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Site Report: Driftwood Bay RRS SS010 Former H2O Supply Pumphouse

Site Name: Driftwood Bay RRS SS010 Former H2O Supply Pumphouse
Address: Water Supply Pump House SS010, aka AOC04, Dutch Harbor, AK 99692
File Number: 2541.38.001
Hazard ID: 91
Status: Cleanup Complete - Institutional Controls
Staff: Kathleen Iler-Galau, 9074512153
Latitude: 53.966399
Longitude: -166.866107
Horizontal Datum:

We make every effort to ensure the data presented here is accurate based on the best available information currently on file with DEC. It is therefore subject to change as new information becomes available. We recommend contacting the assigned project staff prior to making decisions based on this information.


SS010 (aka AOC04; Spill/Leak No. 2) was a Former Water Supply Pumphouse located at Lower Camp at Driftwood Bay. A 550-gallon diesel underground storage tank was reported to be located at the pumphouse. In 2005, while moving overburden caused by a landfill at the site, a strong hydrocarbon odor and sheen were detected in saturated soil removed from the bottom what appeared to be the former UST. Soil samples were analyzed and DRO was the only analyte detected above cleanup levels, at a maximum concentration of 7,570 mg/kg. Further excavation and sampling posed safety concerns due to the steep instable slope and landslide concerns. ICs and LUCs are currently in place at the site.

