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Site Report: Kalakaket Creek RRS - Sitewide

Site Name: Kalakaket Creek RRS - Sitewide
Address: South Shore of Kalakaket Creek, 22 Miles South of Galena, Galena, AK 99741
File Number: 860.38.008
Hazard ID: 769
Status: Active
Staff: Sophia Bracio-Martinez, 9074511682
Latitude: 64.430806
Longitude: -156.836056
Horizontal Datum:NAD27

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The facility operated from 1956 to 1978 and consisted of three main areas: the White Alice radar facility at the hilltop, a landing strip with assorted support buildings, and a water pump house located approximately 0.75 miles to the east. The facility was partially cleaned of debris and PCB containing wastes in a 1984 removal action conducted by the 5099th Air Force. The 5099 created three permitted landfill cells during the 1984 debris and waste removal for burial of building debris, vehicles, and approximately 3,000 empty drums. The location of the landfill created during the operation of the facility, is unknown. Two historical drum storage areas have been identified at the landing strip, and one at the radar facility. A remedial investigation (RI) was conducted in 2007, and a "Clean Sweep" of the site, which included building demolition, and soil remediation was conducted in 2009. The RI detected petroleum, PCB, and the pesticide dieldrin in surface and subsurface soil. Petroleum contamination was detected in groundwater at the POL Tank 1 site, and the landfill 1 site. Groundwater was also detected at Drum Storage Area 2, however no contaminates were detected at that site. The groundwater pathway is considered incomplete for all other sites. All AOCs have been entered in the database as separate sites in order to track specific actions, site closures, institutional controls, or long term monitoring requirements as necessary. The closest community is Galena, approximately 22 miles to the north. Site access is limited to air transport due to river crossings in during summer months, and deeply drifted snow in the winter which make travel by all terrain vehicle or snow machine difficult during most of the year. The airstrip is currently in operable condition (2010), but when monitoring of the site is complete, the Air Force will discontinue maintenance, at that point, regrowth of vegetation will eventually make the air strip un-useable. --Updated August 2011-- Site is currently in long term monitoring status. The Work Plan for Long Term Monitoring at this site was approved on 8/18/2011.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
9/28/1984 Interim Removal Action Approved (Old R:Base Action Code = REM - Removal / Excavation). USAF conducted hazardous waste removal which included the burial of debris in three pits on-site. 99 drums of PCB oil and 28 drums of PCB soil removed from facility. Laura Noland
5/4/1989 Preliminary Assessment Approved ADEC received Preliminary Assessment for Kalakaket Creek RRS dated April, 1989. Report describes 1984 removal effort. Report concludes no visible evidence of contamination found. Recommends that asbestos be removed and the facility's landfill be located. Former Staff
3/8/1993 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Attempted - not enough information available. Former Staff
11/15/1993 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Reranked. Former Staff
1/25/1994 Site Added to Database Former Staff
5/25/1994 Preliminary Assessment Approved Staff reviewed and sent comments on Preliminary Assessment for Kalakaket Creek RRS dated January, 1994. ADEC agrees with report's conclusion that priority for further action is low to moderate. ADEC recommends verification sampling for state closure and that the facility landfill, or landfills, be located. Former Staff
6/14/1994 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed. Former Staff
11/25/1994 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RI - Remedial Investigation). 611th CES sent Aquifer Test Report, dated 10/94; Addendum to the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for Galena and Campion dated 7/94; and Addendum to the Work Plan for Galena Airport and Kalakaket Ck. RRS dated 9/94. Laura Noland
1/11/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). 611th contractor presented SI summary for all sites investigated during 1994 field season. Primary contaminant of concern appears to be PCBs. Laura Noland
1/11/1995 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). ADEC received "Analytical Data Tables for Galena Airport and Kalakaket Creek RRS" dated 12/94 from 611th CES which contains RI and SI data from 1994 field season. Laura Noland
1/30/1995 Preliminary Assessment Approved ADEC received Draft "Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, Alaska" dated January 1995. ADEC review required. Laura Noland
3/24/1997 Update or Other Action Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on the Air Force Relative Risk Evaluation Worksheets dated 8/30/95. The White Alice site and Landfill were not assigned separate Reckey numbers due to the limited amount of investigation conducted to date. S&W
