Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
1/23/1997 |
Site Added to Database |
Site added by Shannon and Wilson, per Kalu Kalu on 1/23/97. See also Reckey 198931X902515. |
S&W |
4/17/1999 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Stephens attended meeting with Air Force to form RAB in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
7/21/1999 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
RAB meeting in Point Lay. ADEC staff unable to attend. |
Tamar Stephens |
10/26/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Stephens briefed section manager on proposed plan for action to address erosion and migration of contaminants to surface water. |
Tamar Stephens |
11/16/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Proposed Plan released for beginning of 30 days public comment period. |
Tamar Stephens |
11/16/1999 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Stephens attended RAB meeting in Point Lay village. Air Force gave overview of, and distributed Proposed Plan for interim remedial action to address landfill erosion and migration of contaminants into surface water. RAB members discussed other areas of concern, especially boat dock area with exposed debris. |
Tamar Stephens |
11/24/1999 |
Proposed Plan |
Approved final Proposed Plan for LF01 for an interim action to remove exposed debris, sample, restore cover, and divert run-off from old landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
12/30/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed draft Decision Document for Interim action at landfill (LF001). |
Tamar Stephens |
10/17/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Review of Draft Work Plan for Interim Remedial Action at LF001 Deactivated Landfill. Stephens send comments identifying additional information needed. |
Tamar Stephens |
8/8/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
Review of Draft Work Plan for Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation of 7 areas of concern. Requested additional clarification on several items. Reviewed Final Technical Report for Interim Action at LF01 Deactivated Landfill, which described construction of drainages swales and cover restoration of landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
4/5/2002 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Review and provisional approval of draft work plan for Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation. |
Tamar Stephens |
11/1/2002 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed and commented on draft Site Investigation Report. |
Tamar Stephens |
1/7/2003 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Approved final Site Investigation Report on 7 areas of concern. |
Tamar Stephens |
2/7/2003 |
Site Number Identifier Changed |
Changed the Region from 36 to 31 and the Sequence Number from 42 to 12. |
Former Staff |
1/14/2004 |
Proposed Plan |
Stephens sent letter approving Proposed Plan. The prefered remedy presented in the Proposed Plan is to condudct an electromagnetic survey to find the location of debris and drums. Contaminated soil, drums, and debris will be removed, even if embedded in permafrost, to ensure that all potential sources are eliminated. Inert debris such as clean concrete and rebar will be left in place. |
Tamar Stephens |
1/13/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Stephens attended RAB meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
4/12/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended RAB meeting in Point Lay. Air Force provided update on Clean Sweep plans to demolish buildings and conduct soil cleanup throughout spring and summer. |
Tamar Stephens |
4/12/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board Meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
4/18/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Stephens briefed section manager then sent letter approving waiver of thrid party sampling requirement. |
Tamar Stephens |
5/6/2005 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
Approved Clean Sweep Work Plan and accompanying Sampling and Analysis Plan |
Tamar Stephens |
7/13/2005 |
Site Visit |
Tamar Stephens did a site visit and conducted a visual inspection of the landfill. No surface erosion apparent; cap observed to be intact. |
Tamar Stephens |
7/14/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
11/1/2005 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
5/2/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board Meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
7/13/2006 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
8/6/2007 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
8/15/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and sent approval letter for Sampling Plan for Environmental Assessment and Environmental Baseline Survey at Point Lay Long Range Radar Station. Work plan covers multiple sites including the LF01 landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
12/27/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and sent comment letter on draft report titled 2007 Property Characterization Report for the Point Lay Long Range Radar Station. The report presents the results of an August, 2007 inspection of the deactivated landfill known as LF01 and of the former location of bulk fuel tanks, designated in this report as Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL) Storage Area. The report further characterizes these two areas for their suitability for land transfer. The information in this report will be used to update a 2002 Environmental Baseline Survey. Based on the information provided in this report, DEC concurred with the following findings and conclusions in this report with respect to the landfill: The Landfill (LF01), located between the Air Force hangar and Kasegaluk Lagoon, was found to have an intact cover and was described as being stable, with no evidence of surface erosion or erosion along the bluff at the toe of the landfill. No seeps were observed along the bluff. The landfill was described as not currently threatened by erosion. The landfill was classified in the report as not suitable for land transfer due to the presence of a landfill.