Action Information

Action Date Action Description DEC Staff
3/14/1986 Update or Other Action Environmental Assessment, Defense Environmental Restoration Account (dated March 14, 1986). Former Staff
1/15/1987 Update or Other Action Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) Inventory Project Report (January 1987). Former Staff
7/13/1994 Preliminary Assessment Approved Preliminary Assessment (dated January 1994) prepared by CH2M Hill; received on July 13, 1994. Ray Burger
2/8/1996 Update or Other Action Final Preliminary Assessment / Site Inspection (dated January 1996) prepared by EMCON; received February 8, 1996. AOC04: Former Water Supply Pumphouse- A concrete water pumphouse had been located along the access road leading to the composite building. A 6-inch water intake pipe transported water from Snuffy Creek to the pumphouse, which was then pumped to a water cistern approximately 100 feet south of the composite building A 550-gallon diesel UST was reported to be on the west side of the pumphouse according to USAF site background information. However, this tank was not found during the 1985 USACE site visit or during the 1991 demolition. During the 1995 site inspection, the pumphouse area was completely covered by boulders and some concrete and scrap metal were observed. The presence of a 550-gallon diesel tank has not been confirmed during site visits m 1985, 1991, and 1995 Due to site conditions m 1995, no search for the former fuel tank was attempted and a soil sample was not collected No further investigation is recommended at the site. Ray Burger
2/23/1996 Update or Other Action Final Management Action Plan (MAP) dated February 1996; received February 23, 1996. Ray Burger
12/29/1997 Update or Other Action Management Action Plan (draft dated August 1997; ADEC comment letter dated December 10, 1997; final report dated Decmber 29, 1997). Gretchen Pikul
1/9/1998 Site Added to Database Site added by staff. Gretchen Pikul
1/30/2001 Update or Other Action Final Site Investigation, Driftwood Bay RRS, Alaska (dated June 2000); performed on AOC02, AOC04, and AOC05. No draft version was received for ADEC review prior to the final version being submitted – this investigation was performed to update the relative risk evaluation for select sites. A suitable geophysical method was to be used to determine whether a UST is actually present at the site. If the UST was not located, two subsurface §oil samples were to be collected in the vicinity of the supposed location of the UST based upon past documents, as-built diagrams, or other useful information In the event that a UST were to be located, further work at the site will be governed by the regulations contained within 18 AAC 78. A small stream has cut a narrow steep canyon into the colluvium, and edges of the canyon collapsed into the former pumphouse location. No samples were collected. Gretchen Pikul
7/26/2005 Update or Other Action Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Quality Program Plan (Work Plans) for Driftwood Bay RRS (entire installation) and Duncan Canal RRS; draft dated March 2005, ADEC received on March 25; ADEC comment letter on April 29; comment resolution meeting on May 3; Air Force final PA/SI QPP dated June 2005 received on July 26. Based on the results of this investigation, it is recommended that additional investigation be conducted to confirm that the metal found to the northeast of the former water supply pumphouse is a UST. If a UST is located, it is recommended that the tank be removed and the surrounding area be investigated to determine the extent of contamination. If no UST is present, it is recommended that investigation of the surrounding area still be conducted to determine the extent of contamination. The analytical suite should be expanded to include GRO and VOCs during additional investigation. Because the slope above the former water supply pumphouse is unstable, slope stabilization methods should be employed prior to study or removal activities to ensure the safety of the workers. Jeff Norberg
2/17/2006 Update or Other Action Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Report for Driftwood Bay RRS for entire installation; draft dated October 2005 received on October 19; ADEC comment letter on November 23; Air Force response to comments received electronically December 15; ADEC approval letter issued December 19, 2005; Final PA/SI report dated December 2005 received February 17, 2006. Jeff Norberg
7/21/2006 Meeting or Teleconference Held Stakeholders met for a 3-day Triad Systematic Planning meeting between July 18 and July 20, 2006 to discuss plans to address residual contamination at the former Driftwood Bay RRS facility. The primary purpose of this meeting was to reach an understanding of data quality objectives for each site at Driftwood Bay for eventual site closure and land transfer. Several sites identified as petroleum only, will be investigated in accordance with Alaska State regulations. The investigation and closure for remaining sites will comply with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. Jeff Norberg
7/26/2007 Update or Other Action DEC received a copy of a letter from EPA to the Air Force documenting EPA';s decision of No Further Remedial Action Planned under EPA's Superfund Program. This designation does not relieve the Air Force from complying with appropriate State of Alaska regulations. The facility will remain on the Federal Agency Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket, but will be listed for no further action under the EPA Superfund Program. John Halverson
