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Site Report: Tanacross Airfield Drum Landfills

Site Name: Tanacross Airfield Drum Landfills
Address: Tanacross Airfield, Tanacross, AK 99776
File Number: 255.38.001
Hazard ID: 868
Status: Active
Staff: Kelly Walker, 9074512166
Latitude: 63.368207
Longitude: -143.342036
Horizontal Datum:WGS84

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The Tanacross Airfield Site comprises of 7,705 acres and is located approximately 12 miles northwest of Tok. The military occupied the site from May 1941 through October 1945. After the war ended, the facility was turned over to the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Over the years several additional agencies; Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Army, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the Alaska Fire Service (AFS), have used portions of the site and adjacent land at varying times. There have been three drum landfills identified in the Tanacross area. The 2,500 drum landfill (63°22'5.39"N 143°20'34.01"W) is approximately 2-acres in size and was used by the U.S. Army in coordination with BLM to jointly bury over 2,500, 55-gallon drums in 1974. The Half-Acre Dump Site is composed of two, ¼ acres, Dump 1 and Dump 2 (63°22'14.61"N 143°20'41.51"W). In 2008 three monitoring wells were installed in the 2,500 drum landfill and three monitoring wells were installed in the Half-Acre Dump Site. Since installation of the monitoring wells, there have been no contaminants of concern above the ADEC cleanup levels. In 2015, the 2,500 drum landfill and Half-Acre Dump Site were capped with gravel and seeded with vegetation. The drum landfill near the Small Arms Range (63°21'33.08"N 143°17'28.07"W) was identified during 2012 site investigation activities. In 2013, excavation activities removed drums, and encountered contaminated soil above ADEC cleanup levels. Site characterization activities are still ongoing at the drum landfill near the Small Arms Range. EPA IDs AK7141190085 and AKSFN1002144 --CERCLIS site.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
6/15/1990 Site Number Identifier Changed Reckey changed from 1989310902530 - incorrect district. Former Staff
1/30/1991 Site Ranked Using the AHRM Attempted - not enough information. Former Staff
9/8/1992 Update or Other Action (Old R:Base Action Code = RPL2 - Site Information Request Letter). ADEC sent PRP-CS Database Notification letter to RP requesting update and more environmental information concerning contaminated site. Jim Levine\COE called 10-5-92 and responded by returning updated DECRPTs. Jeff Peterson
12/9/1993 Update or Other Action COE advises that they will not be responsible for this site anymore. During the summer of 1993, the BLM was conducting a site investigation. Bob Couch
1/25/1994 Site Added to Database Former Staff
6/5/2000 Site Ranked Using the AHRM BLM found Toluene and PCP in village drinking water downgradient of site. 1999 EPA START PA summarizes history and scope of fuel and other contamination . More investigation planned by EPA. Bruce Wanstall
12/27/2000 Update or Other Action Site information is under investigation by the SPAR Pre-remedial Unit. Greg Light
11/7/2002 Update or Other Action Waiting for US Corps of Engineers FUDS evaluation for the site. Greg Light
5/16/2006 Update or Other Action Drum removal workplan submitted on behalf of Native Village of Tanacross approved. Approx. 47 drums, over 20 of which contain fluids are to be removed from the Airfield site. Work is Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP) funded. Straightforward workplan to get rid of drums and contents and sample any potentially contaminated soil underneath drums. Approval letter is at G:\SPAR\CS\Contaminated Site Files (38)\255 Tanacross\255.38.001 Tanacross Airfield Mike Jaynes
8/29/2006 Update or Other Action Recieved and reviewed groundwater level monitoring data for one year by Tanacross environmental staff. Groundwater gradient varied from .0027 feet per foot to .0043 over the year. Groundwater flow was in a northwesterly direction across site. Mike Jaynes
3/2/2007 Update or Other Action Recieved Draft Report for Drum Removal Project, Task 3, NALEMP CA, Dated Feb 2007 Zachary Richter
4/12/2007 Update or Other Action Recieved Site Work Plan for Demolition and Environmental Investigation, Task Order 19. Work is scheduled to begin on or around the beginning of July depentdent upon reciept of right-if-way permits from BLM. Zachary Richter
2/22/2008 Update or Other Action DEC received the Final Archival Records Search Report, prepared by TLI Solutions on behalf of the Native Village of Tanacross under a NALEMP grant. The report summarizes the property acquisition and disposal of the airfield, the operational history, and summarizes previous investigations pertaining to the site. Colin Craven
