Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
6/15/1985 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
Installation Restoration Program Preliminary Assessment - Naknek Recreation Camps (dated April 1989). Preliminary Assessment performed to identify past spill or disposal sites that posed potential and actual hazards, or both, to public health or the environment. |
Former Staff |
6/15/1987 |
Update or Other Action |
Defense Environmental Restoration Account dated 1987. Field investigation performed to address debris material inventory, POL and hazardous material inventory, and disposal sites. |
Former Staff |
6/13/1988 |
Update or Other Action |
Hazardous Materials Technical Center Assessment: recommends that construction rubble, drums and barrels be removed from site#1 landfill. Install monitoring well system and soil sampling should be done with contaminated soil removed. Site#2 removal of all drums is recommended along with previous suggestions for monitoring/sampling. Site#3 soil sampling of stained area is suggested as well as disposal/removal. |
Former Staff |
6/15/1990 |
Update or Other Action |
Reconnaissance electromagnetic survey was conducted to search for buried drums, tanks, or other debris potentially buried on site, and to assist in choosing optimal drilling sites for soil borings and soil gas sample locations. The results of the soil gas survey were used to define areas of greatest potential environmental impact. |
Former Staff |
6/15/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
Partial site assessment performed to determine the presence or absence of contaminants reportedly released to subsurface at locations identified in the preliminary assessment. |
Louis Howard |
6/15/1995 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Naknek Recreation Camps Remedial Investigation Report (final dated June 1995). Objective was to further define the extent of contamination in the subsurface. Two contamination sources were identified at Rapids Camp (former generator pad, and beach/dock area) and 4 contamination sources were identified at Lake Camp (former lodge area, former generator pad, wetland, and landfill). |
Louis Howard |
1/10/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Workplan for Naknek Recreation Camps (draft dated June 1995, received January 1996). |
Louis Howard |
11/15/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Aerial Photographic Analysis, King Salmon Airport Study Area. Prepared by EPA Region 10, Research and Development, Characterization, Research Division, TS-PIC-9710003S, dated November 1996. |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/25/1996 |
Risk Assessment Report Approved |
Baseline Human Health and Preliminary Ecological Risk Assessment, Naknek Recreation Camps (final dated November 1996). Results indicated some remediation is required at both sites due to contaminant concentrations exceeding risk-based standards and the potential harm to wildlife from exposure to DRO, DDT, and heavy metals. |
Gretchen Pikul |
12/6/1996 |
Update or Other Action |
Community Relations Plan for King Salmon Airport and Naknek Recreation Camps 1 and 2 (draft dated December 1996, final dated May 1997) |
David Pikul |
4/15/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
King Salmon Residential Well Sampling Report November 1996 Sampling Event (dated March 1997, received April 1997). |
Gretchen Pikul |
8/5/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Management Action Plan report (draft dated December 1996, received March 1997, final dated June 1997, received August 1997) |
Gretchen Pikul |
8/12/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
King Salmon Residential Well Sampling Report May 1997 Sampling Event (dated July 1997, received August 1997) |
Gretchen Pikul |
3/25/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
Rapids Camp and Lake Camp Modeling to Support Remedial Alternatives (draft dated March 5, 1998, no final report received) |
Gretchen Pikul |
3/25/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
King Salmon Residential Well Sampling Report November 1997 Sampling Event (dated and received March 1998). |
Gretchen Pikul |
4/27/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
King Salmon, Naknek and South Naknek Native Villages Site Assessment Report (draft dated March 1998, received April 1998, no final received). |
Gretchen Pikul |
9/4/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
King Salmon Residential Well Sampling, August 1997 Sampling Event, Analytical Results and Data Evaluation (dated March 1998, received September 1998). |
Gretchen Pikul |
5/4/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Feasibility Study, Installation Restoration Program, Naknek Recreation Camps (draft dated October 1995, final revised dated March 1997, draft dated March 1998, final dated April 1999, final insert pages received 1-18-00). |
Gretchen Pikul |
12/2/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Air Force memorandum regarding the Draft Proposed Plan Lake Camp (undated); ADEC received on December 1, 1999 and sent a response memorandum on December 2, 1999. |
Gretchen Pikul |
2/3/2000 |
Proposed Plan |
