Gravel Pits and Aggregate Rock Extraction
Gravel pits and rock aggregate extraction projects occur throughout Alaska and their improper operation can result in surface and groundwater water quality impacts and impairment.
One of the most effective ways to control pollution is the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs). BMPs are physical, chemical, structural, and/or managerial techniques used to minimize water pollution.
The User's Manual of BMPs for Gravel/Rock Extraction & Water Quality (PDF) is a revision to the User's Manual: Best Management Practices for Gravel Pits and the Protection of Surface Water Quality in Alaska, dated June 2006. Revisions were made in 2012 to provide updated information regarding permitting processes and agencies, and to address the growing need for best management practices pertaining to the protection of groundwater. It is designed to assist with the identification of BMPs appropriate for use on a specific site or project in Alaska to provide environmental protection to surface waterbodies and groundwater resources.