Tamar Stephens |
3/13/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed. |
Tamar Stephens |
3/2/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and sent comments letter on draft Work Plan – Geophysical Survey of Landfill LF01, Point Lay Long Range Radar Station. |
Tamar Stephens |
3/20/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Sent approval letter for final Work Plan – Geophysical Survey of Landfill LF01, Point Lay Long Range Radar Station (LRRS), which DEC received by e-mail on March 17, 2009 from Jamie Grund of Weston Solutions, Inc. DEC previously reviewed the draft work plan and sent comments in a letter on March 2, 2009, requesting additional information. The final work plan contains the additional information is therefore approved. The work plan describes a geophysical investigation of the Point Lay LRRS Deactivated Landfill (LF01), planned for early in April (April 5-7, 2009). This landfill is located between the rear of the hangar and Kasegaluk Lagoon. The purpose of the investigation is to obtain a good estimate of the volume of waste within LF01 to assist in planning a remedial alternative for the landfill. The geophysical investigation will consist of an electromagnetic survey with integrated global positioning system to identify metallic material within the landfill, followed by a ground-penetrating radar survey to estimate the vertical extent of waste in the landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
6/5/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and sent comments on draft report titled Geophysical Investigation Report for Geophysical Surveys of Landfill LF01 Point Lay LRRS. DEC received this report on May 28, 2009. This report describes an electromagnetic (EM) survey and a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the LF01 deactivated landfill for the purpose of locating buried metallic debris and delineating the boundaries of the landfill. These surveys were conducted between April 5 and April 8, 2009. |
Tamar Stephens |
6/22/2009 |
Site Visit |
Visual inspection of landfill. Observed the presence of a sink hole near the toe of the landfill, approx 10 - 12 diameter, 3-4 feet deep. Bill Tracy, Restoration Advisory Board Community Co-Chair and Point Lay Fire Chief, pointed out areas of subsidence occurring in other places in the village of Point Lay, indicating dynamic changes to a broader area than just the landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
6/22/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
7/6/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Tamar Stephens sent a letter approving the Final Geophysical Investigation Report for Geophysical Surveys of Landfill LF01 Point Lay LRRS. This report describes an electromagnetic (EM) survey and a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey of the LF01 deactivated landfill for the purpose of locating buried metallic debris and delineating the boundaries of the landfill. These surveys were conducted between April 5 and April 8, 2009. Past investigation of the landfill estimated the total volume of the landfill at approximately 625 cubic yards. The geophysical investigation report estimated the landfill at 5400 cubic yards. Information in this report will be used to assist in developing a final remedy for the landfill.
Tamar Stephens |
8/11/2009 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and sent comments on draft Work Plan - Remedial Investigation Addendum/Focused Feasibility Study, Point Lay Long Range Radar Station, Deactivated LF01 Landfill Site. |
Tamar Stephens |
8/19/2009 |
CERCLA RI Plan Approved |
Sent approval letter for the final Work Plan - Remedial Investigation Addendum/Focused Feasibility Study, Point Lay Long Range Radar Station, Deactivated LF01 Landfill Site on August 18, 2009. The purpose of the investigation is to better characterize the landfill to be able to refine the conceptual site model and provide better information for evaluation and planning of remedial alternatives. This will be accomplished through the use of test pits to confirm the boundaries and depth of the landfill and provide representative profiles of the types of waste that are in the landfill, and through sampling of surface water adjacent to the landfill and seeps from the landfill.
Tamar Stephens |
11/9/2009 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Point Lay Restoration Advisory Board meeting in Point Lay. |
Tamar Stephens |
5/13/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Reviewed and sent comments on draft Focused Feasibility Study for LF01 landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
8/24/2010 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Tamar Stephens send a letter approving the Final Focused Feasibility Study, Point Lay Long Range Radar Station Deactivated Landfill LF01 Landfill Site (August 2010). DEC previously reviewed the draft Focused Feasibility Study (FFS) report and sent comments in a letter dated May 13, 2010. The final FFS report adequately addresses the comments DEC submitted on the draft report. The report evaluated several alternatives for cleanup of the LF01 landfill. 1. No further action;
2. Land use controls/Long-term monitoring;
3. Excavation and disposal of solid waste at a new cell at the permitted landfill in Point Lay;
4. Excavation and disposal of solid waste in a new cell at either Cape Lisburne Long Range Radar Station or Tin City Long Range Radar Station;
5. Excavation and disposal of solid waste in a new cell at the current LF01 location;
6. Excavation and disposal of solid waste in a new cell on Air Force property at Point Lay near the permitted landfill at Point Lay.
