Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
7/5/1984 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Environmental Assessment for Port Clarence and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). FONSI assesses impact of proposed removal of buildings, abandoned landing mat, vehicles, approximately 1400 drums, and miscellaneous debris. Some drums were leaking. Concluded that proposed action would not greatly affect quality of human environment and therefore an environmental impact statement is not needed. |
Former Staff |
7/19/1985 |
Update or Other Action |
The Army Corps of Engineers conducted a clean demolition of the former Port Clarence Army Air Base facilities. ADEC approved the Corps to construct two landfills for this effort, one of which was used to burn 1400 barrels of tar/asphalt in place along with other combustible materials generated as part of the demolition activities. The other landfill was used to dispose of all other non-combustible materials. No sampling or characterization activites were conducted as part of this demolition effort. |
Curtis Dunkin |
1/15/1987 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = PER - Permit Action at Site). Coast Guard application for solid waste disposal permit. Permit 8732-BA001. |
Former Staff |
1/18/1991 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. |
Former Staff |
11/30/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = PER - Permit Action at Site). Expiration of permit 8732-BA001. |
Former Staff |
8/16/1993 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
The USCG conducted a fuel release investigation in response to approximately 3,000 gallons of arctic grade diesel fuel which was relesed to soil in July 1993 from a 500-gallon day tank. The investigation discovered that a valve on the day tank had been left open which allowed fuel from the main bulk tank to gravity feed into the day tank and out the vent pipe. The investigation included the excavation of 53 test pits, soil screeing with a PID, collection and laboratory analysis of 59 soil samples and 6 groundwater samples. The USCG generated two stockpiles of diesel-contaminated soil that were estimated to be 95 and 146 cubic yards. Soil was stockpiled upon liners and covered. The investigation recommended removal and remediation to occur the next spring as soon as soils thaw. |
Curtis Dunkin |
12/9/1993 |
The USCG conducted a Preliminary Assessment of the Port Clarence Loran Facility and identified four primary sources of contamination; three of which were determined to have potential of releasing contaminants to the soil and/or groundwater. The four identified source areas include: 1) the two dumpsites constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers as part of the former air base clean sweep and demolition activities including the former tar barrel storage site; 2)an unpermitted landfill used by the USCG up to 1981; 3)an area where 2,000 gallons of arctic grade diesel was released to soil in 1991; and 4)an area where an unknown quantity of fuel was released around the bulk tank farm in 1989. |
Curtis Dunkin |
1/25/1994 |
Site Added to Database |
Petroleum contamination. |
Former Staff |
5/11/1994 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
(Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Ed Meggert/ADEC received final report entitled, "LORSTA Port Clarence Fuel Release Investigation" dated January 1994. Report contained USCG draft plan for remediating petroleum contaminated soil located at site. Part "A" of workplan covers remediation of stockpiled soils by use of a rotary kiln. Part "B" suggests remediation of in situ contamination through design of an air sparging system. |
Ed Meggert |
6/20/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). Sent PRP-CS Database Notification Letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. RP responded with completed information form. |
Jeff Peterson |
8/8/1994 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Reranked. |
Former Staff |
11/1/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = TOTH - Treatment, Other). ADEC received "Remedial Action Plan: USCG Loran Station" dated November 1994, exact date unknown. Plan proposes bioventing system to address POL contamination. |
Former Staff |
5/15/1995 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC reviewed the USCG's 1995 Corrective Action: Installation and Monitoring Plan which proposed in-situ bioventing to treat the diesel contaminated soils. The plan estimated 5 years to acheive cleanup levels in soils and included screeing and laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater. |
Curtis Dunkin |
12/13/1996 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Final Report Point Spencer Dumpsite Site Inspection dated October 31, 1996 and received by ADEC on this date. Two source areas are the subject of this SI. Source 1 includes two dumpsites created to hold material from a 1985 FUDS cleanup. According to cleanup records, there was non known hazardous material landfilled at the site, but approximately 1400 barrels of tar were burned in the landfill and then covered. Source 2, is an abandoned landfill that has been associated only with the operations of LORSTA Port Clarence. |
Sammi Castle |
6/21/1999 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
ADEC reviewed the USCG's Port Clarence Small Arms Firing Range Site Investigation Report. The investigation delineated the extent of metals contamination at the firing range and identified lead contamination in soil at concentrations exceeding 41,000 mg/kg. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/15/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