8/20/2008 Update or Other Action DEC received Draft Groundwater Installation, Development, and Sampling Work Plans for Task 3 under the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP), Cooperative Agreement 2006. The worked planned involves the installation of six monitoring wells to characterize the soil and groundwater in the 2,500 drum landfill and the half-acre dump site which is located upgradient from the Tanacross. DEC approved the workplan. Deborah Williams
10/21/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71847 name: auto-generated pm edit Tanacross Airfield / DERP Deborah Williams
12/14/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved Groundwater Installation, Development, and Sampling Report for Task 3 under the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP), Cooperative Agreement 2006. This report documents the installation and sampling of six monitoring wells at the 2,500 drum landfill and the half-acre dump site. Data from the initial 2008 fall sampling event indicates no contaminants of concern are present above cleanup levels. Two additional sampling events are scheduled, in the spring and fall, to capture potential changes due to groundwater fluctuations. Melody Debenham
12/14/2011 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved the semi-annual groundwater report documenting May 2011 groundwater sampling at the 2,500 drum landfill and the half-acre dump site. All results are below applicable cleanup levels. Melody Debenham
2/22/2012 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved the semi-annual groundwater report documenting the August 2011 groundwater sampling at the 2,500 drum landfill and the half-acre dump site. All results are below applicable cleanup levels. Melody Debenham
10/16/2012 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved the semi-annual groundwater report documenting the May 2012 groundwater sampling at the 2,500 drum landfill and the half-acre dump site. All results are below applicable cleanup levels. Melody Debenham
11/26/2012 Site Characterization Report Approved Approved the semi-annual groundwater report documenting the August 2012 groundwater sampling at the 2,500 drum landfill and the half-acre dump site. All results are below applicable cleanup levels. Melody Debenham
9/16/2013 Site Characterization Workplan Approved Approved the final work plan for site characterization at 4 sites. During an environmental assessment in 2011, multiple debris piles were found at 4 sites (Tanacross Trail System/Trail Roads; WAMCATS Valdez-Eagle Trail; Nelli Probert Allotment; and Small Arms Range). This work plan describes analytical sampling at these 4 sites to determine if the soil or groundwater has been impacted by releases associated with the debris piles. Melody Debenham
10/10/2013 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved the final work plan describing the removal and disposal of buried drums near the Small Arms Range site. Empty drums and debris will be transported to a permitted facility in Fairbanks for disposal, while drums with contents will be staged on a pallet in bermed and lined containment area and fenced off until they can be addressed with further funding. Soil samples will be collected from the limits of the excavation. Melody Debenham
7/17/2015 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved final work plan for soil and groundwater sampling at the drum landfill near the Small Arms range. Drums were removed in 2013, and this work is planned to determine the extent of soil and groundwater contamination remaining. In addition, samples will be collected from the contents of 3 drums containing unknown liquid that were removed in 2013 for proper disposal. Melody Debenham
9/9/2015 Site Visit Site visit to Tanacross Airfield site. Located all monitoring wells and visited several areas of concern. Melody Debenham
6/2/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other BLM submitted work plan for groundwater monitoring at Tanacross Airfield sites. Melody Debenham
9/15/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved final groundwater monitoring work plan describing 2 rounds of groundwater monitoring at the 21 existing monitoring wells on BLM property. Melody Debenham
1/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Approved 2015 groundwater monitoring report for ACS Communications Site (Area 3), ACS Radio Site (Area 6), 2500 Drum Landfill, and Half-Acre Dump Site. Two wells at Area 3 had DRO and PAHs above cleanup levels. Results from other sites were below cleanup levels. Melody Debenham
1/31/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Received report documenting the placement of gravel at 2500 Drum Landfill and Half-Acre Dump Site (Dump 1 and Dump 2). Gravel was placed in low areas to reduce ponding. Signs indicating "Caution Buried Debris Present" were posted at each site. Melody Debenham
