Current IPM Plans
Date | Title and Document Download | Category | Program | Description |
6/1/2023 | Ketchikan Airport (PDF 227K) | 06/2025 | Vegetation Control | Ketchikan International Airport |
7/1/2023 | Susitna Flats Game Refuge (PDF 205K) | 06/2025 | Vegetation Control | Alien Species Control, LLC |
6/1/2024 | Ocean Dock Terminal and Anchorage Terminal 2 (PDF 810K) | 05/2025 | Vegetative Control | Tesoro Logistics Operations LLC |
6/1/2024 | Fairbanks Airport (PDF 1.3M) | 05/2026 | Vegetation and Insect Control | Fairbanks International Airport |
5/1/2024 | GVEA Substations (PDF 199K) | 05/2026 | Vegetation Control | Golden Valley Electric Association |
4/1/2024 | ADOT&PF (PDF 216K) | 04/2026 | Vegetation and Invasive Weed Control | AK Department of Transportation and Public Facilities |
7/30/2023 | Cook Inlet Natural Gas Storage IPM (PDF 176K) | 07/2025 | Vegetation Control | Cook Inlet Natural Gas Storage LLC |
5/1/2023 | Chugach State Park (PDF 349K) | 05/2025 | Vegetation Control | Alien Species Control, LLC |
4/1/2024 | AK Railroad (PDF 792K) | 04/2026 | Vegetation Control | AK Railroad Corporation |
4/25/2024 | White Pass & Yukon Route (PDF 186K) | 04/2026 | Vegetation Control | White Pass & Yukon Railroad |
5/3/2024 | Kenai and Prince William Sound Area State Parks (PDF 997K) | 05/2026 | Vegetation Control | Kenai Peninsula Invasive Species Management Area |
7/1/2024 | Coastal Wildlife Refuge: Anchorage (PDF 135K) | 06/2026 | Vegetation Control | AK Department of Fish and Game |
5/1/2025 | Point Mackenzie Correctional Farm (PDF 238K) | 05/2027 | Multiple | AK Department of Corrections |