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Dry Wood-Moisture Disclosure Program
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Area: & Location Type:

Recognized Dry Wood Sellers (Click wood seller for detail)
Wood Sellers that provide proof to DEC that wood they sell as 'dry' has a moisture content of 20% or lower.
Wood Seller Name Area/Location Logo
Aurora Energy Solutions, LLC Fairbanks & North Pole
ADEC ID: WS00030
Contact Name: Susan Shopper
Contact Number: 907-488-6055
Aurora Energy Solutions, LLC
Area: Fairbanks & North Pole
Location Type: Delivery
Phone: 907-488-6055
1205 First Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Aurora Energy Solutions, LLC
Area: Fairbanks & North Pole
Location Type: Pickup
Phone: 907-488-6055
1205 First Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Bruce l webb Fairbanks & North Pole
ADEC ID: WS00031
Contact Name: bruce l webb
Contact Number: 907-388-7488
Rocket Firewood Fairbanks & North Pole
ADEC ID: WS00032
Contact Name: Maxwell Penrose
Contact Number: 724-953-9650
Fairbanks & North Pole
Area: Fairbanks & North Pole
Location Type: Delivery

Registered Wood Sellers (Click wood seller for detail)
Wood Sellers that will provide written documentation of the moisture content of the wood they sell. Wood could be either above or below 20% moisture content.
Wood Seller Name Area/Location Logo
Ward Wood Works Fairbanks & North Pole
ADEC ID: WS00012
Contact Name: Jeff Ward
Contact Number: 907-488-4049


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