notes that cleanup of contaminated soil is required to be completed prior to tanks being located in areas of known soil contamination, etc. ADEC identified soil target cleanup levels as 200 mg/kg DRO and 100 mg/kg GRO. Mike Krieber
5/16/1994 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC letter of this date to Valdez Petroleum Terminal, Inc. (subsidiary of Petro Star) with subject line "Valdez Tank Farm, Baseline Environmental Conditions Report Review" for review of a Phase II site assessment report prepared by RZA AGRA and received on Jan. 26, 1994 by ADEC. Further soil and groundwater cleanup are needed based on a site assessment for this site and 93240123901. The letter notes that further soil and groundwater cleanup are needed, and that there appear to be two contaminant sources encountered during the field investigation; slightly weathered petroleum which appears to be from the Tesoro spill of Aug. 1993, and significantly weathered petroleum from historic spills at various locations throughout the facility. ADEC also notes that it is aware of preliminary plans to place tanks in or near the southwestern portion of the diked area of the facility, which is in a contaminated area that requires cleanup. ADEC states that it will work directly with Tesoro to clean up contamination from Aug. 1993 spill, and with Chevron to clean up contamination in accordance with COBC of 1/3/1992. Mike Krieber
5/17/1994 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC approval letter to Chevron dated 5/17/1994 grants request by Chevron received on January 6, 1993 to reduce groundwater monitoring to twice annually. Chevron's submittal includes graphs for 4-1/2 years of quarterly data that shows the benzene concentration in each monitoring well was less than 0.200 mg/L, the alternate groundwater cleanup level approved in ADEC's letter dated July 10, 1992. ADEC's letter grants the request to decrease monitoring to twice annual sampling of the same two monitoring wells in spring and fall, with the comment that HDC informed ADEC that the spring 1994 sampling event has been done. Mike Krieber
5/24/1994 Update or Other Action Tesoro letter to ADEC dated 5/24/1994 in response to ADEC letter dated 5/13/1994 stating that Tesoro does not believe additional action other than monitoring should be required. Tesoro states that free product in trench in area 9 (western portion of facility) was collected until no longer present except as a thin layer. Tesoro's evaluation of RZA AGRA's report is that contamination found in soil and groundwater at the site is not a result of Tesoro's Aug. 27, 1993 spill but instead pre-dates Tesoro's responsible party status. Tesoro notes in the letter that there had been a discussion with ADEC regarding whether alternative cleanup levels developed by risk assessment for Chevron should apply to Tesoro, with Tesoro's comment that there has been no increase in free product level or benzene concentration in wells monitored by Chevron. Mike Krieber
5/24/1994 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Chevron April 1994 groundwater monitoring sampling report rec'd: ADEC received letter report dated May 24, 1994 with subject line "Water Quality Sampling...April 1994 Event" by HartCrowser on behalf of Chevron. Groundwater samples were collected on April 20 & 21, 1994 for analyses of BTEX from 10 monitoring wells. Water level was an average of 2.42 feet lower in elevation than in October 1993 than during the last event in October 1993. No floating hydrocarbons above the detection limit of 0.01 feet were detected during this event although a sheen was noted. Benzene concentrations exceeded the 0.005 mg/L MCL in 2 wells. The maximum benzene concentration in any well was 0.022 mg/L in MW-4. Former Staff
5/25/1994 Update or Other Action ADEC copied on VPT (Petro Star is parent company) letter dated 5/25/1994 to Tesoro, noting that while VPT is committed to reasonably cooperate with Tesoro to facilitate Tesoro's cleanup efforts, VPT requests that Tesoro plan any remediation in advance and in consultation with VPT so that Tesoro's efforts will not interfere with VPT operations. Former Staff
5/26/1994 Update or Other Action Tesoro letter dated May 26, 1994 rec'd by ADEC June 9, 1994 with subject line "Valdez Tank Farm, Jet A Fuel Spill of August 27, 1993...spill no. 93-241-239-1; Soil Remediation Plan, Review" with attached graphs and analytical results prepared by EMCON. Tesoro's letter discusses decreasing benzene levels and lack of floating product reported in HartCrowser report for Chevron dated 5/24/1994 as further evidence that the Jet A spill of August 1993 is not impacting the amount of benzene in the groundwater at the tank farm. Mike Krieber
5/27/1994 Update or Other Action Chevron letter to ADEC referencing issues raised in May 15, 1994 ADEC letter stating Chevron in process of developing a more detailed response to issues raised by ADEC. Attachment to letter is Nov. 15, 1993 Chevron letter re "Remediation Workplan, Former Chevron Terminal" to ADEC's Dan Lawn. Former Staff
7/13/1994 Site Visit Site visit - field inspection. Mike Krieber
10/25/1994 Update or Other Action ADEC received faxed letter from Emcon on behalf of Chevron with subject line "Thermal Remediation of Contaminated Soil Stockpile, Former Chevron Valdez Terminal" for an approximately 80-cubic yard petroleum contaminated stockpile generated from excavation around the former truck loading rack and pipeline on July 27, 1994. Sample data and figures showing initial and final excavations attached. Former Staff
10/31/1994 Update or Other Action ADEC received "Soil Excavation, Former Truck Loading Rack Pipeline, Former Chevron Bulk Fuels Terminal...October 1994" report prepared by EMCON Alaska for Chevron. Dan Lawn