Tamar Stephens |
9/20/2010 |
Public Notice |
USAF held public meeting in Point Lay on 9/20/2010 for Proposed Plan for LF01. Public comment period for the Proposed Plan is from September 20 through October 22, 2010. |
Tamar Stephens |
9/20/2010 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended public meeting in Point Lay. The Air Force presented a Proposed Plan for cleanup of the landfill. The preferred alternative presented in the proposed plan is to remove the contents of the landfill, segregate to remove hazardous waste and contaminated soil for off-site disposal, to landspread or landfarm soil with petroleum contamination, and to construct a new permitted landfill for disposal of non-hazardous landfill contents. The proposed new landfill would be located on Air Force property in close proximity to the existing Point Lay community landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
9/21/2010 |
Site Visit |
Tamar Stephens, along with USAF project manager, contractor, and RAB Community Co-chair Bill Tracy, did site visit and visual inspection of the LF01 deactivated landfill and a visual inspection of the proposed area for constructing a new landfill for disposal of non-hazardous components from the LF01. Various problems with the North Slope Borough landfill in Point Lay were discussed, as these same problems could develop with a new Air Force landfill. Problems included water accumulation and problems with drifting snow piling up by fences. |
Tamar Stephens |
10/11/2010 |
CERCLA Proposed Plan |
Tamar Stephens sent letter from DEC to The United States Air Force approving the Proposed Plan for LF01 deactivated landfill. The USAF presented the Proposed Plan - Point Lay Long Range Radar Station Deactivated Landfill, LF01 at a public meeting in Point Lay on Monday, September 20, 2010. The public comment period for the Proposed Plan is from September 20 through October 22, 2010. The letter documented that the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) reviewed and approved the proposed plan prior to its release to the public on September 20, 2010. DEC has determined that the preferred alternative is protective of human health, safety, and welfare; is protective of the environment; and can be implemented in accordance with applicable requirements of the site cleanup rules in18 AAC 75 Article 3. The proposed plan summarizes past investigations and interim cleanup actions at the Deactivated Landfill (LF07), summarizes the cleanup alternatives that were evaluated in a Feasibility Study, and presents a preferred alternative. The preferred alternative presented in the proposed plan is to remove the contents of the landfill, segregate to remove hazardous waste and contaminated soil for off-site disposal, to landspread or landfarm soil with petroleum contamination, and to construct a new permitted landfill for disposal of non-hazardous landfill contents. The proposed new landfill would be located on Air Force property in close proximity to the existing Point Lay community landfill.
Tamar Stephens |
10/11/2011 |
Site Visit |
Tamar Stephens conducted a site visit with the contractor, Bill Tracy (RAB community co-chair and Pt. Lay Fire Chief), contractor, and Tom Brower (North Slope Borough Planning Department). Site visit included visual inspection of landfill and visual inspection of various potential borrow sources from berms and pad areas on Air Force property. |
Tamar Stephens |
10/11/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Tamar Stephens attended Restoration Advisory Board meeting. The Air Force's contractor presented their plans for cleanup of the landfill. Instead of a new landfill for the non-hazardous components of the LF01 landfill, they play to ship all contents off site, except possibly inert waste such as scrap metal. |
Tamar Stephens |
12/8/2011 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Work plan scoping meeting held at Fairbanks DEC office with Tamar Stephens (DEC), representatives from the performance based contractor, with Air Force remedial project manager Lori Roy participating by teleconference. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss various elements of the work plan for cleanup of LF01 including confirmation sampling, waste characterization, characterization of laydown areas, lessons learned from other landfill cleanup projects, and project schedule. Draft work plan anticipated to be submitted by the end of January, 2012. The contractor is also writing the record of decision, and anditipates submitting that to DEC in early January, 2012. |
Tamar Stephens |
4/25/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Stephens reviewed and send comments on a draft work plan for cleanup of the landfill. |
Tamar Stephens |
4/30/2012 |
CERCLA ROD Approved |
