An applicator who is still currently certified may renew their certification though Continuing Education. To do so, you must:
- Complete at least 12 approved Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
- Submit the online CEU Re-Certification Application
- Submit $25 fee to DEC.
- Submit proof of liability insurance to DEC. (Unless you designate as a Personal-Use Applicator)
Recertification is valid for three years.
To obtain recertification through CEUs, all coursework must be completed prior to expiration of the current certification. CEUs are available through a variety of classes, conferences, meetings, and online courses. Only CEUs approved by DEC will apply towards recertification. Approved CEUs are listed below.
Once we receive and process this form, we will re-issue your certification, valid for three year from issue date. Your existing certification will then be invalid.
If certification is expired, or if the applicant chooses not to take CEUs, they may obtain certification by taking exams. Preparing for the Exam contains details on this process.
Applicators may also add categories of certification by taking exams. If the applicator has passed the Core Exam in the previous 12 months, they are only required to pass the exam for the category they wish to pass. However, if they have not passed the Core Exam in the previous 12 months, applicators must pass both the Core Exam and the Category Exam to add a category.
Please note: Any currently certified applicator who fails the Core Exam will lose certification. All applicators must have the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a certified pesticide applicator, and must be able to demonstrate that knowledge by passing the Core Exam.
Annual Applicator Conference
The Cooperative Extension Service holds the Alaska Certified Applicator Conference every spring. Currently certified applicators can obtain up to 6 CEUs by attending this course. Please contact the Cooperative Extension Service for more information.
Online Courses
The following companies offer online courses for one CEU per course. Each company website will include information about which courses are approved in Alaska for credit towards renewing your pesticide applicator certification:
- University of Alaska Fairbanks - Cooperative Extension Service
- Certified Training Institute
- Washington State University Extension
- All Star Training, Inc.
- Purdue University
- Univar
Becoming a Designated Personal-Use Applicator
A Designated Personal-Use Applicator does not have to provide proof of insurance. These individuals may only apply pesticides on property that they own or lease. This limitation is stated in writing on the Certified Pesticide Applicator card.
A person may not become a Designated Personal-Use Applicator for the following categories:
- Category 6: Aquatic Pest Control - surface waters, including lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, or wetlands are considered waters of the state, and are not owned by individuals.
- Category 15: Soil Fumigation - per definition, a person may not become a Designated Private Applicator for application of fumigants
- Category 16: Non-Soil Fumigation - per definition, a person may not become a Designated Private Applicator for application of fumigants.
To become a Designated Private Applicator, submit the Designated Personal-Use Pesticide Applicator Request (DOC) form instead of proof of insurance.