Kodiak Geographic Response Strategies: Western Zone
Kodiak, Western GRS

The workgroup selected 18 sites from the list of candidate sites for GRS development. The map shows the GRS selected sites, while the site selection matrix and site selection key summarize the resources at risk for each site. The site selection process took into consideration environmental sensitivity, risk of being impacted from a waterborne spill, and feasibility of successfully protecting the site with existing technology.
Site Selection Documents
Geographic Response Strategies (GRS)
- KW-10 Sturgeon River (PDF 876K)
- KW-11 Karluk Lagoon (PDF 788K)
- KW-12 Larsen Bay Tanks (PDF 1.1M)
- KW-13 Browns Lagoon (PDF 715K)
- KW-22 Halibut Bay (PDF 2.8M)
- KW-23 Harvester Island (PDF 3.3M)
- KW-24 Larsen Bay (PDF 4.2M)
- KW-25 Zachar Bay (PDF 4.3M)
- KW-26 Spiridon Bay (PDF 3.6M)
- KW-27 Chief Cove (PDF 4.2M)
- KW-28 Campbell Lagoon (PDF 3.1M)
- KW-29 Village Islands (PDF 3.3M)
- KW-30 Noisy Islands (PDF 2.7M)
- KW-31 Uganik Passage/Bays (PDF 4.1M)
- KW-32 Terror Bay (PDF 3.4M)
- KW-33 Uganik East Passage (PDF 4.2M)
- KW-34 Viekoda Bay (PDF 4.2M)
- KW-35 Dry Spruce Bay (PDF 4M)
GRS Updates Pending Approval
- Currently no updates pending approval
The Geographic Response Strategies (GRS) and tactics described on this site and in the area plans, are NOT prescriptive in nature. They are recommended deployment configurations for initial responders. They can, and should, be adjusted to fit the current situation and environmental conditions.
For More Information
- See the GRS Links menu on this page (includes links to GRS frequently asked questions, a site evaluation form, and more information on the site selection process)
- Contact DEC at dec.spar.grs@alaska.gov