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Current Certified Underground Storage Tank Workers

Excel Download Total records: 109 on 3/28/2025
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License Number Type Name Address City State Zip Code Phone
UST 204485 Clos Scott Franz 2251 Cinnabar Loop Anchorage AK 99507 (907) 344-4490
UST 204495 Inst Hayden J Chivers PO Box 870162 Wasilla AK 99687-0162 (907) 841-1062
UST 204495 TTT Hayden J Chivers PO Box 870162 Wasilla AK 99687-0162 (907) 841-1062
UST 206922 Clos Antonty J. Marino 4141 Ingra Street Anchorage AK 99508 (907) 360-6376
UST 206922 Inst Antonty J. Marino 4141 Ingra Street Anchorage AK 99508 (907) 360-6376
UST 207770 Inst Steven C Brown 3008 Rampart Drive Anchorage AK 99501 (907) 522-4684
UST 212919 Inst David Ruffini PO Box 87162 Wasilla AK 99687-0162 (907) 357-1430
UST 212942 Clos Heman Matthews 13684 Fire Creek Trail Eagle River AK 99577 (907) 344-4490
UST 227357 CP Matthew Slawson 6445 Marindustry Drive San Diego CA 92121 (858) 337-6504
UST 5 Clos Dwayne Bertholl 14939 W Lake Ridge Drive Eagle River AK 99577 (907) 696-1699
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Type: CP = Cathodic Protection; Clos = Closure; Insp = Inspector; Inst = Installer; TTT = Tank Tightness Tester