5/4/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed a report describing 2015 field activities at the drum landfill site near the Small Arms Range near Tanacross, Alaska. Field activities included installing sixteen soil borings and four temporary groundwater monitoring wells to investigate the lateral and vertical extent of soil and groundwater contamination. Additionally, three drums with unknown contents, left at the site from 2013 soil excavation activities, were characterized. Due to limited funding in 2013, these three drums with contents sat in a lined, bermed area until the 2015 scope of work and contract was approved. This report had review comments submitted during November 2016. DEC received a draft final for comment back-checking March 2017. DEC submitted additional comments on May 4, 2017 requesting further revisions prior to approving the report. Erica Blake
8/10/2017 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC has approved the ‘Final Groundwater Monitoring, Removal Action, and Site Investigation Work Plan, Tanacross Airfield and CANOL Pipeline NALEMP Sites for the Native Village of Tanacross,’ dated August 2017. The proposed field activities include; perform groundwater monitoring at Area 3 monitoring wells (Former Generator for Airport Beacon), carry out a removal action/site investigation at the drum landfill near the Small Arms Range site, and perform a site investigation along the CANOL Pipeline Corridor at Site No. 2 (NALEMP CANOL Pipeline Investigation). Erica Blake
8/29/2017 Site Visit Performed a site visit to the NALEMP Tanacross Airfield sites and the Tanacross NALEMP CANOL Pipeline Site No. 2. Provided oversight on Bristol groundwater sampling at Area 3 (Former Generator for Airport Beacon). Could not view Area 6 (Former ACS Tower and Supports) due to private property access issues. Erica Blake
2/8/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2016 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report at Tanacross Airfield Sites (Areas 3, 6 and 7) and the 2500 Drum Landfill and Half-Acre Dumpsite. The document describes 2016 groundwater sampling activities at the former Alaska Communications System Site (Area 3), the former ACS Radio Station site (Area 6), the former Fuel Facilities Station (Area 7), the 2,500 Drum Landfill, and the Half Acre Dumpsite. It is recommended to continue monitoring the groundwater for petroleum hydrocarbon compounds. Erica Blake
2/20/2018 Meeting or Teleconference Held DEC, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and the Native Village of Tanacross held a meeting on February 20, 2018 at the Anchorage DEC Office to discuss cleanup progress and upcoming 2018 work at the Tanacross Airfield sites. DEC is expecting a work plan addendum this spring 2018, detailing the planned 2018 field activities. Erica Blake
7/11/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Interim Removal Action/Site Investigation Report and Work Plan Addendum, dated July 2018. The document described results from the 2017 fieldwork, and field activities for 2018. Field activities include; groundwater sampling at Area 3 (Former Generator for Airport Beacon) and Area 7 (Former Fuel Facilities), decommissioning nine monitoring wells in Area 6 (Former ACS Site Generator and Tower Supports) and the 2,500 Drum Landfill and Half-acre dump site (Drum Landfills), the remedial action and site investigation work will continue at the Drum Landfill (DF) near the Small Arms Range (SAR) site. One monitoring well will be installed at the DF SAR site, six soil borings will be drilled at the Canadian American Northern Oil Line (CANOL) Pipeline Site No. 2 to confirm sample results from 2017, and characterizing three supersacks for disposal. Work is expected to begin around July 12, 2018 and continue until early August 2018. Erica Blake
11/16/2018 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the 2018 removal action (RA) and site investigation (SI) report for the Tanacross Airfield Sites (TAS) and the Tanacross Canadian American Northern Oil Line (CANOL) Pipeline Corridor Site No. 2 (CANOL Site No. 2). 2018 activities conducted at the TAS included; collecting groundwater samples from Area 3 (Former Generator for Airport Beacon) and Area 7 (Former Fuel Facilities), decommissioning monitoring wells at Area 6 (Former ACS Site Generator and Tower Supports) and at the 2,500 Drum Landfill and Half-acre Dump Site, continued excavation work to delineate the Drum Landfill near the Small Arms Range, and drilling soil borings along the CANOL Site No. 2 to confirm the presence or absence of petroleum contamination. Recommendations from the report were for continued work at the Tanacross Airfield sites. Petroleum contamination was not identified at the CANOL Site No. 2; at this time, no further work is recommended. Erica Blake