3/23/2000 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Changed Toxicity Value from 2.1 to 4 based on 01/11/1995 Update action quote "Primary contaminant of concern appears to be PCBs." Former Staff
10/21/2004 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
12/17/2004 GIS Position Updated Site latitude and longitude corrected. Colin Craven
3/18/2005 Update or Other Action The Air Force has been planning to conduct a “Clean Sweep” building demolition and debris removal starting in 2010, and is now planning to begin a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study in the summer of 2007. Colin Craven
4/26/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
10/12/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Galena RAB meeting. See the "Galena AFS - Sitewide" listing for more details. Colin Craven
11/9/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC participated in a systematic planning meeting for a remedial investigation scheduled to take place in 2007. Representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers facilitated the meeting with attendees representing the 611th Civil Engineering Squadron, Pacific Air Forces, Bureau of Land Management, ADEC, and Air Force contractors. The Air Force wishes to convey the land to the BLM after conducting site demolition and cleanup, although it is not currently clear that the BLM will accept all the land based on the presence of contamination or landfills. Options for site characterization, remedial action, and institutional controls were discussed for each area of concern identified in the PA/SI. Primary COCs identified by prior documentation or general facility knowledge include PCBs, petroleum, lead, pesticides and herbicides. Colin Craven
1/17/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held A teleconference was conducted between CH2MHill, Alaska Environmental Health Laboratory (EHL), and ADEC (Craven, Crapps, Maserjian). Most of the meeting involved permitting requirements by the EHL. In addition, ADEC communicated the following recommendations for their approval of the on-site laboratory: 1. The on-site analysis of PCBs should be coordinated with EPA, Region 10 (Dan Duncan); 2. A limited Quality Assurance validation for the laboratory data should be performed by a third party reviewer, and; 3. Ten percent of PCB samples be shipped offsite for Quality Assurance analyses. Dan Duncan (EPA Region 10) was contacted by John Halverson about the option of using multi-increment sampling for characterization and cleanup confirmation sampling. Dan responded that Multi-incremental sampling would be allowed only under a TSCA 40 CFR 761.61(c)/.62(c) submittal. Lisa Maserjian
2/28/2007 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking. Site broken into the following subsites: Antenna Day Tanks, Vehicle Maintenance Garage, Paint Storage Facility, Equipment Bldg, Diesel Tanks and Fill Area, Septic Tank Outfall Area, Gasoline Tank, Drum Storgae Area 1, Drum Storage Area 2, Drum storage Area 3, Temporary Garage, Temporary Diesel Tank, Water Pump House, and Remote Drum Cache. Lisa Maserjian
6/1/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended SSI Planning Meeting for Kalakaket RRS. Attendees were Meseret Ghebresllassie-611th AF; Mark Goodwin -AFCEE; Tim Gould-CH2M Hill PM; Larry Acomb-Geosphere; Matt Flynn-Ch2M Hill; Amie Benedict-Equinox (chemist); and myself. Discussed preliminary schedule for the propsed 2007 field work, field logistics, survey plan, analytical procedures, data management, GIS, communication plan, and web site that will be developed and updated during field season. Larry Acomb presented a Conceptual Site Model for the site. Discussedd SSI approach. Discussion of each site and proposed sample locations for characterization. DEC proposed MI sampling for site closure. Discussed proposed MI approach. Listed questions that came up for this approach and planned meeting with DEC Earl Crapps and Marty Brewer to go over these questions. Lisa Maserjian
6/5/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Attended meeting with Tim Gould (CH2M Hill), Matt Flynn (CH2 MHill) , Larry Acomb (Geosphere), Amie Benedict (Equinox chemist), Maryland (CH2M Hill), Earl Crapps and Marty Brewer to discuss MI approach to sampling/characterizing at Kalakaket Creek RRS. Discussed Decision Unit size for various sources: Buildings around doorways, drum storage areas, POL pipeline or storage tank areas. Proposing to handle all known sources with discrete samples, to define extent. Proposing unknown sources such as doorways and drum areas with no known levels above screening levels, with MI approach. Proposing areas with some known contamination but large areas of unknown, with both MI and discrete approach. Came to agreement on decision unit size, number increments, depth of sampling for all area types. Marty Brewer had some concerns on using MI approach for risk assessment. Lisa Maserjian
