Animal Tracking System
All the tools needed to move animals into, out of, or within the State of Alaska can be found right here.
Questions can be answered by calling the Office of the State Veterinarian at 907-375-8200.

Import Animals
Veterinarians outside the State of Alaska can apply for a permit to bring one or more animals into the state.
Export Animals
Veterinarians within the State of Alaska can file an Electronic Certificate of Veterinarian Inspection (eCVI) for animals within the state.
Paper Certificates of Veterinary Inspection are still available and may be obtained by contacting the Office of the State Veterinarian 907-375-8200.
Anyone importing animals for Direct or Immediate Slaughter must contact the Office of the State Veterinarian directly to request an import permit. Please call 907-375-8215 to request a permit.