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Air Quality Complaints
18 AAC 50.110 Air Pollution Prohibited. No person may permit any emission which is injurious to human health or welfare, animal or plant life, or property, or which would unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property. (Eff. 5/26/72, Register 42)

If you believe you have observed activities that violate the above State regulation, you may use the complaint form below to report the activity. The complaint information you provide will be used to help DEC staff to investigate the complaint. Please note that noise is not considered air pollution.

You may also contact the DEC Air Quality Division offices in Anchorage (269-7577), Fairbanks (451-2132), or Juneau (465-5100) with your air quality concerns.

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.
(NOTE: Air Quality follow up not available with anonymous submissions.)

First and Last Name required unless Anonymous.

Complaint Submission Options
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      (Email field required for Preferred Contact Profile.)

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If Responsible Party is an Organization, Organization Name required.

If Responsible Party is an Individual, First and Last Name required.
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Date is out of range. Please verify the year is after 1900.


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