Action Date |
Action |
Description |
DEC Staff |
8/20/1985 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
(Old R:Base Action Code = SI - Site Investigation). EPA found very little visible evidence of past releases to the soil. 2 water samples, 1 sediment sample, and 2 soil samples were collected. Each sample was analyzed for full range EPA priority pollutants. No priority pollutants were found above MCLs. Concluded that the site does not pose an environmental or public health hazard. Recommended that BLM conduct a removal action at the site and that a notice should be put in the property deed concerning the abandoned materials. |
Former Staff |
1/1/1990 |
Site Added to Database |
Historical info from EPA file as follows:
In 1988, based on the information EPA Region 10 Site Assessment had received for a second PA, the EPA advised BLM that the site would not at the time score high enough for inclusion on the NPL. The low score was due to the lack of targets in the area. However, EPA was concerned about the wastes on-site, the periodic use of the site by pipeline crews and recreationists, and the close proximity of the wastes to a peregrine falcon nest, an endangered species at the time. EPA recommended to BLM that the drums with liquid and the drilling muds be removed.
In 1989 EPA advised BLM that according to the new statutes the site had been listed on the Federal Facilities Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Also, that EPA now had to evaluate the site assessment information as to its adequacy as a basis for NPL listing determinations (EPA Memo to File dated 3/28/01, updated 8/31/04).
In 1992, when EPA had the opportunity to review the site assessment information and to evaluate the adequacy of the information under the new requirements, the Agency determined that the site could score high enough to be included on the NPL. Therefore, the 1988 PA decision was revised to a high priority. Therefore, EPA again requested that the drums and drilling muds be removed. |
Former Staff |
5/8/1991 |
Site Ranked Using the AHRM |
Initial ranking. |
Former Staff |
1/6/1995 |
Preliminary Assessment Approved |
Tetra Tech, Inc. conducted a preliminary assessment and found that except for the explosives and mud additives at the site, most of the waste represents a solid waste and waste oil disposal problem. Recommended that sampling be conducted and drum contents be determined. |
Former Staff |
1/6/1995 |
Site Number Identifier Changed |
Old region = 40. |
Scott Rose |
3/1/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
BLM notified EPA Region 10 RCRA Office of Regulated Waste Activity as an active RCRA 3010 Large Quantity Generator (LQG). In March 1999, a first phase removal of hazardous wastes at the Sagwon Airstrip Dump site was carried out by Arctic Slope Construction, Inc, (ASCI), contractor to BLM, and shipment was made to Burlington Environmental Inc. |
Linda Nuechterlein |
12/16/1999 |
Update or Other Action |
Site Investigation Report, Sagwon Airfield, Sagwon, Alaska received by ADEC on 2/17/00. According to the report, there were two areas of concern: the former fuel distribution area and a stained area near an abandoned landfill. During the initial investigation ASCI found soil contamination while decommissioning and removal of 3 fuel pipelines. ASCI excavated 6 test pits at the former fuel distribution area. DRO concentration between 1,230 and 8,190 ppm and GRO concentration between 336 and 2,470 ppm. ASCI discovered the surface staining near the former landfill and excavated 5 cubic yards of contaminated soil. The follow-up investigation involved HLA/Wilder's conducting further work. 20 test pits were excavated at the former fuel distribution area and 3 test pits were excavated at the former landfill site. Test pits were completed to depths between 4 and 6 feet below ground surface. Water was encountered at approximately 4 feet below ground surface in all the 20 test pits at the former fuel distribution area and 6 feet below ground surface at the main excavation at the landfill site. Soil samples at the former fuel distribution area ranged from 4 - 1,100 ppm GRO and 25 - 6,610 ppm DRO. Soils samples from the former landfill site ranged from 3.7 - 17 ppm GRO and 15.7 - 1,250 ppm DRO. Water samples collected from the test pits at the former fuel distribution area had benzene levels up to 390 ppb. HLA/Wilder recommends no further action at either the former fuel distribution area or the former landfill site. |
Deborah Williams |
3/6/2001 |
Update or Other Action |
File number updated from 330.15.023 to 330.38.034. |
Mitzi Read |
8/30/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
File transferred back to Fairbanks CS staff for review (See email from Jim Frechione.). |
Linda Nuechterlein |
8/30/2004 |
Update or Other Action |
EPA contacted DEC for a cleanup/closeout report and DEC responded. Once EPA receives BLM’s promised final cleanup/closeout report, EPA could issue a determination of No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP). This, however, would not relieve BLM from compliance with appropriate State regulations. At that point, the site’s Non-NPL status in CERCLIS could then be listed as “NFRAP” and the site could be archived. The site would not be removed from the Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket (Docket), but would eventually be listed in the NFRAP section of that Docket (Source - EPA Memo to File dated 3/28/01, updated 8/31/04). |
Linda Nuechterlein |
12/28/2004 |
Institutional Control Record Established |
An institutional control was established for the Sagwon Airstrip site. |
Deborah Williams |
12/28/2004 |
Conditional Closure Approved |
A no further remedial action letter was sent out for this site. |
Deborah Williams |
2/3/2005 |
Update or Other Action |
Added BLM Site Identifier |
Mike Jaynes |
4/23/2013 |
Update or Other Action |
Sent letter to BLM requesting follow-up on institutional controls. |
Melody Debenham |
2/10/2016 |
Meeting or Teleconference Held |
Met with BLM to discuss follow-up on institutional controls. |
Melody Debenham |
3/9/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
DEC requested am update from BLM on IC re: surface pad monitoring for erosion and drainage. |
Gretchen Caudill |
3/27/2018 |
Update or Other Action |
BLM (MD) conducted a site visit in 2017. A site visit summary will be drafted for DEC. The BLM inspection of the area indicates ICs are protective. No structures are present on site and the airstrip is out of use. |
Gretchen Caudill |
4/12/2019 |
Cleanup Complete Determination Issued |
This determination was made based on a comparison of contaminant concentrations to current arctic zone cleanup levels. The only known exceedance of arctic zone cleanup levels from the 1999 test pit soil sampling was gasoline range organics recorded at the Former Fuel Distribution Area at 2,470 mg/kg. The Bureau of Land Management’s 2017 site visit reported an intact gravel pad, no stressed vegetation or other adverse impacts at the Former Fuel Distribution Area, and unaltered land use. |
Gretchen Caudill |
4/12/2019 |
Institutional Control Record Removed |
Institutional Controls have been removed. A letter was provided to BLM changing the status of the site. |
Gretchen Caudill |