Governor's Water and Wastewater Works Advisory Board
Board Members
The Governor's Water and Wastewater Works Advisory Board is a group of eight water/wastewater professionals established to advise the Department on all matters of operator certification and training. The current Board is comprised of certified operators, public works personnel, and engineers. New members to the Board are appointed by the Governor.
Board Member | Term Expiration |
Darrin Bartz
Mark Buggins |
William Justice
Jana M. Littlewood
Mike R. Pollen
7/1/2027 |
Benjamin Stacy
Richard A. Steckel
Paul J. Trissel
Tammy L. Helms
Commissioner's Designee
Duties of the Board
- Advise and assist the Department as it certifies operators and classifies water and wastewater systems.
- Review the qualifications of applicants for examination and certification in cooperation with the Department or at the applicant's request.
- Advise the Department as the Department prepares and gives examinations.
- Make recommendations to the Department as the Department issues, cancels, invalidates, or revokes certificates.
- Make recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor for legislation concerning operation and maintenance of public water supply and wastewater systems.
- Provide other assistance as requested by the Department.
The Board usually meets annually. At each meeting, the Department prepares a packet containing an agenda and all supporting documentation for the issues to be discussed. As part of every Board meeting, the Board discusses various issues which are brought before the group by operators. The Board reviews all supporting information concerning each issue and provides recommendations to the Department.
All general Board meetings are open to the public and the minutes of any meeting are available upon request.
Draft Board Meeting Agenda March 2025
Becoming a Board Member
For information about becoming a board member, please visit the Governor's office web site, call 907-269-7450, or email