2/22/2008 Site Characterization Report Approved Contaminated Sites staff reviewed a site characterization report for the Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station. The site had an upper site where the bill board antennae and composite building were located. The lower camp area contained the support facilities such as the airstrip and fuel tank farm. Several areas have contamination over method 2 cleanup levels. A risk assessment is being done to assess pathways and risk for those areas. The report had quality assurance problems with lab analytical data mostly concerning spiking errors for the surrogates in volatiles Jeff Brownlee
3/20/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff met with the Air Force 611 and their contractor on the Driftwood Bay Long Range Radar Site. The meeting was to discuss comments on the draft site characterization report. All issues were resolved with exception of how to flag volatile organic carbon data with surrogate quality control errors. The contractor made a good argument that the data shouldn’t be rejected; however the state is bound by the National Functional Guidelines for data criteria. We will continue discussion whether the Air Force can use a modified flag so the data can still be used as a screening tool Jeff Brownlee
7/14/2008 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed. Jeff Brownlee
12/19/2008 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated Sites staff participated in a comment meeting on the draft risk assessment for the former Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station. There is ecological risk for various species at three sites from lead and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) well over acceptable state risk levels. One site is a landfill where ash was sampled from a test pit. One site is a former POL tank farm near the coast and another site is an electronic debris area with elemental lead from battery carcasses on the ground surface Jeff Brownlee
5/8/2009 Site Characterization Report Approved Contaminated Sites staff reviewed & commented on revised draft documents for the Driftwood Bay former Radio Relay Station on Unalaska Island about 15 miles from Dutch Harbor. The Air Force 611th has performed a remedial investigation/site characterization & risk assessment for the facility. SS010: Soil at the site is saturated with water. The maximum depth to groundwater is only 6 inches. Any site disturbance, such as walking across the site, caused sheen-covered puddles to form. The close proximity of contaminated material to the heavy flow of the nearby surface water provides additional risk for disrupting soil. Fuel contamination would be mobilized when disturbing the soil, & contamination could then quickly flow into the nearby creek & aquatic environment Excavation of contaminated soil beneath the water table is generally considered impracticable unless extensive measures, such as sheet piles, are installed. But installation of sheet piles at this site would not be possible due to the surface slope & shallow presence of bedrock. Thus, any excavation would remove a mix of fuel-contaminated soil, boulders, & newly contaminated water. Given the steep slope of the site & the limited working area, executing & handling this soil in a manner that is protective of the nearby stream would be difficult. Based on these physical hazards involved with site remediation, the risk that remedial action would cause contaminant migration, & the knowledge that results indicate no unacceptable risks or hazards associated with contamination at the site, no further action & a designation of “Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls” are recommended. Jeff Brownlee
9/11/2009 Update or Other Action In 1991, the US Army Corps of Engineers, under the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Program, contracted with Anderson Excavating and Wrecking Company to demolish buildings and cleanup solid wastes at the site. The composite building, POL pump building, airport storage building, ammunition building, water pump house, lighting vault, four billboard antennas and other wastes were demolished and buried in an on-site landfill south of the former composite building. Concrete foundations were left in place. The Corps hired Environmental Management to remove the above and underground fuel storage tanks and pipelines, which were cut up and disposed in the on-site landfill. A total of 350 55-gallon drums were removed. Fuel contaminated soil was excavated, thermally treated and disposed of in the landfill. A 55-gallon drum of PCB and a drum containing lead acid batteries were removed from the site for proper disposal. Subsequently, it was determined that the Air Force still controls the site as the public land withdrawl has not been relinquished. Further cleanup work on the site is not eligible under the FUDS Program. DEC and the Corps have signed a Containerized / Hazardous, Toxic or Radiologiacl Waste (CON/HTRW) Project Closeout Report (Aug. 2009) documenting no additional CON/HTRW work is eligible under the FUDS Program. The USAF is responsible for remaining environmental restoration work at the site. John Halverson
11/6/2009 Meeting or Teleconference Held Contaminated sites staff participated in an update meeting with project managers from the USAF 611th and their contractor. Discussion included the proposed timeline and scope of work for the 2010 and 2011 field seasons for installing monitoring wells and institutional controls at 4 POL sites and the status of 8 other sites (5 are proposed to be DEC-determined as cleanup complete with no further action; 3 sites are being addressed under CERCLA). Curtis Dunkin
