Active Retail and Manufactured Food Permits
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Seating-Based Food Service
- FF-1 Food Service
- FF-2 Church/Institution Food Service
- FF-3 Day/Residential Care Food Service
- FF-4 Labor Camp Food Service
- FF-5 Seafood Processor Galley/Mess Hall
- FF-6 Deli/Takeout/Drive-in Food Service
- FF-7 Food Service and Caterer
- FF-8 Food Service with Wholesale Processing
- FF-9 Temporary Camp Authorization
Non-Seating-Based Food Service
- FN-1 Limited Food Service
- FN-2 Mobile Food Service - Not Self-Contained
- FN-3 Mobile Food Service - Self-Contained
- FN-3A Mobile Food Service - Self-Contained and Catering
- FN-4 Tavern/Bar
- FN-4A Tavern/Bar with Limited Food Service at the Bar
- FN-4B Tavern/Bar with Food Service at the Bar
- FN-5 Caterer
- FN-7 Other Food Establishment
Food Markets
- FM-1 Convenience Store
- FM-2 Grocery Store
- FM-3 Supermarket
- FM-4 Food Bank
- FM-5 Retail Bakery
- FM-6 Retail Meat Market
- FM-7 Retail Seafood Market
- FM-8 Retail Mobile Vendor
- FM-9 Warehouse
Food Processors
- FP-1 Bakery
- FP-2 Cured/Smoked/Acidified/ROP/Dehydrates
- FP-3 Ice Manufacturer/Bottled Water
- FP-4 Bottled Beverages
- FP-5 Jam/Jelly/Syrup/Confectionary
- FP-6 Other Food Processing
- FP-7 Thermal Processor of Low-Acid Food
- FP-8 MJ Shelf-Stable Concentrates (HACCP Plan)
- FP-9 MJ Low Risk Processing
Fee Exempt Permits
- FE-1 School Food Service
- FE-2 Head Start Food Service
- FE-3 School Fundraiser
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