11/10/1994 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other October 1994 groundwater monitoring report rec'd on 12/5/1994: ADEC received letter report dated 11/10/1994 with subject line "Water Quality Sampling" by HartCrowser on behalf of Chevron. Groundwater samples were collected on Oct. 10, 1994 for analyses of BTEX from 10 selected monitoring wells and additionally for inorganics from 6 of the 10 selected monitoring wells. Water level is an average of 1.16 feet higher than during last event in April 1994. No floating hydrocarbons above the detection limit of 0.01 feet were detected during this event, however, benzene concentrations during this and previous event sharply increased since . Benzene concentrations exceeded the 0.005 mg/L MCL in 4 of the 11 wells sampled with a maximum concentration of 0.021 in MW-11. Mike Krieber
8/30/1995 Update or Other Action Paul Pinard of MSDO received call from Walt Gore of Petro Star requesting information regarding cleanup of tank farm by Tesoro and specifically whether ADEC has requested that Tesoro take action to clean up the site. Site transfer to CS Program in Anchorage confirmed. Mike Krieber
4/11/1996 Update or Other Action ADEC rec'd proposal design and position paper for "Alternative Secondary Containment for an Existing Unlined Bulk Fuel Storage Facility" from AGRA Earth & Environmental on behalf of Petro Star dated April 11, 1996. Petro Star's proposal is to use vertically lined perimeter interception trenches as an alternative to lining the secondary containment area with an impermeable membrane. The trenches would be located only on the hydrologically downgradient (east) side of the tank farm. The proposal was prepared in response to regulation 18 AAC 75.015 that requires all secondary containment systems at existing regulated facilities to be made sufficiently impermeable by January 1, 1997. Former Staff
6/26/1996 Update or Other Action CS Program copied on correspondence Terminals and Tank Farms Section denying the alternative secondary containment system proposed on behalf of Petro Star in AGRA's correspondence dated April 11, 1996. Jim Frechione
12/26/1996 Update or Other Action ADEC CS copied on Petro Star letter re Alternate Compliance Schedule for tank farm upgrades, with numerous questions regarding Chevron's and Tesoro's status as responsible parties and status of Chevron's COBC (is it still extant). Conclusion to letter is request for 2 year alternate compliance schedule. Former Staff
1/9/1997 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Staff reranked site. GW Exposure Index Value changed from 0 to 1. Jim Frechione
1/14/1997 Update or Other Action CS Program copied on IPP/Terminals & Tank Farms Section approval of request by Petro Star for 2-year compliance extension to upgrade tank farm in accordance with 18 AAC 75.075(a). Basis for extension are continued unresolved cleanup issues regarding previous oil discharges inside the tank farm secondary containment area for which Tesoro and Chevron are responsible parties. The request was granted with a new deadline for compliance of October 15, 1998. VPTI was a subsidiary of Petro Star Inc. until it as merged with Petro Star effective January 11, 2002. Jim Frechione
5/20/1997 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Two information request letters sent this date, one each to Tesoro and Chevron representatives providing ADEC's summary review of the site assessment and cleanup report records related to the facility. ADEC's review notes that current operator Petro Star is subject to a compliance schedule to install a secondary containment system for the facility's tank farm but that action has been delayed due to unresolved issues associated with contamination at the site, so that Petro Star been granted an alternate compliance schedule until October 1998 to meet the secondary containment requirement. Any outstanding cleanup issues related to petroleum hydrocarbon contamination at the site are to be resolved during the delay period. ADEC's letters also note that Tesoro Alaska had a product release at this site in August 1993 and that approximately 2,100 cubic yards of contaminated soil were excavated and thermally treated and the majority of free product was recovered from the groundwater but areas of the site are still contaminated based on December 1993 file information. ADEC noted that three years of groundwater monitoring was required to establish that the cleanup level for benzene established by the risk assessment process had been met but the most recent monitoring results were received in October 1994. To resolve any outstanding issues related to site contamination, ADEC requested any site assessment and/or monitoring data collected since last correspondence in May 1994 and offered to facilitate a meeting. Jim Frechione
9/4/1997 Update or Other Action ADEC copied on Chevron letter to Tesoro re "Valdez Tank Farm - Petroleum Hydrocarbon Issues" referencing ADEC's letter dated May 20, 1997. Letter states that Chevron believes Tesoro responsible for ongoing monitoring after May 1994 and asks whether Tesoro will assume the responsibility for the required monitoring. Jim Frechione
2/23/2004 Update or Other Action File number changed from CS92.09 to 1200.38.056. Sarah Cunningham
9/17/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Intitial Ranking Complete for Source Area: 71653 (Autogenerated Action)
8/10/2010 Update or Other Action Emailed Petro Star contact of record, Patrick Duffy and requested information regarding the status of the site, including whether the COBC was closed out and whether and when all monitoring has ceased, and other information necessary to determine whether our ADEC files are complete. Received a call back in which Mr. Duffy said he thought all the work had been done and the site closed out. Eileen Olson
2/11/2015 Update or Other Action Evaluating site status to determine what additional work may be needed to bring the site to closure. Accuracy of lat/long coordinates confirmed. Once evaluation is complete, a letter will be sent to RPs advising of site status. Eileen Olson
4/23/2015 Site Visit Met with facility manager at site to review status of monitoring wells in field. Eileen Olson
12/27/2022 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71653 name: Historic surface releases of pet products Janice Wiegers

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