6/25/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held CS staff attended an all day TRIAD Planning Meeting for Kalakaket Creek RRS on June 25th. Attendees were Meseret Ghebresllassie (6llth Project Manager); John Smith (611th), Mark Goodwin (AFCEE), Tim Gould (CH2M Hill Project Manager), Marilyn Gauthier (CH2M Hill), Larry Acomb (Geosphere), Amie Benedict(Equinox), Earl Crapps (ADEC), and Lisa Maserjian (ADEC). By telephone, present were Dave Cook (AF), Ron Porter (Noblis), and Travis Shaw (COE). The TRIAD goals were reviewed: Single field season & single mobilization, Systematic Planning, Real time data collection, and Dynamic work strategies. Conceptual Site Models were presented for each area of concern. Twenty-one potential release locations are recognized at the Kalakaket Creek RRS installation. Five general source/release mechanisms were identified: spills and leaks from drums; past disposal practices; equipment maintenance operations; fuel system spills and leaks, and lead-based paint. The Sampling approach for the site includes Multi-increment (MI), discrete, and a combined MI-discrete assessment. The MI approach was presented, and Earl made corrections on their proposed amount of soil they planned to collect at every increment. The MI Sampling Plan was found to be in need of additional details for the ADEC review. During the meeting, the MI approach was again discussed as a characterization tool. The plan is to use it only in areas with no known inpacts, to determine where we can “close” the area, if the MI results are less than Method 2 levels. In areas where the MI results are above Method 2, for PCBs or pesticides, the area will be further characterized by MI or discrete sampling. In MI screening areas where DRO is found to be greater than 250 mg/kg, but less than 10,000 mg/kg, the TRIAD group will discuss further actions. The group discussed pesticide characterization sampling and revisions were made to reduce characterization for pesticides except for areas of possible releases. In addition, some characterization in areas of pesticide application was determined for risk assessment calculations. The group discussed lead sampling at the Paint Storage Building and Equipment Building. Mark Goodman was not present at the first TRIAD and did not understand why lead sampling was being conducted for lead based paint chip/contamination around a building that would be demolished in the future. The conditions would change after the building was torn down, so the information was not useful. In addition, the proposal did not include metals sampling at many locations which should have been added based upon the TRIAD notes. It was also unclear about which metals should be analyzed based upon the original TRIAD notes. These items would be discussed further after parties from the original TRIAD meeting were contacted (Travis and Dave Cook had signed off at this point). In conclusion, there were problems with not following the original TRIAD meeting notes (metals sampling) and problems understanding where to sample for pesticides. Lisa Maserjian
7/12/2007 Update or Other Action Sent a letter to Mereret Ghebresllassie (new Project Manager for Air Force) with comments on their Draft Supplemental Site Investigation. Lisa Maserjian
7/17/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held First TRIAD weekly conference call for the field work at Kalakaket Creek RRS. CH2M Hill currently working without an approved work plan. They are in process of finalizing work plan. Field team discussed their progress. They started sampling July 10. Already lost 2 field days due to bad weather (helicoptor not flying). Have collected over 100 surface samples. Have found groundwater at one boring surrounded by dry borings. May be a depression in the bedrock with perched water. Conditions are very rocky for trying to sample. Described as silty cobble. They may try getting a small backhoe that the helicoptor can bring over, to help with going deeper at areas of refusal. Did not have results in for discussions for the TRIAD group. Should have web site up and data plotted on figures for next Tuesday (10am) meeting. John Halverson, Marty Brewer and Earl Crapps also were present at the meeting. Lisa Maserjian
7/24/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Weekly TRIAD Field Summary Teleconference. Field sampling program on track. MI sampling is proceeding without too much difficulty. Surprise sampling result found north of Equipment Building along pipeline (373 mg/kg PCBs). PCB signiture noted by chemist. CH2 will discrete sample to find boundaries of this PCB area. Concern is that if it does not track higher to the Equipment Bldg, then the Conceptual Site Model is not correct (PCB source from being thrown or spilled from building). Another very high PCB concentration found at Concrete Transformer Pad (>1000 mg/kg). Another problem encountered at the site is sampling around the Demolished Paint Storage Facility because the walls of building are very heavy and hard to move. Therefore, sampling underneath may not be possible. Lisa Maserjian
