Construction General Permit (CGP)
The Construction General Permit (CGP) authorizes stormwater discharges from large and small construction-related activities that result in a total land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre and where those discharges enter waters of the U.S. (directly or through a stormwater conveyance system) or a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) leading to waters of the U.S. subject to the conditions set forth in the permit. Operators of construction sites where one or more acres are disturbed, smaller sites that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale where there is a cumulative disturbance of at least one acre, or any other site specifically designated by the Director, must submit an NOI (Notice of Intent) to obtain coverage under an Alaska Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (APDES) CGP. The 2021 CGP became effective on
February 1, 2021 and will expire on January 31, 2026.