2/8/2010 Cleanup Level(s) Approved ADEC Determination of Final Compliance for Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station (RRS) Sites Three sites (OT001 – USTs & Antennas, SS010 – Water Supply Pump House, & WP003 – Waste Pit) are recommended for cleanup complete with Institutional Controls (ICs). ICs are proposed on these three sites for the following reasons: 1) document the location & extent of residual contamination, 2) limit land use solely to very limited/remote recreational use (as outlined in the risk assessment), & 3) to document the need to properly manage residual contamination in accordance with applicable regulations. Please continue to coordinate with us on development & implementation of the ICs for sites OT001, SS010, & SP003 & the work plan & ICs for site SS007. Once the ICs are in place for sites OT001, SS010 & SP003, the status of these sites will be changed to Cleanup Complete with ICs. After ICs are in place & the groundwater (GW) contaminant plume at SS007 is shown to be attenuating the status of that site will also be changed to Cleanup Complete with ICs. Also, note that 18 AAC 75.325(i) requires a responsible person to obtain DEC approval before disposing of soil or GW from a site that is subject to the site cleanup rules or for which the department has issued a cleanup complete determination under 18 AAC 75.380(d)(1). The decisions described above may be reviewed & revised, in accordance with 18 AAC 75.380(d)(2), if new information becomes available that indicates contaminants or wastes at the site may pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Curtis Dunkin
2/8/2010 Update or Other Action A cleanup complete w/o IC's determination was issued for several other Driftwood Bay sites. Site SS010 - Water Supply Pump House - is recommended for cleanup complete with Institutional Controls (ICs). ICs are proposed on this site for the following reasons: 1) document the location and extent of residual contamination, 2) limit land use solely to very limited/remote recreational use (as outlined in the risk assessment), and 3) to document the need to properly manage residual contamination in accordance with applicable regulations. Curtis Dunkin
2/2/2011 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking Initial ranking with ETM completed for source area id: 71071 name: DRO in Soil and GW Bianca Reece
1/27/2015 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71071 DRO in Soil and GW. Debra Caillouet
7/24/2015 CERCLA Remedial Design/Remedial Action Plan Approved Final Remedial Action Work Plan for Remedy Implementation at the Former Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station, Alaska July 2015 Debra Caillouet
3/1/2016 Update or Other Action Interim 2015 Remedial Action Report for remedy implementation received for review and comment. This report presents the results of the verification and validation of analytical data for soil and water samples collected between 14 August and 4 September 2015 as part of the 2015 OT001, WP003, DA013, LF006, SS002, SS007, and SS010 Remedial Action at Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station. Louis Howard
3/22/2016 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Staff commented on the need to use the most current references (18 AAC 75). Staff also commented on the qualifications required for "qualified environmental professional" vs. "qualified sampler" in accordance with 18 AAC 75.333. Finally, staff commented on the need for prior ADEC approval for substantive or significant corrective action for field issues. See site file for additional information. Louis Howard
2/6/2017 Update or Other Action Institutional controls report received for review and comment. On 11 June 2016, a site inspection was conducted at SS010. The location was observably exposed to occasional or seasonal sloughing of unconsolidated soil from the area upslope. The location of the Former Pump House appears to be a depositional area, rather than erosional. No indication of contamination was visible at the surface. Aside from recreational usage of the road to Top Camp, there was no indication of land use or wildlife at SS010. Two warning signs were installed at SS010 along the common access road. Both signs remained in good condition, with no indication of malign effects resulting from slope stability issues See site file for additional information. Louis Howard
1/31/2018 Update or Other Action Draft Remedial Action Operations/LTM report received for review & comment. Inspection of the site SS010 (Water Supply Pump House) revealed the access road leading to Top Camp was well maintained but featured many large boulders strewn across the roadway. LUC signage was observed to be present and discernible, however the sign posts are heavily rusted and leaning but the posts are made of heavy gauge steel and do not warrant immediate replacement. The hardware used to hold these signs on the posts is made of stainless material. See site file for additional information. Louis Howard
9/25/2018 Update or Other Action Site location adjusted based on USAF database and figure in OT001 ROD. Eric Breitenberger
4/9/2020 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other Staff reviewed and approved the 2019 LUC/ICs & LTM report for SS002, SS007, SS010, LF006, and WP003. Louis Howard
