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Landfill Operator Tools

Good landfill operations are key to having a landfill that is protective of human health and the environment. We've developed the tools and information below to help you operate a safe landfill.

Tools and Templates

Operational guidance

We developed the Solid Waste Operational Guidance to show better methods to manage waste in rural landfills. This guidance covers the major components of solid waste management in a community and is a step-by-step guide for operators.

Burning waste is a common practice in rural Alaska, but it must be done properly to be safe and effective. Find methods for proper burning, information on burn units, and recommended burning practices at Burning Waste in Class III Landfills

Performing a visual inspection every month allows you to document conditions and maintenance needs at your landfill. It is beneficial when your program experiences turnover of new staff. The monthly forms can also be used as supporting documentation of needs for funding repairs or new equipment. We've created a Monthly Visual Monitoring Template (DOC) as a starting point, but you are encouraged to modify it for your specific landfill. 

In addition to monthly inspections, you can evaluate your landfill throughout the year using the same form we use on our landfill inspections - Waste Index (XLS). It covers the same topics as the Operational Guidance document and shows you incremental improvements you can make for each topic. We perform regular inspections of each landfill and provide recommendations on ways you can improve your landfill. Contact your Rural Landfill Specialist for information on your community or for help using the Waste Index. You can also find your most recent inspection report in our SWIMS database.

Lastly, all landfills eventually reach capacity. Planning and obtaining funding for a new landfill can take several years. You can use our Landfill Life Expectancy Calculator (XLS) to estimate the remaining years for your landfill. Your rural specialist can help you run the calculator to get the best possible estimate.

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