Source Water Assessment Summary
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Please read: Information provided on this page is automatically generated
from a database containing the results from the
Source Water Assessment
(SWA) report for public water
system (PWS) sources (i.e., wells or intakes). If results are not displayed below, it's likely because
a SWA report was not completed. Many PWS sources that became active after 2006 do not have a SWA report
and the State of Alaska Drinking Water Program is no longer completing new reports or revising old
reports. While SWA reports are no longer being completed, PWS owners, operators, and communities are
encouraged to develop Drinking [Source] Water Protection Plans to help minimize the risk of potential
contamination. See the Drinking Water Protection website for
more information.
The NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH SA 10 Water System (AK2331184)
located in NORTH SLOPE is a
Non-Transient Non-Community public water system consisting of [1] active sources, intakes, or wells.
The Source Water Assessment Report for this Surface Water Intake was completed and the results are:
Wellhead/Surface Intake Susceptibility | Aquifer Susceptibility |
Very High | Not Applicable |
Overall Vulnerability to Potential Contaminants
Bacteria & Viruses | Nitrates/Nitrites | Volatile Organic Chemicals | Inorganics/Heavy Metals | Synthetic Organic Chemicals | Other Organic Chemicals |
Medium | Medium | Very High | Very High | High | Very High |