Current Certified Underground Storage Tank Workers
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Total records: 109 on 3/28/2025
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License | Number | Type | Name | Address | City | State | Zip Code | Phone |
UST | 527 | TTT | Lance Leonard | 3008 Rampart Drive | Anchorage | AK | 99501-3131 | (907) 522-4684 |
UST | 574 | Clos | Susan Vogt | 269 Bias Drive, Ste B | Fairbanks | AK | 99712 | (907) 388-8671 |
UST | 609 | Clos | James D. Pereira | 561 E Steel Loop, Ste 200 | Palmer | AK | 99645-6688 | (907) 250-9602 |
UST | 609 | Inst | James D. Pereira | 561 E Steel Loop, Ste 200 | Palmer | AK | 99645-6688 | (907) 250-9602 |
UST | 622 | CP | Steven Martinez | PO Box 873433 | Wasilla | AK | 99687-3433 | (907) 552-5342 |
UST | 622 | Insp | Steven Martinez | PO Box 873433 | Wasilla | AK | 99687-3433 | (907) 552-5342 |
UST | 622 | Inst | Steven Martinez | PO Box 873433 | Wasilla | AK | 99687-3433 | (907) 552-5342 |
UST | 627 | Clos | Dan Fleming | 13501 Baywind Dr | Anchorage | AK | 99516 | (907) 240-9266 |
UST | 639 | Clos | Jacob Fellman | 18914 Klondike Street | Chugiak | AK | 99567 | (907) 240-8772 |
UST | 639 | Inst | Jacob Fellman | 18914 Klondike Street | Chugiak | AK | 99567 | (907) 240-8772 |
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Type: CP = Cathodic Protection; Clos = Closure; Insp = Inspector; Inst = Installer; TTT = Tank Tightness Tester