3/18/2021 Update or Other Action Staff reviewed and provided comments for the Draft 2020 RAO, IC/LUC report for SS002, SS007, SS010, LF006, and WP003, dated March 2021. Cascade Galasso-Irish
5/19/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC Reviewed the Draft 2020 Remedial Action Operations, Institutional Control/Land Use Control Report for Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station and five sites: LF006, SS002, SS007, SS010, and WP003, dated March 2021, received on March 23 2021. Field activities included a site visit on September 13, 2020 to ensure ICs are enforced and site conditions continue to be protective of human health and the environment. RTC sent 4/20/2021, and report Final approved on this date. Cascade Galasso-Irish
8/3/2021 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other DEC received and reviewed the Draft Final UFP-QAPP for Long Term Management Activities, Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station, Alaska, dated March 2021. Comments send by ADEC on June 14th, and RTC and redline received on August 9th. The work plan describes the USAFs intent to collect groundwater samples from six wells at SS007 to determine whether trends indicate continued natural attenuation is occurring; conduct a review of institutional controls (ICs) at all sites (LF006, SS002, SS007, SS010, and WP003), and conduct a landfill cap inspection to ensure land use controls (LUCs) currently in place are effectively reducing potential exposure. SS010, SS002, and SS007 have NECs recorded at the sites documenting that cleanup have been performed to the maximum extent practicable even though residual fuel contaminated soil and/or solvent contaminated groundwater exists on site, however the 2021 sampling of SS007 is intended to demonstrate the site has reached UU/UE and can be closed without ICs. The report and RTC was approved on this date. Cascade Galasso-Irish
8/4/2021 Institutional Control Record Established Institutional Controls established and entered into the database. Cascade Galasso-Irish
1/6/2023 Exposure Tracking Model Ranking A new updated ranking with ETM has been completed for source area 71071 DRO in Soil and GW. Cascade Galasso-Irish
7/31/2023 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, DEC reviewed and approved the Final 2022 Five-Year Review for Sites SS002, SS007, SS010, and WP003 at Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station, Alaska. This is the 2nd FYR for SS002, SS007, and SS010, and the first FYR for WP003. During this FYR period, LF006 was closed without institutional controls and is no longer subject to FYRs. An Environmental Covenant or Notice of Activity and Use Limitations (NAUL) is required to be placed on the WP003 site to maintain the institutional controls (ICs) identified in the 2018 IC Plan, with a milestone date of this year (2023). The ICs will need to document restrictions to groundwater and soil use. Additionally, because none of the sites included in this FYR have an official Decision Document, DEC recommended a Decision Document(s) be drafted to document the official ICs and remedies in place at the four sites. Currently, ICs are functioning as intended and there is no current exposure. Cascade Galasso-Irish
9/18/2023 CERCLA PA On this date, DEC reviewed the Draft Preliminary Assessment Report for Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF), Driftwood Bay Radio Relay Station, Alaska. The PA did not identify any AFFF sources (fire training areas or non fire training areas) at the Driftwood Bay RRS. Cascade Galasso-Irish
9/21/2023 Institutional Control Periodic Reporting Periodic reporting entered into the database. The next periodic review is due in 2028. Cascade Galasso-Irish
9/21/2023 Cleanup Complete Determination Issued On this date, Cleanup Complete with Institutional Controls was approved for the site. Cascade Galasso-Irish
1/18/2024 Document, Report, or Work plan Review - other On this date, DEC received and approved the Final 2022 Land Use/Institutional Controls and Long-Term Management Report for the Former Driftwood Bay RRS Sites LF006, SS002, SS007, SS010, and WP003. Cascade Galasso-Irish

Contaminant Information

Name Level Description Media Comments
DRO Between Method 2 Migration to Groundwater and Human Health/Ingestion/Inhalation Soil DRO remains in the soil at a concentration of 5,300 mg/kg.

Control Type

Type Details
Notice of Environmental Contamination NEC recorded on 4/19/2018
Institutional Control Management Plan LUCs incorporated into the 611th Civil Engineering Squadron LUC Management Plan
Other Warning signs placed at the boundary of each site to provide contact information for LUC management.


Description Details
Excavation / Soil Movement Restrictions Any work/dig permit must comply with Pacific Air Force (PACAF) Center OI 32-7001 Land Use Control Management Plan (2018 NEC).
Restricted to Recreational Land Use ICs proposed in the 2010 Determination of Final Compliance are to limit land use solely to very limited/remote recreational use (as outlined in the risk assessment.
Other ICs proposed in the 2010 Determination of Final Compliance
Advance approval required to transport soil or groundwater off-site.
Movement or use of contaminated material (including on site) in a manner that results in a violation of the water quality standards is prohibited (18 AAC 70)
Periodic Review Next periodic review is scheduled for 2028.

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