1. Make a Payment
  2. Payment History
  3. My Profile
  4. Customer Service

Contact Information

If you have questions about a recent payment or require assistance using the online payment center, please contact customer service. If you contact us in writing, please include your contact information in the message.

Email dec.adec.userfees@alaska.gov
Telephone 1 (907) 269-0484
Mailing Address Department of Environmental Conservation
Attn: DAS Financial Services
PO Box 111800
Juneau, AK 99811-1800

Privacy Policy

Permit registrations are public information, but the financial information you use to transact payments is considered private.

Credit card information is not collected, stored, processed, or transmitted by the DEC Online Payment Center and will not be shared with anyone. Cardholder data is collected by a 3rd party that adheres to rigorous card industry security standards.

Personal information such as your name, email, billing address, and phone number may be collected during your payment for quality assurance reasons such as supporting customers that require assistance and performing revenue reconciliation and other standard accounting tasks. Your personal information won't be shared with anyone outside the DEC.

Refund Policy

The DEC can issue refunds on request, but this may invalidate your permit(s) if the refund results in an unpaid permit. If you've accidentally over-paid or if you feel you've been mischarged please contact customer service for assistance.


Online payments to the DEC are transacted in US Dollars.