The ROD was signed by Colonel Robyn Burk, Commander, 611th Air Support Group on 4/27/2012 and by John Halverson, Environmental Program Manager, DEC Contaminated Sites Program Federal Facilities Department of Defense Unit Lead, on 4/30/2012. The selected remedy for the landfill is to excavate, segregate, and properly dispose of the landfill wastes and contaminated soil. |
Tamar Stephens |
5/21/2012 |
CERCLA Remedial Design/Remedial Action Plan Approved |
Sent approval letter for final Work Plan, Remedial Action-Site Cleanup, Deactivated Landfill Site LF001, Point Lay Long-Range Radar Station, Alaska. Field work is scheduled for summer of 2012. The key elements of this project: (1)Landfill contents will be excavated to remove contaminant sources. (2) Soil and wastes removed from the landfill will be characterized to determine appropriate disposal or reuse. (3) Wastes will be containerized and stored in a temporary location. In fall/winter of 2012 an ice road will be constructed and containerized wastes will be transported to the barrier island for pick up by the barge in 2013. (5)Confirmation sampling of the excavation will be performed to verify cleanup of contamination
(6)The excavation will be backfilled with soil and/or gravel that is confirmed to be clean.
Tamar Stephens |
8/2/2012 |
Site Visit |
Stephens conducted a site visit of the landfill cleanup project. Project site is orderly and work is being conducted according to the approved work plan. |
Tamar Stephens |
6/4/2013 |
Site Visit |
Shepard and Vreeman attended a remediation advisory board meeting and completed a Site Visit. The Site visit included inspection of LF001 and the waste storage/Super sack staging area. DEC staff expressed concern for the condition of the super sack staging are where approximately 1000 supersacks were frozen in overflow/meltwater. The Air Force RPM shared DEC concerns and explained that the AF was not able to contract for the ICE road to move the sacks offshore to a barrier island in 2013. The approved Workplan calls for removing the super sacks by barge from the barrier island (the lagoon is too shallow to get a barge near the current mainland staging location). |
Dennis Shepard |
7/8/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Shepard sent a letter to the Air Force RPM expressing DEC concern for the Super sack staging area for LF001 waste. DEC has asked that a revised waste management plan be submitted and that a schedule for removing the waste be submitted. DEC asked that the super sack staging area be secured by creating runoff channels or moving the sacks to higher ground. DEC also asked that the super sacks not be allowed to remain for another winter. |
Dennis Shepard |
8/13/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC reviewed Landfill LF001 excavation confirmation sample results for remaining landfill decision units. The landfill decision units are reviewed by the DEC project Manager during teleconference calls with the Air Force and its contractor. The laboratory sample results along with Landfill decision unit locations, confirmation sample locations, laboratory sample results and any decision unit deviations are presented by Powerpoint document, reviewed, discussed and approved by decision unit. As of this date, all site decision units have been excavated, sampled in accordance with the approved Work plan, reviewed, confirmed below decision document remedial action objective soil levels and the work approved. A small number of decision units required additional soil removal and confirmation. |
Dennis Shepard |
9/18/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Final update for the LF001 removal action was received and reviewed. The Powerpoint document presented sample results for decision units which required additional soil removal and re-sampling. All the decision unit results from re-sampling indicated that remedial action objectives have been attained for the contaminated soil removal at LF001. |
Dennis Shepard |
11/7/2013 |
Site Visit |
Shepard attended the Point Lay RAB meeting and inspected the LF001 (waste) Super Sack staging area. The Air Force contractor has secured the Super Sack staging area by creating runoff channels and moving some of the sacks to higher ground. The Air Force has provided verbal assurances that the Sacks will be moved by Ice Road to the Barrier Island this winter and be transported by barge in the summer season 2014. |
Dennis Shepard |
2/21/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved the Work Plan Addendum to Remedial Action-Site Cleanup Deactivated Landfill Site LF001, Contaminated Soil Transportation and Disposal (Rev 3, January 2014). This Work Plan describes the planned removal and transportation of the LF001 waste stored in Super Sacks at Point Lay. |
Dennis Shepard |
