Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
9/1/1985 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
COE identified suspected areas of contamination and conducted initial sampling. The samples were not tested for VOCs until 2/86, therefore results are questionable. |
Former Staff |
9/1/1987 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = FI - Field Inspection (General)). Brief site inspection to determine if visually contaminated soil and water were present. Over 300 drums were found at the site. |
Former Staff |
8/8/1989 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
(Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Exact date of report unknown. Conducted screen sampling at site and recommended comprehensive sampling be conducted. |
Former Staff |
11/21/1990 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. |
Former Staff |
10/3/1991 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Remedial plans reviewed. Written comments returned to U.S. Army. |
Former Staff |
6/22/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). Staff reviewed Pre-Design Final Report dated March, 1992. Report contains previous sampling data and defines regulatory levels for site contaminants. |
Laura Noland |
6/24/1992 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Met with Corps of Engineers and USF&WS to establish cleanup levels and cleanup methods for summer of 1993 work. The Corps plan to conduct remediation as they continue to define extend of contamination. |
Laura Noland |
9/8/1992 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). ADEC staff sent PRP-CS Database Notification letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. Jim Levine\COE called 10-5-92 and responded by returning updated DECRPTs. |
Jeff Peterson |
3/26/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Staff received remedial action workplan which describes a removal action to take place. Site would not obtain clean closure with this proposed action. |
Rielle Markey |
4/28/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). Staff sent ADEC proposed action levels for cleanup at site to E&E's Brian Miskel. |
Marcus Ortelee |
5/13/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = CORR - Correspondence (General)). ADEC staff sent a letter to Gail Braten of COE, on action levels for soil and gravel pad cleanup levels. ADEC and USFWS worked together to establish levels based on health and ecological criteria. |
Marcus Ortelee |
8/27/1993 |
Update or Other Action |
Bidding documents received. |
Bob Couch |
1/25/1994 |
Site Added to Database |
Contaminants include PCBs, pesticides, lead, TCE, BTEX, and petroleum products. |
Former Staff |
2/15/1994 |
Update or Other Action |
(Old R:Base Action Code = RAPR - Remedial Action Plan Review (CS)). Received Contractor Quality Control Plan - Removal Action - Cape Sabine Dew Line Station North slope Borough, Alaska Contract Number DACA85-94-C-0001. |
Bob Couch |
2/23/1994 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Attended pre-construction conference at COE resident engineer office. |
Bob Couch |
11/29/1994 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Reranked. |
Former Staff |
12/23/1994 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
Received Draft Preliminary assessment (Appendix D) for Cape Sabine/Pt. McIntyre. Navy - responsible party, COE working for Navy. Funding is DERA. |
Rielle Markey |
3/18/1997 |
Update or Other Action |
Site updated by Shannon and Wilson, based on FUDS Site Summary dated 2/21/96. |
S&W |
6/3/1998 |
Site Characterization Workplan Approved |
Approval letter sent. Sampling will complete data gaps from previous investigations, and provide data to support a risk assessment. Sampling to be conducted summer of 1998. |
Tamar Stephens |
6/3/1998 |
Update or Other Action |
Site has been determined to be a Navy site, not a FUDS. Date of this determination not known. Navy is taking responsibility for environmental work henceforth. |
Tamar Stephens |
2/26/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Approved risk assessment work plan; approval letter sent to Navy. |
Tamar Stephens |
6/17/1999 |
Site Characterization Report Approved |
Approval letter sent. Report found GRO, DRO, RRO, PCBs, metals in soil; VOCs, PAHs, metals in tundra pond sediments; no surface water contamination. |
Tamar Stephens |
7/27/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Received draft Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment. Copy sent for term contractor review. |
Tamar Stephens |
9/14/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Provisional approval of Risk Assessment; comments sent to Navy regarding a number of points that need clarification. Report found no unacceptable human health risk (assumes occasional visitor); some risk to insectivorous mammals and birds. |
Tamar Stephens |
9/21/1999 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Stephens participated in risk assessment comment resolution teleconference with Navy and their contractor. All ADEC comments accepted. |
Tamar Stephens |
12/29/1999 |
Risk Assessment Report Approved |
Risk Assessment Approval Letter Sent. Action added by Sarah Riddle. |
Tamar Stephens |
2/15/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Review of Draft Outline – Management Plan for Site Closure, DEW Line Station, Cape Sabine, Alaska. Action added by Sarah Riddle. |
Tamar Stephens |
8/1/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Review of draft Management Plan for Site Closure – Former DEW Line Station, Cape Sabine, Alaska. Action added by Sarah Riddle. |
Tamar Stephens |
10/2/2000 |
Update or Other Action |
Approval of Management Plan for Site Closure – Former DEW Line Station, Cape Sabine, Alaska, September 2000. Action added by Sarah Riddle. |
Tamar Stephens |
10/20/2000 |
Site Number Identifier Changed |
Changed Region from 36 to 32. |
Former Staff |
7/3/2003 |
Cleanup Plan Approved |
Sent approval letter for work plan. Work will consist of excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 640 cubic yards of soil with DRO, RRO or PCB contamination. Cleanup will also include demolition of all structures and off-site disposal of all demolition debris and other site debris. |
Tamar Stephens |
7/21/2003 |
Cleanup Level(s) Approved |
Cleanup levels were approved with signing of Record of Decision. (For details, see entry for Record of Decision Signed .) |
Tamar Stephens |
7/21/2003 |
Record of Decision |
DEC signed ROD 7/16/03; Navy signed 7/21/03. Contaminants of concern are DRO up to 56,000 mg/kg; RRO up to 44,000 mg/kg; PCBs up to 60 mg/kg. ROD specifies cleanup to residential levels. Risk assessment supports using method 2 cleanup levels for the arctic region. Cleanup levels are DRO - 12,500 mg/kg; RRO - 13,700 mg/kg; PCBs - 1 mg/kg. Contaminated soil will be excavated for off-site disposal; estimated total soil volume = approximately 640 cubic yards. |
Tamar Stephens |
2/19/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
Reviewed and sent comments on draft Closure Report for work completed during summer of 2003. All work was successfully completed. Contaminated soil was removed, abandoned structures were demolished, and all debris was removed from the site. |
Tamar Stephens |
1/31/2005 |
Site Closure Approved |
Staff reviewed and approved Final Closure Report (Demolition and Environmental Cleanup, Cape Sabine, Alaska, September 15, 2004) and sent closure letter on 1/31/05. DEC received closure report on September 17, 2004. Closure report documents that the cleanup met requirements established in the decision document. A total of 292 cubic yards of petroleum and/pr PCB-contaminated soil was excavated from eight locations at Cape Sabine and shipped off site for disposal. Confirmation sampling shows that method 2 arctic zone cleanup levels were met at all locations. Project included demolition of all structures, pipeline removal, asbestos abatement, demolition of existing structures (water tank, pump house, warehouse, composite building, and radio tower), removal of debris and drums, and backfill of soil excavation areas. |
Tamar Stephens |