7/31/2007 Meeting or Teleconference Held Weekly TRIAD Meeting to discuss field activities, where we are to date, what is expected for the next week. Field crew on track and have gotten most of the MI sampling completed. PCB hot spots found at Equipment Bldg and the Septic Outfall. They are still delineating the extent of the hot spots. To date, 13 samples for PCB have been sent to an offsite lab for QA purposes. Matt Flynn said they have been able to find most of the former sample locations so that in the Drum Storage Areas, they can delineate these known areas and MI the remaining areas. DRO has been high at the UST at the Vehicle Maintenance Bldg and some day tanks areas. All BTEX/GRO detections have been less than Method 2 levels. Two groundwater monitoring wells installed to date. Plan to continue filling in data gaps. Site visit by the Air Force and John Halverson will occur on August 1st. They will look at the entire site and make a decision about the one side of the Paint Storage Bldg that has not been samples due to the wall of the bldg laying over it. Lisa Maserjian
1/16/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with the Airforce, USACOE, CH2M HILL, Ron Porter - Mitretek, and Larry Acomb - Geosphere. John Halverson, Earl Crapps, and Marty Brewer from ADEC were also in attendance. The morning was spent reviewing the data collected during the SI last summer. The onsite (Galena) lab proved to be very beneficial , as the short turnaround times allowed the field crew to fully delineate the PCB and POL source areas. Pesticide samples were not run at the on-site lab, however, all but one pesticide source area was co-located with PCB contamination. The afternoon was spent planning future actions for the site. The Airforce Clean-sweep crew is scheduled to remove the buildings in FY09 so the remedial action will need to happen as soon as possible. The Airforce has agreed to clean up the PCB contamination to <1 mg/kg. This action will remove all but one source area for dieldrin. MI results for that source area indicate that the dieldrin soil contamination is above Method II, but below ingestion. The site is high on a mountain and the contamination is unlikely to impact groundwater. Larry Acomb presented preliminary 4-phase callculations on the petroleum data, which concluded no risk remains from POL contaminants. Larry will also run the Method III calculation which will be reviewed by Marty. A meeting, or teleconference will be scheduled to present those results. It was agreed that due to the limited contamination (DRO and RRO) expected to remain at the site after the PCB/pesticide removal, that a full risk assessment would not be neccessary. Kim DeRuyter
2/26/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held The Community of Galena called a meeting to discuss the Galena and Kalakaket sites. DEC staff, Airforce Project Managers and their consultants traveled to Galena to present the current status of the sites and answer questions posed by community members. The evening began with a Potlach and proceeded with the presentation and question answer sessions. Most of the questions centered around the groundwater plums at the Galena Airforce base and concern over vapor intrusion into buildings, and potential contaminant migration to the Yukon River. Kalakaket is nearly 30 miles away and difficult to access due to wetlands in summer, and drifting snow in winter. Kim DeRuyter
3/21/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Teleconference with the Triad team to discuss the comments to the Tech Memo, and determine a course of action. It was agreed that because the 4 phase calculator was unlikely to be approved prior to early summer that both the Method III and the 4 phase calculator results would be presented in the RI. ADEC will review the Draft RI in a timely manner and the remediation efforts will not be postponed. Kim DeRuyter
9/30/2008 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Sent Preliminary comments to the Draft RI report. ADEC requested that the report be revised to reflect the new cleanup levels, and also requested copies of the ProUCL data input worksheets, Method 3 worksheets and input concentrations, cumulative risk calculations, and the Laboratory Data Consultants 3rd party validation report. Kim DeRuyter
12/16/2008 Update or Other Action Sent final comments to the 2008 Draft RIFS. The primary concerns are the risk evaluation which was conducted without an approved workplan, failure to address petroleum contaminated soil in the Feasibility Study and unclear data manipulation that does not meet the state requirements. Kim DeRuyter
2/17/2009 Update or Other Action Sent response to contractors comments on the Draft RI along with a request for a comment resolution meeting. The Air Force is in the process of mobilizing equipment to Kalakaket with the goal of completing Clean Sweep and environmental restoration during the summer of 2009. Kim DeRuyter
3/6/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Comment reolution meeting held in Anchorage. Numerous clarifications in the text were agreed to and the Air Force agreed to address cumulative risk at the site. In comments to the meeting summary DEC reiterated that use of the 4 phase calculator had not been approved by DEC and requested that the portions of the RI/FS that include 4-phase calculations, and conclusions drawn from those calculations should either be removed from the report, or the report should clearly state that DEC has not approved the calculator or the conclusions and recommendations drawn from its use. Kim DeRuyter
