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Site Report: FAA Biorka Island Station LQ

Site Name: FAA Biorka Island Station LQ
Address: Biorka Island, 15 Miles SW of Sitka, Sitka, AK 99835
File Number: 1542.38.001
Hazard ID: 901
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: IC Unit, 9074655229
Latitude: 56.853500
Longitude: -135.521333
Horizontal Datum:NAD83

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


The site tank farm fed tanks via pipelines at Buildings 100, 101, 102, 103, generator shed and tanks at Building 601. The tank farm received fuel via a pipeline from the beach tanks. Fuel contamination associated with the fuel system was found near Buildings 100, 101, 102, 302, 300, 601 and the tank farm. The Living Quarters Area consists of Buildings 103, 200, 300, 302, 601, Trans Enclosure, and generator shed. The area also includes removed buildings 100, 101, 102, 600, and a removed tank farm. Groundwater measurements fluctuate from 6 inches to bedrock and is suspected to be hydraulically connected to surface water. The site is bordered by one cove to the north and one cove to the south with a distance of approximately 330 feet between the coves. On February 9, 2012, Staff issued a letter [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Biorka Island Station Living Quarters Summary of Evaluations and Determinations]. Staff reviewed site history and avaliable data to determine the site status for each area of concern associated with Biorka Island Living Quarters. 9 source areas managed under this database entry recieved a Cleanup Complete Determination: 2.5 Inch Cross Island Aboveground Pipeline; Former Pipeline 47-P-09; Gasoline Spill at Building 300; Petroleum Contamination at Buildings 100-102; Lead Contamination at Buildings 100-102; Living Quarters Former Tank Farm; Dry Well at Building 302; Cell Phone Tower Facility; and Former Diesel AST 47-D-2. The Former Soil Stockpile Near Road, Former Transformer Pad near Dock, and US Coast Guard Transformer near Building 300 were determined not to be Areas of Concern. All source areas at this site, with the exception of the Wood Crib/Culvert near Building 300, have been granted Cleanup Complete determinations. The Wood Crib/Culvert has been granted a Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls. This site will be closed out in the CS Database as 'Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls'.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
5/14/2002 Site Added to Database For background actions see FAA Biorka Island Station. Elizabeth Stergiou
5/23/2002 Update or Other Action Comments on the April 2002 Draft Pre-Field Planning Document received on April 25, 2002. Comments were provided and a revised workplan was requested. The document proposes alternative cleanup levels based on TOC data for the Living Quarters Tank Farm and Building 300 and 601 area, excavation of contaminated soil at the Living Quarters former Buildings 100, 101 and 102, located and removed 2 pipelines and associated contaminated soil in the Living Quarters area and stockpiling of the soil to be thermally treated in 2003. The plan also proposes sampling at the VHF facility, the Radar site, the transformer site near the former water tank, the pipeline extending from the former VORTAC fuel tanks to Building 402, the 1,900 cross island pipeline, and Living Quarters Building 302. The Living Quarters Tank Farm and Building 300 and 601 area is being addressed in a separate record of decision. Elizabeth Stergiou
6/7/2002 Record of Decision Record of Decision for alternative soil cleanup levels for FAA Biorka Island Living Quarters Tank Farm and Buildings 300 and 601 signed. Established soil cleanup levels for the site are based on an average TOC value of 0.883 and aquifer thickness of 2 meters using the Method Three web based calculator. Soil Cleanup levels for this site are as follows: benzene 0.0401 mg/kg, DRO 1860 mg/kg and GRO 1400 mg/kg. Groundwater cleanup levels for this site are the 18 AAC 75.345 Table C values, as follows: benzene 0.005 mg/L, DRO 1.5 mg/L and GRO 1.3 mg/L. Additional groundwater monitoring is necessary to characterize the extent of groundwater contamination and ensure the contaminated groundwater is not reaching surface water, causing a violation of 18 AAC 70 Water Quality Standards. Elizabeth Stergiou
6/12/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with CH2MHILL and FAA regarding the workplan and the priorities. The Living Quarters Buildings 100-102 contamination will be excavated first, then the pipeline from those buildings to the tank farm will be excavated. The Tank Farm and Buildings 300 and 601 area will be excavated next. We agreed that some contamination will be left in place along utility lines and buildings. The soil left in place will be well characterized. The other areas adressed in the workplan will occur dependent on allocated funding during this cleanup operation. It is not known when FAA will be able to remediate the soils that will be placed into the stockpile at the Living Quarters area. We agreed on placing 5 groundwater monitoring wells in the Tank Farm and Building 300 and 601 area. Elizabeth Stergiou
