Reimbursement Request Portal

STEP ONE, ELIGIBILITY CONFIRMATION:   Confirm that you meet the eligibility requirements. You will need a State of Alaska Vendor Customer Number to submit this form. Additional information on how to apply for this number is in the link above.

If you are eligible, you will be notified by email and you will then have 6 months to complete the disposal or replacement activities and submit a final reimbursement request.
Please note that requests are only being accepted at this time for activities related to the disposal of PFAS-containing AFFF and the equipment that contains it.
Upon receipt, a confirmation email will be sent with the details of your submittal along with a Request Number and Access Code. Please include both the Request Number and Access Code in any correspondence related to your request, or otherwise be able to provide them (e.g., phone calls). You will need both in order to submit your final reimbursement request in Step Two below.
STEP TWO, REIMBURSEMENT:   Submit a reimbursement request. In order to track and allocate funds efficiently, DEC has set a deadline to complete the disposal/replacement and submit this request within 6 months of the eligibility approval date. Extensions of the disposal deadline may be granted.
For this step, you will have to have been notified that your eligibility has been confirmed and will be required to:
  • Provide your State of Alaska Vendor Customer Number.
  • Provide receipts containing a breakdown of actual expenditures: date, cost, vendor, and a description of the expense.
  • Attach disposal documentation, e.g., certification of disposal.
  • Enter the following information from your eligibility confirmation to submit your request:
  • Note: the access code is case-senstive and will need to be entered as provided.
Upon receipt, a confirmation email will be sent with the details of your request. You will again be notified when your request has been processed.
Note: If you have not yet received notification that your eligibility has been confirmed, you will receive a “request not found” error if you try to request reimbursement. If this happens, please contact DEC staff at (907) 465-1229 or