4/30/2009 Proposed Plan The Draft Proposed Plan was received on April 9, 2009, DEC comments to the PP were sent on April 28, 2009. The Air Force is proposing to excavate and dispose of all PCB & Dieldrin contaminated soil at a TSCA permitted chemical waste landfill. Petroleum contaminated soil with concentrations above applicable cleanup levels and soil with PCBs below 10 mg/kg will be placed in separate cells in a permitted on-site landfill. The remedial action is scheduled for this summer. Kim DeRuyter
5/11/2009 Update or Other Action The Draft Work Plan arrived on 4/21/09, comments to the work plan were sent out today. The Work Plan describes on-site disposal in a permitted landfill of PCB soil > 10mg/kg, and Dieldrin below the direct contact cleanup level. Higher concentrations will be shipped off-site for disposal in a permitted hazardous waste landfill. Petroleum contaminated soil above the direct contact cleanup level will be landspread at the site, and then transferred to a cell in the permitted landfill once MI sampling indicates concentrations are below the direct contact cleanup level. Several deficiencies were noted in the work plan which did not address contaminated groundwater, or soil cleanup levels at sites with groundwater impacts. Institutional controls were not described in the work plan, and the landfill permit application has not been received. These issues will need to be addressed before the remedial action can proceed. Kim DeRuyter
5/22/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Draft-Final Work Plan was received on 5/18/09, interim comments were sent today in order to provide the contractor time to make changes to the document. The work plan can not be finalized prior to the approval of the RI/FS, and Proposed Plan which are in the Draft-Final stage, but are not finalized. The Work Plan needed some minor changes and also did not address what the Air Force would do if the landspread petroleum contaminated soil did not meet the ingestion/inhalation in time to be used for daily cover on the permitted landfill. Kim DeRuyter
5/27/2009 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other The Final Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study was submitted to the Department on April 29, 2009, DEC had anticipated the opportunity to review a draft final document prior to receiving the final, so the department provided comments on the report on May 28, 2009. The report did not include the cumulative risk data inputs, or summary sheets. The Feasibility study did not select a preferred alternative. The comment letter requested numerous other changes of lesser concern. Kim DeRuyter
6/2/2009 Proposed Plan Staff attended a public meeting in Galena on the Kalakaket Proposed Plan. CH2M Hill presented the plan for on and off site disposal of PCB, Dieldrin and petroleum contaminated soil. Comments from the public included concerns that the Air Force contracts were already set, and it was too late for the Air Force to make changes to the plan in response to comments from the public, lack of local hire, a move to leave one or more antenna in place for navigational purposes, request for an extension of the comment period, and two community members felt that the remedial action was a waste of money given the remoteness of the site. Kim DeRuyter
6/11/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites (CS) staff and Jennifer Currie from the Department of Law (DOL) attended a meeting with the Air Force and Air Force legal staff to review comments on the April 2009 Supplemental Site Investigation, Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study (SSI/RI/FS). The Air Force did not submit a Draft-Final report as anticipated and the Department’s comments were not adequately addressed in the Final report. Comments were resolved, the Air Force agreed to revise the report, and the meeting moved on to finding a path forward. The Air Force moved equipment to Galena last fall and cat-trained it to the site during the winter with the goal of completing the site work this summer. However, completion of the SSI/RI/FS was delayed by the Air Forces use of the 4-phase calculator, and refusal to address petroleum contaminated soil. The remedial action was further delayed by the communities request for an extension of the comment period on the Proposed Plan. In an attempt to start the field work this month, the Air Force proposed conducting an emergency removal action. Air Force and DOL legal staff concluded the remedial action could not be classified as an emergency and that the excavation of CERCLA contaminants could not be conducted until public comments were addressed and the Record of Decision (ROD) and Work Plan were finalized. CS staff agreed to review and provide comments on a partial ROD in order to speed up the review process. Complete review of the ROD and approval of the Work Plan will take place after the public comments have been addressed. The Air Force hopes to have the documents finalized by August 1st. Kim DeRuyter
7/21/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved Staff reviewed and approved the Final Supplemental Site Investigation, Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Report (RIFS) for the Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station received by DEC on April 24, 2009. In response to the Department’s comments the Final RIFS was amended with slip sheets on June 25, 2009 and again on July 20, 2009. The Department’s comments have been addressed and incorporated in the final document. Kim DeRuyter