6/21/2002 Cleanup Plan Approved Conditionally approved workplan for excavation at the Living quarters area that included stockpiling of contaminated soils in a long term stockpile and installation of groundwater monitoring wells near surface water. Elizabeth Stergiou
6/27/2002 Meeting or Teleconference Held Site Visit June 24-27, 2002. Observed excavations at Buildngs 100-102 and associated pipeline removals. Also observed excavation at the Tank Farm area. Total estimated soil removal volume is 1500 cubic yards. The soil stockpile is now located approximately 500 feet up the cross island road. Elizabeth Stergiou
9/18/2002 Update or Other Action Sent letter requesting groundwater monitoring for the existing wells in the Living Quarters Area. A schedule for monitoring is to be submitted by 3/31/03 and the montoring is to be complete by 6/30/03 Elizabeth Stergiou
9/19/2002 Update or Other Action Sent letter requesting the clean up report for work completed in 2002 be submitted by 1/15/03. Elizabeth Stergiou
8/19/2003 Meeting or Teleconference Held site visit and meeting to discuss upcoming work Sharon Richmond
9/2/2003 Update or Other Action Provided comments to 2003 Site Closure Report. Request for closure denied because contamination still remains and stockpiled soil not yet treated. There has been discussion regarding splitting this site into smaller units, some of which are close to meeting closure requirements. Sharon Richmond
2/2/2004 Update or Other Action Sent letter to FAA stated that the contamination around Buildings 100, 101, and 102 has been removed to the greatest extent practical, groundwater is not impacted and no additional treatment is required in this area. Sharon Richmond
5/20/2004 Interim Removal Action Approved approved workplan to excavate DRO contaminated soil near buildings 600 and 301--soil will be placed into existing stockpile. PCB samples will be collected at VORTAC site. Additional monitoring well will be installed near the beach by buildings 600/301 and 4 more wells near the beach at the former tank farm. Approx 1000 feet of buried fuel lines will excavated and disposed of. Trenches will be screened and sampled for contamination. Expecting separate workplan for dismantling stockpile and barging it off the island for treatment this summer. Sharon Richmond
7/15/2004 Update or Other Action PCBs discovered near suspected dry well drain. Lab initially reported 65 ppm. FAA notified DEC and EPA. Soil was excavated. Sharon Richmond
7/15/2004 Cleanup Plan Approved a plan to transport PCB soil out of state was approved. FAA also submitted a sampling and analysis plan to further characterize PCB contamination in the area of the drain and in soil from the excavation near builidng 300/601. Sharon Richmond
7/15/2004 Update or Other Action FAA informed ADEC that the laboratory made a mistake reporting PCB levels from the drain excavation. The actual concentration was 0.65 ppm, not 65 ppm. Sharon Richmond
7/15/2004 Cleanup Plan Approved a plan to dismantle the stockpile from the living quarters area and tank farm excavations was approved. Contmainated soil will be barged to Seattle for thermal treatment. The area under the stockpile will be tested for DRO, GRO, RRO and BTEX. Sharon Richmond
10/21/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Meeting with FAA PM to discuss draft 2005 report and possible closure of various AOCs. It was decided that braking apart the Biorka Island LQ into 3 distinct sites in the database would be best. The actual LQ area could then be closed, the Tank Farm could get a NFRAP with long-term monitoring, and the building 601/300 area could be NFRAP with condition to investigate/remediate contamination remaining under building 300 when it is demolished in the future. Another meeting is scheduled for 10/27-28 to finish scoping work for FY2006 and reviewing draft 2005 report. Sharon Richmond
11/3/2005 Meeting or Teleconference Held Met with FAA PM 10/27-28/05 to fisnish discussing all AOCs. A follo-up teleconference was held 11/1/05 with DEC and FAA PM and DEC supervisor to discuss appropriate course of action for 4 AOCs. It was determined that the dry wells at Bldg 302 have been adequately investigated; several small leaks in a former pipeline could not be located and therefore, were small enough that they do not pose a risk Sharon Richmond
1/5/2006 Update or Other Action received Corrective Action Final Report for removal of stockpiled soil Sharon Richmond
1/9/2006 Update or Other Action Received Corrective Action Final Report. Approximately 2,300 CY of stockpiled soil was shipped out of state and disposed of in a licensed landfill. Concentrations of DRO, GRO, RRO, and BTEX in confirmation samples collected from the stockpile footprint did not exceed Method Two, Table 2 cleanup standards. Sharon Richmond
1/10/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held ADEC and FAA met via teleconference on 1/9/06 and 1/10/06 to determine which areas of concern reported after investigations in the 1990's still required additional characterization. Many of these AOCs weresmall, such as small leaks/spills near stored drums or under vehicles and will require no additional investigation or remediation. ADEC will send a letter to FAA to this effect. Several other AOCs will require additional characterization and will be addressed in summer 2006. Sharon Richmond
