Current Certified Underground Storage Tank Workers
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Total records: 109 on 3/28/2025
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License | Number | Type | Name | Address | City | State | Zip Code | Phone |
UST | 5 | Clos | Dwayne Bertholl | 14939 W Lake Ridge Drive | Eagle River | AK | 99577 | (907) 696-1699 |
UST | 5 | Inst | Dwayne Bertholl | 14939 W Lake Ridge Drive | Eagle River | AK | 99577 | (907) 696-1699 |
UST | 473 | CP | Chris Hawe | 11700 Mary Avenue | Anchorage | AK | 99515 | (907) 748-7672 |
UST | 473 | Clos | Chris Hawe | 11700 Mary Avenue | Anchorage | AK | 99515 | (907) 748-7672 |
UST | 473 | Insp | Chris Hawe | 11700 Mary Avenue | Anchorage | AK | 99515 | (907) 748-7672 |
UST | 473 | Inst | Chris Hawe | 11700 Mary Avenue | Anchorage | AK | 99515 | (907) 748-7672 |
UST | 473 | TTT | Chris Hawe | 11700 Mary Avenue | Anchorage | AK | 99515 | (907) 748-7672 |
UST | 647 | Clos | Dustin Stahl | 1212 San Anton | Fairbanks | AK | 99712 | (907) 590-0316 |
UST | 207707 | CP | Anthony Veteto | 12427 W Lexus Ct | Boise | ID | 83713 | (208) 661-5393 |
UST | 207707 | Insp | Anthony Veteto | 12427 W Lexus Ct | Boise | ID | 83713 | (208) 661-5393 |
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Type: CP = Cathodic Protection; Clos = Closure; Insp = Inspector; Inst = Installer; TTT = Tank Tightness Tester