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Aboveground Storage Tanks - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of an aboveground petroleum storage tank?
An aboveground storage tank or aboveground storage tank system means one or more devices, including any connected piping, designed to contain an accumulation of petroleum, of which the volume, including the volume of underground pipes, is 90% or more above the surface of the grade.
What are the laws and regulations governing aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) in Alaska?
Tanks located aboveground and storing petroleum products are divided into three distinct categories for regulation in the State of Alaska. There are federal, state, and local laws regulating each size of tank. DEC regulates the second and third category of tanks:
What should I do if I notice a leaking tank or a tank has a release of petroleum product into the environment?
Contact the DEC immediately
  • All releases of petroleum product into the environment are required by law to be reported to the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Is there training available for operators of ASTs?
No, training is no longer provided by the DEC. There may be training offered through the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and/or the Denali Commission.
Is there funding available for helping clean up contaminated AST areas?
No. Currently there is funding only for upgrading tank farms in rural communities in Alaska. Funding for upgrades is available through the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and the Denali Commission.
What is the Denali Commission?
The Denali Commission Act of 1998 created the Denali Commission to implement federal-state partnerships to enhance critical utilities, infrastructure and support for economic development in Alaska. Please visit their website at for more information.
How can I get more information regarding aboveground petroleum storage tanks?
For information about Home Heating Oil Tanks, please contact the Unit Manager in your respective region. PPR Contacts webpage

For information about ASTs over 10,000 gallons within a regulated facility that stores over 420,000 gallons (refined product) or 210,000 gallons (crude oil), please contact:

  • Sarah Moore, Preparedness and Response Section Manager
  • Prevention Preparedness and Response Program
  • Telephone: 907-465-5239

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