The USCG conducted an additional release investigation to further address data gaps asociated with the 1993 release investigation. The 2001 investigation included numerous soil borings, installation of groundwater monitoring wells, and soil and groundwater sample collection and analysis. The investigation delineated soil contamination around the tank farm and PCE spill area and confirmed the DRO concentrations which were reported by the 1993 site investigation. Contamination was detected in groundwater samples collected from the aquifer suggests that permafrost may not be continuous beneath the site which may allow contaminated perched water to migrate to the aquifer. The report recommended further investigation to characterize contamination of the groundwater aquifer beneath the permafrost. |
Curtis Dunkin |
5/20/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
File number assigned and entered into the Fileroom DB and CS DB. |
Alyce Hughey |
6/15/2006 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
ADEC reviewed and approved the final 2006 Site Investigation Work Plan. The investigation efforts included soil and groundwater sampling at numerous contaminated sites associated with Port Clarence including the small arms firing range, fuel tanks and past releases, landfills, and dumpsites. The report concluded that an estimaged 2,500 cubic yards of diesel-contaminated soil remains above the ADEC-approved ingestion/inhalation cleanup level of 10,250 mg/kg for diesel in soil and another 40-60 cubic yards of lead-contaminated soil. Groundwater analytical results confirmed that although three wells have DRO contamination at concentrations exceeding cleanup levels that significant natural attenuation is occuring. Soil and groundwater sampling and analytical results associated with numerous landfills and dumpsites provided a better characterization of the nature and extent of contamination associated with these sites. Petroleum and metals contaminants were detected in soils at concentrations above the Method Two cleanup levels. Further characterization is necessary to determine the status of most of these dumbsites. |
Curtis Dunkin |
1/12/2007 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received and reviewed the USCG's 2007 Hazardous Building Materials Survey Report. The USCG conducted an investigation of the building materials which are components of the LORAN facilities. Contaminants included in the investigation included lead-, asbestos-, PCB-, and mercury-containing materials. Miscellaneous building components and materials tested positive for many of the contaminants of concern and will require abatement. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/27/2008 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
Initial ranking with ETM completed. |
Anne Marie Palmieri |
9/10/2008 |
Cleanup Level(s) Approved |
ADEC submitted a determination and approval of cleanup levels to the USCG for contaminants associated with sites at Port Clarence USCG LORAN Station. ADEC determined that due to the continuous permafrost which has been characterized at Point Spencer that the migration to groundwater pathway is not applicable at this site. ADEC approved the most stringent of the inhalation and ingestion exposure pathways for the under 40-inches of precipitation climate zone from 18 AAC 75.341 Tables B1 and B2, specifically: DRO 10,250 mg/kg; RRO 10,000 mg/kg; PCE 10 mg/kg; and lead 400 mg/kg. Cleanup levels for groundwater are those of 18 AAC 75.345 and for surface water are 18 AAC 70. |
Curtis Dunkin |
9/10/2008 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
ADEC reviewed and approved the USCG's final 2006 Site Investigation Report. The investigation further delineated the extent of contamination of lead in soil at the small arms firing range, and petroleum-contaminated soil and suprapermafrost groundwater located in the area of the fuel tank farm and LORAN facility buildings. Laboratory analysis results indicate that soils and groundwater are contaminated with lead and petroleum at concentrations exceeding ADEC's cleanup levels. |
Curtis Dunkin |
5/15/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received and reviewed the USCG's final 2012 Environmental Assessment Report. The assessment evaluates potential liabilities which would impact the USCG divesting the property. Previous releases have resulted in soils and groundwater contaminated with petroleum contaminants, metals, and VOCs. There are also landfills and other facilities which were either created and/or previously utilized by the Army during their operations of a bomber air base in WWII. |
Curtis Dunkin |
10/25/2012 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC received and reviewed the USCG's final 2010 LORAN Station Closure Report. The report documents the USCG's actvities to shut down the LORAN station, demolish the towers, and prepare the facilities for lawaway. This effort did not involve any environmental sampling or contaminated sites work. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/11/2014 |
Site Visit |
ADEC-SPAR/Contaminated Sites staff traveled to the former USCG Port Clarence LORAN Station with USCG-Juneau representatives and conducted site visits and assessments of the LORAN facilities and several other areas of concern which have either known and/or unconfirmed contamination; i.e. lead contaminated soil at the former small arms firing range, permitted and unpermitted disposal areas, fuel-contaminated soil and groundwater at the LORAN facilities, etc. |
