Non-Point Emission Inventories
Non-point Emission inventories are required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Non-point sources include mobile sources (on-road/off road vehicles and non-road engines), fire, marine, aviation, agriculture, rail, etc; and are reported on a triennial basis by county, borough, and census area.
Emission Inventory Resources include:
- Emission Inventories
- Alaska Rural Emission Inventory
- Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory
- Non-Point Emission Inventories
- Agriculture (under development)
- Aircraft (information upon request)
- Area Fire (information upon request)
- Marine (information upon request)
- On-road/off road motor vehicle
- Rail (information upon request)
- Surveys (Coming Soon)
- Emission Inventory Requirements

Mobile Sources
Mobile Sources include by are not limited to:
On-road emissions from cars, trucks, and motorcycles on a street or highway; and are calculated using the EPA model Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator of “MOVES.” Information is available upon request.
Non-Road Emissions from non-road vehicles (vehicles run by a non-road engine and does not meet the definition of motor vehicle); and non-road engines (internal combustion engines (including fuel system) that is not used in a motor vehicle, a vehicle used only for competition, or affected by sections 111 or 202 of the Clean Air Act); include such things as drilling rigs, mobile crushers, frac units, airplanes, trains, construction and portable equipment. Emissions are calculated using the EPA Non-road Emission Factor Model, which provides emission estimates for borough, and census areas. Information is available upon request.
Staff Contacts:
Contact for Permitted Sources
- Kolena Momberger
- Phone: 907-269-7524
General Emission Inventory Questions:
- Morgan Frank
- Phone: 907-269-4913