Lake Camp (Groundwater Zone 7) Proposed Plan approved; comment period 2-4-00 to 3-3-00; public meeting 2-16-00. |
Gretchen Pikul |
3/16/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
King Salmon Airport Restoration Advisory Board Orientation Manual (final dated April 1999 and received March 16, 2000). |
Gretchen Pikul |
8/21/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
General Plan, 611th Air Support Group, Remote Alaska Sites, Volumes 1, 2, and 3 CD version only (dated March 2000 and received August 21). Portion of Bluffs IC established. |
Gretchen Pikul |
8/31/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
National Park Service letter regarding the Lake Camp Boat Launching and Day Use Facilities Environmental Assessment (dated August 29), with the attachment of a Finding of No Significant Impact (undated). And Final Wetlands Statement of Findings, Lake Camp Boat Launch and Day Use Facilities, Katmai National Park and Preserve (dated August 2000). |
Gretchen Pikul |
9/15/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Naknek Recreation Camp Lake Camp (SS05) Limited Field Investigation Workplan (draft dated June 7, 2000; ADEC comment letter dated June 14, 2000; final dated September 15, 2000). |
Gretchen Pikul |
9/26/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Lake Camp 95% Design Submittal Drawings from the National Park Service (letter dated September 25). |
Gretchen Pikul |
10/3/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Geotechnical Report, Lake Camp Facilities Design, Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska (dated January 2000 and received on October 3 from NPS by ADEC request). |
Gretchen Pikul |
2/6/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Intrinsic Remediation Study, Groundwater Monitoring Zones 6 and 7 (draft dated April 1999, received May 1999, final dated November 2000, received February 6, 2001). |
Gretchen Pikul |
4/19/2001 |
Site Added to Database |
Petroleum hydrocarbons and metal contamination. |
Former Staff |
4/25/2001 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at EPA Seattle office - April 23-25, 2001. |
Gretchen Pikul |
9/26/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Restoration Advisory Board Pocket Guide and Community Outreach Handbook (ADEC comment letter dated May 30, 2001; final dated September 2001). |
Gretchen Pikul |
10/12/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Limited Field Investigation at Naknek II - Lake Camp (SS05) report (draft dated January 5, 2001; ADEC comment letter dated February 23, 2001; comment resolution meeting on September 26, 2001; final report received on October 5, 2001 - numerous comments not incorporated into final version as stated in 'response to comments'). |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/19/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Record of Decision for Naknek Recreation Camp (Lake Camp), Site: Groundwater Zone OT033 (Zone 7) (draft dated October 2001; ADEC commented on November 19, 2001; no final received - Air Force contractor let go and funding to complete the projects and reports is in progress). |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/29/2001 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Meeting with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at EPA Seattle office - November 26-29, 2001. |
Gretchen Pikul |
1/8/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Management Action Plan (draft dated January 2001; ADEC comment letter dated April 3, 2001; response to comments received June 11, 2001; comment resolution meeting on August 29, 2001; final report dated October 2001 and received on January 8, 2002; not all comments documented within the response to comments as being addressed are addressed within the final report; discussions with the Air Force continue on this issue). |
Gretchen Pikul |
7/3/2003 |
Update or Other Action |
2002 King Salmon Air Station Monitoring Point Inventory CD (dated June 25 and received on July 3, 2003). |
Gretchen Pikul |
5/3/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Record of Decision for Naknek Recreation Camp II (Lake Camp); preliminary draft received on March 4, 2003; comment resolution meeting on March 12 and 13, 2003; received draft ROD on April 18, 2003; ADEC comment letter dated May 27, 2003; ADEC sent e-mail on Air Force Comment Response on August 27, 2003; final draft received December 2, 2003 and ADEC comments dated December 4, 2003; 4th draft ROD received on April 12, 2004 via e-mail; comment resolution meeting on April 28 and May 3, 2004. |
Gretchen Pikul |
6/8/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Fact Sheet for King Salmon Air Station Environmental Restoration Project; draft fact sheet received and ADEC comments sent on April 16; Air Force Comment Response received on May 25; final dated and received in June 2004. |
Gretchen Pikul |
7/20/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Implementation of Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Recommendations Work Plan; draft dated and received in June 2004; ADEC comment letter dated June 28, 2004; Comment Response on July 9; comment resolution meeting on July 19; final received on July 20 (some errors are present – see Comment Response in work plan jacket for details). |
