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Current Certified Underground Storage Tank Workers

Excel Download Total records: 109 on 3/28/2025
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License Number Type Name Address City State Zip Code Phone
UST 145235 Inst CJ (Casey) Rusher PO Box 870162 Wasilla AK 99687-0162 (907) 357-1430
UST 145235 TTT CJ (Casey) Rusher PO Box 870162 Wasilla AK 99687-0162 (907) 357-1430
UST 148877 Clos Glenn Hasburgh 3301 C Street, Ste 200 Anchorage AK 99503 (907) 272-9336
UST 149362 Clos Scott Marcum 5678 W Alta Cir Wasilla AK 99623 (907) 841-6760
UST 149362 Inst Scott Marcum 5678 W Alta Cir Wasilla AK 99623 (907) 841-6760
UST 153869 Clos Christopher Schachle PO Box 870162 Wasilla AK 99687-0162 (907) 357-1430
UST 153869 Inst Christopher Schachle PO Box 870162 Wasilla AK 99687-0162 (907) 357-1430
UST 162732 Clos Peter A. Hannon 8701 Shebanof Avenue Anchorage AK 99507 (907) 350-4074
UST 163627 Clos Gene Cheeseman 3920 N Douglas Highway Juneau AK 99801 (907) 321-7559
UST 165199 Clos Andrew Frick 664 Cranberry Ridge Drive Fairbanks AK 99712 (907) 322-9169
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Type: CP = Cathodic Protection; Clos = Closure; Insp = Inspector; Inst = Installer; TTT = Tank Tightness Tester