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ANC-GP New Permittees Checklist

The following describes what a co-permittee has to do to obtain coverage under ANC-GP. (Note that this is only a partial list of your responsibilities and that you must consult the ANC-GP for details, see Permit Part 2.1 (PDF)

  1. Determine if your facility or site may qualify for the no exposure exclusion under the federal regulations at 40 CFR 122.26(g).
  2. Develop a SWPPP. For your convenience a SWPPP template (DOC) is provided. Development and implementation of an industrial stormwater pollution prevention plan is the key condition of the ANC-GP.
  3. Submit to DEC via EDMS a signed Notice of Intent (NOI) and a copy of the SWPPP ((PDF) preferred)
  4. Pay the general permit authorization fee with the Department via EDMS. This is a fee that has to be paid annually, which DEC will invoice the permittee annually in subsequent years.
  5. Keep a copy of the permit and all associated records on site during the entire permit period.

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