Gretchen Pikul |
9/27/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Record of Decision for Naknek Recreation Camp II (Lake Camp); preliminary draft received on March 4, 2003; comment resolution meeting on March 12 and 13, 2003; received draft ROD on April 18, 2003; ADEC comment letter dated May 27, 2003; ADEC sent e-mail on Air Force Comment Response on August 27, 2003; final draft received December 2, 2003 and ADEC comments dated December 4, 2003; 4th draft ROD received on April 12, 2004 via e-mail; comment resolution meeting on April 28 and May 3, 2004; 611th submitted draft final Lake Camp ROD to PACAF on June 1, 2004; PACAF submitted Lake Camp ROD to Air Staff on July 19, 2004; Air Staff/PACAF comments were received on August 25, 2004; comment resolution teleconference held on September 2; comment resolution meeting/teleconference held on September 27, finalizing ROD will be delayed until negotiations with the landowner are complete. |
Gretchen Pikul |
11/15/2004 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) team met with Air Force, ADEC, and EPA at at contractor's office in San Antonio TX - November 8-12, 2004. The primary purpose of this meeting was to evaluate the current status of cleanup efforts at the King Salmon AS and draft the RPO report due in March 2005. |
Jeff Norberg |
6/16/2006 |
Update or Other Action |
Implementation of Remedial Process Optimization (RPO) Recommendations Report; draft dated March 2005 received March 30, 2005; ADEC comment letter dated May 16, 2005; Air Force Comment Response and ADEC approval letter issued on May 20, 2005; final dated June 2006 received on June 16, 2006. |
Jeff Norberg |
1/31/2007 |
Update or Other Action |
File number issued 2569.38.021.04. |
Aggie Blandford |
2/22/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed. |
Jonathan Schick |
4/15/2008 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff conducted a site visit to a large number of pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 3 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and potential sampling locations. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project managers from the USAF and thier contractors. A RAB meeting was held during the site visit. |
Jonathan Schick |
4/15/2008 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC staff participated in a Restoration Advisory Board meeting at the King Salmon Air Station. Community members are encouraged to attend and view a presentation of the most recent sampling program where data is available. Main topics discussed were the TCE plume that is in Groundwater Zone 1 where a treatibility study is being conducted to see the possible influence of adding an enhanced in-situ bioremediation product that is engineered to break down chlorinated solvents. The other main topic discussed was the results from the basewide monitoring event at all of the Groundwater Zones from 2007. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/21/2008 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff took part in a site visit to a number of pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites, especially the pending Multi Site Inspection sites, were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and potential sampling locations as the work plans are still being formulated. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project managers from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, a discussion of the Multi-SIte inspection project, an update on the status of the Groundwater Zone 5 Records of Decision, and a brief discussion concerning the TCE treatibility Study in Groundwater Zone 1. The next RAB meeting has been tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2009. |
Jonathan Schick |
4/21/2009 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC staff conducted a site visit to pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and to become more familiar with the layout and topography of the area. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project manager from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, a discussion of the Multi-Site inspection project which is entering Phase II this summer, an update on the status of the Groundwater Zone 5 Records of Decision, and a brief discussion concerning the TCE treatibility Study in Groundwater Zone 1. The next RAB meeting has been tentatively scheduled for October, 2009. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/26/2009 |
Site Visit |
ADEC staff traveled to King Salmon with the new RPM for the King Salmon Air Station to tour the sites and look at the excavations that were completed during the 2009 field season. Several sites were inspected and overall the sites appeared to be secured with orange snow fencing and visqueen covering the stockpiles to prevent ponding and migration of contaminants. While in King Salmon staff attended and participated in a Restoration Advisory Board Meeting to meet with the public of King Salmon and discuss the results from the latest round of base-wide sampling and to discuss the progress of the excavations that were conducted during the summer.
