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Locate Contaminated ANCSA Lands

There are thousands of contaminated sites in Alaska. The sites could be old military sites, old tank farms, landfills or dump sites, or various debris and/or buildings. Many contaminated sites have already been identified and are actively being addressed. There are also many sites where the contamination has been removed and the site is considered closed.

A potentially contaminated site on ANCSA conveyed land near Golovin. DEC staff visited to collect soil samples and verify whether petroleum or other chemicals were released.

The EPA's Contaminated ANCSA Sites Common Operating Picture is an interactive map that allows users to explore the inventory of Contaminated ANCSA Lands around Alaska. This inventory is superior to previous efforts, which were one-time reports, because it is being continuously updated with information submitted by DEC, federal agencies, and members of the public like you.

You can find more information on contaminated sites through the DEC Contaminated Sites Program’s database and interactive map.

EPA Common Operating Picture

Click to view full-screen map.

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