Outdoor Open Burning Prohibition
Woodsmoke Control and PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas
Open Burning is prohibited November 1 - March 31 in:
- Wood Smoke Control Areas - Juneau Mendenhall Valley Map (PDF)
- PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas - FNSB PM2.5 Nonattainment Area (PDF) - Effective February 28, 2015
Statewide Regulations 18 AAC 50.065 - Open Burning
- DEC may prohibit open burning during Air Quality Episodes - check the episode announcement (18 AAC 50.245 & 246).
- DEC prohibits Open Burning in affected areas during Air Quality Advisories year round. Link to: Air Quality Advisories / Episodes
- Black smoke is prohibited.
- For a list of materials that cannot be open burned, see page 8 of the Open Burning Policy & Guidelines (PDF)
What is Open Burning?
Open burning is any burning activity where smoke is emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack or other vent.
Regulatory Definition (18 AAC 50.990(65)):
- "Open Burning" means the burning of a material that results in the products of combustion being emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through a stack, flare, vent, or other opening of an emission unit from which an air pollutant could be emitted;
Examples of Open Burning include:
- Burn Barrels
- Debris Disposal
- Slash Pile Burning
- Land Clearing
- Firefighter Training
Open Burning does not include:
- Hand Built Campfires
- < 3 ft Diameter
- Used for Cooking, Warmth, Lighting, Ceremonies, or Aesthetic Purposes
- Not Used for Debris Disposal
- Barbecues
- Ceremonial Fires
- Candles
- Cigars, Pipes, or Cigarettes
- Celebratory Fireworks
Staff Contact:
- Frances Olson
- Phone: 907-451-2130