Curtis Dunkin |
8/12/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff participated in a project kickoff and planning meeting with ADEC's term-contractor staff to discuss the State of Alaska's Site Characterization and Assessment effort which is planned for implementation in the field during the end of September through the beginning of October, 2014. The State is conducting a site characterization investigation for the purpose of closing data gaps as well as obtaining a current status of the extent of previously identified contamination. This information will be utilized by the State to develop a Feasibility Study that will evaluate cleanup alternatives as well as the implementability and cost associated with each alternative. This work is being conducted in conjunction with the State of Alaska's assessment of the viability of Port Clarence as a future arctic deep water port. |
Curtis Dunkin |
9/5/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff reviewed the draft 2014 USCG Port Clarence LORAN Station Data Gap Investigation Work Plan and submitted comments to its term-contractor. The site characterization effort involves conducting geophysical surveys of 4 landfills/disposal areas, UVOST investigations, soil borings, and temporary groundwater monitoring wells at numerous areas of concern, as well as sampling of soil and sediment, and surface water and groundwater for laboratory analysis of numerous contaminants of concern associated with numerous areas of concern for the purpose of closing data gaps as well as obtaining a current status of known and/or suspected contaminated areas of concern. |
Curtis Dunkin |
9/8/2014 |
Update or Other Action |
The USCG approved the State of Alaska's applications for a right of entry and NEPA permits for the State to conduct its planned 2014 Site Investigation of the contaminated sites associated with the former USCG Port Clarence LORAN station. Mobilization and implementation of the site investigation work is planned the last week of September through the first two weeks of October, 2016. |
Curtis Dunkin |
9/11/2014 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff reviewed a final round of additional responses to ADEC's comments on the draft 2014 USCG Port Clarence LORAN Station Data Gap Investigation Work Plan. Upon determining that all responses were adequate, ADEC submitted approval to its term-contractor to finalize the work plan. |
Curtis Dunkin |
9/17/2014 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Final Data Gap Site Investigation And Focused Feasibility Study Wok Plan dated September 15, 2014. |
Sammi Castle |
9/22/2014 |
Site Visit |
ADEC Contaminated Sites (CS) staff mobilized to Port Clarence, along with the State's term contractor's project team, for the purposes of conducting site inspections and oversight of the implementation of the 2014 site investigation activities. ADEC CS staff conducted all-day site inspections and quality control oversight of investigation activities through the first week of project implementation. Favorable weather conditions upon arrival and throughout the first week allowed the project team to setup the temporary camp facilities and implement the initial investigation activities on schedule. ADEC CS staff returned to Nome, AK on September 26, 2016 via chartered flight; which also transported the first batches of investigation samples for analysis. Site investigation activities are expected to require another ten to fourteen days to complete. |
Curtis Dunkin |
10/2/2014 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Field results and observations obtained from ADEC Contaminated Sites staff's site inspections and oversight during implementation of the ADEC-approved 2014 Port Clarence Site Investigation Work Plan, indicated that site features, conditions, and extents of several areas of concern were significantly different than what was anticipated; based upon site figures and results from previous investigation reports. As a result, ADEC CS staff coordinated and approved revisions to the initial site investigation work plan objectives for the purpose of best utilizing the available resources to ensure that all of the necessary data gap characterization objectives could be achieved during the current mobilization while the project team was still onsite. |
Curtis Dunkin |
10/6/2014 |
Site Visit |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff traveled to the former Port Clarence USCG LORAN Station to conduct a half day of follow on site inspections and quality control oversight of the ongoing implementation of the 2014 Site Investigation Work Plan and to meet with the project field team. Site characterization activities have continued on schedule, including the investigation activities associated with the revised objectives and addendum to the original work plan. Site investigation activities are anticipated to continue through the week with demobilization planned for October 10-11, 2014. Field results and observations indicate that all data gap characterization objectives will be achieved as a result of the 2014 site investigation. |
Curtis Dunkin |
10/28/2014 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff participated in a project team meeting with its term contractor to discuss the preliminary results of the 2014 Site Investigation; including the UVOST investigation, sampling and analytical results for soil, sediment, surface water, and groundwater samples, and geophysical surveys. The draft report is anticipated in December, 2014. |