Jonathan Schick |
10/20/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC staff conducted a site visit to pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and to observe some of the work that is being conducted to remove POL impacted soils and PCB impacted soils at OT010. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project manager from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, remedial action cleanup programs, and management of the IDW and soil in the biocells set up to add oxygen to the soil matrix to aid the degradation of the petroleum hydrocarbons. The next RAB meeting is scheduled for April 2011. |
Jonathan Schick |
10/20/2010 |
Update or Other Action |
ADEC staff conducted a site visit to pertinent sites at King Salmon Air Station over a 2 day visit. Sites were inspected for any visible evidence of contamination and to observe some of the work that is being conducted to remove POL impacted soils and PCB impacted soils at OT010. ADEC staff was accompanied to all of the sites by the Project manager from the USAF and thier contractors. A Restoration Advisory Board meeting was held during the site visit. The topics discussed included the most recent basewide monitoring program, remedial action cleanup programs, and management of the IDW and soil in the biocells set up to add oxygen to the soil matrix to aid the degradation of the petroleum hydrocarbons. The next RAB meeting is scheduled for April 2011. |
Jonathan Schick |
4/14/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Draft Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair for all sites across the King Salmon Installation. |
Jonathan Schick |
6/21/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved responses to our comments on the Draft Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair. The responses were acceptable and the plan should be approved to be implemented in the field. |
Jonathan Schick |
6/23/2011 |
Update or Other Action |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Final Version of the Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair for all sites across King Salmon Air Station. The Comments from the Draft Version of the Plan were addressed in the response to comments and in the Final Version of the document. |
Jonathan Schick |
6/23/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the AIr Force's Remedial Project Manager for King Salmon approving the Work Plan for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair across the King Salmon Installation. The work is scheduled to be conducted in July of 2011. |
Jonathan Schick |
8/26/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contaminated Sites Staff recieved the Summary Report for Monitoring Well Decommissioning and Repair for King Salmon. The monitoring wells that were worked on during this program were located in all of the groundwater zones and at many of the individual sites at the installation. The report contained a short narrative, but mostly presented the outcome of the program through before and after photographs for each well location where work was performed. |
Jonathan Schick |
8/29/2011 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Contaminated Sites Staff submitted a letter to the AIr Force's Project Manager approving the final report for the Monitoring Well Decommissioning project. The report detailed the 2011 activites at the sites across many areas at King Salmon Air Station. |
Jonathan Schick |
12/15/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
The AF is currently preparing a ROD for Zone 7. The draft document is presently in USAF legal review and should be provided to ADEC in the near future. |
Holly Weiss-Racine |
5/15/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC approves the 'Final 2017 Five-Year Review, King Salmon Divert, Naknek Recreation Camp I, Naknek Recreation Camp II, Alaska, November 2017' in a letter dated May 15, 2018. Land Use Controls have not been fully implemented at any groundwater zones at King Salmon Divert. Recommendations include: finalizing the decision document for Zone 7, determine the extent of drinking water wells at Lake Camp (number of wells, depth of wells, and groundwater gradient), and fully implement LUCs by updating public land records for non-USAF owned properties. The next five-year review will be completed in 2022. |
Sammi Castle |
6/3/2021 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Final Naknek II Expanded Remedial Investigation Work Plan, June 2021. This Naknek II Expanded Remedial Investigation (RI) Work Plan (Work Plan) describes the conceptual site models (CSMs), data quality objectives (DQOs), and proposed sampling methodology and locations for conducting an Expanded RI at five Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites located within Naknek II at King Salmon Divert, Alaska.
The objectives of this Expanded RI for each of the five IRP sites within Naknek II are as follows:
• Delineate the nature and extent of contaminant impacts on the environment.
• Characterize the nature and extent of Solid Waste.
• Evaluate historical and newly collected data against current regulatory standards.
• Assess human health and ecological risks.
The sites included in this investigation are:
Naknek II LF001 Drum Landfill
Naknek II LF002 Construction Debris Landfill
Naknek II DP003 Former Lodge and Disposal Pit
Naknek II SS004 Former Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Naknek II SS005 Former Generator Pad |
Darren Mulkey |
7/7/2021 |
Update or Other Action |
GPS coordinates (lat/long) updated. Previous coordinates (lat/long) were 58.727602 -157.015936. Updated coordinates obtained with satellite imagery and figures in 20170215 Draft 2016 3rd FYR.pdf |
Ginna Quesada |
11/7/2022 |
Compliance Advisory Letter |
ADEC issued compliance advisory letters to the USACE, USAF, and Jacobs to address violations of 18 AAC 75.325(i) and 18 AAC 75.370(b) by failing to obtain transport approval for investigation derived waste. |
Ginna Quesada |
5/18/2023 |
Site Visit |
DEC conducted a site visit with the U.S. Air Force. |
Ginna Quesada |
7/18/2024 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC provided comments regarding the Record of Decision Naknek II Sites LF001, LF002, DP003, SS004, and SS005 Draft, dated June 2024. The record of decision proposes no further action under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) at the Drum Landfill (LF001), Construction Debris Landfill (LF002), Former Lodge and Disposal Pit (DP003), Former Vehicle Maintenance Facility (SS004), and Former Generator Pad (SS005) sites located in groundwater zone 7 in King Salmon, Alaska. The document proposes further work under state law to address remaining petroleum contamination at SS004 and SS005. |
Ginna Quesada |