Northwest Arctic Geographic Response Strategies: Southern Zone

The workgroup selected 53 sites from the list of candidate sites for GRS development. The map shows the GRS selected sites, while the site selection matrix and site selection key summarize the resources at risk for each site. The site selection process took into consideration environmental sensitivity, risk of being impacted from a waterborne spill, and feasibility of successfully protecting the site with existing technology.
Site Selection Documents
Geographic Response Strategies (GRS)
- S-01 Cowpack Inlet (PDF 765K)
- S-02 Head of Shishmaref (PDF 772K)
- S-03 Arctic Lagoon (PDF 720K)
- S-04 Ikpek Lagoon (PDF 1.6M)
- S-05 Lopp Lagoon (PDF 720K)
- S-06 Brevig Lagoon (PDF 1.7M)
- S-07 Grantley Harbor (PDF 2.2M)
- S-08 Cape Riley (PDF 642K)
- S-09 Jones Point (PDF 578K)
- S-10 Golsovia River (PDF 617K)
- S-11 Feather River Lagoon & Cape Woolley (PDF 752K)
- S-12 Sinuk River (PDF 619K)
- S-13 Cripple Creek Penny River (PDF 656K)
- S-14 Snake River & Nome Harbor (PDF 1.1M)
- S-15 Nome River (PDF 669K)
- S-16 Safety Sound (PDF 706K)
- S-17 Solomon & Bonanza Rivers (PDF 726K)
- S-18 Golovnin Lagoon (PDF 660K)
- S-19 Kwiniuk River (PDF 666K)
- S-20 Kwiniuk Inlet (PDF 630K)
- S-21 Kwik River (PDF 624K)
- S-22 Koyuk Inlet (PDF 824K)
- S-23 Inglutalik River (PDF 730K)
- S-24 Ungalik River (PDF 2.8M)
- S-25 Sineak River (PDF 631K)
- S-26 Malikfik & Shaktoolik Bay (PDF 860K)
- S-27 Unalakleet (PDF 750K)
- S-28 St. Michael Bay (PDF 715K)
- S-29 St. Michael Canal & Kuiak River (PDF 689K)
- S-30 Kogok & Pikmiktalik Rivers (PDF 648K)
- S-31 Sarichef Island (PDF 369K)
- S-32 Little Diomede (PDF 1.6M)
- S-33 Fairway Rock (PDF 400K)
- S-34 Wales/Cape Prince of Wales (PDF 456K)
- S-35 Port Clarence Beach (PDF 457K)
- S-36 King Island (PDF 849K)
- S-37 Sledge Island (PDF 866K)
- S-38 Hastings Creek (PDF 488K)
- S-39 Topkok Head & River (PDF 465K)
- S-40 Bluff Point Sites & Square Rock (PDF 459K)
- S-41 Rocky Point (PDF 3.3M)
- S-42 Head of Golovin Lagoon (PDF 3.3M)
- S-43 Cape Darby (PDF 3.2M)
- S-44 Elim & Iron Creek (PDF 499K)
- S-45 Kaiuktulik River (PDF 2.7M)
- S-46 Reindeer Cove (PDF 2.2M)
- S-47 Cape Denbigh (PDF 407K)
- S-48 Besboro Island (PDF 483K)
- S-49 Egavik River (PDF 1.4M)
- S-50 Spruce & Point Creek (PDF 518K)
- S-51 Klikitarik Bay (PDF 539K)
- S-52 Egg Island (PDF 478K)
- S-53 Stuart Island (PDF 2.1M)
GRS Updates Pending Approval
The Geographic Response Strategies (GRS) and tactics described on this site and in the area plans, are NOT prescriptive in nature. They are recommended deployment configurations for initial responders. They can, and should, be adjusted to fit the current situation and environmental conditions.
For More Information
- See the GRS Links menu on this page (includes links to GRS frequently asked questions, a site evaluation form, and more information on the site selection process)
- Contact DEC at