1/26/2006 Update or Other Action All work performed for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires completion and approval of a Project Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Worksheet (EOSH Worksheet). The EOSH Worksheet is a tool that allows project managers to identify potential hazards and contamination, take appropriate measures to avoid hazards and manage contamination appropriately, to minimize environmental impacts, determine whether environmental assessment is required prior to beginning work, and to minimize fines and/or penalties associated with non-compliance with federal and state regulations. It also acts a mechanism to identify when outside agency permits are necessary. Specific portions of the EOSH Worksheet address: the presence/absence of endangered species, activities conducted in wetlands or anadromous streams, whether work will occur on a contaminated site or involve activities associated with fuel tanks, fuel distribution lines, oil-containing transformers, groundwater monitoring wells, floor drains, and generation and handling of hazardous waste. To ensure all issues are appropriately considered, the worksheet is to be reviewed after each phase of project development and implemenation. This form is to be kept with project progress documents throughout the project. Sharon Richmond
3/31/2006 Update or Other Action Email request to FAA regarding needing a letter from the US Forest Service stating that leaving the 3.5 inch pipeline from the VORTAC tank farm to the beach is acceptable to them. Sharon Richmond
7/17/2006 Update or Other Action Letter request sent to US Forest Service notifying that ADEC finds that leaving the 3.5 inch pipeline from the VORTAC tank farm to the beach is acceptable, and whether USFS concurs. Sharon Richmond
4/18/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Sharon Richmond
9/17/2008 Site Visit Toured area with FAA. Sharon Richmond
12/3/2010 Meeting or Teleconference Held Tele-conf w/ FAA (S. Berglund) to discuss upcoming FAA work on-site and current status of Living Quarters site specific issues. Melanie Forbes
1/13/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78356 Living Quarters ASTs. Melanie Forbes
1/19/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79025 name: Lead Contamination, Bldgs 100-102 Melanie Forbes
8/2/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79109 name: Wood Crib/Culvert near Building 300 James Ward
8/2/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79111 name: Beach Tank Farm Fill Valve James Ward
8/2/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79112 name: Former Cell Phone Tower Facility James Ward
8/2/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79113 name: Diesel AST 47-D-02 James Ward
8/3/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79114 name: 47-P-09 James Ward
8/3/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 79017 name: 2.5 Inch Dia Cross Island Pipeline James Ward
2/9/2012 Update or Other Action On this date, Staff issued a letter [Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Biorka Island Station Living Quarters Summary of Evaluations and Determinations]. Staff reviewed site history and avaliable data to determine the site status for each area of concern associated with Biorka Island Living Quarters. 9 source areas managed under this database entry recieved a Cleanup Complete Determination: 2.5 Inch Cross Island Aboveground Pipeline; Former Pipeline 47-P-09; Gasoline Spill at Building 300; Petroleum Contamination at Buildings 100-102; Lead Contamination at Buildings 100-102; Living Quarters Former Tank Farm; Dry Well at Building 302; Cell Phone Tower Facility; and Former Diesel AST 47-D-2. The Former Soil Stockpile Near Road, Former Transformer Pad near Dock, and US Coast Guard Transformer near Building 300 were determined not to be Areas of Concern. James Ward
5/22/2013 Interim Removal Action Approved Biorka Island RI and Removal Action (RA) work plan approved via email. A Draft RA and Investigation Report was submitted to DEC on 2/7/2014 Fred Vreeman
5/13/2014 Site Characterization Workplan Approved ADEC approved the draft work plan for groundwater monitoring at the FAA Biorka Island site via email. A final draft of the work plan was received by ADEC on 5/21/2014. Fred Vreeman
2/27/2015 Site Characterization Report Approved ADEC Approval of the Draft Remedial Action and Investigation Report, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), FAA Station Biorka Island, Alaska. This report describes the results of the 2013 investigation and remediation activities at the FAA Station at Biorka Island. Seven Areas of Concern (AOCs) were addressed in this report, from the FAA Biorka Island Station LQ (Hazard ID: 901); FAA Biorka Island Station VORTAC (Hazard ID: 1761); and FAA Biorka Island Station VORTAC Unpermitted Landfill (Hazard ID: 25751) sites. Recommendations for the seven AOCs included in this report will be addressed in the Biorka Island Record of Decision (2015). Monte Garroutte