Curtis Dunkin |
3/5/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff reviewed the draft 2014 Site Investigation Report and submitted comments to its term contractor and project team. |
Curtis Dunkin |
4/15/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff reviewed responses to comments and participated in a comment resolution meeting with its term contractor and project team for the draft 2014 Site Investigation Report. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/11/2015 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
ADEC Contaminated Sites staff participated in a series of follow-on resolution meetings with its term contractor and project team to make revisions to the draft 2014 Site Investigation Report. ADEC submitted its tentative approval of the revisions to date and for its term contractor to finalize the report. |
Curtis Dunkin |
6/29/2015 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
ADEC Contaminated Sites received the final 2014 Site Investigation Report and staff submitted a final approval of the report to its term contractor.
The 2014 Site Investigation effort and deliverables were funded by appropriations from the Alaska State Legislature in 2014 for the purpose of evaluating the potential impacts which residual contamination might have on human health and the environment with regard to Port Clarence being considered for future development as a arctic deep water port facility.
The final report documents the findings and results of the 2014 site investigation activities which included 1) geophysical surveys of four former dumpsites, 2)UVOST investigations at numerous areas of concern to characterize the current extent and concentration of residual fuel contamination in soils, and 3) collection of sediment, soil, groundwater, and surface water samples for laboratory analyses to determine the extent and concentration of numerous contaminants of concern; primarily metals and fuel in soil and groundwater.
The 2014 site investigation results confirmed that shallow permafrost exists continuously across the peninsula of Point Spencer where the former Port Clarence USCG LORAN Station is located; and that limited groundwater is available for human use within the active permafrost layer that thaws annually - likely requiring drinking water in the future to be obtained from a deeper confined groundwater source (if available) and/or transported to Port Clarence. The 2014 site investigation results also confirmed that contamination is not migrating to surface waters and/or associated sediments at any of the areas of concern investigated.
Site investigation and soil sample analyses results from samples collected within the former LORAN facilities area of concern indicate that the vapor intrusion pathway could be a concern to human health - possibly requiring further investigation in the future in the event the former structures are to be occupied and/or new structures are to be constructed and occupied within the existing footprint.
Based upon the results of the 2014 Site Investigation and in conjunction with other previous site investigation results, ADEC determined that the limited extent and low concentration of exceedances in groundwater cleanup level concentrations, as well as residual contamination in soils, would not pose unacceptable risk(s) to human health and/or the environment if adequate institutional controls were implemented and managed in the future.
Curtis Dunkin |
11/1/2016 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC received a copy of Draft Land Conveyance Documents and a Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between USCG, BLM, SOA, and the Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) concerning the former LORAN Station at Port Clarence. |
Jamie McKellar |
1/19/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
On January 19, 2018, USCG informed DEC that a contract was awarded for preparation of the Decision Document for Port Clarence. On March 22, 2018, USCG advised that they anticipate having a draft of the Decision Document available for DEC review in early June 2018. |
Jamie McKellar |
3/22/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
New Project Manager assigned. |
Jamie McKellar |
4/25/2018 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
On April 4, 2018, DEC staff had a teleconference with the USCG Project Manager concerning several USCG sites. USCG followed up again on April 25, 2018, and advised that DEC should see a draft of the Decision Document for Port Clarence by mid-June 2018. The Decision Document will document the rationale for selection of the cleanup remedy, including the risks posed by the site to human health and the environment. |
Jamie McKellar |
8/1/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
DECISION DOCUMENT RECEIVED: Draft Decision Document, Former U.S. Coast Guard LORAN C Station, Port Clarence, Alaska. U.S. Coast Guard AOCs: LORAN C Station Facility; Unpermitted Dump; Permitted Landfill; Permitted Disposal Area 1A; Permitted Disposal Area 1B, and Tar Barrel Storage Area; Refueling Pipeline Terminal; and Asphalt Storage Area. Prepared by Brice Engineering, LLC. Dated July 2018. |
Jamie McKellar |
9/13/2018 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
COMMENTS SENT TO USCG: Draft Decision Document, Former U.S. Coast Guard LORAN C Station, Port Clarence, Alaska. Prepared by Brice Engineering, LLC. Dated July 2018.