4/22/2019 Cleanup Plan Approved 2019 Tanacross NALEMP workplan approved. Site investigation, debris and soil removal, and groundwater monitoring at different source areas within the Native Village of Tanacross Airfield and CANOL pipeline sites. Groundwater sampling will be conducted at Tanacross Airfield Area No. 7 to obtain results for informing well decommissioning. Additional investigation of the extent of petroleum contamination at Area No. 3 will be conducted, and backfilling will be undertaken at the Tanacross Airfield “Ditch Site” to eliminate trip and fall hazards. Further, up to 250 cubic yards of petroleum-contaminated soil will be removed from the Drum Landfill near the SAR site, and landfill cap evaluation will be conducted at the 2,500 Drum Landfill and Half-Acre Dump sites to assess condition and develop strategies for water infiltration and erosion. Finally, metallic debris will be removed along the CANOL pipeline corridor, and drilling will be conducted to ascertain if petroleum contamination exists in the subsurface along the corridor. Kevin Fraley
12/19/2019 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 80529 name: Drum landfill near small arms range Kevin Fraley
11/16/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC reviewed and provided comments for the Tanacross Maintenance and Closure Basis of Design Report for the 2,500 Drum Landfill and the Half-Acre Dump Site. This report detailed existing landfill cap conditions, developed a plan to enhance water runoff, prevent infiltration of water into the landfills, evaluated repair alternatives, provided recommendations to repair the existing caps and provided engineering plans for grading work at both sites. Kelly Walker
7/9/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Review completed for the Soil Removal and Groundwater Investigation Work Plan for the Tanacross Airfield Sites (TAS), TAS Area No. 3 and the Drum Landfill Near Small Arms Range (SAR). This work plan details the planned soil removal at TAS Area No. 3 and the groundwater sampling and installation of monitoring wells at the Drum Landfill Near SAR site. Soil excavation at TAS Area No. 3 is a continuation of the 2020 excavation to address the remaining POL impacted soils. The installation of three additional groundwater monitoring wells and sampling of the one pre-existing well will document POL contaminant levels in groundwater and establish groundwater flow direction at the Drum Landfill Near SAR site. Kelly Walker
7/27/2021 Site Characterization Workplan Approved 2021 Soil Removal and Groundwater Investigation Work Plan approved after all comments were resolved. This work plan details the additional soil removal at Tanacross Airfield Sites (TAS) Area No. 3. At the Small Drum Landfill Near Small Arms Range site, a groundwater investigation will be conducted to determine if groundwater is adversely impacted by DRO, EDB and PAHs. The TAS No. 3 work will include additional excavation and removal of POL impacted soils. Kelly Walker
3/21/2022 Site Characterization Report Approved Soil Removal and Groundwater Investigation Report approved for Tanacross Airfield Sites (TAS). Report details contaminated soil removal at TAS No. 3. Confirmation sampling results show contamination persists at depths of 10 feet. Groundwater monitoring wells were sampling at the Drum Landfill near the Small Arms Range. Additional groundwater monitoring wells were also installed. Kelly Walker
9/1/2023 Site Characterization Workplan Approved DEC reviewed and approved the Debris/Soil Removal and Groundwater Investigation Work Plan for the Tanacross Airfield Sites (TAS) Area No. 3, Drum Landfill Near Small Arms Range (SAR) Site, Washington-Alaska Military Cable Telegraph System (WAMCATS) Valdez-Trail Subsite 1B, Cathedral Bluff ACS Repeater Site. This work plan details the continuation of contaminated soil removal at TAS Area No. 3, debris removal at the Drum Landfill Near SAR, and the advancement of soil borings and well point installations at the WAMCATS Valdez-Trail Subsite 1B. Debris removal may also occur at the Cathedral Bluff ACS Repeater Site, if debris is encountered. Kelly Walker
4/5/2024 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC reviewed and approved the "Soil and Debris Removal Action Report" for the Tanacross Airfield Sites (TAS) and Drum Landfill Near Small Arms Range. At TAS Area No. 3, approximately 300 cubic yards (CY) of contaminated soils were excavated and transported offsite. Debris removal was conducted at the Drum Landfill Near Small Arms Range site, with a total of 2.67 metallic debris being excavated and disposed of. Additional groundwater monitoring, soil contamination delineation and debris removal will be conducted during future field seasons. Kelly Walker

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