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Approved Contingency Plans

Contingency Plans Under Review

Note: Documents will not be available for all plans listed in the following table. They will be added as they are submitted electronically.

On April 16, 2016, amendments went into effect for selected sections of 18 AAC 75 Articles 4 and 9. The amendments included a change to the submittal requirements, including the requirement for application packages submitted after October 16, 2016 to be submitted electronically so they can be posted on the department’s website. Depending on when an application package is submitted, it may not be posted in this table until October 2021.

Plan ID Plan Holder Plan Title Expiration Documents
5233 North American Fuel Corporation North American Fuel Corporation 1/30/2025 View
5235 Petro Marine Services Petro 49, Inc. Tank Vessel ODPCP 3/5/2026 View
5236 Harvest Alaska, LLC Point Thomson Export Pipeline 11/1/2025 View
5239 Cook Inlet Tug and Barge Cook Inlet Tug and Barge 2/17/2027 View
5241 Accumulate Energy Alaska, Inc. Lower Foothills Area Leases 10/7/2025 View
5243 ASRC Energy Services Placer Exploration Program 11/22/2025
5244 Crowley Fuels LLC Crowley Fuels LLC Aniak Bulk Fuel Facility 12/28/2025 View
5245 BlueCrest Alaska Operating, LLC BlueCrest Alaska Operating LLC Hansen Production Facility Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plant 3/28/2026 View
5248 Sundog Charters, LLC Sundog Charters 3/2/2028 View
5250 Petro Star, Inc. Petro Star PoA Facility Terminal ODPCP 4/9/2028 View
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