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Obtaining a Pesticide Use Permit

Pesticide Use Permit Process

The permitting process is rigorous, and takes a minimum of 100 days to complete. Applicators should plan well in advance to ensure that a valid Pesticide-Use Permit can be obtained for the planned pesticide application.

The permitting process requires detailed information about the specifics of the proposed pesticide use. Once all the required information is submitted, the application is opened to a public comment and review period, and may require a public hearing. Once the public review period is complete, DEC will conduct a thorough review of the proposed project and determine whether or not to issue a Pesticide-Use Permit. If a Permit is issued, it does not become valid until after a 40 day waiting period, to allow time for the public to appeal the decision.

Pesticide use often raises concern in local communities, and may become contentious. Public resistance to the proposed pesticide use may impact your ability to obtain a Pesticide-Use Permit.

Failure to obtain a permit is a violation of state law, and can result in significant penalties under Alaska Statute 46.03.760. It is the responsibility of the pesticide applicator to ensure that all required permits and approvals are in place before applying pesticides.

Prior to submitting an application, please contact us to discuss your permitting needs. You may reach us at 907-376-1870.

After we have determined specific project information, we will provide you the correct permit application form.

Pesticide Use Permit Exemptions

An exemption from the pesticide-use permit requirements may be granted under the following circumstances:

  • The Commissioner determines that an emergency exists that would result in a significant risk to human health, the environment, or economic loss.
  • Pesticide use is necessary for the safe operation of an airport.
  • Pesticide application is conducted as part of a research project on 20 acres or less.

Prior to submitting an application, please contact us to discuss your permitting exemption needs. You may reach us at 907-376-1870.

After we have determined specific project information, we will provide you the correct permit exemption application form.

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