8/8/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DEC approved a Work Plan Addendum: On August 7, 2014 the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) received a Draft Work Plan Addendum for the handling and re-bagging of super sacks of contaminated soil from Deactivated Landfill Site LF001 at Point Lay , Alaska. The addendum outlines the processes and procedures required for the containerization, transportation, and disposal of approximately 2,000 tons of previously classified non-TSCA PCB soil that is actually classified as 2,000 tons of RCRA lead impacted soil. Approximately 200 of the 1,276 full super sacks will be (over packed) placed in IP-1 DOT Pactec waste transport bulk bags. The addendum also describes multi incremental confirmation sampling to be conducted at the completion of the re-bagging and Super sack loading process. |
Dennis Shepard |
10/3/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
Transferred from Shephard to Debenham. |
John Carnahan |
11/20/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved final Remedial Action Completion Report documenting cleanup activities at landfill LF001. Approximately 9,250 cubic yards of contaminated soil and 15 drums of potentially hazardous waste/debris were properly disposed of off-site. Confirmation sampling results from the excavation are below the applicable cleanup levels. |
Melody Debenham |
4/1/2015 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended Restoration Advisory Board meeting in Point Lay with Air Force and Navy. |
Melody Debenham |
9/3/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Approved final Remedial Action Report, Contaminated Soil Transportation and Disposal, Point Lay, Alaska describing off-site transportation and disposal of 13,100 tons of PCB contaminated soil and miscellaneous waste items including lead-acid batteries, oily rags, electrical equipment, and waste oil. |
Melody Debenham |
9/17/2015 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended Barrow Restoration Advisory Board Meeting (RAB) and provided update on Point Lay. Point Lay RAB was cancelled due to weather. |
Melody Debenham |
10/30/2015 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71753 Point Lay LIZ-2 Landfill. |
Melody Debenham |
6/23/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended Point Lay Restoration Advisory Board meeting with Air Force and Navy representatives. |
Melody Debenham |
6/23/2016 |
Site Visit |
Site visit with US Air Force. Landfill site has not been fully backfilled, and additional settling has occurred since removal actions were completed. |
Melody Debenham |
6/22/2017 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended Point Lay RAB w/ Air Force and Navy. Air Force indicated cleanup work is expected to begin in 2019 at the LIZ-2 TA013 site, at which time the excavated LIZ-2 Landfill will be backfilled. |
Gretchen Caudill |
11/13/2018 |
Site Visit |
A site visit conducted Oct. 25, 2018 confirmed what is likely PCB paint to be ubiquitous on the interior and exterior of the remaining buildings at the installation including SS006, the Hangar, and the Warehouse. Open access remains at all facilities. DEC has requested further actions outlined in a Site Inspection Letter at 3 areas of concern and reopened the SS006/Garage site. |
Gretchen Caudill |
1/16/2019 |
Update or Other Action |
USAF responded to the Site Inspection Letter with the following: AFCEC/CZOP has adjusted the FY19 Environmental Restoration Program project plans to complete a Facility Hazardous Materials Survey as well as a Site Characterization Study of the Vehicle Maintenance Facility, the Hangar, and the Warehouse buildings. This evaluation, anticipated to be awarded in FY19, will address both flaking PCB/Lead Based Paint and any contamination which may have impacted the soil within, beneath, or adjacent to any of the structures. The 611 CES will utilize in-house Operations manpower to travel to Point Lay LRRS and seal the open drains within the Vehicle Maintenance Facility again in FY19. The 611 CES will place signage on the buildings at Point Lay warning anyone who approaches of the potential hazards and stating no trespassing. The FY19 project will include a requirement to secure the doors using locks or other means of restricting access. The current lease holder, North Slope Borough, will be notified of the hazards identified during the 25 Oct 18 Site Inspection by 15 Jan 19. |
Gretchen Caudill |
8/7/2023 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Supplemental Site Investigation Work Plan for Point Lay LRRS reviewed and approved. This work plan details the planned site investigation in the vicinity of TA013. Additional investigation was requested after approval of the TA013 Decision Document to investigate surface water exceedances detected during the 2016 site characterization of TA013. Up to 15 soil borings will be advanced to the west of TA013. Up to five surface water samples will be collected as well. |
Kelly Walker |