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Produce Safety

Produce Safety Program

With a focus on food safety, the OSV is implementing the new federally-mandated Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR). The Alaska Produce Safety Program works closely with UAF's Cooperative Extension Service to provide educational opportunities, and to ensure that growers and other stakeholders throughout the state continue to meet the federal requirements for safe production, harvest, and handling practices for fresh fruits and vegetables.

FSMA Produce Safety Rule

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was passed by congress in 2011 and is the first major overhaul of food safety regulations in the United States in over 70 years. The FSMA Produce Safety Rule (PSR) provides basic food safety oversight for certain types of fresh produce, with the goal of preventing foodborne illness rather than responding to it after it occurs. The seven regulations developed under FSMA protect the safety of human and animal food, both imported and domestic. Certain provisions of FSMA took effect immediately and others are being phased in gradually.

Very few Alaskan farms will be subject to the full extent of the FSMA PSR. Criteria for farms that fall under these federal requirements are based on the size of the farm and whether they sell to a qualified end user. The PSR requirements apply to the growing, harvesting, packing and holding of certain types of whole, unprocessed produce that are generally consumed raw. This is due to the increased risk posed by microbial contamination in fruits and vegetables that are not processed or cooked before consumption.

The Produce Safety Rule (PSR) requires growers to:

  • Ensure agricultural water is safe for its intended purpose
  • Enact worker health, hygiene, and food safety training measures
  • Treat and use soil amendments properly (compost, manure, fish waste)
  • Prevent contamination of produce by wild and domestic animals
  • Provide for safe handling of produce
  • Provide for proper construction, maintenance, and cleaning of equipment, buildings, and tools used to store and handle produce
  • Keep certain records

These requirements do NOT apply to food that is consumed on the farm, commodities that are generally cooked before being consumed, or to produce that is destined for commercial processing that will adequately reduce the presence of microorganisms. There are additional requirements for growing sprouts, due to the high incidence of foodborne illness associated with them.

Most Alaskan farms will either be exempt from the PSR entirely or eligible for a "qualified exemption."

Is My Farm Covered by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule?

Use the Farm Coverage Tool below to determine your farm's coverage status under the FSMA Produce Safety Rule.

Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training

The Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved course will satisfy the Grower Training course requirements under the PSR. Funding is provided by an FDA-State of Alaska cooperative agreement. Growers who attend the entirety of the course will receive a FREE Certificate of Course Completion.

The course will provide a foundation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), information on the PSR requirements, and details on how to develop a farm food safety plan. It is open to anyone interested in learning more about produce safety and Good Agricultural Practices!

We will be offering these classes both in-person and remotely. If you would like to register for or request a training, please contact the Produce Safety Team at 907-375-8200 or

Upcoming Workshops:

  • Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training - In-Person (Palmer)
  • April 3, 2025
  • 8:00 am to 5:30 pm
  • Matanuska Experiment Farm and Extension Center
  • 1509 S. Georgeson Drive
  • Palmer, AK 99645
  • For more information, or if you require accommodation for a disability, please contact the DEC Produce Safety Team.
  • Registration closes March 27, 2025.
  • Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training - Remote Delivery
  • April 24 and 25, 2025
  • 9:00 am to 3:30 pm each day
  • Remote Delivery (Zoom)
  • Note: Participants must have a computer or mobile device with audio and video capabilities, as well as access to a strong internet connection and adequate bandwidth. Attendees who wish to receive a Certificate of Course Completion will be required to use the web camera to ensure participation.
  • For more information, or if you require accommodation for a disability, please contact the DEC Produce Safety Team.
  • Registration closes April 10, 2025.

Funding Acknowledgement

The development of this webpage was supported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award (U2FFD007425) totaling $350,000 with 100 percent funded by FDA/HSS. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by FDA/HSS, or the U.S. Government.

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