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Fairbanks North Star Borough Wood Seller Requirements

Mandatory Registration: August 15, 2017 - (Fairbanks North Star Borough Nonattainment Area Only)

Wood seller registration was adopted into regulation in 2014 in 18 AAC 50.076(d) (PDF) as a contingency measure to help bring the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FSNB) fine (PM2.5) nonattainment area into attainment. ADEC launched a voluntary program to ensure the program was effective and to ease the transition from voluntary to mandatory in the Nonattainment Area. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reclassified the FNSB PM2.5 nonattainment area from moderate to serious effective June 9, 2017; Federal Register, Vol. 82, No. 89, 21711 (PDF). As a result of EPA’s reclassification, and pursuant to 18 AAC 50.015(b)(3) and 18 AAC 50.076(d)(1)-(3), commercial wood seller registration with ADEC became mandatory on August 15, 2017 (link to public notice) (PDF). See registration requirements below.

Mandatory Dry Wood only sales: October 1, 2021

Beginning October 1, 2021, as defined in 18 AAC 50.076(k), only dry wood (wood with a measured moisture content of 20% or less) may be advertised, marketed, or sold within the Fairbanks PM2.5 nonattainment area. Below is the required process and requirements of selling wood to residents within the nonattainment area. See registration requirements below.

Registration Requirement Details (wood sellers)

Who Must Register?

  • Persons and businesses that sell wood for space heating in the FNSB PM2.5 nonattainment area
  • There is no minimum amount of wood, all sellers are affected.

Who is Exempt?

  • Businesses that sell:
    • Wood Pellets, Bricks, or Pucks
    • Compressed Wood Logs
    • Small bundles of split, dry wood
  • Wholesalers that do not sell to the public

How to Register:

  • Registration is free:
    • Register Online
    • Register in person at the Fairbanks DEC Office, 610 University Ave.

Program Requirements:

Dry Wood Requirement Details (wood sellers)

Wood that is being advertised and sold in the nonattainment area must:

  1. be seasoned split and stored covered for at least 9 months unless otherwise confirmed dry or;
  2. be mechanically dried where the drying process has been inspected and approved by the department to ensure consistency and reliability; or
  3. harvested from an inspected fire-killed source that has been split stacked and stored prior to freezing

Measurement Process:

  1. Cut open and measure three pieces of wood per cord

    *All Measurements Must be Taken Prior to Freezing*

  2. Write the moisture levels on a Carbon Copy Form (PDF) *Sample Only* (Please contact Fairbanks Office for Triplicate Form)
  3. Sign the form
  4. Hand one signed copy to the customer
  5. One copy goes to DEC
  6. Keep the third copy for two years

Staff Contact:

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