7/27/2009 Record of Decision The OT001 ROD was approved and is expected to be signed today. The LF002 ROD has been submitted, and should be followed shortly by the POL decision document. A conditional work plan approval was sent prior to finalizing all of the Decision Documents in order to allow the Air Forced to begin excavating. The conditions of the approval were that the Air Force develop and implement subsequent plans as necessary, addressing long term monitoring and institutional controls and that the petroleum cleanup work be consistent with the yet to be finalized decision documents. Kim DeRuyter
8/17/2009 Site Visit Conducted a site visit with the Air Force In-house Crew during the remedial action and clean sweep activities. Observed each AOC, and sample collection at the STO and DS2. The PCB cleanup was nearly complete at upper camp and with the exception of the VMG all of the buildings had been demolished and placed in the landfill. Excavation of the petroleum contaminated sites will begin once the PCB excavations are complete. The volume of PCB soil had greatly exceeded expectations. Returned to the office and met with the Solid Waste Program to verify that PCB soil below 10 ppm could be placed in the on-site landfill. Solid waste confirmed that the existing permit did allow for low level PCB disposal. The Proposed Plan that went out for public comment discussed disposal of PCBs on or offsite, but the ROD stated that PCB soil would be disposed of off-site. A ROD ammendment may be required. Kim DeRuyter
10/26/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC staff (Halverson, DeRuyter) and Jenn Currie (DOL), met with the Air Force (Charlie Peyton, Jim Klasen) and their contractors (CH2M Hill-Vivian Tokar, Matt Flynn) to discuss the Draft POL Decision Documents for the LF002 and OT001 sites. Jenn Currie had provided Jim Klasen with comments regarding the CERCLA language prior to the meeting and the Air Force was in agreement that RODs for the petroleum contaminated sites were not required under CERCLA and the documents could instead follow the Decision Document Format. All parties were able to agree on language to document implementation of ICs, inspection and reporting frequency, and long term monitoring requirements for groundwater. The meeting was productive and congenial. Draft Final documents are anticipated in the next few weeks. Kim DeRuyter
1/7/2010 Update or Other Action Sent comments on the Draft/Final POL Decision Documents for the OT001 and LF002 sites. The DDs were received on December 9, 2009. Kim DeRuyter
2/8/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Staff met with Jenn Currie, Charley Peyton (USAF), and CH2M Hill to discuss the comments on the Draft Final Decision Documents. Kim DeRuyter
4/9/2010 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 78132 name: Vehicle Maintenance Garage Kim DeRuyter
5/12/2010 Final Cleanup Report Reviewed Final Building Demolition, Debris Removal, Landfill Construction and Environmental Remediation Report approved. Kim DeRuyter
5/19/2010 Institutional Control Record Established The Air Force and the Department have signed a Decision Document for the petroleum contaminated sites (LF002, and OT001) at the Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station sites. CERCLA contaminated sites were covered under a separate Record of Decision which was signed last July. The remedial action conducted in 2009 removed all soil above the health based cleanup levels, but PCB contaminated soil below 10 mg/kg was capped and will be managed in place within the permitted landfill, and petroleum contamination remains in groundwater at the site. Long term groundwater monitoring, institutional controls, and periodic site inspections and reporting will be required to prevent soil movement, groundwater discharge or consumption, and exposure to subsurface contamination. Kim DeRuyter
5/24/2010 CERCLA ROD Approved The CERCLA ROD, Petroleum Decision Document, and LF001 Decision Document were signed by DEC and the USAF. Kim DeRuyter
2/2/2011 Update or Other Action Scoping for Work Plan for Long Term Monitoring at KKC discussed with USAF PM Charley Peyton Amanda Loomis
7/11/2011 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Draft Work Plan for Long Term Monitoring was submitted and reviewed. Amanda Loomis
8/19/2011 Long Term Monitoring Established Work Plan for Long Term Monitoring Approved Amanda Loomis
5/18/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments on the Draft Long Term Monitoring report, Kalakaket creek Radio Relay Station, dated February 2012. DEC requested that survey information for the site Landfills be submitted and that landfill monumentation be confirmed and documented. Dennis Shepard
8/17/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided approval of the Draft Redline Environmental Long Term Monitoring Report, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, dated July 2012. Dennis Shepard
8/21/2012 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC provided review comments on the Draft Environmental Long Term Monitoring and Maintenance Work Plan, dated July 2012 for work to be conducted at Kalakaket Creek during the 2012 season. Dennis Shepard