Jamie McKellar |
10/1/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
INFORMATION REQUEST: DEC requested that USCG conduct a records review to determine whether AFFF was ever used or stored at the Attu, Port Clarence, or Tok LORAN Stations. |
Jamie McKellar |
11/8/2018 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
There was a meeting with DEC, USCG, BLM, DNR, and Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) regarding the former LORAN Station status and pending land transfers. |
Jamie McKellar |
3/14/2019 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Teleconference with USCG, DEC, USACE and North Wind (USCG contractor) to discuss active USCG contaminated sites. |
Jamie McKellar |
1/23/2020 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
REPORT APPROVAL: Final Preliminary Assessment, Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Usage, Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances, Former U.S. Coast Guard LORAN C Station, Port Clarence, Alaska (Brice Engineering, January 2020) |
Jamie McKellar |
9/2/2020 |
Exposure Tracking Model Ranking |
A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71790 LORAN Station Facilities [Tract 4]. |
Jamie McKellar |
1/14/2022 |
Cleanup Level(s) Approved |
DEC approved the USCG’s request for a formal Arctic Zone Cleanup Level determination. Due to the evidence of boring logs provided, this site is now using the Arctic Zone Cleanup Levels as the applicable cleanup levels for the site. This determination does not preclude the USCG from adequately characterizing the site and demonstrating no unacceptable risk is present to receptors. The USCG is expected to cooperate and ensure compliance with other applicable state and federal entities and regulations. |
Nick Waldo |
6/8/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received Vapor Intrusion Work Plan for review. 6/24/2022 Comments sent. 6/29/2022 RTC received. 7/18/2022 Sent comment table back asking for more information be provided in WP per VI guidance. 7/20/2022 Final work plan approved. |
Shonda Oderkirk |
6/27/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received Site Characterization Work Plan. 7/21/2022: Comments sent. 8/12/2022: RTC received. 8/31/2022: Final WP approved. |
Shonda Oderkirk |
7/14/2022 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received USCG Technical Memorandum regarding ADEC Solid Waste Consultation. Document was sent to SW Program, who will review it and provide comments. The comments will be incorporated into the Site Characterization Work Plan review comments from CS Program. |
Shonda Oderkirk |
1/23/2023 |
ADEC approved a combined PA report evaluating 65 USCG Units within District 17 (Alaska), excluding Base Kodiak, for potential PFAS releases related to the use of AFFF. Six potential release locations were identified at four sites: Air Station Sitka, Loran C - Attu Island, Port Clarence Loran Station, and Loran C Station - Sitkinak. These locations were recommended for Site Inspection (SI). |
Nick Waldo |
2/13/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Draft VI report received. 3/16/2023: comments sent. 5/4/2023 Comments resolved, report accepted as final. |
Shonda Oderkirk |
3/10/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received draft SC report. 4/13/2023 Comments sent. 5/12/2023 RTC received. 5/17/2023 approval for final report sent. |
Shonda Oderkirk |
5/19/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Received addendum to SC work plan to address data gaps. 5/30/2023 CS and Solid Waste comments sent. 6/2/2023 Final approval sent. |
Shonda Oderkirk |
10/3/2023 |
Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other |
Draft addendum report received. 10/20/2023 Comments sent. 1/22/2024 Final report accepted. |
Shonda Oderkirk |