Alaska Food Protection Task Force
The Alaska Food Protection Task Force is a volunteer committee comprised of representatives from the retail food industry, food manufacturing facilities, consumer groups, related associations, and academia.
The task force's purpose is to advise the State of Alaska's Food Safety and Sanitation program on issues and concerns regarding food safety within Alaska.
More information is included below.

Join the task force!
Sign up to receive emails and attend our quarterly meetings.
Membership in the Alaska Food Protection Task Force is open to anyone who wants to contribute to food safety in Alaska.
Alaska Food Protection Task Force meetings are held quarterly using a virtual meeting platform. Additionally, one meeting is held with an in-person option each year and one meeting is replaced by the annual educational workshop.
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Acknowledgment: Development and maintenance of the task force webpages is supported by an FDA State Food Protection Task Force Grant.