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Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

There are specific Integrated Pest Management (IPM) requirements that must be met before pesticides may be applied to:

  • state owned land,
  • land leased by a state agency, or
  • right-of-way managed by a state agency.

These requirements are specified in 18 AAC 90.640-650.


The agency that owns/manages the land is responsible for meeting the IPM requirements. That agency may choose to sub out this work to other agencies, contractors, etc., but the agency that owns/manages the land is ultimately responsible, and all work is done under that agency's IPM plan and oversight.

To initiate the IPM process, the agency that owns/manages the land must review and complete the steps outlined below.

  1. Submit an IPM plan to DEC via email to Karin Hendrickson. This is an example IPM plan (DOC). [18 AAC 90.645]
  2. Public Notification:
    • Publish two notices in a newspaper at least 30 days before applying [18 AAC 90.640(b)]
    • Unless the treatment area is a public place*, then post notices at the site prior to applying [18 AAC 90.630(a)]
    • Or unless the treatment area is a school, then post notices at the site prior to applying [18 AAC 90.625(f)]
  3. Notify drinking water systems within 200 feet of treatment site at least 30 days before applying. [18 AAC 90.640(a)(3)]
  4. Notify DEC at least 15 days before applying by emailing Karin Hendrickson [18 AAC 90.640(a)(6)]
  5. Ensure all pesticide applicators are certified [18 AAC 90.640(a)(4)]
  6. Keep records of pesticide application and required notifications above (item 2, 3, and 4) [18 AAC 90.415(2)]
  7. If pesticide is applied to 20 acres or more in one year, post a report with information about pesticide use on the responsible agency's website [18 AAC 90.640(a)(8)]

Special Notes

IPM plans and associated requirements are not required under the following circumstances:

  • Application to less than one acre of state land
  • Application of antimicrobial pesticides (sanitizers) or personal use insect repellents, or
  • Application of pesticides inside buildings or structures.

IPM requirements do not apply for application to water or by aircraft: these activities require a Pesticide-Use Permit.

Many agencies make numerous small pesticide applications to areas scattered across the state. If these pesticide applications are all similar, they are considered part of a single program or project. IPM requirements will apply if the total combined area is one acre or more. This is true if all applications of pesticides:

  • Target the same pests;
  • Are conducted in the same calendar year;
  • Are conducted on the property owned/leased by the same agency;
  • Use the same pesticide products;
  • Use the same concentration of each pesticide (within 10%); and
  • Use the same application methods.

*Public places defined in AS 46.03.320(c) include:

  1. common areas of an apartment building or other multi-family dwelling (e.g.lawns, outdoor recreational areas)
  2. publicly accessible areas of government offices or facilities (e.g. outdoor landscaped areas)
  3. plazas, parks, and public sports fields

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