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oil & gas drill rig workgroup

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have organized a workgroup to discuss air quality concerns and operational limitations for temporary oil and gas drill rig operations at existing oil and gas facilities.  This workgroup will develop recommendations for improving air permit program policies and procedures, and includes representatives from the following interested parties:

  • DEC Air Quality Division
  • DNR Oil and Gas Division
  • Alaska Oil and Gas Association (AOGA)
  • Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council (CIRCAC)
  • Alaska Support Industry Alliance (ASIA)
  • North Slope Borough

Meetings of the workgroup will discuss options for changing air quality permitting of temporary oil and gas drill rigs to allow for greater operational flexibility while still addressing air quality concerns, such as the federal standards that protect air quality.  The eleventh meeting of workgroup for global air permit policy development for temporary oil and gas drill rig meeting was held on July 12, 2018.  Please see the meeting materials on the Oil and Gas Workgroup Meeting and Notes page.

Contacts for Workgroup on Temporary Oil and Gas Drill Rigs

Department of Environmental Conservation
Nattinee Nipataruedi
Department of Natural Resources
Jim Beckham

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