2/13/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other ADEC received a Draft of the Environmental Long Term Monitoring report for the 2012 LTM Groundwater sampling and landfill inspection. Dennis Shepard
6/26/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Technical Project Report for the 2012 Environmental Long Term Management at Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station. Dennis Shepard
5/26/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station Supplemental Work Plan 2015 Environmental Long Term Management and Remedial Action Operations, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, Alaska. Dennis Shepard
8/25/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station Supplemental Work Plan 2016 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, Alaska. The Work proposed in the supplemental is consistent with the requirements of 18 AAC 75.375(b)(2) and the approved Work Plan Addendum 2013 Environmental Long Term Management which was approved by DEC on May 29, 2013. Dennis Shepard
2/24/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2016 Remedial Action Operations, Land Use/Institutional Control Report, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, February 2017. Dennis Shepard
5/10/2021 Update or Other Action On 5/4/2021, ADEC completed an interview provided by USAF's contractor, in preparation for the 2nd Five Year Review (FYR). In the interview, ADEC noted the following: Metal debris that was observed protruding from the LF1 landfill cap in 2012, as documented in the 2013 report, has not been addressed; the required 18 AAC 60 post closure documentation has not been submitted to the Solid Waste Program; a ROD amendment or ESD has not been completed as recommended in the 1st FYR; and based on review of photographs, multiple monitoring wells appear to be frost jacked. Jamie McKellar
10/27/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other REPORT APPROVAL: Final 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Institutional Control / Land Use Control Report, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, Alaska (EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC, October 2021). Recommendations in the 2020 RAO IC/LUC report include, but are not limited to: installation and replacement of signage at LF002, repair and replace several monitoring wells, and a recommendation to sample soil and surface water in the location near the airstrip where sheen was observed in 204, 2015, and 2020. Jamie McKellar
6/29/2023 CERCLA ROD Periodic Review On 6/29/2023, DEC approved the Final 2nd FYR for the former Kalakaket RRS. As part of this approval, USAF is required to complete multiple activities within the next two years: File a NAUL by 12/31/2024; file an ESD by 8/30/2024; inspect the LF1 landfill cap during Federal Fiscal Year 2024; investigate the sheen observed on the Kalakaket runway by 6/29/2024; and file a FYR addendum by 12/31/2025. Jamie McKellar
12/19/2023 Update or Other Action ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT: Preliminary Assessment (PA) Report for Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Areas, Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Station, Alaska. In October 2023, USAF submitted a PA Report for AFFF at the former Kalakaket RRS. While USAF does not have good documentation or information about the activities that occurred when the Kalakaket installation was active, the PA presents several lines of evidence that AFFF was stored at Kalakaket. The conclusion reached in this PA is that no further action is warranted due to a lack of documentation that AFFF was released. However, based on the cited 1991 EPA PA guidance, before 'no further action' can be recommended, USAF must be certain that CERCLA hazardous substances have never been at the site. A lack of information cannot be interpreted to indicate that no hazardous waste is present or has ever been deposited at the site. DEC acknowledges receipt of the Kalakaket AFFF PA but specifically does not approve it. In the future, additional PFAS sampling may be required in areas described in this PA. Jamie McKellar

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
PCBs - Total > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil PCBs greater than 50 mg/kg were removed in 1984. PCBs up to 10 mg/kg remain on site in the Upper Camp Subareas of Site OT001.
Dieldrin > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil
DRO > Table C Groundwater

Control Type

Type Details
Land Use Plan / Maps / Base Master Plan Cap areas of contamination and restrict land use to recreational activities. Air Force determined that the future land use of IRP Site OT001 will continue to be recreational until it releases the land as indicated by Public Land Order (PLO) 1740.
Signed CS Determination Long Term monitoring of the site includes annual groundwater monitoring for DRO.


Description Details
Maintenance / Inspection Of Engineering Controls An annual inspection of the cap conditions is currently required.
Restricted to Recreational Land Use

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