4/26/2016 Update or Other Action Site reassigned for follow up by project manager Fred Vreeman
11/18/2016 Site Characterization Report Approved DEC Approved the Final Report, 2015 Site Investigation. This Report details the 2015 Site Investigation (SI) activities performed at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Station Biorka Island, Alaska. The SI objective was the collection of site information to fill data gaps at multiple areas of concern (AOCs) to determine if additional remedial actions are necessary or to support site closure. This included delineating the remaining petroleum contamination at four areas of concern (AOCs) using UVOST, sampling and delineating two suspected areas of PAH contamination, installing one groundwater monitoring well at the Tank Farm Fill Valve AOC, sampling two existing monitoring wells at the Building 201 AOC, sampling potential leachate from a demolition debris monofill, and sampling porewater/surface water near three AOCs. Monte Garroutte
12/2/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 78358 Bldg 601 ASTs. Monte Garroutte
12/5/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79111 Beach Tank Farm Fill Valve. Monte Garroutte
12/15/2016 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 79109 Wood Crib/Culvert near Building 300. Monte Garroutte
1/4/2017 Update or Other Action On this date, ADEC issued a Decision Document for the FAA Biorka Island Station. Four source areas at this site received closure determinations in this document. Building 601 ASTs, Pipeline 47-P-010, and the Beach Tank Farm Fill Valve were closed as Cleanup Complete. The Wood Crib/Culvert near Building 300 was closed as Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls. ICs for the Wood Crib/Culvert are as follows: 1) Remaining petroleum poses an ingestion risk. DEC requires a workplan when excavation work will be conducted in the area of the remaining contamination. 2) The area of contamination will not be used as a residential area. Monte Garroutte
1/4/2017 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued All source areas at this site, with the exception of the Wood Crib/Culvert near Building 300, have been granted Cleanup Complete determinations. Petroleum contamination remains at the Wood Crib/Culvert near Building 300 in concentrations above ingestion cleanup levels. Remaining petroleum is located in an inaccessible area and removal of the contamination is currently impracticable. Groundwater monitoring has indicated that groundwater has not been impacted above Table C cleanup levels and will not be further impacted by the remaining contamination. The Wood Crib/Culvert source area is closed as 'Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls'. Institutional Controls for this source area are as follows: 1) Remaining petroleum poses an ingestion risk. DEC requires a workplan when excavation work will be conducted in the area of the remaining contamination. 2) The area of contamination will not be used as a residential area. Monte Garroutte
5/26/2017 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Monte Garroutte
5/30/2018 Institutional Control Compliance Review Site is not used for residential use. Compliance with ICs remains. Annual inspections will continue. John O'Brien
3/5/2019 Update or Other Action DEC approved the Final Work Plan - FAA Biorka Island GW Well Decommisssioning. The work is scheduled for July, 2019. John O'Brien
6/18/2019 Institutional Control Compliance Review Site is not used for residential use. Compliance with ICs remains. Annual inspections will continue. John O'Brien
2/16/2022 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC approved the Final Monitoring Well Decommissioning Report Biorka Island FAA Station. Seventeen wells were located and decommissioned; nine wells were determined to have been removed previously. Nick Waldo
6/18/2024 Institutional Control Compliance Review IC compliance review completed on this date. An IC reminder letter was issued to the landowner. The next review will be in five years’ time. Gaige Robinson

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil Remaining DRO contamination at Wood Crib/Culvert area is 11,000 J- mg/kg.
DRO < Table C Groundwater Remaining DRO contamination at Wood Crib/Culvert area is 0.265 J mg/L.
RRO > Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil Remaining RRO concentration at Wood Crib/Culvert area is 17,400 J- mg/kg.
BTEX Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil Xylenes concentration remaining at Wood Crib/Culvert area is 1.754 mg/kg.

Control Type

Type Details


Description Details
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions Remaining petroleum poses an ingestion risk. DEC requires a workplan when excavation work will be conducted in the area of the remaining contamination.
Restricted to Industrial / Commercial Land Use The area of contamination will not be used as a residential area.
Hazard ID Site Name File Number
1761 FAA Biorka Island Station (VORTAC) 1542.38.001
2546 FAA Biorka Island RCAG 1542.38.001
25426 USCG Biorka Island LORAN 1542.38.003

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