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Lean Process & Documents

Since January of 2016, the Division of Air Quality underwent Lean efficiency training with an overarching goal to produce quality products in less time by eliminating waste and wait time though the use of continuous improvement. Lean enhances the efficiency, productivity, and quality of a process. It is about reducing project time by eliminating waste and delivery of nearly zero defects. In addition Lean improves customer satisfaction, reduces cycle time, and improve other performance metrics. The Lean approach was used on Air Quality minor permitting process. Since implementing Lean to the Air Permit Program ADEC has seen:

  1. a 30% improvement in productivity;
  2. re-work reduction from 18% - 2%, representing an 88% improvement; and
  3. Air permitting lead time reduced from 19 days to 14 days.

Below are some of Lean documents from staff's presentation on the ADEC Lean process:

Please contact Nattinee Nipataruedi or phone: 907-465-5128, if you have additional questions or would like additional Lean material.

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